Example #1
void KateApp::restoreKate ()
  // restore the nice files ;) we need it
  Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (false);

  // activate again correct session!!!
  QString lastSession (sessionConfig()->readEntry ("Last Session", "default.katesession"));
  sessionManager()->activateSession (new KateSession (sessionManager(), lastSession, ""), false, false, false);

  m_docManager->restoreDocumentList (sessionConfig());

  Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (true);

  // restore all windows ;)
  for (int n=1; KMainWindow::canBeRestored(n); n++)
    newMainWindow(sessionConfig(), QString ("%1").arg(n));

  // oh, no mainwindow, create one, should not happen, but make sure ;)
  if (mainWindows() == 0)
    newMainWindow ();

  // notify about start
  KStartupInfo::setNewStartupId( activeMainWindow(), startupId());
Example #2
// GET param:
//   - hash (string): torrent hash
//   - rid (int): last response id
void SyncController::torrentPeersAction()
    auto lastResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse")).toMap();
    auto lastAcceptedResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse")).toMap();

    const QString hash {params()["hash"]};
    BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->findTorrent(hash);
    if (!torrent)
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound);

    QVariantMap data;
    QVariantHash peers;
    const QList<BitTorrent::PeerInfo> peersList = torrent->peers();
    bool resolvePeerCountries = Preferences::instance()->resolvePeerCountries();
    bool resolvePeerCountries = false;

    data[KEY_SYNC_TORRENT_PEERS_SHOW_FLAGS] = resolvePeerCountries;

    for (const BitTorrent::PeerInfo &pi : peersList) {
        if (pi.address().ip.isNull()) continue;
        QVariantMap peer;
        if (resolvePeerCountries) {
            peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY_CODE] = pi.country().toLower();
            peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY] = Net::GeoIPManager::CountryName(pi.country());
        peer[KEY_PEER_IP] = pi.address().ip.toString();
        peer[KEY_PEER_PORT] = pi.address().port;
        peer[KEY_PEER_CLIENT] = pi.client();
        peer[KEY_PEER_PROGRESS] = pi.progress();
        peer[KEY_PEER_DOWN_SPEED] = pi.payloadDownSpeed();
        peer[KEY_PEER_UP_SPEED] = pi.payloadUpSpeed();
        peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_DOWN] = pi.totalDownload();
        peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_UP] = pi.totalUpload();
        peer[KEY_PEER_CONNECTION_TYPE] = pi.connectionType();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS] = pi.flags();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS_DESCRIPTION] = pi.flagsDescription();
        peer[KEY_PEER_RELEVANCE] = pi.relevance();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FILES] = torrent->info().filesForPiece(pi.downloadingPieceIndex()).join(QLatin1String("\n"));

        peers[pi.address().ip.toString() + ':' + QString::number(pi.address().port)] = peer;

    data["peers"] = peers;

    const int acceptedResponseId {params()["rid"].toInt()};
    setResult(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedResponse, lastResponse)));

