 * This demonstrates the Cdk preprocess feature.
int main (void)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKENTRY *widget     = 0;
   const char *title    = "<C>Type in anything you want\n<C>but the dreaded letter </B>G<!B>!";
   char *info;
   const char *mesg[10];
   char temp[256];

   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);

   /* Start CDK colors. */
   initCDKColor ();

   /* Create the entry field widget. */
   widget = newCDKEntry (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER,
			 title, 0, A_NORMAL, '.', vMIXED,
			 40, 0, 256, TRUE, FALSE);

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Clean up. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
      endCDK ();

      printf ("Cannot create the entry box. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   setCDKEntryPreProcess (widget, entryPreProcessCB, 0);

   /* Activate the entry field. */
   info = activateCDKEntry (widget, 0);

   /* Tell them what they typed. */
   if (widget->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No information passed back.";
      mesg[1] = "",
	 mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 3);
   else if (widget->exitType == vNORMAL)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You typed in the following";
      sprintf (temp, "<C>(%.*s)", (int)(sizeof (temp) - 20), info);
      mesg[1] = temp;
      mesg[2] = "";
      mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 4);

   /* Clean up and exit. */
   destroyCDKEntry (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   endCDK ();
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Example #2
static int
show_time (CmdConfig *cmd_config, CameraWidget *date)
	CDKENTRY *entry = NULL;
	const char *label, *info;
	char title[1024], time_string[9];
	time_t time;
	struct tm *date_info;

	gp_widget_get_label (date, &label);
	snprintf (title, sizeof (title), "<C></5>%s", label);

	entry = newCDKEntry (cmd_config->screen, CENTER, CENTER, title,
			     _("Time: "), A_NORMAL, ' ', vMIXED, 40, 0,
			     8, TRUE, FALSE);
	if (!entry)
		return (GP_ERROR);

	gp_widget_get_value (date, &time);
	date_info = localtime (&time);
	snprintf (time_string, sizeof (time_string), "%2i:%02i:%02i",
		  date_info->tm_hour, date_info->tm_min, date_info->tm_sec);
	setCDKEntryValue (entry, time_string);

	setCDKEntryPreProcess (entry, time_preprocess, NULL);

	info = activateCDKEntry (entry, 0);
	if (entry->exitType == vNORMAL) {
		date_info = localtime (&time);
		sscanf (info, "%d:%d:%d", &date_info->tm_hour,
			&date_info->tm_min, &date_info->tm_sec);
		time = mktime (date_info);
		gp_widget_set_value (date, &time);
		set_config (cmd_config);
	destroyCDKEntry (entry);
	return (GP_OK);
Example #3
 * This function sets the pre-process function.
void setCDKAlphalistPreProcess (CDKALPHALIST *alphalist,
				PROCESSFN callback,
				void *data)
   setCDKEntryPreProcess (alphalist->entryField, callback, data);
Example #4
 * This creates the alphalist widget.
CDKALPHALIST *newCDKAlphalist (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
			       int xplace,
			       int yplace,
			       int height,
			       int width,
			       char *title,
			       char *label,
			       char **list,
			       int listSize,
			       chtype fillerChar,
			       chtype highlight,
			       boolean Box,
			       boolean shadow)
   CDKALPHALIST *alphalist	= 0;
   chtype *chtypeLabel		= 0;
   int parentWidth		= getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
   int parentHeight		= getmaxy (cdkscreen->window);
   int boxWidth			= width;
   int boxHeight		= height;
   int xpos			= xplace;
   int ypos			= yplace;
   int tempWidth		= 0;
   int tempHeight		= 0;
   int labelLen			= 0;
   int x, junk2;

   static const struct { int from; int to; } bindings[] = {

   if ((alphalist = newCDKObject (CDKALPHALIST, &my_funcs)) == 0
       || !createList (alphalist, list, listSize))
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);

   setCDKAlphalistBox (alphalist, Box);

    * If the height is a negative value, the height will
    * be ROWS-height, otherwise, the height will be the
    * given height.
   boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 0);

