QgsComposerShapeWidget::QgsComposerShapeWidget( QgsComposerShape* composerShape ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( 0, composerShape ), mComposerShape( composerShape )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, composerShape );

  //shapes don't use background or frame, since the symbol style is set through a QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialog
  itemPropertiesWidget->showBackgroundGroup( false );
  itemPropertiesWidget->showFrameGroup( false );

  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  blockAllSignals( true );

  //shape types
  mShapeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Ellipse" ) );
  mShapeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Rectangle" ) );
  mShapeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Triangle" ) );


  blockAllSignals( false );

  if ( mComposerShape )
    connect( mComposerShape, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
QgsComposerPictureWidget::QgsComposerPictureWidget( QgsComposerPicture* picture ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( 0, picture ), mPicture( picture ), mPreviewsLoaded( false )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, picture );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );


  mPreviewListWidget->setIconSize( QSize( 30, 30 ) );

  // mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox is a QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic, so its collapsed state should not be saved/restored
  mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox->setCollapsed( true );
  // setup connection for loading previews on first expansion of group box
  connect( mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox, SIGNAL( collapsedStateChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( loadPicturePreviews( bool ) ) );

  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( pictureRotationChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( setPicRotationSpinValue( double ) ) );

  QgsAtlasComposition* atlas = atlasComposition();
  if ( atlas )
    // repopulate data defined buttons if atlas layer changes
    connect( atlas, SIGNAL( coverageLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ),
             this, SLOT( populateDataDefinedButtons() ) );
    connect( atlas, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( populateDataDefinedButtons() ) );

  //connections for data defined buttons
  connect( mSourceDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( updateDataDefinedProperty() ) );
  connect( mSourceDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedActivated( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateDataDefinedProperty() ) );
  connect( mSourceDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedActivated( bool ) ), mPictureLineEdit, SLOT( setDisabled( bool ) ) );
QgsComposerArrowWidget::QgsComposerArrowWidget( QgsComposerArrow* arrow ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( 0, arrow ), mArrow( arrow )
    setupUi( this );
    mRadioButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
    mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mDefaultMarkerRadioButton );
    mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mNoMarkerRadioButton );
    mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mSvgMarkerRadioButton );
    mRadioButtonGroup->setExclusive( true );

    //disable the svg related gui elements by default
    on_mSvgMarkerRadioButton_toggled( false );

    //add widget for general composer item properties
    QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, mArrow );
    mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

    mArrowHeadOutlineColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select arrow head outline color" ) );
    mArrowHeadOutlineColorButton->setAllowAlpha( true );
    mArrowHeadOutlineColorButton->setContext( "composer" );
    mArrowHeadOutlineColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent outline" ) );
    mArrowHeadOutlineColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );
    mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select arrow head fill color" ) );
    mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setAllowAlpha( true );
    mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setContext( "composer" );
    mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent fill" ) );
    mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );


    if ( arrow )
        connect( arrow, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
Example #4
QgsComposerHtmlWidget::QgsComposerHtmlWidget( QgsComposerHtml* html, QgsComposerFrame* frame ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( 0, html ), mHtml( html ), mFrame( frame )
  setupUi( this );

  blockSignals( true );
  mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Use existing frames" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::UseExistingFrames );
  mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Extend to next page" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::ExtendToNextPage );
  mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Repeat on every page" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::RepeatOnEveryPage );
  mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Repeat until finished" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::RepeatUntilFinished );
  blockSignals( false );

  if ( mHtml )
    QObject::connect( mHtml, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );

  //embed widget for general options
  if ( mFrame )
    //add widget for general composer item properties
    QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, mFrame );
    mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );
QgsComposerHtmlWidget::QgsComposerHtmlWidget( QgsComposerHtml* html, QgsComposerFrame* frame )
    : QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( 0, html )
    , mHtml( html )
    , mFrame( frame )
    setupUi( this );

    //setup html editor
    mHtmlEditor = new QgsCodeEditorHTML( this );
    connect( mHtmlEditor, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( htmlEditorChanged() ) );
    htmlEditorLayout->addWidget( mHtmlEditor );

    //setup stylesheet editor
    mStylesheetEditor = new QgsCodeEditorCSS( this );
    connect( mStylesheetEditor, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( stylesheetEditorChanged() ) );
    stylesheetEditorLayout->addWidget( mStylesheetEditor );

    blockSignals( true );
    mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Use existing frames" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::UseExistingFrames );
    mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Extend to next page" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::ExtendToNextPage );
    mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Repeat on every page" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::RepeatOnEveryPage );
    mResizeModeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Repeat until finished" ), QgsComposerMultiFrame::RepeatUntilFinished );
    blockSignals( false );

    if ( mHtml )
        QObject::connect( mHtml, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );

