/* lazy way to send a signal if the program uses the PIDPATH */ int sendsignal(const char *progname, int sig) { char fn[SMALLBUF]; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/%s.pid", PIDPATH, progname); return sendsignalfn(fn, sig); }
/* handle sending the signal */ static void stop_driver(const ups_t *ups) { char pidfn[SMALLBUF]; int ret; struct stat fs; upsdebugx(1, "Stopping UPS: %s", ups->upsname); snprintf(pidfn, sizeof(pidfn), "%s/%s-%s.pid", altpidpath(), ups->driver, ups->upsname); ret = stat(pidfn, &fs); if ((ret != 0) && (ups->port != NULL)) { snprintf(pidfn, sizeof(pidfn), "%s/%s-%s.pid", altpidpath(), ups->driver, xbasename(ups->port)); ret = stat(pidfn, &fs); } if (ret != 0) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_ERR, "Can't open %s", pidfn); exec_error++; return; } upsdebugx(2, "Sending signal to %s", pidfn); if (testmode) return; ret = sendsignalfn(pidfn, SIGTERM); if (ret < 0) { upslog_with_errno(LOG_ERR, "Stopping %s failed", pidfn); exec_error++; return; } }