Example #1
int get_figures_id_property(void* _pvCtx, char* pobjUID)
    int   nbFig  = 0    ;
    int * ids    = NULL ;
    int   status = -1   ;

    if (pobjUID != NULL)
        /* This property should not be called on an handle */
        Scierror(999, _("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n"), "figures_id");
        return -1;

    nbFig = sciGetNbFigure() ; /* get the number of opened windows */

    ids = MALLOC( nbFig * sizeof(int) ) ;
    if ( ids == NULL )
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"),"get_figures_id_property");
        return -1 ;

    sciGetFiguresId( ids ) ;

    status = sciReturnRowIntVector(_pvCtx, ids, nbFig);

    FREE( ids ) ;

    return status ;
int get_viewport_property(void* _pvCtx, char* pobjUID)
    int* viewport = NULL;
    getGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_VIEWPORT__, jni_int_vector, (void **)&viewport);

    if (viewport == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("'%s' property does not exist for this handle.\n"), "viewport");
        return -1;

    return sciReturnRowIntVector(_pvCtx, viewport , 2);