int gdKeyGrabber::handle(int e)
	int ret = Fl_Group::handle(e);
	switch(e) {
		case FL_KEYUP: {
			int x = Fl::event_key();
			if (strlen(Fl::event_text()) != 0
			    && x != FL_BackSpace
			    && x != FL_Enter
			    && x != FL_Delete
			    && x != FL_Tab
			    && x != FL_End
			    && x != ' ')
				gLog("set key '%c' (%d) for channel %d\n", x, x, ch->index);
				gLog("invalid key\n");
Example #2
 * @brief EditEntityDialog::init
void EditEntityDialog::init()



    auto &&db = m_Project->database();
    for(auto &&scope : db->scopes())
        ui->cbScopes->addItem(scope->name(), QVariant::fromValue(scope));

    setButtonLabel(ui->pbNewComponent, ui->lstMembers->currentItem());
    configure(ui, m_Type);

Example #3
void updateQueueList(void)
   lList *qlp = NULL;
   lList *hl = NULL;
   lList *rl = NULL;
   lList *cl = NULL;
   lEnumeration *whatall = NULL;
   lCondition *where = NULL;
   static Boolean filter_on = False;
   DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "updateQueueList");

   cl = qmonMirrorList(SGE_CE_LIST);
   ** copy of host list
   hl = lCopyList("HL", qmonMirrorList(SGE_EH_LIST));

   ** select a subset of the whole queue list (->where) 
   ** and get the list sorted 
#ifdef FIXME   
   where = lWhere("%T(%I!=%s)", QU_Type, QU_qname, QU_TEMPLATE);
   whatall = lWhat("%T(ALL)", QU_Type);
   whatall = lWhat("%T(ALL)", CQ_Type);
   qlp = lSelect("SQL", qmonMirrorList(SGE_CQ_LIST), where, whatall); 

#ifdef FIXME
   ** additional filtering
   rl = qmonQFilterRequest();
   if (rl) {
      if (!filter_on) {
         setButtonLabel(queue_customize, "@{Customize +}");
         filter_on = True;
      match_queue(&qlp, rl, cl, hl);
   else {
      if (filter_on) {
         setButtonLabel(queue_customize, "@{Customize}");
         filter_on = False;
   ** sort the queues according to sequence number and alphabetically
   lPSortList(qlp, "%I+ %I+ %I+", QU_seq_no, QU_qhostname, QU_qname);
   ** save the queue in hash table
   qmonQueueHash(qlp, hl);


   /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
   ** qlp must not be freed it is referenced in qmonHashQueue
   ** and freed there
void gdKeyGrabber::__cb_clear()
Example #5
 * @brief EditEntityDialog::onCurrentItemChange
 * @param current
 * @param previous
void EditEntityDialog::onCurrentItemChange(QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *previous)
    setButtonLabel(ui->pbNewComponent, current);
Example #6
int cellButtonProc(PtWidget_t *widget, ApInfo_t *apinfo, PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo)
	PtArg_t args[1];
	PtWidget_t *thisModule;
	PtWidget_t *cellButton;
	RASTER *rasters;
	PAGE *thisPage;
	CELL *thisCell, *lastCell;
	PLOT *thisPlot, *lastPlot;
	int cellButtonName;
	void *userData;
	int RCindex;
	int i, reFlag, reDefIndex;

	/* eliminate 'unreferenced' warnings */
	widget = widget, apinfo = apinfo, cbinfo = cbinfo;

	reDefIndex = 0;
	/* get a pointer to the rasters structure */
	rasters = getRasters();

	/* get pointer to the window module that contains this widget */
	thisModule = ApGetInstance(widget);

	/* figure out this raster page */
	thisPage = getRasterPage(rasters->curPageIndx);

	/* get this button's position argument */
	PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_USER_DATA, &userData, 0);
	PtGetResources(widget, 1, args);
	sscanf(userData, "%d", &RCindex);

	/* mark the selected button yellow */
	/* first set the fill color of all buttons to grey */
	PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_FILL_COLOR, Pg_GREY, 0);
	for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
		cellButtonName = getCellButtonName(i);
		cellButton = ApGetWidgetPtr(thisModule, cellButtonName);
		if(!cellButton) continue; /* skip bad widgets */
		PtSetResources(cellButton, 1, args);

	/* now set this button's fill color to yellow */
	PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_FILL_COLOR, Pg_YELLOW, 0);
	PtSetResources(widget, 1, args);

	/* first find out if the user is defining a new cell
	 * or redefining an old cell
	 * to do this, compare the position index of each
	 * previously defined cell with that of the selected cell
	reFlag = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < thisPage->nDefCells; i++) {
		thisCell = getRasterCell(thisPage->cellsInfo, i);
		if(thisCell->RCindex == RCindex) {	/* true if redefining an old cell */
			reFlag++;			/* make the redefine flag non-zero */
			reDefIndex = i;			/* index of cell to be redefined */
			break;				/* quit testing if a previous index matches the selected cell index */

	/* if the redefine flag is not 0, the user is redefining an old cell */
	if(reFlag) {
		thisPage->curCellIndx = reDefIndex;
		thisCell = getRasterCell(thisPage->cellsInfo, thisPage->curCellIndx);
		thisPlot = &thisCell->plotInfo;

	/* otherwise, the user is defining a new cell*/
	if(!reFlag) {
		thisPage->curCellIndx = thisPage->nDefCells;
		thisCell = getRasterCell(thisPage->cellsInfo, thisPage->curCellIndx);
		thisPlot = &thisCell->plotInfo;

		/* set the relative location of this cell on the page */
		thisCell->RCindex = RCindex;
		thisCell->colN = RCindex % 8;
		thisCell->rowN = (thisPage->nRows - 1) - (RCindex / 8);

		/* if this is not the first cell on the page
		 * initialize it with the values of the last cell
		if(thisPage->curCellIndx) {
			lastCell = getRasterCell(thisPage->cellsInfo, thisPage->curCellIndx - 1);
			lastPlot = &lastCell->plotInfo;
			initPlot(thisPage, thisPlot, lastPlot);
		thisPage->nDefCells++;			/* increment the number of defined cells on this page */

	/* set the button's label */
	setButtonLabel(thisModule, thisCell);

 	initPlotWidgets(thisModule, thisPlot);
 	initGraphWidgets(thisModule, &thisPlot->graph);

	return( Pt_CONTINUE );