Example #1
 * update_prio_tracer -
 * @prio:	equivalent to prio of task structure.
void update_prio_tracer(pid_t tid, int prio, int policy, int kernel)
	struct prio_tracer *pt;
	struct prio_set *ps, *ps_latest;
	unsigned long flags;

	if (!pts_enable) return;

	pt = query_prio_tracer(tid);
	if (!pt) return;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&pts_lock, flags);
	ps = select_set(pt, 1, kernel);
	ps->prio = prio;
	ps->policy = policy;

	ps_latest = select_set(pt, 0, kernel);
	if (ps_latest->prio != prio || ps_latest->policy != policy)
		kernel ? pt->change_ker++ : pt->change_usr++;

	kernel ? pt->count_ker++ : pt->count_usr++;

	/* binder priority inherit */
	if (kernel == 2)
		pt->prio_binder = prio;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pts_lock, flags);
Example #2
static int pts_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *unused)
	struct prio_tracer *pt = m->private;
	struct prio_set ps_copy[4];
	unsigned int count_usr, count_ker;
	unsigned int change_usr, change_ker;
	int prio_binder;
	int i, j;
	unsigned long flags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&pts_lock, flags);
	count_usr   = pt->count_usr;
	count_ker   = pt->count_ker;
	change_usr  = pt->change_usr;
	change_ker  = pt->change_ker;
	prio_binder = pt->prio_binder;

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
			memcpy(&ps_copy[((i*2)+j)], select_set(pt, j, i),
			       sizeof(struct prio_set));
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pts_lock, flags);

	seq_printf(m, "%u %u ", count_usr, change_usr);
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		pts_proc_print(m, &ps_copy[i]);

	seq_printf(m, " %u %u ", count_ker, change_ker);
	for (i = 2; i < 4; i++)
		pts_proc_print(m, &ps_copy[i]);