        QgsAtlasComposition* atlas = atlasComposition();
        if ( atlas )
            // repopulate data defined buttons if atlas layer changes
            connect( atlas, SIGNAL( coverageLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ),
                     this, SLOT( populateDataDefinedButtons() ) );
            connect( atlas, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( populateDataDefinedButtons() ) );

    //embed widget for general options
    if ( mFrame )
        //add widget for general composer item properties
        QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, mFrame );
        mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

    //connections for data defined buttons
    connect( mUrlDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( updateDataDefinedProperty() ) );
    connect( mUrlDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedActivated( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateDataDefinedProperty() ) );
    connect( mUrlDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedActivated( bool ) ), mUrlLineEdit, SLOT( setDisabled( bool ) ) );

QgsComposerLabelWidget::QgsComposerLabelWidget( QgsComposerLabel* label ): QWidget(), mComposerLabel( label )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, label );
  toolBox->addItem( itemPropertiesWidget, tr( "General options" ) );

  if ( mComposerLabel )
    connect( mComposerLabel, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
QgsComposerLabelWidget::QgsComposerLabelWidget( QgsComposerLabel* label ): QWidget(), mComposerLabel( label )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, label );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  if ( mComposerLabel )
    connect( mComposerLabel, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
QgsComposerPictureWidget::QgsComposerPictureWidget( QgsComposerPicture* picture ): QWidget(), mPicture( picture )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, picture );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );


  mPreviewListWidget->setIconSize( QSize( 30, 30 ) );

  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( rotationChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
QgsComposerLabelWidget::QgsComposerLabelWidget( QgsComposerLabel* label ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( 0, label ),  mComposerLabel( label )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, label );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  mFontColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select font color" ) );
  mFontColorButton->setContext( "composer" );

  if ( mComposerLabel )
    connect( mComposerLabel, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
QgsComposerPictureWidget::QgsComposerPictureWidget( QgsComposerPicture* picture ): QWidget(), mPicture( picture )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, picture );
  toolBox->addItem( itemPropertiesWidget, tr( "General options" ) );

  mWidthLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( this ) );
  mHeightLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( this ) );

  mPreviewListWidget->setIconSize( QSize( 30, 30 ) );

  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( rotationChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
QgsComposerLabelWidget::QgsComposerLabelWidget( QgsComposerLabel* label ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( nullptr, label ), mComposerLabel( label )
  setupUi( this );
  setPanelTitle( tr( "Label properties" ) );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, label );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  mFontColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select font color" ) );
  mFontColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );

  mMarginXDoubleSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );
  mMarginYDoubleSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );

  if ( mComposerLabel )
    connect( mComposerLabel, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
QgsComposerMapWidget::QgsComposerMapWidget( QgsComposerMap* composerMap ): QWidget(), mComposerMap( composerMap )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, composerMap );
  toolBox->addItem( itemPropertiesWidget, tr( "General options" ) );

  mWidthLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mWidthLineEdit ) );
  mHeightLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mHeightLineEdit ) );
  mScaleLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mScaleLineEdit ) );

  mXMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMinLineEdit ) );
  mXMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMaxLineEdit ) );
  mYMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMinLineEdit ) );
  mYMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMaxLineEdit ) );

  blockAllSignals( true );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Cache" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Render" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "Rectangle" ) );

  mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Solid" ) );
  mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Cross" ) );

  mAnnotationFormatComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Decimal" ) );
  mAnnotationFormatComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "DegreeMinute" ) );
  mAnnotationFormatComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "DegreeMinuteSecond" ) );

  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionLeftComboBox );
  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionRightComboBox );
  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionTopComboBox );
  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionBottomComboBox );

  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxLeft );
  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxRight );
  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxTop );
  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxBottom );

  mFrameStyleComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "No frame" ) );
  mFrameStyleComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Zebra" ) );

  if ( composerMap )
    connect( composerMap, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );


  blockAllSignals( false );
Example #13
QgsComposerPictureWidget::QgsComposerPictureWidget( QgsComposerPicture* picture ): QWidget(), mPicture( picture ), mPreviewsLoaded( false )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, picture );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );


  mPreviewListWidget->setIconSize( QSize( 30, 30 ) );

  // mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox is a QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic, so its collapsed state should not be saved/restored
  mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox->setCollapsed( true );
  // setup connection for loading previews on first expansion of group box
  connect( mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox, SIGNAL( collapsedStateChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( loadPicturePreviews( bool ) ) );