    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse"), lastResponse);
    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse"), lastAcceptedResponse);
Example #3
// The function returns the changed data from the server to synchronize with the web client.
// Return value is map in JSON format.
// Map contain the key:
//  - "Rid": ID response
// Map can contain the keys:
//  - "full_update": full data update flag
//  - "torrents": dictionary contains information about torrents.
//  - "torrents_removed": a list of hashes of removed torrents
//  - "categories": map of categories info
//  - "categories_removed": list of removed categories
//  - "server_state": map contains information about the state of the server
// The keys of the 'torrents' dictionary are hashes of torrents.
// Each value of the 'torrents' dictionary contains map. The map can contain following keys:
//  - "name": Torrent name
//  - "size": Torrent size
//  - "progress": Torrent progress
//  - "dlspeed": Torrent download speed
//  - "upspeed": Torrent upload speed
//  - "priority": Torrent priority (-1 if queuing is disabled)
//  - "num_seeds": Torrent seeds connected to
//  - "num_complete": Torrent seeds in the swarm
//  - "num_leechs": Torrent leechers connected to
//  - "num_incomplete": Torrent leechers in the swarm
//  - "ratio": Torrent share ratio
//  - "eta": Torrent ETA
//  - "state": Torrent state
//  - "seq_dl": Torrent sequential download state
//  - "f_l_piece_prio": Torrent first last piece priority state
//  - "completion_on": Torrent copletion time
//  - "tracker": Torrent tracker
//  - "dl_limit": Torrent download limit
//  - "up_limit": Torrent upload limit
//  - "downloaded": Amount of data downloaded
//  - "uploaded": Amount of data uploaded
//  - "downloaded_session": Amount of data downloaded since program open
//  - "uploaded_session": Amount of data uploaded since program open
//  - "amount_left": Amount of data left to download
//  - "save_path": Torrent save path
//  - "completed": Amount of data completed
//  - "max_ratio": Upload max share ratio
//  - "max_seeding_time": Upload max seeding time
//  - "ratio_limit": Upload share ratio limit
//  - "seeding_time_limit": Upload seeding time limit
//  - "seen_complete": Indicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/whole
//  - "last_activity": Last time when a chunk was downloaded/uploaded
//  - "total_size": Size including unwanted data
// Server state map may contain the following keys:
//  - "connection_status": connection status
//  - "dht_nodes": DHT nodes count
//  - "dl_info_data": bytes downloaded
//  - "dl_info_speed": download speed
//  - "dl_rate_limit: download rate limit
//  - "up_info_data: bytes uploaded
//  - "up_info_speed: upload speed
//  - "up_rate_limit: upload speed limit
//  - "queueing": priority system usage flag
//  - "refresh_interval": torrents table refresh interval
//  - "free_space_on_disk": Free space on the default save path
// GET param:
//   - rid (int): last response id
void SyncController::maindataAction()
    auto lastResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastResponse")).toMap();
    auto lastAcceptedResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastAcceptedResponse")).toMap();

    QVariantMap data;
    QVariantHash torrents;

    BitTorrent::Session *const session = BitTorrent::Session::instance();

    for (BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent : asConst(session->torrents())) {
        QVariantMap map = serialize(*torrent);

        // Calculated last activity time can differ from actual value by up to 10 seconds (this is a libtorrent issue).
        // So we don't need unnecessary updates of last activity time in response.
        if (lastResponse.contains("torrents") && lastResponse["torrents"].toHash().contains(torrent->hash()) &&
                lastResponse["torrents"].toHash()[torrent->hash()].toMap().contains(KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME)) {
            uint lastValue = lastResponse["torrents"].toHash()[torrent->hash()].toMap()[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME].toUInt();
            if (qAbs(static_cast<int>(lastValue - map[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME].toUInt())) < 15)
                map[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME] = lastValue;

        torrents[torrent->hash()] = map;

    data["torrents"] = torrents;

    QVariantHash categories;
    const auto categoriesList = session->categories();
    for (auto it = categoriesList.cbegin(); it != categoriesList.cend(); ++it) {
        const auto key = it.key();
        categories[key] = QVariantMap {
            {"name", key},
            {"savePath", it.value()}

    data["categories"] = categories;

    QVariantMap serverState = getTranserInfo();
    serverState[KEY_TRANSFER_FREESPACEONDISK] = getFreeDiskSpace();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_QUEUEING] = session->isQueueingSystemEnabled();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_USE_ALT_SPEED_LIMITS] = session->isAltGlobalSpeedLimitEnabled();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL] = session->refreshInterval();
    data["server_state"] = serverState;

    const int acceptedResponseId {params()["rid"].toInt()};
    setResult(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedResponse, lastResponse)));

    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastResponse"), lastResponse);
    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastAcceptedResponse"), lastAcceptedResponse);
Example #4
void SearchController::resultsAction()

    const int id = params()["id"].toInt();
    int limit = params()["limit"].toInt();
    int offset = params()["offset"].toInt();

    const auto searchHandlers = sessionManager()->session()->getData<SearchHandlerDict>(SEARCH_HANDLERS);
    if (!searchHandlers.contains(id))
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound);

    const SearchHandlerPtr searchHandler = searchHandlers[id];
    const QList<SearchResult> searchResults = searchHandler->results();
    const int size = searchResults.size();

    if (offset > size)
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, tr("Offset is out of range"));