	if (prio_binder != PTS_DEFAULT_PRIO) {
		int tmp = prio_binder;
		prio_binder = rt_prio(tmp) ? (tmp - MAX_RT_PRIO) :
	seq_printf(m, " %d\n", prio_binder);
	return 0;
Example #3
void tabbing_format
(     MPL *mpl,
      SYMBOL *altval          /* not changed */
{     SET *set = NULL;
      PARAMETER *par;
      SLICE *list, *col;
      TUPLE *tuple;
      int next_token, j, dim = 0;
      char *last_name = NULL;
      /* read the optional <prefix> */
      if (is_symbol(mpl))
      {  get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
         next_token = mpl->token;
         unget_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
         if (next_token == T_COLON)
         {  /* select the set to saturate it with data */
            set = select_set(mpl, mpl->image);
            /* the set must be simple (i.e. not set of sets) */
            if (set->dim != 0)
               error(mpl, "%s must be a simple set", set->name);
            /* and must not be defined yet */
            if (set->array->head != NULL)
               error(mpl, "%s already defined", set->name);
            /* add new (the only) member to the set and assign it empty
               elemental set */
            add_member(mpl, set->array, NULL)->value.set =
               create_elemset(mpl, set->dimen);
            last_name = set->name, dim = set->dimen;
            get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
            insist(mpl->token == T_COLON);
            get_token(mpl /* : */);
      /* read the table heading that contains parameter names */
      list = create_slice(mpl);
      while (mpl->token != T_ASSIGN)
      {  /* there must be symbolic name of parameter */
         if (!is_symbol(mpl))
            error(mpl, "parameter name or := missing where expected");
         /* select the parameter to saturate it with data */
         par = select_parameter(mpl, mpl->image);
         /* the parameter must be subscripted */
         if (par->dim == 0)
            error(mpl, "%s not a subscripted parameter", mpl->image);
         /* the set (if specified) and all the parameters in the data
            block must have identical dimension */
         if (dim != 0 && par->dim != dim)
         {  insist(last_name != NULL);
            error(mpl, "%s has dimension %d while %s has dimension %d",
               last_name, dim, par->name, par->dim);
         /* set default value for the parameter (if specified) */
         if (altval != NULL)
            set_default(mpl, par, copy_symbol(mpl, altval));
         /* append the parameter to the column list */
         list = expand_slice(mpl, list, (SYMBOL *)par);
         last_name = par->name, dim = par->dim;
         get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
         /* skip optional comma */
         if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
      if (slice_dimen(mpl, list) == 0)
         error(mpl, "at least one parameter name required");
      get_token(mpl /* := */);
      /* skip optional comma */
      if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
      /* read rows that contain tabbing data */
      while (is_symbol(mpl))
      {  /* read subscript list */
         tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
         for (j = 1; j <= dim; j++)
         {  /* read j-th subscript */
            if (!is_symbol(mpl))
            {  int lack = slice_dimen(mpl, list) + dim - j + 1;
               insist(tuple != NULL);
               insist(lack > 1);
               error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning wit"
                  "h %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, tuple->sym));
            /* read and append j-th subscript to the n-tuple */
            tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, read_symbol(mpl));
            /* skip optional comma *between* <symbols> */
            if (j < dim && mpl->token == T_COMMA)
               get_token(mpl /* , */);
         /* if the set is specified, add to it new n-tuple, which is a
            copy of the subscript list just read */
         if (set != NULL)
            check_then_add(mpl, set->array->head->value.set,
               copy_tuple(mpl, tuple));
         /* skip optional comma between <symbol> and <value> */
         if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
         /* read values accordingly to the column list */
         for (col = list; col != NULL; col = col->next)
         {  /* if the token is single point, no value is provided */
            if (is_literal(mpl, "."))
            {  get_token(mpl /* . */);
            /* read value and assign it to new parameter member */
            if (!is_symbol(mpl))
            {  int lack = slice_dimen(mpl, col);
               insist(tuple != NULL);
               if (lack == 1)
                  error(mpl, "one item missing in data group beginning "
                     "with %s", format_symbol(mpl, tuple->sym));
                  error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning "
                     "with %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, tuple->sym));
            read_value(mpl, (PARAMETER *)col->sym, copy_tuple(mpl,
            /* skip optional comma preceding the next value */
            if (col->next != NULL && mpl->token == T_COMMA)
               get_token(mpl /* , */);
         /* delete the original subscript list */
         delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
         /* skip optional comma (only if there is next data group) */
         if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
         {  get_token(mpl /* , */);
            if (!is_symbol(mpl)) unget_token(mpl /* , */);
      /* delete the column list (it contains parameters, not symbols,
         so nullify it before) */
      for (col = list; col != NULL; col = col->next) col->sym = NULL;
      delete_slice(mpl, list);
Example #4
void set_data(MPL *mpl)
{     SET *set;
      TUPLE *tuple;
      MEMBER *memb;
      SLICE *slice;
      int tr = 0;
      insist(is_literal(mpl, "set"));
      get_token(mpl /* set */);
      /* symbolic name of set must follows the keyword 'set' */
      if (!is_symbol(mpl))
         error(mpl, "set name missing where expected");
      /* select the set to saturate it with data */
      set = select_set(mpl, mpl->image);
      get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
      /* read optional subscript list, which identifies member of the
         set to be read */
      tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
      if (mpl->token == T_LBRACKET)
      {  /* subscript list is specified */
         if (set->dim == 0)
            error(mpl, "%s cannot be subscripted", set->name);
         get_token(mpl /* [ */);
         /* read symbols and construct subscript list */
         for (;;)
         {  if (!is_symbol(mpl))
               error(mpl, "number or symbol missing where expected");
            tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, read_symbol(mpl));
            if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
               get_token(mpl /* , */);
            else if (mpl->token == T_RBRACKET)
               error(mpl, "syntax error in subscript list");
         if (set->dim != tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple))
            error(mpl, "%s must have %d subscript%s rather than %d",
               set->name, set->dim, set->dim == 1 ? "" : "s",
               tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
         get_token(mpl /* ] */);
      {  /* subscript list is not specified */
         if (set->dim != 0)
            error(mpl, "%s must be subscripted", set->name);
      /* there must be no member with the same subscript list */
      if (find_member(mpl, set->array, tuple) != NULL)
         error(mpl, "%s%s already defined",
            set->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple));
      /* add new member to the set and assign it empty elemental set */
      memb = add_member(mpl, set->array, tuple);
      memb->value.set = create_elemset(mpl, set->dimen);
      /* create an initial fake slice of all asterisks */
      slice = fake_slice(mpl, set->dimen);
      /* read zero or more data assignments */
      for (;;)
      {  /* skip optional comma */
         if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
         /* process assignment element */
         if (mpl->token == T_ASSIGN)
         {  /* assignment ligature is non-significant element */
            get_token(mpl /* := */);
         else if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
         {  /* left parenthesis begins either new slice or "transpose"
               indicator */
            int is_tr;
            get_token(mpl /* ( */);
            is_tr = is_literal(mpl, "tr");
            unget_token(mpl /* ( */);
            if (is_tr) goto left;
            /* delete the current slice and read new one */
            delete_slice(mpl, slice);
            slice = read_slice(mpl, set->name, set->dimen);
            /* each new slice resets the "transpose" indicator */
            tr = 0;
            /* if the new slice is 0-ary, formally there is one 0-tuple
               (in the simple format) that follows it */
            if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) == 0)
               simple_format(mpl, set, memb, slice);
         else if (is_symbol(mpl))
         {  /* number or symbol begins data in the simple format */
            simple_format(mpl, set, memb, slice);
         else if (mpl->token == T_COLON)
         {  /* colon begins data in the matrix format */
            if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) != 2)
err1:          error(mpl, "slice currently used must specify 2 asterisk"
                  "s, not %d", slice_arity(mpl, slice));
            get_token(mpl /* : */);
            /* read elemental set data in the matrix format */
            matrix_format(mpl, set, memb, slice, tr);
         else if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
left:    {  /* left parenthesis begins the "transpose" indicator, which
               is followed by data in the matrix format */
            get_token(mpl /* ( */);
            if (!is_literal(mpl, "tr"))
err2:          error(mpl, "transpose indicator (tr) incomplete");
            if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) != 2) goto err1;
            get_token(mpl /* tr */);
            if (mpl->token != T_RIGHT) goto err2;
            get_token(mpl /* ) */);
            /* in this case the colon is optional */
            if (mpl->token == T_COLON) get_token(mpl /* : */);
            /* set the "transpose" indicator */
            tr = 1;
            /* read elemental set data in the matrix format */
            matrix_format(mpl, set, memb, slice, tr);
         else if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
         {  /* semicolon terminates the data block */
            get_token(mpl /* ; */);
            error(mpl, "syntax error in set data block");
      /* delete the current slice */
      delete_slice(mpl, slice);