  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( pictureRotationChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( setPicRotationSpinValue( double ) ) );
  connect( mPictureExpressionLineEdit, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( setPictureExpression() ) );

Example #14
QgsComposerArrowWidget::QgsComposerArrowWidget( QgsComposerArrow* arrow ): QWidget( 0 ), mArrow( arrow )
  setupUi( this );
  mRadioButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
  mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mDefaultMarkerRadioButton );
  mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mNoMarkerRadioButton );
  mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mSvgMarkerRadioButton );
  mRadioButtonGroup->setExclusive( true );

  //disable the svg related gui elements by default
  on_mSvgMarkerRadioButton_toggled( false );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, mArrow );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );


  if ( arrow )
    connect( arrow, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
Example #15
QgsComposerPictureWidget::QgsComposerPictureWidget( QgsComposerPicture *picture ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( nullptr, picture ), mPicture( picture ), mPreviewsLoaded( false )
  setupUi( this );
  setPanelTitle( tr( "Picture properties" ) );

  mFillColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
  mFillColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select fill color" ) );
  mFillColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
  mStrokeColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
  mStrokeColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select stroke color" ) );
  mStrokeColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );

  mNorthTypeComboBox->blockSignals( true );
  mNorthTypeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Grid north" ), QgsComposerPicture::GridNorth );
  mNorthTypeComboBox->addItem( tr( "True north" ), QgsComposerPicture::TrueNorth );
  mNorthTypeComboBox->blockSignals( false );
  mPictureRotationOffsetSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );
  mPictureRotationSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget *itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, picture );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  if ( mPicture->composition() )
    mComposerMapComboBox->setComposition( mPicture->composition() );
    mComposerMapComboBox->setItemType( QgsComposerItem::ComposerMap );
    connect( mComposerMapComboBox, &QgsComposerItemComboBox::itemChanged, this, &QgsComposerPictureWidget::composerMapChanged );


  mPreviewListWidget->setIconSize( QSize( 30, 30 ) );

  // mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox is a QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic, so its collapsed state should not be saved/restored
  mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox->setCollapsed( true );
  // setup connection for loading previews on first expansion of group box
  connect( mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox, &QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic::collapsedStateChanged, this, &QgsComposerPictureWidget::loadPicturePreviews );

  connect( mPicture, &QgsComposerObject::itemChanged, this, &QgsComposerPictureWidget::setGuiElementValues );
  connect( mPicture, &QgsComposerPicture::pictureRotationChanged, this, &QgsComposerPictureWidget::setPicRotationSpinValue );

  //connections for data defined buttons
  connect( mSourceDDBtn, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::activated, mPictureLineEdit, &QLineEdit::setDisabled );
  registerDataDefinedButton( mSourceDDBtn, QgsComposerObject::PictureSource );
  registerDataDefinedButton( mFillColorDDBtn, QgsComposerObject::PictureSvgBackgroundColor );
  registerDataDefinedButton( mStrokeColorDDBtn, QgsComposerObject::PictureSvgStrokeColor );
  registerDataDefinedButton( mStrokeWidthDDBtn, QgsComposerObject::PictureSvgStrokeWidth );
QgsComposerShapeWidget::QgsComposerShapeWidget( QgsComposerShape* composerShape ): QWidget( 0 ), mComposerShape( composerShape )
    setupUi( this );

    //add widget for general composer item properties
    QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, composerShape );
    toolBox->addItem( itemPropertiesWidget, tr( "General options" ) );

    blockAllSignals( true );

    //shape types
    mShapeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Ellipse" ) );
    mShapeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Rectangle" ) );
    mShapeComboBox->addItem( tr( "Triangle" ) );


    blockAllSignals( false );

    if ( mComposerShape )
        connect( mComposerShape, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
Example #17
QgsComposerArrowWidget::QgsComposerArrowWidget( QgsComposerArrow *arrow ): QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( nullptr, arrow ), mArrow( arrow )
  setupUi( this );
  connect( mStrokeWidthSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mStrokeWidthSpinBox_valueChanged );
  connect( mArrowHeadWidthSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mArrowHeadWidthSpinBox_valueChanged );
  connect( mArrowHeadFillColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mArrowHeadFillColorButton_colorChanged );
  connect( mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton_colorChanged );
  connect( mDefaultMarkerRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mDefaultMarkerRadioButton_toggled );
  connect( mNoMarkerRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mNoMarkerRadioButton_toggled );
  connect( mSvgMarkerRadioButton, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mSvgMarkerRadioButton_toggled );
  connect( mStartMarkerLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mStartMarkerLineEdit_textChanged );
  connect( mEndMarkerLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mEndMarkerLineEdit_textChanged );
  connect( mStartMarkerToolButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mStartMarkerToolButton_clicked );
  connect( mEndMarkerToolButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mEndMarkerToolButton_clicked );
  connect( mLineStyleButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::mLineStyleButton_clicked );
  setPanelTitle( tr( "Arrow properties" ) );
  mRadioButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
  mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mDefaultMarkerRadioButton );
  mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mNoMarkerRadioButton );
  mRadioButtonGroup->addButton( mSvgMarkerRadioButton );
  mRadioButtonGroup->setExclusive( true );

