void test_session_tcp6(void) { lagopus_result_t ret; char cbuf[256] = {0}; char sbuf[256] = {0}; lagopus_session_t sesc, sess, sesa; struct addrunion dst, src; ret = session_create(SESSION_TCP6|SESSION_PASSIVE, &sess); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); addrunion_ipv6_set(&src, "::0"); ret = session_bind(sess, &src, 10023); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); ret = session_create(SESSION_TCP6|SESSION_ACTIVE, &sesc); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); addrunion_ipv6_set(&dst, "::1"); ret = session_connect(sesc, &dst, 10023, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0 || errno == EINPROGRESS) { TEST_ASSERT(true); } else { TEST_ASSERT(false); } ret = session_accept(sess, &sesa); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(sesa); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sess)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sesc)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sesa)); snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "hogehoge\n"); ret = session_write(sesc, cbuf, strlen(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); ret = session_read(sesa, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_write(sesa, sbuf, strlen(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_read(sesc, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); session_destroy(sesc); session_destroy(sesa); session_destroy(sess); }
void test_session_pair_stream(void) { lagopus_result_t ret; char cbuf[256] = {0}; char sbuf[256] = {0}; lagopus_session_t s[2]; ret = session_pair(SESSION_UNIX_STREAM, s); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "hogehoge\n"); ret = session_write(s[0], cbuf, strlen(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); ret = session_read(s[1], sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_write(s[1], sbuf, strlen(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_read(s[0], cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); session_destroy(s[0]); session_destroy(s[1]); }
void test_session_tcp(void) { lagopus_result_t ret; char cbuf[256] = {0}; char sbuf[256] = {0}; bool b; lagopus_session_t sesc, sess, sesa, sesp[3]; struct addrunion dst, src; ret = session_create(SESSION_TCP|SESSION_PASSIVE, &sess); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); addrunion_ipv4_set(&src, ""); ret = session_bind(sess, &src, 10022); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); ret = session_create(SESSION_TCP|SESSION_ACTIVE, &sesc); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); addrunion_ipv4_set(&dst, ""); ret = session_connect(sesc, &dst, 10022, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0 || errno == EINPROGRESS) { TEST_ASSERT(true); } else { TEST_ASSERT(false); } session_write_event_set(sesc); session_read_event_set(sess); sesp[0] = sesc; sesp[1] = sess; ret = session_poll(sesp, 2, 1); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, ret); ret = session_is_writable(sesc, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(b); ret = session_is_readable(sess, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(b); ret = session_accept(sess, &sesa); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(sesa); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sess)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sesc)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sesa)); session_write_event_set(sesc); session_read_event_set(sess); session_read_event_set(sesa); sesp[0] = sesc; sesp[1] = sess; sesp[2] = sesa; ret = session_poll(sesp, 3, 1); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, ret); ret = session_is_writable(sesc, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(b); ret = session_is_readable(sess, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(b); ret = session_is_readable(sesa, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(b); snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "hogehoge\n"); ret = session_write(sesc, cbuf, strlen(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); session_read_event_set(sesa); sesp[0] = sesa; ret = session_poll(sesp, 1, 1); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, ret); ret = session_is_readable(sesa, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(b); ret = session_read(sesa, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_write(sesa, sbuf, strlen(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_read(sesc, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); session_close(sesc); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(session_is_alive(sesc)); session_close(sesa); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(session_is_alive(sesa)); session_close(sess); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(session_is_alive(sesa)); session_write_event_set(sesc); session_read_event_set(sess); session_read_event_set(sesa); sesp[0] = sesc; sesp[1] = sess; sesp[2] = sesa; ret = session_poll(sesp, 3, 1); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_TIMEDOUT, ret); ret = session_is_writable(sesc, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(b); ret = session_is_readable(sess, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(b); ret = session_is_readable(sesa, &b); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(b); session_destroy(sesc); session_destroy(sesa); session_destroy(sess); }
