/*main( int argc, char **argv )

  char *comeback, one[] = "the quick brown fox", two[]="jumps over the lazy dog";
  pthread_t receive = pthread_self();
  int size;

  /* Don't start if we can't get the message system working. */

  if (messages_init() == MSG_OK) {

    /* Send and receive from destination process 1 (without threads running, we'll receive on thread 1 in torch's pthread implementation. */

    /* Send a single message for starters. */

    if (send_message_to_thread( receive, one, strlen(one)+1) != MSG_OK) {
      printf( "first failed\n" );

    if (receive_message( &receive, &comeback, &size) == MSG_OK) {
      printf ("received message 1--%s--size %d\n", comeback, size );
    } else {
      printf ("first receive failed\n");

    /* Ensure that we can have some capacity in our message system. */

    if (send_message_to_thread( receive, two, strlen(two)+1) != MSG_OK) {
      printf( "second 1 failed\n" );
    if (send_message_to_thread( receive, one, strlen(one)+1) != MSG_OK) {
      printf( "second 2 failed\n" );

    if (receive_message( &receive, &comeback, &size) == MSG_OK) {
      printf ("received message 2--%s--size %d\n", comeback, size );
    } else {
      printf ("second 1 receive failed\n");

    if (receive_message( &receive, &comeback, &size) == MSG_OK) {
      printf ("received message 3--%s--size %d\n", comeback, size );
    } else {
      printf ("second 2 receive failed\n");

    /* Clean up the message system. */


  return 1;
Example #2
*server(void *t) 
    pthread_t server_thread_id;
    static char *processedMessage;
    static char *comeback;
    int size;
        server_thread_id = pthread_self();
        if (receive_message( &server_thread_id, &comeback, &size) == MSG_OK) {
                printf("Server thread received    : %s\n", comeback);
                processedMessage = processServiceMessageReceived(comeback);
                printf("Server --> Client         : %s\n", processedMessage );
                if (send_message_to_thread( server_thread_id, processedMessage, strlen(processedMessage)+1) != MSG_OK) {
                        printf( "sending message from client to auth thread failed\n" );
Example #3
    pthread_t auth_thread_id;
    static char *processedMessage;
    static char *comeback;
    int size;
        auth_thread_id = pthread_self();
        if (receive_message( &auth_thread_id, &comeback, &size) == MSG_OK) {
                printf("Auth thread received    : %s\n", comeback);
                processedMessage = checkIfUserPassExist(comeback);
                printf("Auth --> Client         : %s\n", processedMessage );
                if (send_message_to_thread( auth_thread_id, processedMessage, strlen(processedMessage)+1) != MSG_OK) {
                        printf( "sending message from client to auth thread failed\n" );
/* The auth thread waits for a user name and pass to get sent to it from the client thread
   which it will then authenticate. It will return a valid authentication string or invalid
   if the user is authenticated or not. */
void *authThread(void *auth)
    List_t *userPassList;
    userPassFile *lastNode = NULL;
    userPassFile *userPassNode = NULL;
    userPassList = readInUsersFromFile(((authStruct *)auth)->fileName);
    char messageToSend[CHAR_MAX];
    char username[CHAR_MAX];

    // Wait for username pass to authenticate from another thread
    pthread_t receive;
    char *messageReceived;
    int isAuthed;
    int size;

    isAuthed = 0;

    // Wait to receive a message
    if (receive_message( &receive, &messageReceived, &size) == MSG_OK)
        printf ("Auth received message 1--%s--size %d\n", messageReceived, size );
        // Check if matches list of username and passwords
        // If the head is not null
        if ((userPassList != NULL) && (userPassList->head != NULL))
            // Get the head node of the list
            List_head_info(userPassList, (void *)&userPassNode);
            // Loop through the list until null to check for authorized user:pass
            while (userPassNode != NULL)
                if (strcmp(userPassNode->usernamePassword, messageReceived) == 0)
                    isAuthed = 1;
                // Get next node
                List_next_node(userPassList, (void *)&lastNode, (void *)&userPassNode);

            // Send message back to client thread that auth passed with authentication string
            if (isAuthed == 1)
                // Create message to send back in the form 1:username:password:secretValueTicket
                strcpy (messageToSend, "1:");
                strcat (messageToSend, messageReceived);
                strcat (messageToSend, ":");
                strcat (messageToSend, ((authStruct *)auth)->secretValue);

                // Send message to auth thread
                if (send_message_to_thread( clientThreadRef, messageToSend, strlen(messageToSend) + 1) != MSG_OK)
                    printf( "Auth 1 first failed\n" );
            // Send message back to client thread that it failed auth
                //Get username with regex
                sscanf( messageReceived, "%[^:]", username);