  //disable the svg related gui elements by default
  mSvgMarkerRadioButton_toggled( false );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget *itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, mArrow );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Arrow Head Stroke Color" ) );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent stroke" ) );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Arrow Head Fill Color" ) );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent fill" ) );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );


  if ( arrow )
    connect( arrow, &QgsComposerObject::itemChanged, this, &QgsComposerArrowWidget::setGuiElementValues );
Example #18
QgsComposerMapWidget::QgsComposerMapWidget( QgsComposerMap* composerMap ): QWidget(), mComposerMap( composerMap )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, composerMap );
  toolBox->addItem( itemPropertiesWidget, tr( "General options" ) );

  mWidthLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mWidthLineEdit ) );
  mHeightLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mHeightLineEdit ) );
  mScaleLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mScaleLineEdit ) );

  mXMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMinLineEdit ) );
  mXMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMaxLineEdit ) );
  mYMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMinLineEdit ) );
  mYMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMaxLineEdit ) );

  blockAllSignals( true );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Cache" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Render" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "Rectangle" ) );

  mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Solid" ) );
  mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Cross" ) );

  mAnnotationPositionComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Inside frame" ) );
  mAnnotationPositionComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Outside frame" ) );

  mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Horizontal" ) );
  mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Vertical" ) );
  mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "Horizontal and Vertical" ) );
  mAnnotationDirectionComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "Boundary direction" ) );
  if ( composerMap )
    connect( composerMap, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );

  blockAllSignals( false );
Example #19
QgsLayoutLabelWidget::QgsLayoutLabelWidget( QgsLayoutItemLabel *label )
  : QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget( nullptr, label )
  , mLabel( label )
  setupUi( this );
  connect( mHtmlCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mHtmlCheckBox_stateChanged );
  connect( mTextEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mTextEdit_textChanged );
  connect( mInsertExpressionButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked );
  connect( mMarginXDoubleSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMarginXDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged );
  connect( mMarginYDoubleSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMarginYDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged );
  connect( mFontColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mFontColorButton_colorChanged );
  connect( mCenterRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mCenterRadioButton_clicked );
  connect( mLeftRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mLeftRadioButton_clicked );
  connect( mRightRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mRightRadioButton_clicked );
  connect( mTopRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mTopRadioButton_clicked );
  connect( mBottomRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mBottomRadioButton_clicked );
  connect( mMiddleRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMiddleRadioButton_clicked );
  setPanelTitle( tr( "Label properties" ) );

  mFontButton->setMode( QgsFontButton::ModeQFont );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  mItemPropertiesWidget = new QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget( this, label );
  mainLayout->addWidget( mItemPropertiesWidget );

  mFontColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Font Color" ) );
  mFontColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );

  mMarginXDoubleSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );
  mMarginYDoubleSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );

  if ( mLabel )
    connect( mLabel, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setGuiElementValues );

  connect( mFontButton, &QgsFontButton::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::fontChanged );
  connect( mJustifyRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::justifyClicked );
Example #20
bool QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setNewItem( QgsLayoutItem *item )
  if ( item->type() != QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutLabel )
    return false;

  if ( mLabel )
    disconnect( mLabel, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setGuiElementValues );

  mLabel = qobject_cast< QgsLayoutItemLabel * >( item );
  mItemPropertiesWidget->setItem( mLabel );

  if ( mLabel )
    connect( mLabel, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setGuiElementValues );


  return true;
Example #21
QgsComposerPolygonWidget::QgsComposerPolygonWidget( QgsComposerPolygon* composerPolygon ):
    QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( nullptr, composerPolygon )
    , mComposerPolygon( composerPolygon )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, composerPolygon );