    * If the width is a negative value, the width will
    * be COLS-width, otherwise, the width will be the
    * given width.
   boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);

   /* Translate the label char *pointer to a chtype pointer. */
   if (label != 0)
      chtypeLabel = char2Chtype (label, &labelLen, &junk2);
      freeChtype (chtypeLabel);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Make the file selector window. */
   alphalist->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

   if (alphalist->win == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);
   keypad (alphalist->win, TRUE);

   /* Set some variables. */
   ScreenOf (alphalist)		= cdkscreen;
   alphalist->parent		= cdkscreen->window;
   alphalist->highlight		= highlight;
   alphalist->fillerChar	= fillerChar;
   alphalist->boxHeight		= boxHeight;
   alphalist->boxWidth		= boxWidth;
   initExitType (alphalist);
   alphalist->shadow		= shadow;
   alphalist->shadowWin		= 0;

   /* Do we want a shadow? */
   if (shadow)
      alphalist->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* Create the entry field. */
   tempWidth = (isFullWidth (width)
		? FULL
		: boxWidth - 2 - labelLen);
   alphalist->entryField = newCDKEntry (cdkscreen,
					getbegx (alphalist->win),
					getbegy (alphalist->win),
					title, label,
					A_NORMAL, fillerChar,
					vMIXED, tempWidth, 0, 512,
					Box, FALSE);
   if (alphalist->entryField == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);
   setCDKEntryLLChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKEntryLRChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Set the key bindings for the entry field. */
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_UP, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_DOWN, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_NPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_PPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_TAB, completeWordCB, alphalist);

   /* Set up the post-process function for the entry field. */
   setCDKEntryPreProcess (alphalist->entryField, preProcessEntryField, alphalist);

    * Create the scrolling list.  It overlaps the entry field by one line if
    * we are using box-borders.
   tempHeight = getmaxy (alphalist->entryField->win) - BorderOf (alphalist);
   tempWidth = (isFullWidth (width)
		? FULL
		: boxWidth - 1);
   alphalist->scrollField = newCDKScroll (cdkscreen,
					  getbegx (alphalist->win),
					  getbegy (alphalist->entryField->win)
					  + tempHeight,
					  boxHeight - tempHeight,
					  0, list, listSize,
					  Box, FALSE);
   setCDKScrollULChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKScrollURChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Setup the key bindings. */
   for (x = 0; x < (int) SIZEOF (bindings); ++x)
      bindCDKObject (vALPHALIST, alphalist, bindings[x].from, getcCDKBind, (void *)(long)bindings[x].to);

   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vALPHALIST, alphalist);

   return (alphalist);
Example #5
 * This creates the alphalist widget.
CDKALPHALIST *newCDKAlphalist (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, int height, int width, char *title, char *label, char *list[], int listSize, chtype fillerChar, chtype highlight, boolean Box, boolean shadow)
   /* Set up some variables. */
   CDKALPHALIST *alphalist	= newCDKObject(CDKALPHALIST, &my_funcs);
   chtype *chtypeLabel		= 0;
   int parentWidth		= getmaxx(cdkscreen->window) - 1;
   int parentHeight		= getmaxy(cdkscreen->window) - 1;
   int boxWidth			= width;
   int boxHeight		= height;
   int xpos			= xplace;
   int ypos			= yplace;
   int entryWidth		= 0;
   int labelLen			= 0;
   int x, junk2;

   * If the height is a negative value, the height will
   * be ROWS-height, otherwise, the height will be the
   * given height.
   boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 0);

   * If the width is a negative value, the width will
   * be COLS-width, otherwise, the width will be the
   * given width.
   boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);

   /* Translate the label char *pointer to a chtype pointer. */
   if (label != 0)
      chtypeLabel = char2Chtype (label, &labelLen, &junk2);
      freeChtype (chtypeLabel);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Make the file selector window. */
   alphalist->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

   if (alphalist->win == 0)
      return (0);
   keypad (alphalist->win, TRUE);