void test_session_tls(void) { #if 0 /* this test code is not work, use openssl s_server/s_client commands for tls session tests. */ lagopus_result_t ret; char cbuf[256] = {0}; char sbuf[256] = {0}; lagopus_session_t sesc, sess, sesa; struct addrunion src, dst; session_tls_set_ca_dir("ca"); session_tls_set_server_cert("./server1.pem"); session_tls_set_server_key("./server1_key_nopass.pem"); session_tls_set_client_key("./client1_key_nopass.pem"); ret = session_create(SESSION_TCP|SESSION_PASSIVE|SESSION_TLS, &sess); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); addrunion_ipv4_set(&src, ""); ret = session_bind(sess, &src, 10024); addrunion_ipv4_set(&dst, ""); ret = session_create(SESSION_TCP|SESSION_TLS|SESSION_ACTIVE, &sesc); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); ret = session_connect(sesc, &dst, 10024, &dst, 0); if (ret == 0 || errno == EINPROGRESS) { TEST_ASSERT(true); } else { TEST_ASSERT(false); } ret = session_accept(sess, &sesa); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(LAGOPUS_RESULT_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(sesa); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sess)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sesa)); ret = session_read(sesa, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_write(sesa, sbuf, strlen(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(session_is_alive(sesc)); snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "hogehoge\n"); ret = session_write(sesc, cbuf, strlen(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); ret = session_read(sesa, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_write(sesa, sbuf, strlen(sbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(sbuf)); ret = session_read(sesc, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, strlen(cbuf)); session_destroy(sesc); session_destroy(sesa); session_destroy(sess); #endif }
static void dispatcher_loop() { int numfds; fd_set fdset; int count; struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; while(1) { if(sighup) { resource_update(config_dir); sighup = False; } if(trace_level > 1) { trace_sessions(); } numfds = 0; FD_ZERO(&fdset); numfds = MAX(clients_sd, agents_sd); numfds = MAX(numfds,trap_sd); numfds++; FD_SET(clients_sd, &fdset); FD_SET(agents_sd, &fdset); FD_SET(trap_sd, &fdset); timeout.tv_sec = relay_agent_poll_interval; /* we compute the timeout according to the */ /* timeout of the pending requests */ session_select_info(&timeout); count = select(numfds, &fdset, 0, 0, &timeout); if(count > 0) { if(FD_ISSET(agents_sd, &fdset)) { /* we read the responses of the agents */ session_read(); continue; } if(FD_ISSET(trap_sd, &fdset)) { /* working on the trap */ trap_processing(); continue; } if(FD_ISSET(clients_sd, &fdset)) { /* we dispatch the requests of the application */ session_dispatch(); session_timeout(); continue; } } else { switch(count) { case 0: /* we check if some requests have timeout */ session_timeout(); watch_dog_in_action(); break; case -1: if(errno == EINTR) { break; } else { error_exit(ERR_MSG_SELECT, errno_string()); } } } } }
int cgiMain() { int ret = session_read(name); if(ret != 1) { cgiHeaderContentType("text/html;charset=gb2312"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<HTML><HEAD>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</HEAD><BODY>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"用户尚未登录,请重新登录(错误码:%d)!\");\n", ret); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.location.href=\"../login.html\";\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</BODY>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</HTML>\n"); return 0; } ret = its_conf_gpio_query(name, &con_gpio); cgiHeaderContentType("text/html;charset=gb2312"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<!--\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "body {\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-left: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-top: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-right: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-bottom: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " background-color: #F8F9FA;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "}\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "-->\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</style>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<link href=\"../images/skin.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n"); //fprintf(cgiOut, "<HEAD><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</HEAD>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<body>\n"); if(ret != QUERY_OK) { fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"(错误码:%d)!\");\n", ret); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); }else if (cgiFormSubmitClicked("setting") == cgiFormSuccess){ char *str1[2] = {"0","1"}; int i;/*must be int, f**k*/ cgiFormSelectSingle("output1", str1, sizeof(str1)/sizeof(str1[0]), &i, 0); con_gpio.output[0]= i; cgiFormSelectSingle("output2", str1, sizeof(str1)/sizeof(str1[0]), &i, 0); con_gpio.output[1]= i; cgiFormSelectSingle("output3", str1, sizeof(str1)/sizeof(str1[0]), &i, 0); con_gpio.output[2]= i; cgiFormSelectSingle("output4", str1, sizeof(str1)/sizeof(str1[0]), &i, 0); con_gpio.output[3]= i; #if 0 its_conf_gpio_set(name,&con_gpio); #else if (GPIO_SET_OK!=its_conf_gpio_set(name,&con_gpio)){ fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"提交失败(错误码:%d)!