Example #1
 * new_avp_from_finfo:
 * @param name the name the avp will have.
 * @param finfo the field_info from which to fetch the data.
 * Creates an avp from a field_info record.
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avp.
extern AVP* new_avp_from_finfo(const gchar* name, field_info* finfo) {
	AVP*   new_avp_val = (AVP*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
	gchar* value;
	gchar* repr;

	new_avp_val->n = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);

	repr = fvalue_to_string_repr(&finfo->value,FTREPR_DISPLAY,finfo->hfinfo->display,NULL);

	if (repr) {
		value = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, repr);
		dbg_print (dbg_avp,2,dbg_fp,"new_avp_from_finfo: from string: %s",value);
	} else {
		dbg_print (dbg_avp,2,dbg_fp,"new_avp_from_finfo: a proto: %s",finfo->hfinfo->abbrev);
		value = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, "");

	new_avp_val->v = value;

	new_avp_val->o = '=';

	dbg_print (dbg_avp,1,dbg_fp,"new_avp_from_finfo: %X %s%c%s;",(guint32) new_avp_val,new_avp_val->n,new_avp_val->o,new_avp_val->v);

	return new_avp_val;
Example #2
 * new_avp:
 * @param name the name the avp will have.
 * @param value the value the avp will have.
 * @param o the operator of this avp.
 * Creates an avp given every parameter.
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avp.
extern AVP* new_avp(const gchar* name, const gchar* value, gchar o) {
	AVP* new_avp_val = (AVP*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);

	new_avp_val->n = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);
	new_avp_val->v = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, value);
	new_avp_val->o = o;

	dbg_print(dbg_avp,1,dbg_fp,"new_avp_val: %X %s%c%s;",(guint32) new_avp_val,new_avp_val->n,new_avp_val->o,new_avp_val->v);
	return new_avp_val;
Example #3
* avp_copy:
 * @param from the avp to be copied.
 * Creates an avp whose name op and value are copies of the given one.
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avp.
extern AVP* avp_copy(AVP* from) {
	AVP* new_avp_val = (AVP*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);

	new_avp_val->n = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, from->n);
	new_avp_val->v = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, from->v);
	new_avp_val->o = from->o;

	dbg_print(dbg_avp,1,dbg_fp,"copy_avp: %X %s%c%s;",(guint32) new_avp_val,new_avp_val->n,new_avp_val->o,new_avp_val->v);

	return new_avp_val;
Example #4
 * get_avp_by_name:
 * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to get the avp.
 * @param name the name of the avp we are looking for.
 * @param cookie variable in which to store the state between calls.
 * Gets  pointer to the next avp whose name is given; uses cookie to store its
 * state between calls.
 * Return value: a pointer to the next matching avp if there's one, else NULL.
extern AVP* get_avp_by_name(AVPL* avpl, gchar* name, void** cookie) {
	AVPN* curr;
	AVPN* start = (AVPN*) *cookie;

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"get_avp_by_name: entering: %X %s %X",avpl,name,*cookie);

	name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);

	if (!start) start = avpl->null.next;

	for ( curr = start; curr->avp; curr = curr->next ) {
		if ( curr->avp->n == name ) {

	*cookie = curr;

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"get_avp_by_name: got avp: %X",curr);

	scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings, name);

	return curr->avp;
Example #5
 * new_avpl:
 * @param name the name the avpl will have.
 * Creates an empty avpl.
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avpl.
extern AVPL* new_avpl(const gchar* name) {
	AVPL* new_avpl_p = (AVPL*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_p: %X name=%s",new_avpl_p,name);

	new_avpl_p->name = name ? scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name) : scs_subscribe(avp_strings, "");
	new_avpl_p->len = 0;
	new_avpl_p->null.avp = NULL;
	new_avpl_p->null.next = &new_avpl_p->null;
	new_avpl_p->null.prev = &new_avpl_p->null;

	return new_avpl_p;
Example #6
 * scs_subscribe_printf:
 * @fmt: a format string ...
 * Formats the input and subscribes it.
 * Return value: the stored copy of the formated string.
gchar* scs_subscribe_printf(SCS_collection* c, gchar* fmt, ...) {
	va_list list;
	static gchar buf[SCS_HUGE_SIZE];

	va_start( list, fmt );
	g_vsnprintf(buf, SCS_HUGE_SIZE, fmt, list);
	va_end( list );

	return scs_subscribe(c,buf);
Example #7
 * new_loal:
 * @param name the name the loal will take.
 * Creates an empty list of avp lists.
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created loal.
extern LoAL* new_loal(const gchar* name) {
	LoAL* new_loal_p = (LoAL*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);

	if (! name) {
		name = "anonymous";