                //Create message to send on failure
                strcpy (messageToSend, "0:");
                strcat (messageToSend, username);
                strcat (messageToSend, ":0");

                // Send message to auth thread
                if (send_message_to_thread( clientThreadRef, messageToSend, strlen(messageToSend) + 1) != MSG_OK)
                    printf( "Auth 0 first failed\n" );
        printf ("first receive failed\n");

    return NULL;
/* The client thread reads in a username and password and then tries to authenticate with the
   authentication thread. If it receives a proper message back it should allow the user to
   run a service name with two arguments */
void *clientThread()
    char   inputbuffer[BUF_MAX];
    char   username[CHAR_MAX];
    char   password[CHAR_MAX];
    char   messageToSend[CHAR_MAX];
    pthread_t receive;
    char *messageReceived;
    int size;

    //Read in user input
    printf("Enter a username: "******"%s", username) == 1)
            printf ("Incorrect number of parameters read.\n");
    // Nothing to read in
        printf ("Nothing read in.\n");

    //Read in user input
    printf("Enter your password: "******"%s", password) == 1)
            //Read in password
            printf ("Incorrect number of parameters read.\n");
    // Nothing to read in
        printf ("Nothing read in.\n");

    // Create message of user:pass to send to authentication thread
    strcpy (messageToSend, username);
    strcat (messageToSend, ":");
    strcat (messageToSend, password);

    // Send message to auth thread
    if (send_message_to_thread( authThreadRef, messageToSend, strlen(messageToSend) + 1) != MSG_OK)
        printf( "first failed\n" );

    // Wait for username and pass auth string

    // Receive response from authentication thread
    if (receive_message( &receive, &messageReceived, &size) == MSG_OK)
        printf ("Client received message 1--%s--size %d\n", messageReceived, size );
        printf ("first receive failed\n");

    /* After this I would make logic for reading in a service name with two arguments, then pass those to the ticket
       and service threads, which would then get a response back */

    return NULL;
Example #6
*client(void *t) 
    char message[300];
    pthread_t client_thread_id = pthread_self();
    char flag[2];
    char username[SIZE_USERNAME+1];
    char authstring[200];
    int param1, param2;
    char servicename[SIZE_SERVICENAME+1];

    thread_ids_t *threadids = (thread_ids_t*)t;

    int size;

    for (;;) { 
        char buf[1000];
        char *comebackFromAuth, *comebackFromTicket, *comebackFromServer;
        comebackFromTicket = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*400);
        comebackFromServer = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*400);
        printf("Please enter username and password: e.g  username:password \n");

        fgets(buf, 1000, stdin);
        /* Send and receive from destination process 1 (without threads running, we'll receive on thread 1 in torch's pthread implementation. */
        printf( "Client --> Auth        : %s\n",buf );
        if (send_message_to_thread( threadids->auth_thread_id, buf, strlen(buf)+1) != MSG_OK) {
                printf( "sending message from client to auth thread failed\n" );
        if (receive_message( &client_thread_id, &comebackFromAuth, &size) == MSG_OK) {
                printf("Client thread received    : %s\n", comebackFromAuth);

                sscanf (comebackFromAuth,"%[^:]:%[^:]:%s",flag,username,authstring);
                printf("flag: %s   username: %s    authstring: %s \n", flag,username,authstring);
                    /* Get input from user again : operation parameter1 parameter2*/
                    printf("Please enter the operation: e.g  add 1 2 \n");
                    fgets(buf, 1000, stdin);
                    sscanf (buf,"%s %d %d",servicename,&param1,&param2);
                    printf("servicename: %s   param1: %d   param2: %d \n",servicename,param1,param2);                  
                    /* if the flag is 0 then dont continue*/

                sprintf(comebackFromTicket, "%s:%s:%s",username,servicename, AUTH_STRING );
                printf( "Client --> Ticket        : %s\n",comebackFromTicket );
                if (send_message_to_thread( threadids->ticket_thread_id, comebackFromTicket, strlen(comebackFromTicket)+1) != MSG_OK) {
                        printf( "sending message from client to ticket thread failed\n" );
                if (receive_message( &client_thread_id, &comebackFromTicket, &size) == MSG_OK) {

                        printf("Client thread received    : %s\n", comebackFromTicket);

                        strcpy(message, comebackFromTicket);
                        sprintf(comebackFromServer, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%s", username, servicename, param1, param2, message );

                        printf( "Client --> Server        : %s\n",comebackFromServer );
                        if (send_message_to_thread( threadids->server_thread_id, comebackFromServer, strlen(comebackFromServer)+1) != MSG_OK) {
                                printf( "sending message from client to server thread failed\n" );
                        if (receive_message( &client_thread_id, &comebackFromServer, &size) == MSG_OK) {
                                printf("Client thread received    : %s\n", comebackFromServer);
    } /* end for */