Example #1
File: parser.c Project: fwum/fwum
static struct_declaration *analyze_struct(parse_source *source) {
	parse_token current = get_mandatory_token(source);
	struct_declaration *dec = new(dec);
	dec->name = current.data;
	dec->members = ll_new();
	current = get_mandatory_token(source);
	if(current.data.data[0] != '{') {
		semantic_error("Expected opening brace after name in struct declaration.", current.origin);
	current = get_mandatory_token(source);
	while(current.data.data[0] != '}')	{
		struct_member *member = new(member);
		if(current.type != WORD) {
			semantic_error("Struct members must be declared as <name> <type>;", current.origin);
		member->name = current.data;
		current = get_mandatory_token(source);
		if(current.type != WORD) {
			semantic_error("Struct members must be declared as <name> <type>;",current.origin);
		member->type = current.data;
		current = get_mandatory_token(source);
		if(current.data.data[0] != ';') {
			semantic_error("Struct members must be declared as <name> <type>;", current.origin);
		ll_add_last(dec->members, member);
		current = get_mandatory_token(source);
	return dec;
void parse_line_range_desc(const char *arg, struct line_range *lr)
	const char *ptr;
	char *tmp;
	 * <Syntax>
	ptr = strchr(arg, ':');
	if (ptr) {
		lr->start = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr + 1, &tmp, 0);
		if (*tmp == '+')
			lr->end = lr->start + (unsigned int)strtoul(tmp + 1,
								    &tmp, 0);
		else if (*tmp == '-')
			lr->end = (unsigned int)strtoul(tmp + 1, &tmp, 0);
			lr->end = 0;
		pr_debug("Line range is %u to %u\n", lr->start, lr->end);
		if (lr->end && lr->start > lr->end)
			semantic_error("Start line must be smaller"
				       " than end line.");
		if (*tmp != '\0')
			semantic_error("Tailing with invalid character '%d'.",
		tmp = strndup(arg, (ptr - arg));
	} else
		tmp = strdup(arg);

	if (strchr(tmp, '.'))
		lr->file = tmp;
		lr->function = tmp;
Example #3
File: parser.c Project: fwum/fwum
static func_declaration *analyze_func(parse_source *source) {
	parse_token current = get_mandatory_token(source);
	func_declaration *func = new(func);
	func->parameters = ll_new();
	if(current.type != WORD) {
		semantic_error("Function declaration must be in the form func <name>(<parameters>) <returntype> {<block>}", current.origin);
	func->name = current.data;
	current = get_mandatory_token(source);
	if(current.data.data[0] != '(') {
		semantic_error("Function name must be followed by an open parenthesis", current.origin);
	current = get_mandatory_token(source);
	while(current.data.data[0] != ')') {
		statement *name = new(name);
		name->type = NAME;
		name->children = ll_new();
		if(current.type != WORD) {
			printf("%s\n", evaluate(current.data));
			semantic_error("Parameter names must be a valid identifier", current.origin);
		name->data = current.data;
		statement *param_type = parse_type_literal(source);
		ll_add_first(name->children, param_type);
		param_type->children = NULL;
		ll_add_last(func->parameters, name);
		current = get_mandatory_token(source);
		if(current.data.data[0] == ',') {
			current = get_mandatory_token(source);
    statement *returnType = parse_type_literal(source);
	func->type = returnType->data;
	current = peek_mandatory_token(source);
	if(current.data.data[0] != '{') {
		semantic_error("Function bodies must start with an open brace ('{')", current.origin);
	int indent = 1;
	func->root = new(func->root);
	func->root->type = ROOT;
	func->root->data = new_slice("");
	func->root->children = ll_new();
	while(indent > 0) {
		statement *state = get_expression(source, &indent);
		if(state != NULL)
			ll_add_last(func->root->children, state);
	return func;
/* Parse kprobe_events event into struct probe_point */
void parse_trace_kprobe_event(const char *str, struct probe_point *pp)
	char pr;
	char *p;
	int ret, i, argc;
	char **argv;

	pr_debug("Parsing kprobe_events: %s\n", str);
	argv = argv_split(str, &argc);
	if (!argv)
		die("argv_split failed.");
	if (argc < 2)
		semantic_error("Too less arguments.");

	/* Scan event and group name. */
	ret = sscanf(argv[0], "%c:%a[^/ \t]/%a[^ \t]",
		     &pr, (float *)(void *)&pp->group,
		     (float *)(void *)&pp->event);
	if (ret != 3)
		semantic_error("Failed to parse event name: %s", argv[0]);
	pr_debug("Group:%s Event:%s probe:%c\n", pp->group, pp->event, pr);

	pp->retprobe = (pr == 'r');

