Example #1
void CCTween::play(CCMovementBoneData *movementBoneData, int durationTo, int durationTween,  int loop, int tweenEasing)
    CCProcessBase::play(durationTo, durationTween, loop, tweenEasing);

    if (loop)
        m_eLoopType = ANIMATION_TO_LOOP_FRONT;
        m_eLoopType = ANIMATION_NO_LOOP;

    m_iTotalDuration = 0;
    m_iBetweenDuration = 0;
    m_iFromIndex = m_iToIndex = 0;

    bool difMovement = movementBoneData != m_pMovementBoneData;

    m_iRawDuration = m_pMovementBoneData->duration;

    CCFrameData *nextKeyFrame = m_pMovementBoneData->getFrameData(0);
    m_pTweenData->displayIndex = nextKeyFrame->displayIndex;

    if (m_pBone->getArmature()->getArmatureData()->dataVersion >= VERSION_COMBINED)
        CCTransformHelp::nodeSub(*m_pTweenData, *m_pBone->getBoneData());
        m_pTweenData->scaleX += 1;
        m_pTweenData->scaleY += 1;

    if (m_iRawDuration == 0 || m_pMovementBoneData->frameList.count() == 1)
        m_eLoopType = SINGLE_FRAME;
        if(durationTo == 0)
            setBetween(nextKeyFrame, nextKeyFrame);
            setBetween(m_pTweenData, nextKeyFrame);
        m_eFrameTweenEasing = Linear;
    else if (m_pMovementBoneData->frameList.count() > 1)
        m_iDurationTween = durationTween * m_pMovementBoneData->scale;

        if (loop && m_pMovementBoneData->delay != 0)
            setBetween(m_pTweenData, tweenNodeTo(updateFrameData(1 - m_pMovementBoneData->delay), m_pBetween));
            if (!difMovement || durationTo == 0)
                setBetween(nextKeyFrame, nextKeyFrame);
                setBetween(m_pTweenData, nextKeyFrame);

Example #2
void Tween::play(MovementBoneData *movementBoneData, int durationTo, int durationTween,  int loop, int tweenEasing)
    ProcessBase::play(durationTo, durationTween, loop, tweenEasing);

    if (loop)
        _loopType = ANIMATION_TO_LOOP_FRONT;
        _loopType = ANIMATION_NO_LOOP;

    _totalDuration = 0;
    _betweenDuration = 0;
    _fromIndex = _toIndex = 0;

    bool difMovement = movementBoneData != _movementBoneData;

    _rawDuration = _movementBoneData->duration;

    FrameData *nextKeyFrame = _movementBoneData->getFrameData(0);
    _tweenData->displayIndex = nextKeyFrame->displayIndex;

    if (_bone->getArmature()->getArmatureData()->dataVersion >= VERSION_COMBINED)
        TransformHelp::nodeSub(*_tweenData, *_bone->getBoneData());
        _tweenData->scaleX += 1;
        _tweenData->scaleY += 1;

    if (_rawDuration == 0 )
        _loopType = SINGLE_FRAME;
        if(durationTo == 0)
            setBetween(nextKeyFrame, nextKeyFrame);
            setBetween(_tweenData, nextKeyFrame);
        _frameTweenEasing = Linear;
    else if (_movementBoneData->frameList.size() > 1)
        _durationTween = durationTween * _movementBoneData->scale;

        if (loop && _movementBoneData->delay != 0)
            setBetween(_tweenData, tweenNodeTo(updateFrameData(1 - _movementBoneData->delay), _between));
            if (!difMovement || durationTo == 0)
                setBetween(nextKeyFrame, nextKeyFrame);
                setBetween(_tweenData, nextKeyFrame);

Example #3
float CCTween::updateFrameData(float currentPercent)
    if (currentPercent > 1 && m_pMovementBoneData->delay != 0)
        currentPercent = fmodf(currentPercent, 1);

    float playedTime = (float)(m_iRawDuration - 1) * currentPercent;

    //! If play to current frame's front or back, then find current frame again
    if (playedTime < m_iTotalDuration || playedTime >= m_iTotalDuration + m_iBetweenDuration)
         *  Get frame length, if m_iToIndex >= _length, then set m_iToIndex to 0, start anew.
         *  m_iToIndex is next index will play
        int length = m_pMovementBoneData->frameList.count();
        CCFrameData **frames = (CCFrameData **)m_pMovementBoneData->frameList.data->arr;