    // normalize values
    if (offset < 0)
        offset = size + offset;
    if (offset < 0)  // check again
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, tr("Offset is out of range"));
    if (limit <= 0)
        limit = -1;

    if ((limit > 0) || (offset > 0))
        setResult(getResults(searchResults.mid(offset, limit), searchHandler->isActive(), size));
        setResult(getResults(searchResults, searchHandler->isActive(), size));
Example #5
void KateApp::restoreKate ()
  // activate again correct session!!!
  QString lastSession (sessionConfig()->group("General").readEntry ("Last Session", QString()));
  sessionManager()->activateSession (KateSession::Ptr(new KateSession (sessionManager(), lastSession)), false, false, false);

  // plugins
  KatePluginManager::self ()->loadConfig (sessionConfig());

  // restore the files we need
  m_docManager->restoreDocumentList (sessionConfig());

  // restore all windows ;)
  for (int n = 1; KMainWindow::canBeRestored(n); n++)
    newMainWindow(sessionConfig(), QString ("%1").arg(n));

  // oh, no mainwindow, create one, should not happen, but make sure ;)
  if (mainWindows() == 0)
    newMainWindow ();
Example #6
int SearchController::generateSearchId() const
    const auto searchHandlers = sessionManager()->session()->getData<SearchHandlerDict>(SEARCH_HANDLERS);

    while (true)
        const auto id = Utils::Random::rand(1, INT_MAX);
        if (!searchHandlers.contains(id))
            return id;
Example #7
void KateApp::shutdownKate (KateMainWindow *win)
  if (!win->queryClose_internal())
  // cu main windows
  while (!m_mainWindows.isEmpty())
    // mainwindow itself calls KateApp::removeMainWindow(this)
    delete m_mainWindows[0];
  quit ();
Example #8
void KateApp::shutdownKate (KateMainWindow *win)
  if (!win->queryClose_internal())

  sessionManager()->saveActiveSession(true, true);

  // detach the dcopClient

  // cu main windows
  while (!m_mainWindows.isEmpty())
    delete m_mainWindows[0];

  quit ();
Example #9
void SearchController::startAction()
    checkParams({"pattern", "category", "plugins"});

    if (!Utils::ForeignApps::pythonInfo().isValid())
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, "Python must be installed to use the Search Engine.");

    const QString pattern = params()["pattern"].trimmed();
    const QString category = params()["category"].trimmed();
    const QStringList plugins = params()["plugins"].split('|');

    QStringList pluginsToUse;
    if (plugins.size() == 1) {
        const QString pluginsLower = plugins[0].toLower();
        if (pluginsLower == "all")
            pluginsToUse = SearchPluginManager::instance()->allPlugins();
        else if ((pluginsLower == "enabled") || (pluginsLower == "multi"))
            pluginsToUse = SearchPluginManager::instance()->enabledPlugins();
            pluginsToUse << plugins;
    else {
        pluginsToUse << plugins;

    ISession *const session = sessionManager()->session();
    auto activeSearches = session->getData<QSet<int>>(ACTIVE_SEARCHES);
    if (activeSearches.size() >= MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES)
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::Conflict, QString("Unable to create more than %1 concurrent searches.").arg(MAX_CONCURRENT_SEARCHES));

    const auto id = generateSearchId();
    const SearchHandlerPtr searchHandler {SearchPluginManager::instance()->startSearch(pattern, category, pluginsToUse)};
    QObject::connect(searchHandler.data(), &SearchHandler::searchFinished, this, [session, id, this]() { searchFinished(session, id); });
    QObject::connect(searchHandler.data(), &SearchHandler::searchFailed, this, [session, id, this]() { searchFailed(session, id); });

    auto searchHandlers = session->getData<SearchHandlerDict>(SEARCH_HANDLERS);
    searchHandlers.insert(id, searchHandler);
    session->setData(SEARCH_HANDLERS, QVariant::fromValue(searchHandlers));

    session->setData(ACTIVE_SEARCHES, QVariant::fromValue(activeSearches));

    const QJsonObject result = {{"id", id}};
Example #10
void SearchController::deleteAction()

    const int id = params()["id"].toInt();
    ISession *const session = sessionManager()->session();

    auto searchHandlers = session->getData<SearchHandlerDict>(SEARCH_HANDLERS);
    if (!searchHandlers.contains(id))
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound);

    const SearchHandlerPtr searchHandler = searchHandlers[id];
    session->setData(SEARCH_HANDLERS, QVariant::fromValue(searchHandlers));