	/* Scan function name and offset */
	ret = sscanf(argv[1], "%a[^+]+%d", (float *)(void *)&pp->function,
	if (ret == 1)
		pp->offset = 0;

	/* kprobe_events doesn't have this information */
	pp->line = 0;
	pp->file = NULL;

	pp->nr_args = argc - 2;
	pp->args = zalloc(sizeof(char *) * pp->nr_args);
	for (i = 0; i < pp->nr_args; i++) {
		p = strchr(argv[i + 2], '=');
		if (p)	/* We don't need which register is assigned. */
			*p = '\0';
		pp->args[i] = strdup(argv[i + 2]);
		if (!pp->args[i])
			die("Failed to copy argument.");

Example #5
File: parser.c Project: fwum/fwum
static import_declaration *parse_import(parse_source *source) {
    parse_token current = get_mandatory_token(source);
    import_declaration *imp = new(imp);
    imp->name = current.data;
    current = get_mandatory_token(source);
    if(!equals_string(current.data, ";")) {
        semantic_error("Expected semicolon after import statement", current.origin);
    return imp;
Example #6
resolve_refs::visit (identifier &n)
  if (std::find (refs.begin (), refs.end (), &n) != refs.end ())
    throw semantic_error (refs, "variable `" + n.string + "' references itself (eventually)");
  if (n.ref)
      refs.push_back (&n);
      resume (ref);
      refs.pop_back ();
      return n.ref;
  return visitor::visit (n);
/* Parse perf-probe event definition */
void parse_perf_probe_event(const char *str, struct probe_point *pp,
			    bool *need_dwarf)
	char **argv;
	int argc, i;

	*need_dwarf = false;

	argv = argv_split(str, &argc);
	if (!argv)
		die("argv_split failed.");
	if (argc > MAX_PROBE_ARGS + 1)
		semantic_error("Too many arguments");

	/* Parse probe point */
	parse_perf_probe_probepoint(argv[0], pp);
	if (pp->file || pp->line || pp->lazy_line)
		*need_dwarf = true;

	/* Copy arguments and ensure return probe has no C argument */
	pp->nr_args = argc - 1;
	pp->args = zalloc(sizeof(char *) * pp->nr_args);
	for (i = 0; i < pp->nr_args; i++) {
		pp->args[i] = strdup(argv[i + 1]);
		if (!pp->args[i])
			die("Failed to copy argument.");
		if (is_c_varname(pp->args[i])) {
			if (pp->retprobe)
				semantic_error("You can't specify local"
						" variable for kretprobe");
			*need_dwarf = true;

Example #8
File: parser.c Project: fwum/fwum
static statement *get_expression(parse_source *source, int *indent) {
	parse_token token = get_mandatory_token(source);
	if(equals_string(token.data, "{")) {
		statement *expression = new(expression);
		expression->type = BLOCK;
		expression->children = ll_new();
		expression->data = new_slice("");
		int finished = *indent;
		*indent += 1;
		while(*indent != finished) {
			statement *state = get_expression(source, indent);
			if(state != NULL)
				ll_add_last(expression->children, state);
		return expression;
	} else if(equals_string(token.data, "}")) {
		*indent -= 1;
		return NULL;
	} else if(equals_string(token.data, "if") || equals_string(token.data, "while") || equals_string(token.data, "for")) {
		statement *expression = new(expression);
		if(equals_string(token.data, "if"))
			expression->type = IF;
		else if(equals_string(token.data, "while"))
			expression->type = WHILE;
		else if(equals_string(token.data, "for"))
			expression->type = FOR;
		expression->children = ll_new();
		expression->data = new_slice("");
		ll_add_last(expression->children, get_expression(source, indent)); //Add the header
        if(expression->type == FOR) {
            ll_add_last(expression->children, get_expression(source, indent)); //Add the header
            ll_add_last(expression->children, get_expression(source, indent)); //Add the header
		ll_add_last(expression->children, get_expression(source, indent)); //Add the body
		if(expression->type == IF) {
			parse_token next = peek_mandatory_token(source);
			if(equals_string(next.data, "else")) {
				statement *elseState = new(elseState);
				elseState->type = ELSE;
				elseState->children = ll_new();
				elseState->data = new_slice("");
				ll_add_last(expression->children, elseState);
				ll_add_first(elseState->children, get_expression(source, indent));
		return expression;
	} else if(equals_string(token.data, "break") || equals_string(token.data, "continue")) {
		statement *expression = new(expression);
		expression->type = equals_string(token.data, "break") ? BREAK : CONTINUE;
		expression->data = new_slice("");
		expression->children = NULL;
		parse_token next = get_mandatory_token(source);
		if(!equals_string(next.data, ";"))
			semantic_error("Expected a semicolon after a break or continue", next.origin);
		return expression;
	} else if(equals_string(token.data, "return")) {
		statement *expression = new(expression);
		expression->type = RETURN;
		expression->data = new_slice("");
		expression->children = ll_new();
		ll_add_last(expression->children, get_expression(source, indent));
		return expression;
	} else {
		linked_list *accumulator = ll_new();
		parse_token next = token;
		while(true) {
			parse_token *allocated = new(allocated);
			*allocated = token;
			ll_add_last(accumulator, allocated);
			next = peek_mandatory_token(source);
			if(equals_string(next.data, "{") || equals_string(next.data, "}"))
			if(equals_string(next.data, ";")) {
			token = get_mandatory_token(source);
		statement *expression = parse_simple_expression(accumulator);
		return expression;
/* Parse probepoint definition. */
static void parse_perf_probe_probepoint(char *arg, struct probe_point *pp)
	char *ptr, *tmp;
	char c, nc = 0;
	 * <Syntax>
	 * perf probe [EVENT=]SRC[:LN|;PTN]
	 * perf probe [EVENT=]FUNC[@SRC][+OFFS|%return|:LN|;PAT]
	 * TODO:Group name support

