Example #1
OHareATA::selectConfig( IOATADevConfig* configRequest, UInt32 unitNumber)

	// param check the pointers and the unit number.
	if( configRequest == 0
		|| unitNumber > 1 )
		DLOG("OHareATA bad param in setConfig\n");
		return -1;	

	// no ultra on ohare
	if( configRequest->getUltraMode() )
		DLOG("OHareATA setConfig no ultra\n");
		return kATAModeNotSupported;	

	// all config requests must include a PIO mode
	if( ( configRequest->getPIOMode() & kATASupportedPIOModes ) == 0x00 )
		DLOG("OHareATA setConfig PIO mode not supported\n");
		return kATAModeNotSupported;		

	// DMA is optional - not all devices support it, we reality check for a setting
	// that is beyond our capability
	if( configRequest->getDMAMode() & ~kATASupportedMultiDMAModes )
		DLOG("OHareATA setConfig DMA mode not supported\n");
		return kATAModeNotSupported;		

	_devInfo[unitNumber].packetSend = configRequest->getPacketConfig();
	DLOG("OHareATA setConfig packetConfig = %ld\n", _devInfo[unitNumber].packetSend );

	return selectIOTimerValue(configRequest, unitNumber);

Example #2
AppleKiwiATA::selectConfig( IOATADevConfig* configRequest, UInt32 unitNumber)

	// param check the pointers and the unit number.
	if( configRequest == 0
		|| unitNumber > 1 )
		DLOG("AppleKiwiATA bad param in setConfig\n");
		return -1;	

	// all config requests must include a PIO mode
	if( ( configRequest->getPIOMode() & kATASupportedPIOModes ) == 0x00 )
		DLOG("AppleKiwiATA setConfig PIO mode not supported\n");
		return kATAModeNotSupported;		

	// DMA is optional - not all devices support it, we reality check for a setting
	// that is beyond our capability

	UInt16 ultraSupported = kATASupportedUltraDMAModes;
	if( mode6Capable )
		ultraSupported = kATAAddSupport133;	
	// make sure a requested ultra ATA mode is within the range of this device configuration

	if( configRequest->getUltraMode() & ~ultraSupported )
		DLOG("AppleKiwiATA setConfig no ultra\n");
		return kATAModeNotSupported;	

	if( configRequest->getDMAMode() & ~kATASupportedMultiDMAModes )
		DLOG("AppleKiwiATA setConfig DMA mode not supported\n");
		return kATAModeNotSupported;		

	if( configRequest->getDMAMode() > 0x0000
		&& configRequest->getUltraMode() > 0x0000 )
		DLOG("AppleKiwiATA err, only one DMA class allowed in config select\n");
		return kATAModeNotSupported;

	_devInfo[unitNumber].packetSend = configRequest->getPacketConfig();
	DLOG("AppleKiwiATA setConfig packetConfig = %d\n", _devInfo[unitNumber].packetSend );

	return selectIOTimerValue(configRequest, unitNumber);;
