Example #1
/** \brief Inertial sensor demo application entry
 * After initializing the Xplained platform and sensor boards, this application
 * attaches descriptors to the accelerometer and gyroscope devices on
 * an Xplained inertial sensor board.  The sensor data, which is formatted and
 * printed via printf() after being read, can be viewed with a serial terminal
 * application on a machine attached to the USB interface on the Xplained
 * board.
int main(void)
	/* Initialize the Xplained (UC3 or XMEGA) platform & sensor boards. */


	/* Initialize the MCU sleep manager API and specify a sleep mode. */

#if (USE_ACCEL == true)
	/* Attach accelerometer */
	sensor_attach(&accelerometer, SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, 0, 0);

	if (accelerometer.err) {
		puts("\r\nAccelerometer initialization error.");

		while (true) {
			/* Error occurred, loop forever */

	/* Enable motion event */
	sensor_set_threshold(&accelerometer, SENSOR_THRESHOLD_MOTION,

	sensor_add_event(&accelerometer, SENSOR_EVENT_MOTION,
			acceleration_event, 0, true);

	/* Put the accelerometer into a low-power mode (if available) */
	sensor_set_state(&accelerometer, SENSOR_STATE_LOW_POWER);

#if (USE_GYRO == true)
	/* Attach gyroscope */
	sensor_attach(&gyroscope, SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE, 0, 0);

	if (gyroscope.err) {
		puts("\r\nGyroscope initialization error.");

		while (true) {
			/* Error occurred, loop forever */

	sensor_set_sample_rate(&gyroscope, GYRO_SAMPLE_RATE);

#  if (GYRO_WAKE == true)
	/* Enable gyroscope new data event for wakeup */
	sensor_add_event(&gyroscope, SENSOR_EVENT_NEW_DATA,
			rotation_event, 0, true);
#  elif (GYRO_SLEEP == true)
	/* Put gyro in low-power sleep mode until accelerometer wakes system up */
	sensor_set_state(&gyroscope, SENSOR_STATE_SLEEP);
#  endif

	while (true) {
		LED_Off(ACTIVITY_LED);/* turn off while asleep */

		/* Put device in low power sleep mode until woken up by an interrupt */
		sleepmgr_enter_sleep(); /* enter specified sleep mode */

		/* Device has woken up */
		LED_On(ACTIVITY_LED);             /* turn on while awake */

#if ((USE_GYRO == true) && (GYRO_WAKE == false))
#  if (GYRO_SLEEP == true)
		/* Wake up gyroscope, wait for device to settle */
		sensor_set_state(&gyroscope, SENSOR_STATE_NORMAL);

		/* Read gyroscope and put it back to sleep */
		sensor_get_rotation(&gyroscope, &rotation);
		sensor_set_state(&gyroscope, SENSOR_STATE_SLEEP);
#  else
		/* Read gyro in response to accelerometer wake */
		sensor_get_rotation(&gyroscope, &rotation); /* read gyro now */
#  endif

#if (USE_PRINTF == true)
		const char *const format = SCALED_DATA ?
				"acc = [%5d, %5d, %5d]  rot = [%5d, %5d, %5d]\r\n"
				"acc = [%.5x, %.5x, %.5x]  rot = [%.5x, %.5x, %.5x]\r\n";

		/* Print accelerometer & gyroscope values */
				/* data from motion event handler */
				/* data from sensor_get_rotation() (if GYRO_WAKE==false), or 
				 * from the gyro new data event handler */

		/* Minimum active time is 100 msec */

	return 0;
/** \brief Inertial sensor data visualizer demo application entry
 * This application uses a serial connection to transmit sensor data.  The
 * data is formatted for use by the Atmel Data Visualizer application
 * running on a remote host.
 * Upon entry, the hardware (including processor and sensor board) are
 * initialized, and the sensor interfaces are established.  The application
 * then transmits a series of special data stream configuration packets,
 * which tell the remote application the number, type, and labels for
 * data streams that will subsequently be used.
 * After this initialization, the application enters a continuous loop
 * in which it periodically samples the sensors that are defined and
 * sends the obtained data values to the remote host in stream data packets.
 * Each type of sensor measurement uses an interval counter to determine
 * how often the measurement should be performed and transmitted.
int main(void)
	int led_index = 0;
	int loop_count = 0;

	sensor_t accel_dev;             /* Accelerometer device */
	sensor_t compass_dev;           /* Compass/magnetometer device */
	sensor_t gyro_dev;              /* Gyroscope device */

	sensor_data_t accel_data;       /* Accelerometer data */
	sensor_data_t compass_data;     /* Compass data */
	sensor_data_t gyro_data;        /* Gyroscope data */
	sensor_data_t temp_data;        /* Temperature data */

	/* Initialize the board (Xplained UC3 or XMEGA & Xplained Sensor boards)
	 * I/O pin mappings and any other configurable resources selected in
	 * the build configuration.