\");\n", ret); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); //提交失败后需要重新获取参数 bzero(&con_gpio, sizeof(con_gpio)); its_conf_gpio_query(name, &con_gpio); } else { //fprintf(cgiOut, "[%s][%s][%s][%s]\n", con_sys.host_name, con_sys.host_pos, con_sys.host_id, con_sys.description); fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"提交成功!\");\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); } #endif } SHOW: fprintf(cgiOut, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"17\" height=\"29\" valign=\"top\" background=\"../images/mail_leftbg.gif\"><img src=\"../images/left-top-right.gif\" width=\"17\" height=\"29\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"935\" height=\"29\" valign=\"top\" background=\"../images/content-bg.gif\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"31\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"left_topbg\" id=\"table2\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"31\"><div class=\"titlebt\">传感器设置</div></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"16\" valign=\"top\" background=\"../images/mail_rightbg.gif\"><img src=\"../images/nav-right-bg.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"29\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"71\" valign=\"middle\" background=\"../images/mail_leftbg.gif\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"138\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"13\" valign=\"top\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td valign=\"top\"><table width=\"98%%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_txt\"></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"20\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"55\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"10%%\" height=\"55\" valign=\"middle\"><img src=\"../images/title.gif\" width=\"54\" height=\"55\"></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"90%%\" valign=\"top\"><span class=\"left_txt2\"></span><span class=\"left_txt3\"></span><span class=\"left_txt2\"></span><br>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <span class=\"left_txt2\"></span><span class=\"left_txt3\"></span><span class=\"left_txt2\"></span><span class=\"left_txt3\"></span><span class=\"left_txt2\"> </span></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"31\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"nowtable\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_bt2\"> 报警信号输入状态</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td><table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <form name=\"form1\" method=\"POST\" action=\""); fprintf(cgiOut, "\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm1</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(1); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm2</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(2); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm3</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(3); /* fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm4</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(4); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm5</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(5); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm6</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(6); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm7</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(7); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\" class=\"left_txt2\">Alarm8</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><label>\n"); show_alarm(8); */ fprintf(cgiOut, " </label></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" class=\"left_txt2\">Output1:</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\"><label>\n"); show_output1(); fprintf(cgiOut, " </label></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" class=\"left_txt2\">Output2:</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\"><label>\n"); show_output2(); fprintf(cgiOut, " </label></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" class=\"left_txt2\">Output3:</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\"><label>\n"); show_output3(); fprintf(cgiOut, " </label></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" class=\"left_txt2\">Output4:</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\"><label>\n"); show_output4(); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" colspan=\"4\" align=\"center\" class=\"left_txt2\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"设置\" name=\"setting\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</body>\n"); }
