Example #1
static SeedValue
seed_cairo_surface_create_similar (SeedContext ctx,
				   SeedObject function,
				   SeedObject this_object,
				   gsize argument_count,
				   const SeedValue arguments[],
				   SeedException *exception)
  gint width, height;
  cairo_surface_t *surface, *ret;
  cairo_content_t content;
  if (argument_count != 3)
      EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("create_similar", "3 arguments");

  surface = seed_object_to_cairo_surface (ctx, this_object, exception);
  if (!surface)
    return seed_make_undefined (ctx);
  content = seed_value_to_long (ctx, arguments[0], exception);
  width = seed_value_to_int (ctx, arguments[1], exception);
  height = seed_value_to_int (ctx, arguments[2], exception);

  ret = cairo_surface_create_similar (surface, content, width, height);
  return seed_object_from_cairo_surface (ctx, ret);
Example #2
seed_cairo_status_to_string (SeedContext ctx,
			     SeedObject function,
			     SeedObject this_object,
			     gsize argument_count,
			     const SeedValue arguments[],
			     SeedException *exception)
  cairo_status_t status;

  if (argument_count != 1)
      EXPECTED_EXCEPTION("status_to_string", "1 argument");
  status = seed_value_to_long (ctx, arguments[0], exception);

  return seed_value_from_string (ctx, cairo_status_to_string (status), exception);
Example #3
SeedValue seed_pipe_add_watch(SeedContext ctx,
			      SeedObject function,
			      SeedObject this_object,
			      size_t argument_count,
			      const SeedValue arguments[],
			      SeedException * exception)
  marshal_privates *mpriv = g_malloc0(sizeof(marshal_privates));
  glong condition = seed_value_to_long(ctx, arguments[0], exception);

  mpriv->function = arguments[1];
  mpriv->source = this_object;
  mpriv->user_data = argument_count == 3 ? arguments[2] : seed_make_null(ctx);

  g_io_add_watch(priv->read, condition, gio_marshal_func, mpriv);

  return seed_value_from_boolean(ctx, TRUE, exception);
Example #4
void basic_types(TestSimpleFixture * fixture, gconstpointer _data)
	// bool to/from JS equality

	gboolean bool_test_in = TRUE;
	SeedValue *bool_test = seed_value_from_boolean(fixture->context,
												   bool_test_in, NULL);
	gboolean bool_test_out = seed_value_to_boolean(fixture->context,
												   bool_test, NULL);

	g_assert(bool_test_in == bool_test_out);

	// uint to/from JS equality

	guint uint_test_in = 2946623;
	SeedValue *uint_test = seed_value_from_uint(fixture->context,
												uint_test_in, NULL);
	guint uint_test_out = seed_value_to_uint(fixture->context,
											 uint_test, NULL);

	g_assert(uint_test_in == uint_test_out);

	// int to/from JS equality

	gint int_test_in = -54374;
	SeedValue *int_test = seed_value_from_int(fixture->context,
											  int_test_in, NULL);
	gint int_test_out = seed_value_to_int(fixture->context,
										  int_test, NULL);

	g_assert(int_test_in == int_test_out);

	// char to/from JS equality

	gchar char_test_in = -126;
	SeedValue *char_test = seed_value_from_char(fixture->context,
												char_test_in, NULL);
	gchar char_test_out = seed_value_to_char(fixture->context,
											 char_test, NULL);

	g_assert(char_test_in == char_test_out);

	// uchar to/from JS equality

	guchar uchar_test_in = 250;
	SeedValue *uchar_test = seed_value_from_uchar(fixture->context,
												  uchar_test_in, NULL);
	guchar uchar_test_out = seed_value_to_uchar(fixture->context,
												uchar_test, NULL);

	g_assert(uchar_test_in == uchar_test_out);

	// long to/from JS equality

	glong long_test_in = -454250;
	SeedValue *long_test = seed_value_from_long(fixture->context,
												long_test_in, NULL);
	glong long_test_out = seed_value_to_long(fixture->context,
											 long_test, NULL);

	g_assert(long_test_in == long_test_out);

	// ulong to/from JS equality

	gulong ulong_test_in = 250;
	SeedValue *ulong_test = seed_value_from_ulong(fixture->context,
												  ulong_test_in, NULL);
	gulong ulong_test_out = seed_value_to_ulong(fixture->context,
												ulong_test, NULL);

	g_assert(ulong_test_in == ulong_test_out);

	// int64 to/from JS equality

	gint64 int64_test_in = -54374;
	SeedValue *int64_test = seed_value_from_int64(fixture->context,
												  int64_test_in, NULL);
	gint64 int64_test_out = seed_value_to_int64(fixture->context,
												int64_test, NULL);

	g_assert(int64_test_in == int64_test_out);