	/* Attach descriptors to the defined sensor devices. */
	sensor_attach(&accel_dev, SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, 0, 0);
	sensor_attach(&gyro_dev, SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE, 0, 0);
	sensor_attach(&compass_dev, SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS, 0, 0);

	if (accel_dev.err || gyro_dev.err || compass_dev.err) {
		while (true) {
			/* Error occurred, loop forever */

	/* Set sensor data output formats */
	accel_data.scaled   = true;
	gyro_data.scaled    = true;
	compass_data.scaled = true;
	temp_data.scaled    = true;

	/* Wait for user to push button before continuing */
	do {
		/* Just blink LED until button is pushed */

	} while (!SWITCH_PRESSED);


	/* Enable output streams for Atmel Data Visualizer (ADV) */

	while (true) {
		/* Change LED display */
		LED_Toggle(led_array [led_index++]);
		if (led_index >= NUM_BLINK_LEDS) {
			led_index = 0;

		/* Accelerometer data */
		if ((loop_count % ACCEL_INTERVAL) == 0) {
			sensor_get_acceleration(&accel_dev, &accel_data);

			adv_data_send_3(ACCEL_STREAM_NUM, accel_data.timestamp,
					accel_data.axis.x, accel_data.axis.y,

		/* Gyroscope data */
		if ((loop_count % GYRO_INTERVAL) == 0) {
			sensor_get_rotation(&gyro_dev, &gyro_data);

			adv_data_send_3(GYRO_STREAM_NUM, gyro_data.timestamp,
					gyro_data.axis.x, gyro_data.axis.y,

		/* Compass/magnetometer data */
		if ((loop_count % COMPASS_INTERVAL) == 0) {
			sensor_get_heading(&compass_dev, &compass_data);


		/* Temperature data */
		if ((loop_count % TEMP_INTERVAL) == 0) {
			sensor_get_temperature(&gyro_dev, &temp_data);

			adv_data_send_1(TEMP_STREAM_NUM, temp_data.timestamp,

		/* Re-send stream initialization if switch pressed */
			/* Re-send init info */

			while (SWITCH_PRESSED) {
				/* wait until button is released */

			led_index = 0;


	return 0;
Example #3
/** Unit test to check that the gyroscope works correctly on the Inertial
 *  One board using the Sensor Platform library.
 *  \param test  Pointer to the unit test case instance
static void run_sensor_gyro_test(const struct test_case *test)
	sensor_t gyro;
	sensor_data_t gyro_data = { .scaled = true };
	sensor_attach(&gyro, SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE, 0, 0);	
	test_assert_false(test, gyro.err, "Error attaching to gyroscope");
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {	
		test_assert_true(test, sensor_get_rotation(&gyro, &gyro_data),
				"Gyroscope read failed");
		test_assert_false(test, gyro.err,
				"Gyroscope internal error");

/** Unit test to check that the accelerometer works correctly on the Inertial
 *  One board using the Sensor Platform library.
 *  \param test  Pointer to the unit test case instance
static void run_sensor_accel_test(const struct test_case *test)
	sensor_t accel;
	sensor_data_t accel_data = { .scaled = true };
	sensor_attach(&accel, SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, 0, 0);
	test_assert_false(test, accel.err, "Error attaching to accelerometer");
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		vector3_t accel_data_vect;
		test_assert_true(test, sensor_get_acceleration(&accel, &accel_data),
				"Accelerometer read failed");
		test_assert_false(test, accel.err,
				"Accelerometer internal error");
		accel_data_vect.x = accel_data.axis.x;
		accel_data_vect.y = accel_data.axis.y;
		accel_data_vect.z = accel_data.axis.z;
		scalar_t accel_mag = vector3_magnitude(&accel_data_vect);
				(accel_mag > (1000 - 300)) && (accel_mag < (1000 + 300)),
				"Accelerometer returned value not close to 1000 milli-g: %i",

/** Unit test to check that the compass works correctly on the Inertial
 *  One board using the Sensor Platform library.
 *  \param test  Pointer to the unit test case instance
static void run_sensor_compass_test(const struct test_case *test)
	sensor_t compass;
	sensor_data_t compass_data = { .scaled = true };
	sensor_attach(&compass, SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS, 0, 0);
	test_assert_false(test, compass.err, "Error attaching to magnetometer");
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		vector3_t compass_data_vect;
		test_assert_true(test, sensor_get_heading(&compass, &compass_data),
				"Compass read failed");
		test_assert_false(test, compass.err,
				"Compass internal error");
		compass_data_vect.x = compass_data.heading.direction;
		compass_data_vect.y = compass_data.heading.inclination;
		compass_data_vect.z = compass_data.heading.strength;
		scalar_t compass_mag = vector3_magnitude(&compass_data_vect);
		test_assert_false(test, (compass_mag == 0),
				"Compass returned zero data");		