/* * plugin_load() * * ³aduje wtyczkê o podanej nazwie. * * 0/-1 */ int plugin_load(const char *name, int prio, int quiet) { #ifdef SHARED_LIBS char lib[PATH_MAX]; char *env_ekg_plugins_path = NULL; char *init = NULL; #endif plugin_t *pl; void *plugin = NULL; int (*plugin_init)() = NULL; if (!name) return -1; if (plugin_find(name)) { printq("plugin_already_loaded", name); return -1; } #ifdef SHARED_LIBS #ifndef NO_POSIX_SYSTEM #ifdef SCONS # define DOTLIBS "" #else # define DOTLIBS ".libs/" #endif if ((env_ekg_plugins_path = getenv("EKG_PLUGINS_PATH"))) { if (snprintf(lib, sizeof(lib), "%s/%s.so", env_ekg_plugins_path, name) < sizeof(lib)) plugin = ekg2_dlopen(lib); if (!plugin && (snprintf(lib, sizeof(lib), "%s/%s/" DOTLIBS "%s.so", env_ekg_plugins_path, name, name) < sizeof(lib))) plugin = ekg2_dlopen(lib); } #ifndef SKIP_RELATIVE_PLUGINS_DIR /* The following lets ekg2 load plugins when it is run directly from * the source tree, without installation. This can be beneficial when * developing the program, or for less knowlegeable users, who don't * know how to or cannot for some other reason use installation prefix * to install in their home directory. However this impses a security * risk if the program installed in the system directory is run in * untrusted $CWD or when $CWD/../plugins is untrusted. * * TODO(porridge,darkjames): This can be fixed by having a wrapper * script in the source tree to run ekg/.libs/ekg2 with * EKG_PLUGINS_PATH set appropriately. */ if (!plugin) { if (snprintf(lib, sizeof(lib), "plugins/%s/" DOTLIBS "%s.so", name, name) < sizeof(lib)) plugin = ekg2_dlopen(lib); } if (!plugin) { if (snprintf(lib, sizeof(lib), "../plugins/%s/" DOTLIBS "%s.so", name, name) < sizeof(lib)) plugin = ekg2_dlopen(lib); } #endif if (!plugin) { if (snprintf(lib, sizeof(lib), "%s/%s.so", PLUGINDIR, name) < sizeof(lib)) plugin = ekg2_dlopen(lib); } #else /* NO_POSIX_SYSTEM */ if (!plugin) { if (snprintf(lib, sizeof(lib), "c:\\ekg2\\plugins\\%s.dll", name) < sizeof(lib)) plugin = ekg2_dlopen(lib); } #endif /* SHARED_LIBS */ if (!plugin) { printq("plugin_doesnt_exist", name); return -1; } #endif #ifdef STATIC_LIBS #ifndef SCONS /* first let's try to load static plugin... */ extern int jabber_plugin_init(int prio); extern int irc_plugin_init(int prio); extern int gtk_plugin_init(int prio); debug("searching for name: %s in STATICLIBS: %s\n", name, STATIC_LIBS); if (!xstrcmp(name, "jabber")) plugin_init = &jabber_plugin_init; if (!xstrcmp(name, "irc")) plugin_init = &irc_plugin_init; if (!xstrcmp(name, "gtk")) plugin_init = >k_plugin_init; // if (!xstrcmp(name, "miranda")) plugin_init = &miranda_plugin_init; #else debug_function("plugin_load(), trying to find static plugin '%s'\n", name); void *plugin_load_static(const char *name); /* autogenerated by scons */ plugin_init = plugin_load_static(name); #endif #endif #ifdef SHARED_LIBS if (!plugin_init) { # ifdef EKG2_WIN32_HELPERS void (*plugin_preinit)(void *); char *preinit = saprintf("win32_plugin_init"); if (!(plugin_preinit = ekg2_dlsym(plugin, preinit))) { debug("NO_POSIX_SYSTEM, PLUGIN:%s NOT COMPILATED WITH EKG2_WIN32_SHARED_LIB?!\n", name); printq("plugin_incorrect", name); xfree(preinit); return -1; } xfree(preinit); plugin_preinit(&win32_helper); # endif /* than if we don't have static plugin... let's try to load it dynamicly */ init = saprintf("%s_plugin_init", name); if (!(plugin_init = ekg2_dlsym(plugin, init))) { printq("plugin_incorrect", name); ekg2_dlclose(plugin); xfree(init); return -1; } xfree(init); } #endif if (!plugin_init) { printq("plugin_doesnt_exist", name); return -1; } if (plugin_init(prio) == -1) { printq("plugin_not_initialized", name); ekg2_dlclose(plugin); return -1; } if ((pl = plugin_find(name))) { pl->dl = plugin; } else { debug_error("plugin_load() plugin_find(%s) not found.\n", name); /* It's FATAL */ } query_emit_id(pl, SET_VARS_DEFAULT); printq("plugin_loaded", name); if (!in_autoexec) { const char *tmp; in_autoexec = 1; if ((tmp = prepare_pathf("config-%s", name))) config_read(tmp); if ((pl->pclass == PLUGIN_PROTOCOL) && (tmp = prepare_pathf("sessions-%s", name))) session_read(tmp); if (pl) query_emit_id(pl, CONFIG_POSTINIT); in_autoexec = 0; config_changed = 1; } return 0; }
int cgiMain() { int ret = session_read(name); if(ret != 1) { cgiHeaderContentType("text/html;charset=gb2312"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<HTML><HEAD>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</HEAD><BODY>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"用户尚未登录,请重新登录(错误码:%d)!\");\n", ret); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.location.href=\"../login.html\";\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</BODY>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</HTML>\n"); return 0; } int id = atoi(cgiQueryString); con_mode.id = id; ret = its_conf_mode_query(name, &con_mode); cgiHeaderContentType("text/html;charset=gb2312"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<!--\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "body {\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-left: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-top: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-right: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " margin-bottom: 0px;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " background-color: #F8F9FA;\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "}\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "-->\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</style>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<link href=\"../images/skin.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "<body>\n"); if(ret != QUERY_OK) { fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"(错误码:%d)!\");\n", ret); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); } else if(cgiFormSubmitClicked("mode") == cgiFormSuccess) { get_workmode(); get_datamode(); int i; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) get_session(i); ret = its_conf_mode_set(name, &con_mode); if(ret != MODE_SET_OK) { fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"提交失败(错误码:%d)!