	// uint64 to/from JS equality

	guint64 uint64_test_in = 2946623;
	SeedValue *uint64_test = seed_value_from_uint64(fixture->context,
													uint64_test_in, NULL);
	guint64 uint64_test_out = seed_value_to_uint64(fixture->context,
												   uint64_test, NULL);

	g_assert(uint64_test_in == uint64_test_out);

	// float to/from JS equality

	gfloat float_test_in = 1.618;
	SeedValue *float_test = seed_value_from_float(fixture->context,
												  float_test_in, NULL);
	gfloat float_test_out = seed_value_to_float(fixture->context,
												float_test, NULL);

	g_assert(float_test_in == float_test_out);

	// double to/from JS equality

	gdouble double_test_in = 1.6134857638;
	SeedValue *double_test = seed_value_from_double(fixture->context,
													double_test_in, NULL);
	gdouble double_test_out = seed_value_to_double(fixture->context,
												   double_test, NULL);

	g_assert(double_test_in == double_test_out);

	// string to/from JS equality

	gchar *string_test_in = "Hello, world!";
	SeedValue *string_test = seed_value_from_string(fixture->context,
													string_test_in, NULL);
	gchar *string_test_out = seed_value_to_string(fixture->context,
												  string_test, NULL);

	g_assert(strncmp(string_test_in, string_test_out,
					 strlen(string_test_in)) == 0);

	// filename to/from JS equality

	gchar *filename_test_in = "/bin";
	SeedValue *filename_test = seed_value_from_filename(fixture->context,
	gchar *filename_test_out = seed_value_to_filename(fixture->context,
													  filename_test, NULL);

	g_assert(strncmp(filename_test_in, filename_test_out,
					 strlen(filename_test_in)) == 0);
	SeedValue si[2];
	si[0] = seed_value_from_string (fixture->context, "Hi", NULL);
	si[1] = seed_value_from_int (fixture->context, 1, NULL);
	gint ni;
	gchar *ns;

	seed_value_to_format (fixture->context, "si", si, NULL, &ns, &ni, NULL);
	g_assert (ni == 1);
	g_assert (!strcmp(ns, "Hi"));

Example #5
SeedValue seed_mpfr_pow (SeedContext ctx,
                         SeedObject function,
                         SeedObject this_object,
                         gsize argument_count,
                         const SeedValue args[],
                         SeedException * exception)
    mpfr_rnd_t rnd;
    mpfr_ptr rop, op1, op2;
    gint ret;
    glong iop;
    gulong uiop1, uiop2;
    seed_mpfr_t argt1, argt2;
    /* only want 1 double argument. alternatively, could accept 2,
       add those, and set from the result*/

    CHECK_ARG_COUNT("mpfr.pow", 3);

    rop = seed_object_get_private(this_object);
    rnd = seed_value_to_mpfr_rnd_t(ctx, args[2], exception);

    argt1 = seed_mpfr_arg_type(ctx, args[0], exception);
    argt2 = seed_mpfr_arg_type(ctx, args[1], exception);

    if ( (argt1 & argt2) == SEED_MPFR_MPFR )
        /* both mpfr_t */
        op1 = seed_object_get_private(args[0]);
        op2 = seed_object_get_private(args[1]);
        ret = mpfr_pow(rop, op1, op2, rnd);
    else if ( (argt1 | argt2) == (SEED_MPFR_MPFR | SEED_MPFR_DOUBLE) )
        /* a double and an mpfr_t. Figure out the order */
        /* FIXME: is this switching ui and si bad? si_pow doesn't exist,
           and it's all from double anyway */
        if ( argt1 == SEED_MPFR_MPFR )
            op1 = seed_object_get_private(args[0]);
            iop = seed_value_to_long(ctx, args[1], exception);
            ret = mpfr_pow_si(rop, op1, iop, rnd);
            uiop1 = seed_value_to_ulong(ctx, args[0], exception);
            op2 = seed_object_get_private(args[1]);
            ret = mpfr_ui_pow(rop, uiop1, op2, rnd);
    else if ( (argt1 & argt2) == SEED_MPFR_DOUBLE )
        /* pretend both ui */
        uiop1 = seed_value_to_ulong(ctx, args[0], exception);
        uiop2 = seed_value_to_ulong(ctx, args[1], exception);
        ret = mpfr_ui_pow_ui(rop, uiop1, uiop2, rnd);
        TYPE_EXCEPTION("mpfr.pow", "int or unsigned int and mpfr_t");

    return seed_value_from_int(ctx, ret, exception);