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"new_loal_p: %X name=%s",new_loal_p,name);

	new_loal_p->name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings,name);
	new_loal_p->null.avpl = NULL;
	new_loal_p->null.next = &new_loal_p->null;
	new_loal_p->null.prev = &new_loal_p->null;
	new_loal_p->len = 0;
	return new_loal_p;
Example #8
 * extract_avp_by_name:
 * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to extract the avp.
 * @param name the name of the avp we are looking for.
 * Extracts from the avpl the next avp whose name is given;
 * Return value: a pointer to extracted avp if there's one, else NULL.
extern AVP* extract_avp_by_name(AVPL* avpl, gchar* name) {
	AVPN* curr;
	AVP* avp = NULL;

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"extract_avp_by_name: entering: %X %s",avpl,name);

	name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);

	for ( curr = avpl->null.next; curr->avp; curr = curr->next ) {
		if ( curr->avp->n == name ) {

	scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings, name);

	if( ! curr->avp ) return NULL;

	curr->next->prev = curr->prev;
	curr->prev->next = curr->next;

	avp = curr->avp;



	dbg_print(dbg_avpl,4,dbg_fp,"avpl: %X new len: %i",avpl,avpl->len);

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"extract_avp_by_name: got avp: %X",avp);

	return avp;
Example #9
 * new_avpl_loose_match:
 * @param name the name of the resulting avpl
 * @param src avpl to be matched agains an "op" avpl
 * @param op the "op" avpl that will be matched against the src avpl
 * @param copy_avps whether the avps in the resulting avpl should be copied
 * creates an avp list containing any avps in src matching any avps in op
 * it will eventually create an empty list in none match
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avpl containing the
 *				 matching avps.
extern AVPL* new_avpl_loose_match(const gchar* name,
								  AVPL* src,
								  AVPL* op,
								  gboolean copy_avps) {

	AVPL* newavpl = new_avpl(scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name));
	AVPN* co = NULL;
	AVPN* cs = NULL;
	ptrdiff_t c;
	AVP* m;
	AVP* copy;

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_loose_match: %X src=%X op=%X name='%s'",newavpl,src,op,name);

	cs = src->null.next;
	co = op->null.next;
	while(1) {

		if (!co->avp) {
			return newavpl;

		if (!cs->avp) {
			return newavpl;

		c = ADDRDIFF(co->avp->n, cs->avp->n);

		if ( c > 0 ) {
			if (co->avp) co = co->next;
		} else if (c < 0) {
			if (cs->avp) cs = cs->next;
		} else {
			m = match_avp(cs->avp,co->avp);
			if(m) {

				if (copy_avps) {
					copy = avp_copy(m);
					if ( ! insert_avp(newavpl,copy) ) {
				} else {


			if (cs->avp) cs = cs->next;


	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,6,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_loose_match: done!");

	return NULL;
Example #10
extern void rename_avpl(AVPL* avpl, gchar* name) {
	avpl->name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings,name);
Example #11
* new_avpl_every_match:
 * @param name the name of the resulting avpl
 * @param src avpl to be matched agains an "op" avpl
 * @param op the "op" avpl that will be matched against the src avpl
 * @param copy_avps whether the avps in the resulting avpl should be copied
 * creates an avp list containing any avps in src matching every avp in op
 * it will not create a list if there is not a match for every attribute in op
 * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avpl containing the
 *				 matching avps.
extern AVPL* new_avpl_every_match(const gchar* name, AVPL* src, AVPL* op, gboolean copy_avps) {
	AVPL* newavpl;
	AVPN* co = NULL;
	AVPN* cs = NULL;
	ptrdiff_t c;
	AVP* m;
	AVP* copy;
	gboolean matches;

	dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_every_match: %X src=%X op=%X name='%s'",newavpl,src,op,name);
	if (src->len == 0) return NULL;

	newavpl = new_avpl(scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name));

	if (op->len == 0)
		return newavpl;

	matches = TRUE;

	cs = src->null.next;
	co = op->null.next;
	while(1) {

		if (!co->avp) {

		if (!cs->avp) {

		c = ADDRDIFF(co->avp->n,cs->avp->n);

		if ( c > 0 ) {
			return NULL;
		} else if (c < 0) {
			cs = cs->next;
			if (! cs->avp ) {
		} else {
			m = match_avp(cs->avp,co->avp);

			if(m) {
				cs = cs->next;
				co = co->next;

				if (copy_avps) {
					copy = avp_copy(m);
					if ( ! insert_avp(newavpl,copy) ) {
				} else {

			} else {
				cs = cs->next;


	if (matches) {
		return newavpl;
	} else {
		return NULL;