Example #1
 * Execute a transaction while forwarding a stream.
 * \param[in] connection UAVLinkConnection to be used
 * \param[in] obj Object
 * \param[in] instId The instance ID of UAVOBJ_ALL_INSTANCES for all instances.
 * \param[in] type Transaction type
 * 			  UAVLINK_TYPE_OBJ: send object,
 * 			  UAVLINK_TYPE_OBJ_REQ: request object update
 * 			  UAVLINK_TYPE_OBJ_ACK: send object with an ack
 * \return 0 Success
 * \return -1 Failure
int32_t streamStream(UAVLinkConnection connectionHandle, uint8_t Id,  uint8_t length, uint8_t *buf)

	UAVLinkConnectionData *connection;
	CHECKCONHANDLE(connectionHandle,connection,return -1);

	// Send stream and wait for ack
	// Get transaction lock (will block if a transaction is pending)
	//xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(connection->transLock, portMAX_DELAY);
	// Send object
	//xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(connection->lock, portMAX_DELAY);
	//connection->respId = Id;
	sendStreamPacket(connection, Id, length, buf);
	// Wait for response (or timeout)
	//respReceived = xSemaphoreTake(connection->respSema, timeoutMs/portTICK_RATE_MS);
	// Check if a response was received
	//if (respReceived == pdFALSE)
		// Cancel transaction
		//xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(connection->lock, portMAX_DELAY);
		//xSemaphoreTake(connection->respSema, 0); // non blocking call to make sure the value is reset to zero (binary sema)
		//connection->respId = 0;
		//return -1;
	//	xSemaphoreGiveRecursive(connection->transLock);
		return 0;

Example #2
 * Execute a transaction while forwarding a stream.
 * \param[in] connection UAVLinkConnection to be used
 * \param[in] objId of object
 *  * \param[in] instId The instance ID of UAVOBJ_ALL_INSTANCES for all instances.
 * \param[in] type Transaction type
 * 			  UAVLINK_TYPE_OBJ: send object,
 * 			  UAVLINK_TYPE_OBJ_REQ: request object update
 * 			  UAVLINK_TYPE_OBJ_ACK: send object with an ack
 * \return 0 Success
 * \return -1 Failure
int32_t UAVLinkSendStream(UAVLinkConnection connectionHandle, uint8_t Id, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t length)
	UAVLinkConnectionData *connection;
	CHECKCONHANDLE(connectionHandle,connection,return -1);

	// Send stream and wait for ack
	connection->resp = 0;
	connection->respId = Id;
	sendStreamPacket(connection, Id, length, buf);
	return 0;
void ChannelServer::addStreamSubscription(StreamIdx idx) {
    auto &count = streamingSubscriberCounts_[idx];

    // If this is the first subscriber, register the streaming callback, which
    // will also cause hardware polling to start.
    if (count == 1) {
        auto self = shared_from_this();
            idx, [this, self, idx](const StreamPacket &packet) {
                sendStreamPacket(idx, packet);