   /* Set some variables. */
   ScreenOf(alphalist)		= cdkscreen;
   alphalist->parent		= cdkscreen->window;
   alphalist->highlight		= highlight;
   alphalist->fillerChar	= fillerChar;
   alphalist->boxHeight		= boxHeight;
   alphalist->boxWidth		= boxWidth;
   alphalist->exitType		= vNEVER_ACTIVATED;
   ObjOf(alphalist)->box	= Box;
   alphalist->shadow		= shadow;
   alphalist->shadowWin		= 0;

   /* Do we want a shadow? */
   if (shadow)
      alphalist->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* We need to sort the list before we use it. */
   sortList (list, listSize);

   /* Copy the list information. */
   for (x=0; x < listSize; x++)
      alphalist->list[x] = copyChar (list[x]);
   alphalist->listSize = listSize;

   /* Create the entry field. */
   entryWidth = boxWidth - (labelLen + 4);
   alphalist->entryField = newCDKEntry (cdkscreen,
					getbegx(alphalist->win) + 1,
					getbegy(alphalist->win) + 1,
					title, label,
					A_NORMAL, fillerChar, 
					vMIXED, entryWidth, 0, 512,
					Box, FALSE);
   setCDKEntryLLChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKEntryLRChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Set the key bindings for the entry field. */
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_UP, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_DOWN, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_NPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, CONTROL('F'), adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_PPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, CONTROL('B'), adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_TAB, completeWordCB, alphalist);

   /* Set up the post-process function for the entry field. */
   setCDKEntryPreProcess (alphalist->entryField, preProcessEntryField, alphalist);

   /* Create the scrolling list. */
   alphalist->scrollField = newCDKScroll (cdkscreen, 
					  getbegx(alphalist->win) + 1,
					  getbegy(alphalist->win) + (alphalist->entryField)->titleLines + 3,
					  boxHeight-((alphalist->entryField)->titleLines + 3),
					  0, list, listSize,
					  Box, FALSE);
   setCDKScrollULChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKScrollURChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Register this baby. */
   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vALPHALIST, alphalist);

   /* Return the file selector pointer. */
   return (alphalist);
bool CFileDialog::Activate()
    char *buttons[] = { GetTranslation("Open directory"), GetTranslation("Select directory"), GetTranslation("Cancel") };
    char label[] = "Dir: ";
    char curdir[1024];
    ButtonBar.AddButton("TAB", "Next button");
    ButtonBar.AddButton("ENTER", "Activate button");
    ButtonBar.AddButton("Arrows", "Navigate menu");
    ButtonBar.AddButton("C", "Create directory");
    ButtonBar.AddButton("A", "About");
    ButtonBar.AddButton("ESC", "Cancel");

    if (!getcwd(curdir, sizeof(curdir))) throwerror(true, "Could not read current directory");
    if (chdir(m_szStartDir.c_str()) != 0)
        throwerror(true, "Could not open directory '%s'", m_szStartDir.c_str());

    if (!ReadDir(m_szStartDir)) throwerror(true, "Could not read directory '%s'", m_szStartDir.c_str());
    CCDKButtonBox ButtonBox(CDKScreen, CENTER, GetDefaultHeight(), 1, GetDefaultWidth(), 0, 1, 3, buttons, 3);

    if (!m_pCurDirWin && !m_pFileList)
        m_pCurDirWin = new CCDKSWindow(CDKScreen, CENTER, getbegy(ButtonBox.GetBBox()->win)-2, 2, GetDefaultWidth()+1,
                                                           NULL, 1);

