Example #1
 * Create session label
 *  The pool memory must be released by the calling program
void create_session_label(DCR *dcr, DEV_RECORD *rec, int label)
   JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr;

   rec->VolSessionId   = jcr->VolSessionId;
   rec->VolSessionTime = jcr->VolSessionTime;
   rec->Stream         = jcr->JobId;
   rec->maskedStream   = jcr->JobId;

   rec->data = check_pool_memory_size(rec->data, SER_LENGTH_Session_Label);
   ser_begin(rec->data, SER_LENGTH_Session_Label);
   if (me->compatible) {
   } else {


   /* Changed in VerNum 11 */

   ser_string(jcr->job_name);         /* base Job name */

   /* Added in VerNum 10 */
   ser_string(jcr->Job);              /* Unique name of this Job */
   /* Added in VerNum 11 */

   if (label == EOS_LABEL) {

      /* Added in VerNum 11 */
   ser_end(rec->data, SER_LENGTH_Session_Label);
   rec->data_len = ser_length(rec->data);
Example #2
 * Handle the data just read and send it to the SD after doing any postprocessing needed.
static inline bool send_data_to_sd(b_ctx *bctx)
   BSOCK *sd = bctx->jcr->store_bsock;
   bool need_more_data;

    * Check for sparse blocks
   if (bit_is_set(FO_SPARSE, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      bool allZeros;

      allZeros = false;
      if ((sd->msglen == bctx->rsize &&
          (bctx->fileAddr + sd->msglen < (uint64_t)bctx->ff_pkt->statp.st_size)) ||
          ((bctx->ff_pkt->type == FT_RAW ||
            bctx->ff_pkt->type == FT_FIFO) &&
          ((uint64_t)bctx->ff_pkt->statp.st_size == 0))) {
         allZeros = is_buf_zero(bctx->rbuf, bctx->rsize);

      if (!allZeros) {
          * Put file address as first data in buffer
         ser_begin(bctx->wbuf, OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE);
         ser_uint64(bctx->fileAddr); /* store fileAddr in begin of buffer */

      bctx->fileAddr += sd->msglen; /* update file address */

       * Skip block of all zeros
      if (allZeros) {
         return true;
   } else if (bit_is_set(FO_OFFSETS, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      ser_begin(bctx->wbuf, OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE);
      ser_uint64(bctx->ff_pkt->bfd.offset); /* store offset in begin of buffer */

   bctx->jcr->ReadBytes += sd->msglen; /* count bytes read */

    * Uncompressed cipher input length
   bctx->cipher_input_len = sd->msglen;

    * Update checksum if requested
   if (bctx->digest) {
      crypto_digest_update(bctx->digest, (uint8_t *)bctx->rbuf, sd->msglen);

    * Update signing digest if requested
   if (bctx->signing_digest) {
      crypto_digest_update(bctx->signing_digest, (uint8_t *)bctx->rbuf, sd->msglen);

    * Compress the data.
   if (bit_is_set(FO_COMPRESS, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      if (!compress_data(bctx->jcr, bctx->ff_pkt->Compress_algo, bctx->rbuf,
                         bctx->jcr->store_bsock->msglen, bctx->cbuf,
                         bctx->max_compress_len, &bctx->compress_len)) {
         return false;

       * See if we need to generate a compression header.
      if (bctx->chead) {

          * Complete header
         ser_begin(bctx->chead, sizeof(comp_stream_header));
         ser_end(bctx->chead, sizeof(comp_stream_header));

         bctx->compress_len += sizeof(comp_stream_header); /* add size of header */

      bctx->jcr->store_bsock->msglen = bctx->compress_len; /* set compressed length */
      bctx->cipher_input_len = bctx->compress_len;

    * Encrypt the data.
   need_more_data = false;
   if (bit_is_set(FO_ENCRYPT, bctx->ff_pkt->flags) && !encrypt_data(bctx, &need_more_data)) {
      if (need_more_data) {
         return true;
      return false;

    * Send the buffer to the Storage daemon
   if (bit_is_set(FO_SPARSE, bctx->ff_pkt->flags) || bit_is_set(FO_OFFSETS, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      sd->msglen += OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; /* include fileAddr in size */
   sd->msg = bctx->wbuf; /* set correct write buffer */

   if (!sd->send()) {
      if (!bctx->jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
         Jmsg1(bctx->jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"), sd->bstrerror());
      return false;