\");\n", ret); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); //提交失败后需要重新获取参数 bzero(&con_mode, sizeof(con_mode)); con_mode.id = id; its_conf_mode_query(name, &con_mode); } else { fprintf(cgiOut, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "window.alert(\"提交成功!\");\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</script>\n"); } } fprintf(cgiOut, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"17\" height=\"29\" valign=\"top\" background=\"../images/mail_leftbg.gif\"><img src=\"../images/left-top-right.gif\" width=\"17\" height=\"29\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"935\" height=\"29\" valign=\"top\" background=\"../images/content-bg.gif\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"31\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"left_topbg\" id=\"table2\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"31\"><div class=\"titlebt\">模式管理</div></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"16\" valign=\"top\" background=\"../images/mail_rightbg.gif\"><img src=\"../images/nav-right-bg.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"29\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"71\" valign=\"middle\" background=\"../images/mail_leftbg.gif\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#F7F8F9\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"138\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"13\" valign=\"top\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td valign=\"top\"><table width=\"98%%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_txt\">当前位置:模式管理</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"20\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"55\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"10%%\" height=\"55\" valign=\"middle\"><img src=\"../images/title.gif\" width=\"54\" height=\"55\"></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"90%%\" valign=\"top\"><span class=\"left_txt2\">在这里,您可以根据您的要求,修改设置设备的</span><span class=\"left_txt3\">工作模式</span><span class=\"left_txt2\">!</span><br>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <span class=\"left_txt2\">包括</span><span class=\"left_txt3\">工作模式,数据模式,协议,端口</span><span class=\"left_txt2\">等参数</span><span class=\"left_txt3\"></span><span class=\"left_txt2\">。 </span></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"31\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"nowtable\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_bt2\"> 端口%d设置</td>\n", con_mode.id); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td><table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <form name=\"form1\" method=\"POST\" action=\""); fprintf(cgiOut, "\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"20%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt2\">工作模式:</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"3%%\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"32%%\" height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\">\n"); show_workmode(); fprintf(cgiOut, " </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"45%%\" height=\"30\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" align=\"right\" class=\"left_txt2\">TCP数据模式:</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\">\n"); show_datamode(); fprintf(cgiOut, " </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"17\" colspan=\"4\" align=\"right\" > </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" colspan=\"4\" align=\"right\" class=\"left_txt2\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"31\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"nowtable\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_bt2\"> 会话</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"left_txt2\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"99\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"12%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"22%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">协议</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"22%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">对端主机</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"22%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">本机端口</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"22%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">对端端口</td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr> <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"12%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">① </td>\n"); show_session(0); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"12%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">②</td>\n"); show_session(1); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"12%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">③</td>\n"); show_session(2); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"12%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">④</td>\n"); show_session(3); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"12%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">⑤</td>\n"); show_session(4); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"12%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\">⑥</td>\n"); show_session(5); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr> <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"right\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"left_txt\"><table