    removeActiveSearch(session, id);
void QNetworkSessionPrivate::stop()
    if (serviceConfig.isValid()) {
        lastError = QNetworkSession::OperationNotSupportedError;
        emit q->error(lastError);
    } else {
        if ((activeConfig.state() & QNetworkConfiguration::Active) == QNetworkConfiguration::Active) {
            state = QNetworkSession::Closing;
            emit q->stateChanged(state);



        opened = false;
        isOpen = false;
        emit q->closed();
Example #12
void SearchController::statusAction()
    const int id = params()["id"].toInt();

    const auto searchHandlers = sessionManager()->session()->getData<SearchHandlerDict>(SEARCH_HANDLERS);
    if ((id != 0) && !searchHandlers.contains(id))
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound);

    QJsonArray statusArray;
    const QList<int> searchIds {(id == 0) ? searchHandlers.keys() : QList<int> {id}};

    for (const int searchId : searchIds) {
        const SearchHandlerPtr searchHandler = searchHandlers[searchId];
        statusArray << QJsonObject {
            {"id", searchId},
            {"status", searchHandler->isActive() ? "Running" : "Stopped"},
            {"total", searchHandler->results().size()}

void QNetworkSessionPrivate::syncStateWithInterface()
    connect(&manager, SIGNAL(updateCompleted()), this, SLOT(networkConfigurationsChanged()));
    connect(&manager, SIGNAL(configurationChanged(QNetworkConfiguration)),
            this, SLOT(configurationChanged(QNetworkConfiguration)));
    connect(sessionManager(), SIGNAL(forcedSessionClose(QNetworkConfiguration)),
            this, SLOT(forcedSessionClose(QNetworkConfiguration)));

    opened = false;
    state = QNetworkSession::Invalid;
    lastError = QNetworkSession::UnknownSessionError;


    switch (publicConfig.type()) {
    case QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint:
        activeConfig = publicConfig;
        engine = getEngineFromId(activeConfig.identifier());
        if (engine) {
            connect(engine, SIGNAL(connectionError(QString,QNetworkSessionEngine::ConnectionError)),
                    this, SLOT(connectionError(QString,QNetworkSessionEngine::ConnectionError)),
    case QNetworkConfiguration::ServiceNetwork:
        serviceConfig = publicConfig;
        // Defer setting engine and signals until open().
        // fall through
    case QNetworkConfiguration::UserChoice:
        // Defer setting serviceConfig and activeConfig until open().
        // fall through
        engine = 0;

Example #14
bool KateApp::startupKate ()
  // user specified session to open
  if (m_args->isSet ("startanon"))
    sessionManager()->activateSession (sessionManager()->giveSession (""), false, false);
  else  if (m_args->isSet ("start"))
    sessionManager()->activateSession (sessionManager()->giveSession (m_args->getOption("start")), false, false);
  else if (!m_args->isSet( "stdin" ) && (m_args->count() == 0)) // only start session if no files specified
    // let the user choose session if possible
    if (!sessionManager()->chooseSession ())
      kDebug() << "chooseSession returned false, exiting";
      // we will exit kate now, notify the rest of the world we are done
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
      KStartupInfo::appStarted (startupId());
      return false;
    sessionManager()->activateSession( KateSession::Ptr(new KateSession (sessionManager(), QString())), false, false );

  // oh, no mainwindow, create one, should not happen, but make sure ;)
  if (mainWindows() == 0)
    newMainWindow ();

  // notify about start
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
  KStartupInfo::setNewStartupId( activeMainWindow(), startupId());
  QTextCodec *codec = m_args->isSet("encoding") ? QTextCodec::codecForName(m_args->getOption("encoding").toUtf8()) : 0;

  bool tempfileSet = KCmdLineArgs::isTempFileSet();

  KTextEditor::Document *doc = 0;
  const QString codec_name = codec ? codec->name() : QString();
  QList<KUrl> urls;
  for (int z = 0; z < m_args->count(); z++)
    // this file is no local dir, open it, else warn
    const bool noDir = !m_args->url(z).isLocalFile() || !QFileInfo (m_args->url(z).toLocalFile()).isDir();

    if (noDir) {
      urls << m_args->url(z);
    } else {
      KMessageBox::sorry( activeMainWindow(),
                          i18n("The file '%1' could not be opened: it is not a normal file, it is a folder.", m_args->url(z).url()) );
  doc = activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->openUrls(urls, codec_name, tempfileSet);