   Dmsg1(130, "Send data to SD len=%d\n", sd->msglen);
   bctx->jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen; /* count bytes saved possibly compressed/encrypted */
   sd->msg = bctx->msgsave; /* restore read buffer */

   return true;
Example #3
 * Send data read from an already open file descriptor.
 * We return 1 on sucess and 0 on errors.
 * ***FIXME***
 * We use ff_pkt->statp.st_size when FO_SPARSE to know when to stop
 *  reading.
 * Currently this is not a problem as the only other stream, resource forks,
 * are not handled as sparse files.
static int send_data(JCR *jcr, int stream, FF_PKT *ff_pkt, DIGEST *digest, 
                     DIGEST *signing_digest)
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   uint64_t fileAddr = 0;             /* file address */
   char *rbuf, *wbuf;
   int32_t rsize = jcr->buf_size;      /* read buffer size */
   POOLMEM *msgsave;
   CIPHER_CONTEXT *cipher_ctx = NULL; /* Quell bogus uninitialized warnings */
   const uint8_t *cipher_input;
   uint32_t cipher_input_len;
   uint32_t cipher_block_size;
   uint32_t encrypted_len;
   return 1;

   msgsave = sd->msg;
   rbuf = sd->msg;                    /* read buffer */
   wbuf = sd->msg;                    /* write buffer */
   cipher_input = (uint8_t *)rbuf;    /* encrypt uncompressed data */

   Dmsg1(300, "Saving data, type=%d\n", ff_pkt->type);

#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
   uLong compress_len = 0;
   uLong max_compress_len = 0;
   const Bytef *cbuf = NULL;
   int zstat;

   if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_GZIP) {
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         cbuf = (Bytef *)jcr->compress_buf + SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
         max_compress_len = jcr->compress_buf_size - SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
      } else {
         cbuf = (Bytef *)jcr->compress_buf;
         max_compress_len = jcr->compress_buf_size; /* set max length */
      wbuf = jcr->compress_buf;    /* compressed output here */
      cipher_input = (uint8_t *)jcr->compress_buf; /* encrypt compressed data */

       * Only change zlib parameters if there is no pending operation.
       * This should never happen as deflatereset is called after each
       * deflate.

      if (((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->total_in == 0) {
         /* set gzip compression level - must be done per file */
         if ((zstat=deflateParams((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset, 
              ff_pkt->GZIP_level, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)) != Z_OK) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Compression deflateParams error: %d\n"), zstat);
            set_jcr_job_status(jcr, JS_ErrorTerminated);
            goto err;
   const uint32_t max_compress_len = 0;

   if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_ENCRYPT) {
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encrypting sparse data not supported.\n"));
         goto err;
      /* Allocate the cipher context */
      if ((cipher_ctx = crypto_cipher_new(jcr->crypto.pki_session, true, 
           &cipher_block_size)) == NULL) {
         /* Shouldn't happen! */
         Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize encryption context.\n"));
         goto err;

       * Grow the crypto buffer, if necessary.
       * crypto_cipher_update() will buffer up to (cipher_block_size - 1).
       * We grow crypto_buf to the maximum number of blocks that
       * could be returned for the given read buffer size.
       * (Using the larger of either rsize or max_compress_len)
      jcr->crypto.crypto_buf = check_pool_memory_size(jcr->crypto.crypto_buf, 
           (MAX(rsize + (int)sizeof(uint32_t), (int32_t)max_compress_len) + 
            cipher_block_size - 1) / cipher_block_size * cipher_block_size);

      wbuf = jcr->crypto.crypto_buf; /* Encrypted, possibly compressed output here. */

    * Send Data header to Storage daemon
    *    <file-index> <stream> <info>
   if (!sd->fsend("%ld %d 0", jcr->JobFiles, stream)) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
      goto err;
   Dmsg1(300, ">stored: datahdr %s\n", sd->msg);

    * Make space at beginning of buffer for fileAddr because this
    *   same buffer will be used for writing if compression is off.
   if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
      rbuf += SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
      rsize -= SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
       * To read FreeBSD partitions, the read size must be
       *  a multiple of 512.
      rsize = (rsize/512) * 512;

   /* a RAW device read on win32 only works if the buffer is a multiple of 512 */
#ifdef HAVE_WIN32
   if (S_ISBLK(ff_pkt->statp.st_mode))
      rsize = (rsize/512) * 512;
    * Read the file data
   while ((sd->msglen=(uint32_t)bread(&ff_pkt->bfd, rbuf, rsize)) > 0) {

      /* Check for sparse blocks */
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         bool allZeros = false;
         if ((sd->msglen == rsize &&
              fileAddr+sd->msglen < (uint64_t)ff_pkt->statp.st_size) ||
             ((ff_pkt->type == FT_RAW || ff_pkt->type == FT_FIFO) &&
               (uint64_t)ff_pkt->statp.st_size == 0)) {
            allZeros = is_buf_zero(rbuf, rsize);
         if (!allZeros) {
            /* Put file address as first data in buffer */
            ser_begin(wbuf, SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE);
            ser_uint64(fileAddr);     /* store fileAddr in begin of buffer */
         fileAddr += sd->msglen;      /* update file address */
         /* Skip block of all zeros */
         if (allZeros) {
            continue;                 /* skip block of zeros */

      jcr->ReadBytes += sd->msglen;         /* count bytes read */

      /* Uncompressed cipher input length */
      cipher_input_len = sd->msglen;

      /* Update checksum if requested */
      if (digest) {
         crypto_digest_update(digest, (uint8_t *)rbuf, sd->msglen);

      /* Update signing digest if requested */
      if (signing_digest) {
         crypto_digest_update(signing_digest, (uint8_t *)rbuf, sd->msglen);