        if (!m_pFileList)
            m_pFileList = new CCDKAlphaList(CDKScreen, CENTER, 2, getbegy(m_pCurDirWin->GetSWin()->win)-1, GetDefaultWidth()+1,
                                            const_cast<char*>(m_szTitle.c_str()), label, &m_DirItems[0], m_DirItems.size());
            setCDKEntryPreProcess(m_pFileList->GetAList()->entryField, CreateDirCB, this);
            //m_pFileList->GetAList()->entryField->dispType = vVIEWONLY;  // HACK: Disable backspace
        setCDKAlphalistLLChar(m_pFileList->GetAList(), ACS_LTEE);
        setCDKAlphalistLRChar(m_pFileList->GetAList(), ACS_RTEE);
        setCDKLabelLLChar(m_pCurDirWin->GetSWin(), ACS_LTEE);
        setCDKLabelLRChar(m_pCurDirWin->GetSWin(), ACS_RTEE);
        setCDKButtonboxULChar(ButtonBox.GetBBox(), ACS_LTEE);
        setCDKButtonboxURChar(ButtonBox.GetBBox(), ACS_RTEE);
    m_pFileList->Bind(KEY_TAB, SwitchButtonK, ButtonBox.GetBBox()); // Pas TAB through ButtonBox

    m_szDestDir = m_szStartDir;
        // HACK: Give textbox content

        char *selection = m_pFileList->Activate();

        if ((m_pFileList->ExitType() != vNORMAL) || (ButtonBox.GetCurrent() == 2)) break;
        if (!selection || !selection[0]) continue;

        if (ButtonBox.GetCurrent() == 1)
            if (m_bAskWAccess && !WriteAccess(m_szDestDir))
                char *dbuttons[2] = { GetTranslation("Continue as root"), GetTranslation("Choose another directory") };
                CCDKDialog Diag(CDKScreen, CENTER, CENTER,
                                GetTranslation("You don't have write permissions for this directory.\n"
                                        "The files can be extracted as the root user,\n"
                                        "but you'll need to enter the root password for this later."), dbuttons, 2);
                int sel = Diag.Activate();
                if (sel)
        if (!FileExists(selection))
            if (YesNoBox(GetTranslation("Directory does not exist\nDo you want to create it?")))
                if (mkdir(selection, (S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH)) != 0)
                    WarningBox("%s\n%.75s\n%.75s", GetTranslation("Could not create directory"), selection,
    bool success = ((m_pFileList->ExitType() != vESCAPE_HIT) && (ButtonBox.GetCurrent() == 1));

    if (m_bRestoreDir)
        chdir(curdir); // Return back to original directory
    return success;
Example #7
 * This demonstrates the Cdk preprocess feature.
int main (void)
   /* Declare local variables. */
   CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen = 0;
   CDKENTRY *widget	= 0;
   WINDOW *cursesWin	= 0;
   char *title		= "<C>Type in anything you want\n<C>but the dreaded letter </B>G<!B>!";
   char *info, *mesg[10], temp[256];

   /* Set up CDK. */
   cursesWin = initscr();
   cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

   /* Start CDK colors. */

   /* Create the entry field widget. */
   widget = newCDKEntry (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER,
			 title, 0, A_NORMAL, '.', vMIXED,
			 40, 0, 256, TRUE, FALSE);

   /* Is the widget null? */
   if (widget == 0)
      /* Clean up. */
      destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

      /* Print out a little message. */
      printf ("Oops. Can't seem to create the entry box. Is the window too small?\n");
      ExitProgram (EXIT_FAILURE);

   setCDKEntryPreProcess (widget, entryPreProcessCB, 0);

   /* Activate the entry field. */
   info = activateCDKEntry (widget, 0);

   /* Tell them what they typed. */
   if (widget->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You hit escape. No information passed back.";
      mesg[1] = "",
      mesg[2] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 3);
   else if (widget->exitType == vNORMAL)
      mesg[0] = "<C>You typed in the following";
      sprintf (temp, "<C>(%.*s)", (int)(sizeof(temp) - 20), info);
      mesg[1] = copyChar (temp);
      mesg[2] = "";
      mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
      popupLabel (cdkscreen, mesg, 4);
      freeChar (mesg[1]);

   /* Clean up and exit. */
   destroyCDKEntry (widget);
   destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
   ExitProgram (EXIT_SUCCESS);