void ShopBuyLayer::optionLabel( ButtonTag tag ) { auto SpritebutOption = (Sprite*)GameMainLayer::seekNodeByName(_widgetLayer, "SpritebutOption" ); auto ButtonGold = (Button*)GameMainLayer::seekNodeByName(_widgetLayer, "ButtonGold" ); auto ButtonGem = (Button*)GameMainLayer::seekNodeByName(_widgetLayer, "ButtonGem" ); auto ButtonWing = (Button*)GameMainLayer::seekNodeByName(_widgetLayer, "ButtonWing" ); auto PageViewBuy = (PageView*)GameMainLayer::seekNodeByName(_widgetLayer, "PageViewBuy" ); SpritebutOption->setScale( 1.15f ); auto action = ScaleTo::create(0.3f, 1.0f); SpritebutOption->runAction( action ); switch ( tag ) { case Tag_LabelGem: SpritebutOption->setPosition( ButtonGem->getPosition() ); PageViewBuy->scrollToPage(1); break; case Tag_LabelGold: SpritebutOption->setPosition( ButtonGold->getPosition() ); PageViewBuy->scrollToPage(0); break; case Tag_LabelWing: SpritebutOption->setPosition( ButtonWing->getPosition() ); PageViewBuy->scrollToPage(2); break; default: break; } }
void ScrollHandler::goToNextPage() { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (this->control->getWindow()) { if (this->control->getSettings()->isPresentationMode()) { PageView* view = this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getViewFor(this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getCurrentPage() + 1); if (view) { double dHeight = view->getDisplayHeight(); double disHeight = this->control->getWindow()->getLayout()->getDisplayHeight(); //this gets reversed when we are going down if the page is smaller than the display height double top = (-dHeight + disHeight)/2.0 - 7.5; //the magic 7.5 is from XOURNAL_PADDING_BETWEEN/2 scrollToPage(this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getCurrentPage() + 1, top); } } else { scrollToPage(this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getCurrentPage() + 1); } } }
void ScrollView::adjustScrollView(const Vec2& oBegin, const Vec2& oEnd) { int nPage = abs(oBegin.x / (int)_cellSize.width); int nAdjustPage = 0; int nDis = oEnd.x-oBegin.x; if (nDis<-getViewSize().width/15) { nAdjustPage=nPage+1; } else if (nDis>getViewSize().width/15) { nAdjustPage=nPage-1; } else { nAdjustPage=nPage; } nAdjustPage=MIN(nAdjustPage, _pageCount-1); nAdjustPage=MAX(nAdjustPage, 0); scrollToPage(nAdjustPage); }
void CCCGameScrollView::adjustScrollView( const cocos2d::CCPoint& oBegin,const cocos2d::CCPoint & oEnd) { int nPage = abs(oBegin.x / (int)m_CellSize.width); int nAdjustPage = 0; int nDis = oEnd.x-oBegin.x; if (nDis<-getViewSize().width/5) { nAdjustPage=nPage+1; } else if (nDis>getViewSize().width/5) { nAdjustPage=nPage-1; } else { nAdjustPage=nPage; } nAdjustPage=MIN(nAdjustPage,m_nPageCount-1); nAdjustPage=MAX(nAdjustPage,0); scrollToPage(nAdjustPage); }
void ScrollHandler::scrollToAnnotatedPage(bool next) { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (!this->control->getWindow()) { return; } int step; if (next) { step = 1; } else { step = -1; } Document* doc = this->control->getDocument(); for (int i = this->control->getCurrentPageNo() + step; i >= 0 && i < doc->getPageCount(); i += step) { if (doc->getPage(i)->isAnnotated()) { scrollToPage(i); break; } } }
void PageView::handleReleaseLogic(Touch *touch) { if (this->getPageCount() <= 0) { return; } Widget* curPage = dynamic_cast<Widget*>(this->getPages().at(_curPageIdx)); if (curPage) { Vec2 curPagePos = curPage->getPosition(); ssize_t pageCount = this->getPageCount(); float curPageLocation = curPagePos.x; float pageWidth = getContentSize().width; if (!_usingCustomScrollThreshold) { _customScrollThreshold = pageWidth / 2.0; } float boundary = _customScrollThreshold; if (curPageLocation <= -boundary) { if (_curPageIdx >= pageCount-1) { scrollPages(-curPageLocation); } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx+1); } } else if (curPageLocation >= boundary) { if (_curPageIdx <= 0) { scrollPages(-curPageLocation); } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx-1); } } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx); } } }
void ScrollView::scrollToNextPage() { int nCurPage = getCurPage(); if (nCurPage >= _pageCount-1) { return ; } scrollToPage(nCurPage+1); }
void CCCGameScrollView::scrollToPrePage() { int nCurPage = getCurPage(); if (nCurPage <= 0) { return ; } scrollToPage(nCurPage - 1); }
void ScrollHandler::goToLastPage() { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (this->control->getWindow()) { scrollToPage(this->control->getDocument()->getPageCount() - 1); } }
void ScrollHandler::goToFirstPage() { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (this->control->getWindow()) { scrollToPage(0); } }
void CCCGameScrollView::scrollToNextPage() { int nCurPage = getCurPage(); if (nCurPage >= m_nPageCount - 1) { return ; } scrollToPage(nCurPage + 1); }
