static void sendConfToCore(struct Interface* toCoreInterface, struct Allocator* alloc, Dict* config, struct Except* eh, struct Log* logger) { #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE + 32] = {0}; uint8_t* start = buff + 32; struct Writer* writer = ArrayWriter_new(start, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE - 33, alloc); if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(writer, config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to serialize pre-configuration for core."); } struct Message m = { .bytes = start, .length = writer->bytesWritten(writer), .padding = 32 }; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%d] bytes to core [%s].", m.length, m.bytes); toCoreInterface->sendMessage(&m, toCoreInterface); } static void setUser(char* user, struct Log* logger, struct Except* eh) { struct Jmp jmp; Jmp_try(jmp) { Security_setUser(user, logger, &jmp.handler); } Jmp_catch { if (jmp.code == Security_setUser_PERMISSION) { return; } Except_raise(eh, jmp.code, "%s", jmp.message); } } /** * Input: * { * "admin": { * "core": "/path/to/core/binary", * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * for example: * d5:admind4:core30:./build/admin/angel/cjdns-core4:bind15: * * Pre-existing core mode: * { * "admin": { * "core": { * "fromCore": 12, * "toCore": 14 * }, * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * * If "core" is a dictionary, the angel will behave as though the core is already spawned and * it will read from the core on the file descriptor given by "fromCore" and write to the file * given by "toCore". * * "user" is optional, if set the angel will setuid() that user's uid. */ int AngelInit_main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Except* eh = NULL; int inFromClientNo; int outToClientNo; if (argc < 3 || (inFromClientNo = atoi(argv[2])) == 0) { inFromClientNo = STDIN_FILENO; } if (argc < 4 || (outToClientNo = atoi(argv[3])) == 0) { outToClientNo = STDOUT_FILENO; } struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<21); struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, eh); alloc = CanaryAllocator_new(alloc, rand); struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); Log_debug(logger, "Initializing angel with input [%d] and output [%d]", inFromClientNo, outToClientNo); Log_debug(logger, "Getting pre-configuration from client"); #define CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE 1024 uint8_t buff[CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE] = {0}; Waiter_getData(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, inFromClientNo, eventBase, eh); Log_debug(logger, "Finished getting pre-configuration from client"); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buff, CONFIG_BUFF_SIZE, tempAlloc); Dict config; if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, &config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse configuration."); } Dict* admin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin")); String* core = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("core")); String* bind = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("bind")); String* pass = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("pass")); String* user = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("user")); int toCore = -1; int fromCore = -1; if (!core) { Dict* coreDict = Dict_getDict(admin, String_CONST("core")); int64_t* toCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("toCore")); int64_t* fromCorePtr = Dict_getInt(coreDict, String_CONST("fromCore")); toCore = (toCorePtr) ? *toCorePtr : -1; fromCore = (fromCorePtr) ? *fromCorePtr : -1; } if (!bind || !pass || (!core && (toCore == -1 || fromCore == -1))) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "missing configuration params in preconfig. [%s]", buff); } if (core) { Log_info(logger, "Initializing core [%s]", core->bytes); initCore(core->bytes, &toCore, &fromCore, eh); } Log_debug(logger, "Sending pre-configuration to core."); struct PipeInterface* pif = PipeInterface_new(fromCore, toCore, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); struct Interface* coreIface = &pif->generic; PipeInterface_waitUntilReady(pif); sendConfToCore(coreIface, tempAlloc, &config, eh, logger); struct Message* coreResponse = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(coreIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh); if (write(outToClientNo, coreResponse->bytes, coreResponse->length)) { // Ignore the result of write() without the compiler complaining. } #ifdef Log_KEYS uint8_t lastChar = coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1]; coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = 0; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s%c] to client.", coreResponse->bytes, lastChar); coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = lastChar; #endif if (user) { setUser(user->bytes, logger, eh); } Allocator_free(tempAlloc); Angel_start(coreIface, eventBase, logger, alloc); return 0; }
/** * Input: * { * "admin": { * "core": "/path/to/core/binary", * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * for example: * d5:admind4:core30:./build/admin/angel/cjdns-core4:bind15: * * Pre-existing core mode: * { * "admin": { * "core": { * "fromCore": 12, * "toCore": 14 * }, * "bind": "", * "pass": "******", * "user": "******" * } * } * * If "core" is a dictionary, the angel will behave as though the core is already spawned and * it will read from the core on the file descriptor given by "fromCore" and write to the file * given by "toCore". * * "user" is optional, if set the angel will setuid() that user's uid. */ int AngelInit_main(int argc, char** argv) { struct Except* eh = NULL; struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<21); struct Writer* logWriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logWriter, alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, logger, eh); MallocAllocator_setCanary(alloc, (long)Random_int64(rand)); struct Allocator* tempAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); struct Pipe* clientPipe = getClientPipe(argc, argv, eventBase, eh, alloc); clientPipe->logger = logger; Log_debug(logger, "Getting pre-configuration from client"); struct Message* preConf = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(&clientPipe->iface, eventBase, alloc, eh); Log_debug(logger, "Finished getting pre-configuration from client"); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(preConf->bytes, preConf->length, tempAlloc); Dict config; if (StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, &config)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "Failed to parse configuration."); } Dict* admin = Dict_getDict(&config, String_CONST("admin")); String* core = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("core")); String* bind = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("bind")); String* pass = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("pass")); String* user = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("user")); String* corePipeName = Dict_getString(admin, String_CONST("corePipeName")); if (!bind || !pass || (!core && !corePipeName)) { Except_raise(eh, -1, "missing configuration params in preconfig. [%s]", preConf->bytes); } if (!corePipeName) { char name[32] = {0}; Random_base32(rand, (uint8_t*)name, 31); corePipeName = String_new(name, tempAlloc); } struct Pipe* corePipe = Pipe_named(corePipeName->bytes, eventBase, eh, alloc); corePipe->logger = logger; corePipe->onClose = coreDied; struct Interface* coreIface = FramingInterface_new(65535, &corePipe->iface, alloc); if (core) { Log_info(logger, "Initializing core [%s]", core->bytes); initCore(core->bytes, corePipeName, eventBase, alloc, eh); } Log_debug(logger, "Sending pre-configuration to core."); sendConfToCore(coreIface, tempAlloc, &config, eh, logger); struct Message* coreResponse = InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(coreIface, eventBase, tempAlloc, eh); Interface_sendMessage(&clientPipe->iface, coreResponse); #ifdef Log_KEYS uint8_t lastChar = coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1]; coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = 0; Log_keys(logger, "Sent [%s%c] to client.", coreResponse->bytes, lastChar); coreResponse->bytes[coreResponse->length-1] = lastChar; #endif if (user) { setUser(user->bytes, logger, eh); } Allocator_free(tempAlloc); Angel_start(coreIface, eventBase, logger, alloc); return 0; }