#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
      /* Do compression if turned on */
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_GZIP && jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset) {
         Dmsg3(400, "cbuf=0x%x rbuf=0x%x len=%u\n", cbuf, rbuf, sd->msglen);
         ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->next_in   = (Bytef *)rbuf;
                ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->avail_in  = sd->msglen;
         ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->next_out  = (Bytef *)cbuf;
                ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->avail_out = max_compress_len;

         if ((zstat=deflate((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset, Z_FINISH)) != Z_STREAM_END) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Compression deflate error: %d\n"), zstat);
            set_jcr_job_status(jcr, JS_ErrorTerminated);
            goto err;
         compress_len = ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->total_out;
         /* reset zlib stream to be able to begin from scratch again */
         if ((zstat=deflateReset((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)) != Z_OK) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Compression deflateReset error: %d\n"), zstat);
            set_jcr_job_status(jcr, JS_ErrorTerminated);
            goto err;

         Dmsg2(400, "compressed len=%d uncompressed len=%d\n", compress_len, 

         sd->msglen = compress_len;      /* set compressed length */
         cipher_input_len = compress_len;
       * Note, here we prepend the current record length to the beginning
       *  of the encrypted data. This is because both sparse and compression
       *  restore handling want records returned to them with exactly the
       *  same number of bytes that were processed in the backup handling.
       *  That is, both are block filters rather than a stream.  When doing
       *  compression, the compression routines may buffer data, so that for
       *  any one record compressed, when it is decompressed the same size
       *  will not be obtained. Of course, the buffered data eventually comes
       *  out in subsequent crypto_cipher_update() calls or at least
       *  when crypto_cipher_finalize() is called.  Unfortunately, this
       *  "feature" of encryption enormously complicates the restore code.
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_ENCRYPT) {
         uint32_t initial_len = 0;

         if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
            cipher_input_len += SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;

         /* Encrypt the length of the input block */
         uint8_t packet_len[sizeof(uint32_t)];

         ser_begin(packet_len, sizeof(uint32_t));
         ser_uint32(cipher_input_len);    /* store data len in begin of buffer */
         Dmsg1(20, "Encrypt len=%d\n", cipher_input_len);

         if (!crypto_cipher_update(cipher_ctx, packet_len, sizeof(packet_len),
             (uint8_t *)jcr->crypto.crypto_buf, &initial_len)) {
            /* Encryption failed. Shouldn't happen. */
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encryption error\n"));
            goto err;

         /* Encrypt the input block */
         if (crypto_cipher_update(cipher_ctx, cipher_input, cipher_input_len, 
             (uint8_t *)&jcr->crypto.crypto_buf[initial_len], &encrypted_len)) {
            if ((initial_len + encrypted_len) == 0) {
               /* No full block of data available, read more data */
            Dmsg2(400, "encrypted len=%d unencrypted len=%d\n", encrypted_len, 
            sd->msglen = initial_len + encrypted_len; /* set encrypted length */
         } else {
            /* Encryption failed. Shouldn't happen. */
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encryption error\n"));
            goto err;

      /* Send the buffer to the Storage daemon */
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         sd->msglen += SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE; /* include fileAddr in size */
      sd->msg = wbuf;              /* set correct write buffer */
      if (!sd->send()) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
         goto err;
      Dmsg1(130, "Send data to SD len=%d\n", sd->msglen);
      /*          #endif */
      jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen;      /* count bytes saved possibly compressed/encrypted */
      sd->msg = msgsave;                /* restore read buffer */

   } /* end while read file data */

   if (sd->msglen < 0) {                 /* error */
      berrno be;
      Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Read error on file %s. ERR=%s\n"),
         ff_pkt->fname, be.bstrerror(ff_pkt->bfd.berrno));
      if (jcr->JobErrors++ > 1000) {       /* insanity check */
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Too many errors.\n"));
   } else if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_ENCRYPT) {
       * For encryption, we must call finalize to push out any
       *  buffered data.
      if (!crypto_cipher_finalize(cipher_ctx, (uint8_t *)jcr->crypto.crypto_buf, 
           &encrypted_len)) {
         /* Padding failed. Shouldn't happen. */
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encryption padding error\n"));
         goto err;

      /* Note, on SSL pre-0.9.7, there is always some output */
      if (encrypted_len > 0) {
         sd->msglen = encrypted_len;      /* set encrypted length */
         sd->msg = jcr->crypto.crypto_buf;       /* set correct write buffer */
         if (!sd->send()) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
            goto err;
         Dmsg1(130, "Send data to SD len=%d\n", sd->msglen);
         jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen;     /* count bytes saved possibly compressed/encrypted */
         sd->msg = msgsave;               /* restore bnet buffer */

   if (!sd->signal(BNET_EOD)) {        /* indicate end of file data */
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
      goto err;

   /* Free the cipher context */
   if (cipher_ctx) {
   return 1;

   /* Free the cipher context */
   if (cipher_ctx) {

   sd->msg = msgsave; /* restore bnet buffer */
   sd->msglen = 0;
   return 0;