	ptr = strpbrk(arg, ";=@+%");
	if (ptr && *ptr == '=') {	/* Event name */
		*ptr = '\0';
		tmp = ptr + 1;
		ptr = strchr(arg, ':');
		if (ptr)	/* Group name is not supported yet. */
			semantic_error("Group name is not supported yet.");
		if (!check_event_name(arg))
			semantic_error("%s is bad for event name -it must "
				       "follow C symbol-naming rule.", arg);
		pp->event = strdup(arg);
		arg = tmp;

	ptr = strpbrk(arg, ";:+@%");
	if (ptr) {
		nc = *ptr;
		*ptr++ = '\0';

	/* Check arg is function or file and copy it */
	if (strchr(arg, '.'))	/* File */
		pp->file = strdup(arg);
	else			/* Function */
		pp->function = strdup(arg);
	DIE_IF(pp->file == NULL && pp->function == NULL);

	/* Parse other options */
	while (ptr) {
		arg = ptr;
		c = nc;
		if (c == ';') {	/* Lazy pattern must be the last part */
			pp->lazy_line = strdup(arg);
		ptr = strpbrk(arg, ";:+@%");
		if (ptr) {
			nc = *ptr;
			*ptr++ = '\0';
		switch (c) {
		case ':':	/* Line number */
			pp->line = strtoul(arg, &tmp, 0);
			if (*tmp != '\0')
				semantic_error("There is non-digit char"
					       " in line number.");
		case '+':	/* Byte offset from a symbol */
			pp->offset = strtoul(arg, &tmp, 0);
			if (*tmp != '\0')
				semantic_error("There is non-digit character"
						" in offset.");
		case '@':	/* File name */
			if (pp->file)
				semantic_error("SRC@SRC is not allowed.");
			pp->file = strdup(arg);
			DIE_IF(pp->file == NULL);
		case '%':	/* Probe places */
			if (strcmp(arg, "return") == 0) {
				pp->retprobe = 1;
			} else	/* Others not supported yet */
				semantic_error("%%%s is not supported.", arg);
			DIE_IF("Program has a bug.");

	/* Exclusion check */
	if (pp->lazy_line && pp->line)
		semantic_error("Lazy pattern can't be used with line number.");

	if (pp->lazy_line && pp->offset)
		semantic_error("Lazy pattern can't be used with offset.");

	if (pp->line && pp->offset)
		semantic_error("Offset can't be used with line number.");

	if (!pp->line && !pp->lazy_line && pp->file && !pp->function)
		semantic_error("File always requires line number or "
			       "lazy pattern.");

	if (pp->offset && !pp->function)
		semantic_error("Offset requires an entry function.");

	if (pp->retprobe && !pp->function)
		semantic_error("Return probe requires an entry function.");

	if ((pp->offset || pp->line || pp->lazy_line) && pp->retprobe)
		semantic_error("Offset/Line/Lazy pattern can't be used with "
			       "return probe.");

	pr_debug("symbol:%s file:%s line:%d offset:%d return:%d lazy:%s\n",
		 pp->function, pp->file, pp->line, pp->offset, pp->retprobe,