        CCFrameData *from = NULL;
        CCFrameData *to = NULL;

        if (playedTime < frames[0]->frameID)
            from = to = frames[0];
            setBetween(from, to);
            return m_fCurrentPercent;
        if(playedTime >= frames[length - 1]->frameID)
            if (m_bPassLastFrame)
                from = to = frames[length - 1];
                setBetween(from, to);
                return m_fCurrentPercent;
            m_bPassLastFrame = true;
            m_bPassLastFrame = false;

            m_iFromIndex = m_iToIndex;
            from = frames[m_iFromIndex];
            m_iTotalDuration  = from->frameID;

            m_iToIndex = m_iFromIndex + 1;
            if (m_iToIndex >= length)
                m_iToIndex= 0;

            to = frames[m_iToIndex];

            //! Guaranteed to trigger frame event
            if(from->strEvent.length() != 0 && !m_pAnimation->isIgnoreFrameEvent())
                m_pAnimation->frameEvent(m_pBone, from->strEvent.c_str(), from->frameID, playedTime);

            if (playedTime == from->frameID || (m_bPassLastFrame && m_iFromIndex == length-1))
        while (playedTime < from->frameID || playedTime >= to->frameID);

        m_iBetweenDuration = to->frameID - from->frameID;

        m_eFrameTweenEasing = from->tweenEasing;

        setBetween(from, to, false);

    currentPercent = m_iBetweenDuration == 0 ? 0 : (playedTime - m_iTotalDuration) / (float)m_iBetweenDuration;

     *  If frame tween easing equal to TWEEN_EASING_MAX, then it will not do tween.

    CCTweenType tweenType = (m_eFrameTweenEasing != Linear) ? m_eFrameTweenEasing : m_eTweenEasing;
    if (tweenType != TWEEN_EASING_MAX && tweenType != Linear && !m_bPassLastFrame)
        currentPercent = CCTweenFunction::tweenTo(currentPercent, tweenType, m_pFrom->easingParams);

    return currentPercent;
Example #4
float Tween::updateFrameData(float currentPercent)
    if (currentPercent > 1 && _movementBoneData->delay != 0)
        currentPercent = fmodf(currentPercent, 1);

    float playedTime = ((float)_rawDuration-1) * currentPercent;

    //! If play to current frame's front or back, then find current frame again
    if (playedTime < _totalDuration || playedTime >= _totalDuration + _betweenDuration)
         *  Get frame length, if _toIndex >= _length, then set _toIndex to 0, start anew.
         *  _toIndex is next index will play
        long length = _movementBoneData->frameList.size();
        cocos2d::Vector<FrameData *> &frames = _movementBoneData->frameList;

        FrameData *from = nullptr;
        FrameData *to = nullptr;

        if (playedTime < frames.at(0)->frameID)
            from = to = frames.at(0);
            setBetween(from, to);
            return _currentPercent;
        if(playedTime >= frames.at(length - 1)->frameID)
            // If _passLastFrame is true and playedTime >= frames[length - 1]->frameID, then do not need to go on. 
            if (_passLastFrame)
                from = to = frames.at(length - 1);
                setBetween(from, to);
                return _currentPercent;
            _passLastFrame = true;
            _passLastFrame = false;

            _fromIndex = _toIndex;
            from = frames.at(_fromIndex);
            _totalDuration  = from->frameID;

            _toIndex = _fromIndex + 1;
            if (_toIndex >= length)
                _toIndex = 0;

            to = frames.at(_toIndex);

            //! Guaranteed to trigger frame event
            if(from->strEvent.length() != 0 && !_animation->isIgnoreFrameEvent())
                _animation->frameEvent(_bone, from->strEvent.c_str(), from->frameID, playedTime);

            if (playedTime == from->frameID || (_passLastFrame && _fromIndex == length-1))
        while (playedTime < from->frameID || playedTime >= to->frameID);

        _betweenDuration = to->frameID - from->frameID;

        _frameTweenEasing = from->tweenEasing;

        setBetween(from, to, false);

    currentPercent = _betweenDuration == 0 ? 0 : (playedTime - _totalDuration) / (float)_betweenDuration;

     *  If frame tween easing equal to TWEEN_EASING_MAX, then it will not do tween.
    TweenType tweenType = (_frameTweenEasing != Linear) ? _frameTweenEasing : _tweenEasing;
    if (tweenType != TWEEN_EASING_MAX && tweenType != Linear && !_passLastFrame)
        currentPercent = TweenFunction::tweenTo(currentPercent, tweenType, _from->easingParams);

    return currentPercent;