  // handle stdin input
  if( m_args->isSet( "stdin" ) )
    QTextStream input(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly);

    // set chosen codec
    if (codec)
      input.setCodec (codec);

    QString line;
    QString text;

      line = input.readLine();
      text.append( line + '\n' );
    while( !line.isNull() );

    openInput (text);
  else if ( doc )
    activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activateView( doc );

  if ( activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->viewCount () == 0 )
    activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activateView(m_docManager->document (0));

  int line = 0;
  int column = 0;
  bool nav = false;

  if (m_args->isSet ("line"))
    line = m_args->getOption ("line").toInt() - 1;
    nav = true;

  if (m_args->isSet ("column"))
    column = m_args->getOption ("column").toInt() - 1;
    nav = true;

  if (nav && activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activeView ())
    activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activeView ()->setCursorPosition (KTextEditor::Cursor (line, column));

  // show the nice tips


  kDebug() << "KateApplication::init finished successful";
  return true;
void CMultipleRequestsDlg::OnOK() 
  try {

    //Create session manager
    IQBSessionManagerPtr sessionManager(CLSID_QBSessionManager);
    sessionManager->OpenConnection ( APPID, APPNAME );
    sessionManager->BeginSession ( "", omDontCare );

    //Create message set request object
    IMsgSetRequestPtr requestMsgSet = GetLatestMsgSetRequest(sessionManager);
    requestMsgSet->Attributes->OnError = roeContinue;
    //Add multiple requests to the message set request object

    //First add customer
    ICustomerAddPtr customerAdd = requestMsgSet->AppendCustomerAddRq();
    BuildCustomerAdd ( customerAdd );
    //Add an invoice for this customer
    IInvoiceAddPtr invoiceAdd = requestMsgSet->AppendInvoiceAddRq();
    BuildInvoiceAdd ( invoiceAdd );
    //Add query request for this invoice
    IInvoiceQueryPtr invoiceQuery = requestMsgSet->AppendInvoiceQueryRq();
    BuildInvoiceQuery( invoiceQuery);
    //Perform the requests
    requestMsgSet->Attributes->OnError = roeContinue;
    IMsgSetResponsePtr responseMsgSet = sessionManager->DoRequests(requestMsgSet);
    //Close connection because we don't need it anymore
    // Uncomment the following to see the request and response XML for debugging
    //_bstr_t rq = requestMsgSet->ToXMLString();
    //_bstr_t rs = responseMsgSet->ToXMLString();
    IResponseListPtr rsList = responseMsgSet->ResponseList;
    int Cnt;
    CString msg;
    IResponsePtr response;
    //rsList->Count is 3, because we've added 3 requests
    //Let's retrieve them one by one

    //First retrieve customer add response
    Cnt = 0;
    response = rsList->GetAt(Cnt);
    msg = "Response 0 " ;
    msg += InterpretCustomerAddResponse(response);
    //Retrieve invoice add response
    Cnt = 1;
    response = rsList->GetAt(Cnt);
    msg += "\r\nResponse 1 " ;
    msg += InterpretInvoiceAddResponse(response);
    //Retrieve invoice query response
    Cnt = 2;
    response = rsList->GetAt(Cnt);
    msg += "\r\nResponse 1 " ;
    msg += InterpretInvoiceQueryResponse(response);
    AfxMessageBox( msg );
  catch ( _com_error e )
    CString msg;
    _bstr_t desc = e.Description();
    msg.Format( "Error: 0x%x %s" , e.Error(), 
      (desc.length() > 0) ? (const char*)desc : "" );
    AfxMessageBox( msg );

Example #16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);

    // Initialize settings stuff
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue("port", 50000);

    Console console;
    Database database;
    SessionManager sessionManager(0, &database);
    GameThread game(0, &database, &sessionManager);
    UdpServer udpServer;

    // Console signals/slots
    QObject::connect(&console, SIGNAL(commandEntered(CommandType,QStringList)),
                     &sessionManager, SLOT(runCommand(CommandType,QStringList)));
    QObject::connect(&console, SIGNAL(commandEntered(CommandType,QStringList)),
                     &game, SLOT(runCommand(CommandType,QStringList)),
                     Qt::DirectConnection); // Need direct connection from cross-thread signals to blocked thread
    QObject::connect(&console, SIGNAL(commandEntered(CommandType,QStringList)),
                     &udpServer, SLOT(runCommand(CommandType,QStringList)));