width=\"100%%\" height=\"90\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"27%%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"27%%\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"24%%\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"22%%\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"><span class=\"left_txt2\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"完成以上修改\" name=\"mode\" />\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </span></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td align=\"center\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td bgcolor=\"#f2f2f2\" class=\"left_txt\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td colspan=\"3\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" colspan=\"3\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " \n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" colspan=\"3\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"50%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"6%%\" height=\"30\" align=\"right\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td width=\"44%%\" height=\"30\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"30\" colspan=\"3\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </table></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td background=\"../images/mail_rightbg.gif\"> </td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td valign=\"middle\" background=\"../images/mail_leftbg.gif\"><img src=\"../images/buttom_left2.gif\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td height=\"17\" valign=\"top\" background=\"../images/buttom_bgs.gif\"><img src=\"../images/buttom_bgs.gif\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " <td background=\"../images/mail_rightbg.gif\"><img src=\"../images/buttom_right2.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"17\" /></td>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, " </tr>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</table>\n"); fprintf(cgiOut, "</body>\n"); }
/* service_read () Used to read from a session. Handles scheduling if the session would block. Used for reading from a service thread. If the read would block, put the thread to wait. When the scheduling cycle sees input on this session the random_input_ready_action is called. This wakes up this thread and schedules it for execution on the next round The need_all argument controls whether this function may return after reading fewer than the requested number of bytes. This function always reads at least 1 byte. If the calling thread is the scheduling thread and io would block, this allows schedule and recursively blocks on all pending i/o. If the calling thread is some other thread, this disables the thread and tells the scheduler to resume this when the input is ready. Returns the number of bytes read. */ int service_read (dk_session_t * ses, char *buffer, int req_bytes, int need_all) { USE_GLOBAL int last_read = 0; int bytes = req_bytes; du_thread_t *cur_proc; /* mty NEW */ int rc; DBG_CHECK_READ_FAIL (ses); while (bytes > 0) { without_scheduling_tic (); if (!ses->dks_is_read_select_ready && ses->dks_session && ses->dks_session->ses_class != SESCLASS_STRING) { tcpses_is_read_ready (ses->dks_session, &ses->dks_read_block_timeout); if (DKSESSTAT_ISSET (ses, SST_TIMED_OUT)) rc = -1; else rc = session_read (ses->dks_session, &(buffer[last_read]), bytes); } else { if (!ses->dks_session) longjmp_splice (&(SESSION_SCH_DATA (ses)->sio_read_broken_context), 1); rc = session_read (ses->dks_session, &(buffer[last_read]), bytes); } ses->dks_is_read_select_ready = 0; restore_scheduling_tic (); if (rc == 0) PROCESS_ALLOW_SCHEDULE (); else if (rc > 0) { bytes = bytes - rc; last_read = last_read + rc; if (!need_all) { ses->dks_bytes_received += last_read; return (last_read); } } if (rc <= 0) { if (SESSTAT_ISSET (ses->dks_session, SST_INTERRUPTED)) { PROCESS_ALLOW_SCHEDULE (); } else if (SESSTAT_ISSET (ses->dks_session, SST_BLOCK_ON_READ)) { /* would block. suspend thread */ cur_proc = current_process; /* mty NEW */ if (!PROCESS_TO_DK_THREAD (cur_proc)) { /* We have a block on a server thread. We recognize it * because a server thread is not associated to a request. * The read would block the server thread. Run others and * do a recursive check_inputs to resume other threads that * may now be ready for i/o. Do a timeout round to unblock * threads waiting on timed-out futures if the select times * out. Finally retry read. */ int rc2; PROCESS_ALLOW_SCHEDULE (); rc2 = check_inputs (PASS_G & atomic_timeout, 1); if (rc2 == 0) timeout_round (PASS_G ses); } else { SESSION_SCH_DATA (ses)->sio_random_read_ready_action = unfreeze_thread_read; SESSION_SCH_DATA (ses)->sio_reading_thread = cur_proc; add_to_served_sessions (ses); semaphore_enter (cur_proc->thr_sem); } } else if (1 || /* ?? */ SESSTAT_ISSET (ses->dks_session, SST_TIMED_OUT) || SESSTAT_ISSET (ses->dks_session, SST_BROKEN_CONNECTION)) { SESSTAT_CLR (ses->dks_session, SST_OK); SESSTAT_SET (ses->dks_session, SST_BROKEN_CONNECTION); longjmp_splice (&(SESSION_SCH_DATA (ses)->sio_read_broken_context), 1); } else { ses->dks_bytes_received += last_read; ss_dprintf_2 (("Unrecognized I/O error rc=%d errno=%d in service_read.", rc, errno)); longjmp_splice (&(SESSION_SCH_DATA (ses)->sio_read_broken_context), 1); } } } ses->dks_bytes_received += last_read; return (last_read); }