/** Unit test to check that the gyroscope internal temperature sensor works 
 *  correctly on the Inertial One board using the Sensor Platform library.
 *  \param test  Pointer to the unit test case instance
static void run_sensor_temp_test(const struct test_case *test)
	sensor_t gyro;
	sensor_data_t temp_data = { .scaled = true };
	sensor_attach(&gyro, SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE, 0, 0);
	test_assert_false(test, gyro.err, "Error attaching to gyroscope");
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {	
		test_assert_true(test, sensor_get_temperature(&gyro, &temp_data),
				"Gyroscope temperature read failed");
		test_assert_false(test, gyro.err,
				"Gyroscope internal error");
		test_assert_false(test, ((int16_t)temp_data.temperature.value == 0),
				"Gyroscope returned zero temperature data");

		test_assert_false(test, ((int16_t)temp_data.temperature.value > 40),
				"Gyroscope returned too high temperature data: %d",


int main(void)
	// Initialize the board and all the peripheral required
	stdio_serial_init(CONF_TEST_USART, &usart_serial_options);


	DEFINE_TEST_CASE(sensor_init_test, NULL, run_sensor_init_test,
			NULL, "Test sensor initialization");

	DEFINE_TEST_CASE(sensor_gyro_test, NULL, run_sensor_gyro_test,
			NULL, "Test gyroscope read");

	DEFINE_TEST_CASE(sensor_accel_test, NULL, run_sensor_accel_test,
			NULL, "Test accelerometer read");
	DEFINE_TEST_CASE(sensor_compass_test, NULL, run_sensor_compass_test,
			NULL, "Test compass read");

	DEFINE_TEST_CASE(sensor_temp_test, NULL, run_sensor_temp_test,
			NULL, "Test temperature read");
	DEFINE_TEST_ARRAY(sensor_tests) = {

			sensor_tests, "Common sensor plarform test suite");


	while (1) {
		/* Intentionally left blank */
Example #4
/** \brief Inertial sensor demo application entry
 * After initializing the Xplained platform and sensor boards, this application
 * attaches descriptors to the accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass devices on
 * an Xplained inertial sensor board.  The sensor data, which is formatted and
 * printed via printf() after being read, can be viewed with a serial terminal
 * application on a machine attached to the USB interface on the Xplained
 * board.
int main(void)
	sensor_t accel;   /* Accelerometer device descriptor */
	sensor_t compass; /* Magnetic compass device descriptor */
	sensor_t gyro;    /* Gyroscope device descriptor */

	/* Initialize the board (Xplained UC3 or XMEGA & Xplained Sensor boards)
	 * I/O pin mappings and any other configurable resources selected in
	 * the build configuration.

	/* Attach descriptors to the defined sensor devices */
	sensor_attach(&gyro, SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE, 0, 0);
	sensor_attach(&accel, SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, 0, 0);
	sensor_attach(&compass, SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS, 0, 0);

	if (gyro.err || accel.err || compass.err) {
		puts("\rSensor initialization error.");

		while (true) {
			/* Error occurred, loop forever */

	/* Print sensor information */
		static const char *const banner_format
			= "%s\r\nID = 0x%02x ver. 0x%02x\r\n"
				"Bandwidth = %d Hz  Range = +/- %d\r\n\n";

		uint32_t id;
		uint8_t version;
		int16_t freq, range;

		sensor_device_id(&gyro, &id, &version);
		sensor_get_bandwidth(&gyro, &freq);
		sensor_get_range(&gyro, &range);

		printf(banner_format, gyro.drv->caps.name,
				(unsigned)id, (unsigned)version, freq, range);

		sensor_device_id(&accel, &id, &version);
		sensor_get_bandwidth(&accel, &freq);
		sensor_get_range(&accel, &range);

		printf(banner_format, accel.drv->caps.name,
				(unsigned)id, (unsigned)version, freq, range);

		sensor_device_id(&compass, &id, &version);
		sensor_get_bandwidth(&compass, &freq);
		sensor_get_range(&compass, &range);

		printf(banner_format, compass.drv->caps.name,
				(unsigned)id, (unsigned)version, freq, range);


	/* Initialize sensor data descriptors for scaled vs. raw data. */
	static sensor_data_t accel_data   = {.scaled = SCALED_DATA};
	static sensor_data_t compass_data = {.scaled = SCALED_DATA};
	static sensor_data_t gyro_data    = {.scaled = SCALED_DATA};
	static sensor_data_t temp_data    = {.scaled = SCALED_DATA};

	while (true) {

		/* Read sensor values */
		sensor_get_acceleration(&accel, &accel_data);
		sensor_get_rotation(&gyro, &gyro_data);
		sensor_get_temperature(&gyro, &temp_data); /* Get temp from gyro */

		if (SCALED_DATA) {
			/* Get calculated magnetic heading from compass */
			sensor_get_heading(&compass, &compass_data);
		} else {
			/* Get raw magnetic field readings (X,Y,Z) */
			sensor_get_field(&compass, &compass_data);

		/* Print sensor values */
		if (SCALED_DATA) {
			printf("acc = [%5d, %5d, %5d]\r\n",

			printf("rot = [%5d, %5d, %5d]\r\n",

			printf("heading %5d, inclination %5d, strength %5d\r\n",

			printf("T = %d C\r\n\n",
		} else {
			printf("acc = [%.5x, %.5x, %.5x]\r\n",

			printf("rot = [%.5x, %.5x, %.5x]\r\n",

			printf("field = [%.5x, %.5x, %.5x]\r\n",

			printf("T = %.5x\r\n\n",


	return 0;