    // Database signals/slots
    QObject::connect(&database, SIGNAL(writeToConsole(QString)),
                     &console, SLOT(writeLine(QString)),

    // SessionManager signals/slots
    QObject::connect(&sessionManager, SIGNAL(writeToConsole(QString)),
                     &console, SLOT(writeLine(QString)));
    QObject::connect(&sessionManager, SIGNAL(responseReady(Packet,QHostAddress,quint16)),
                     &udpServer, SLOT(sendResponse(Packet,QHostAddress,quint16)), Qt::QueuedConnection);

    // GameThread signals/slots
    QObject::connect(&game, SIGNAL(writeToConsole(QString)),
                     &console, SLOT(writeLine(QString)));
    QObject::connect(&game, SIGNAL(updatePacketReady(Packet)),
                     &sessionManager, SLOT(sendUpdatePacket(Packet)),

    // UdpServer signals/slots
    QObject::connect(&udpServer, SIGNAL(writeToConsole(QString)),
                     &console, SLOT(writeLine(QString)));
    QObject::connect(&udpServer, SIGNAL(packetReceived(Packet,QHostAddress,quint16)),
                     &sessionManager, SLOT(processPacket(Packet,QHostAddress,quint16)),

    // Set up threading.
    QThread thread;
    thread.connect(&thread, SIGNAL(finished()), &app, SLOT(quit()));

    // Invoke with Qt::QueuedConnection since the Qt event loop isn't up yet
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&database, "init", Qt::QueuedConnection);
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&sessionManager, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection);
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&game, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection);
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&udpServer, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection);

    // Run the primary thread's main event loop.
    // exec() will return when we stop the main event loop via a signal
    return app.exec();
Example #17
bool KateApp::startupKate ()
  // user specified session to open
  if (m_args->isSet ("start"))
    sessionManager()->activateSession (sessionManager()->giveSession (QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_args->getOption("start"))), false, false);
    // let the user choose session if possible
    if (!sessionManager()->chooseSession ())
      // we will exit kate now, notify the rest of the world we are done
      KStartupInfo::appStarted (startupId());
      return false;

  // oh, no mainwindow, create one, should not happen, but make sure ;)
  if (mainWindows() == 0)
    newMainWindow ();

  // notify about start
  KStartupInfo::setNewStartupId( activeMainWindow(), startupId());

  QTextCodec *codec = m_args->isSet("encoding") ? QTextCodec::codecForName(m_args->getOption("encoding")) : 0;

  bool tempfileSet = KCmdLineArgs::isTempFileSet();

  Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (false);
  uint id = 0;
  for (int z=0; z<m_args->count(); z++)
    // this file is no local dir, open it, else warn
    bool noDir = !m_args->url(z).isLocalFile() || !QDir (m_args->url(z).path()).exists();

    if (noDir)
      // open a normal file
      if (codec)
        id = activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->openURL( m_args->url(z), codec->name(), false, tempfileSet );
        id = activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->openURL( m_args->url(z), QString::null, false, tempfileSet );
      KMessageBox::sorry( activeMainWindow(),
                          i18n("The file '%1' could not be opened: it is not a normal file, it is a folder.").arg(m_args->url(z).url()) );

  Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (true);

  // handle stdin input
  if( m_args->isSet( "stdin" ) )
    QTextIStream input(stdin);

    // set chosen codec
    if (codec)
      input.setCodec (codec);

    QString line;
    QString text;

      line = input.readLine();
      text.append( line + "\n" );
    } while( !line.isNull() );

    openInput (text);
  else if ( id )
    activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activateView( id );

  if ( activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->viewCount () == 0 )

  int line = 0;
  int column = 0;
  bool nav = false;

  if (m_args->isSet ("line"))
    line = m_args->getOption ("line").toInt();
    nav = true;

  if (m_args->isSet ("column"))
    column = m_args->getOption ("column").toInt();
    nav = true;

  if (nav)
    activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activeView ()->setCursorPosition (line, column);

  // show the nice tips

  return true;