void ScrollHandler::goToNextPage() { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (this->control->getWindow()) { scrollToPage(this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getCurrentPage() + 1); } }
void NewPageView::handleReleaseLogic(Touch *touch) { if (_pages.size() <= 0) { return; } Widget* curPage = _pages.at(_curPageIdx); if (curPage) { Vec2 curPagePos = curPage->getPosition(); ssize_t pageCount = _pages.size(); float curPageLocation = curPagePos.x; float boundary = 10; if (curPageLocation <= -boundary) { if (_curPageIdx >= pageCount-1) { _curPageIdx=0; scrollToPage(_curPageIdx); } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx+1); } } else if (curPageLocation >= boundary) { if (_curPageIdx <= 0) { _curPageIdx=pageCount-1; scrollToPage(_curPageIdx); } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx-1); } } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx); } } }
void PageView::handleReleaseLogic(const Vec2 &touchPoint) { if (this->getPageCount() <= 0) { return; } Widget* curPage = dynamic_cast<Widget*>(this->getPages().at(_curPageIdx)); if (curPage) { Vec2 curPagePos = curPage->getPosition(); ssize_t pageCount = this->getPageCount(); float curPageLocation = curPagePos.x; float pageWidth = getSize().width; float boundary = pageWidth/2.0f; if (curPageLocation <= -boundary) { if (_curPageIdx >= pageCount-1) { scrollPages(-curPageLocation); } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx+1); } } else if (curPageLocation >= boundary) { if (_curPageIdx <= 0) { scrollPages(-curPageLocation); } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx-1); } } else { scrollToPage(_curPageIdx); } } }
void UIPageView::handleReleaseLogic(const CCPoint &touchPoint) { UIWidget* curPage = dynamic_cast<UIWidget*>(m_pages->objectAtIndex(m_nCurPageIdx)); if (curPage) { CCPoint curPagePos = curPage->getPosition(); int pageCount = m_pages->count(); float curPageLocation = curPagePos.x; float pageWidth = getSize().width; float boundary = pageWidth/2.0f; if (curPageLocation <= -boundary) { if (m_nCurPageIdx >= pageCount-1) { scrollPages(-curPageLocation); } else { scrollToPage(m_nCurPageIdx+1); } } else if (curPageLocation >= boundary) { if (m_nCurPageIdx <= 0) { scrollPages(-curPageLocation); } else { scrollToPage(m_nCurPageIdx-1); } } else { scrollToPage(m_nCurPageIdx); } } }
void ScrollHandler::scrollToPage(PageRef page, double top) { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); Document* doc = this->control->getDocument(); doc->lock(); int p = doc->indexOf(page); doc->unlock(); if (p != -1) { scrollToPage(p, top); } }
void ScrollHandler::goToPreviousPage() { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (this->control->getWindow()) { if (this->control->getSettings()->isPresentationMode()) { PageView* view = this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getViewFor(this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getCurrentPage() - 1); if (view) { double dHeight = view->getDisplayHeight(); double disHeight = this->control->getWindow()->getLayout()->getDisplayHeight(); double top = (dHeight - disHeight)/2.0 + 7.5; //the magic 7.5 is from XOURNAL_PADDING_BETWEEN/2 scrollToPage(this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getCurrentPage() - 1, top); } } else { scrollToPage(this->control->getWindow()->getXournal()->getCurrentPage() - 1); } } }
void ScrollHandler::scrollToSpinPange() { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (!this->control->getWindow()) { return; } SpinPageAdapter* spinPageNo = this->control->getWindow()->getSpinPageNo(); int page = spinPageNo->getPage(); if (page == 0) { return; } scrollToPage(page - 1); }
void CCCGameScrollView::adjustScrollView( const cocos2d::CCPoint &oBegin, const cocos2d::CCPoint &oEnd) { int nPage = 0; int nAdjustPage = 0; if (m_eDirection == kCCScrollViewDirectionHorizontal) { nPage = abs(oBegin.x / (int)m_CellSize.width); int nDis = oEnd.x - oBegin.x; if (nDis < -getViewSize().width / 5) { nAdjustPage = nPage + 1; } else if (nDis > getViewSize().width / 5) { nAdjustPage = nPage - 1; } else { nAdjustPage = nPage; } } else { nPage = abs(oBegin.y / (int)m_CellSize.height); int nDis = oEnd.y - oBegin.y; if (nDis < -getViewSize().height / 5) { nAdjustPage = nPage - 1; } else if (nDis > getViewSize().height / 5) { nAdjustPage = nPage + 1; } else { nAdjustPage = nPage; } } nAdjustPage = MIN(nAdjustPage, m_nPageCount - 1); nAdjustPage = MAX(nAdjustPage, 0); scrollToPage(nAdjustPage); }
void ScrollHandler::scrollToAnnotatedPage(bool next) { XOJ_CHECK_TYPE(ScrollHandler); if (!this->control->getWindow()) { return; } int step = next ? 1 : -1; Document* doc = this->control->getDocument(); for (size_t i = this->control->getCurrentPageNo() + step; i != size_t_npos && i < doc->getPageCount(); i = ((i == 0 && step == -1) ? size_t_npos : i + step)) { if (doc->getPage(i)->isAnnotated()) { scrollToPage(i); break; } } }