  //shapes don't use background or frame, since the symbol style is set through a QgsSymbolSelectorDialog
  itemPropertiesWidget->showBackgroundGroup( false );
  itemPropertiesWidget->showFrameGroup( false );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  // update style icon

  if ( mComposerPolygon )
    connect( mComposerPolygon, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
bool QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::setNewItem( QgsLayoutItem *item )
  if ( item->type() != QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutPolyline )
    return false;

  if ( mPolyline )
    disconnect( mPolyline, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::setGuiElementValues );

  mPolyline = qobject_cast< QgsLayoutItemPolyline * >( item );
  mItemPropertiesWidget->setItem( mPolyline );

  if ( mPolyline )
    connect( mPolyline, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::setGuiElementValues );
    mLineStyleButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator( mPolyline );


  return true;
QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::QgsLayoutPolylineWidget( QgsLayoutItemPolyline *polyline )
  : QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget( nullptr, polyline )
  , mPolyline( polyline )
  setupUi( this );
  setPanelTitle( tr( "Polyline Properties" ) );

  connect( mStrokeWidthSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::arrowStrokeWidthChanged );
  connect( mArrowHeadWidthSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::arrowHeadWidthChanged );
  connect( mArrowHeadFillColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::arrowHeadFillColorChanged );
  connect( mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::arrowHeadStrokeColorChanged );
  connect( mRadioStartArrow, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::startArrowHeadToggled );
  connect( mRadioStartNoMarker, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::startNoMarkerToggled );
  connect( mRadioStartSVG, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::startSvgMarkerToggled );
  connect( mRadioEndArrow, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::endArrowHeadToggled );
  connect( mRadioEndNoMarker, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::endNoMarkerToggled );
  connect( mRadioEndSvg, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::endSvgMarkerToggled );
  connect( mStartMarkerLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::mStartMarkerLineEdit_textChanged );
  connect( mEndMarkerLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::mEndMarkerLineEdit_textChanged );
  connect( mStartMarkerToolButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::mStartMarkerToolButton_clicked );
  connect( mEndMarkerToolButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::mEndMarkerToolButton_clicked );
  setPanelTitle( tr( "Arrow Properties" ) );
  QButtonGroup *startMarkerGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
  startMarkerGroup->addButton( mRadioStartNoMarker );
  startMarkerGroup->addButton( mRadioStartArrow );
  startMarkerGroup->addButton( mRadioStartSVG );
  startMarkerGroup->setExclusive( true );
  QButtonGroup *endMarkerGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
  endMarkerGroup->addButton( mRadioEndNoMarker );
  endMarkerGroup->addButton( mRadioEndArrow );
  endMarkerGroup->addButton( mRadioEndSvg );
  endMarkerGroup->setExclusive( true );

  //disable the svg related gui elements by default
  enableStartSvgInputElements( false );
  enableEndSvgInputElements( false );

  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Arrow Head Stroke Color" ) );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent stroke" ) );
  mArrowHeadStrokeColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Arrow Head Fill Color" ) );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setAllowOpacity( true );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent fill" ) );
  mArrowHeadFillColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  mItemPropertiesWidget = new QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget( this, polyline );
  //shapes don't use background or frame, since the symbol style is set through a QgsSymbolSelectorWidget
  mItemPropertiesWidget->showBackgroundGroup( false );
  mItemPropertiesWidget->showFrameGroup( false );
  mainLayout->addWidget( mItemPropertiesWidget );

  mLineStyleButton->setSymbolType( QgsSymbol::Line );
  connect( mLineStyleButton, &QgsSymbolButton::changed, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::symbolChanged );

  if ( mPolyline )
    connect( mPolyline, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutPolylineWidget::setGuiElementValues );
    mLineStyleButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator( mPolyline );

  mLineStyleButton->registerExpressionContextGenerator( mPolyline );
  mLineStyleButton->setLayer( coverageLayer() );
  if ( mPolyline->layout() )
    connect( &mPolyline->layout()->reportContext(), &QgsLayoutReportContext::layerChanged, mLineStyleButton, &QgsSymbolButton::setLayer );
Example #24
QgsComposerMapWidget::QgsComposerMapWidget( QgsComposerMap* composerMap )
    : QgsComposerItemBaseWidget( nullptr, composerMap )
    , mComposerMap( composerMap )
  setupUi( this );
  setPanelTitle( tr( "Map properties" ) );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, composerMap );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  mScaleLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mScaleLineEdit ) );

  mXMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMinLineEdit ) );
  mXMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMaxLineEdit ) );
  mYMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMinLineEdit ) );
  mYMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMaxLineEdit ) );

  blockAllSignals( true );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Cache" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Render" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "Rectangle" ) );

  // follow preset combo
  mFollowVisibilityPresetCombo->setModel( new QStringListModel( mFollowVisibilityPresetCombo ) );
  connect( mFollowVisibilityPresetCombo, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( followVisibilityPresetSelected( int ) ) );
  connect( QgsProject::instance()->mapThemeCollection(), SIGNAL( presetsChanged() ),
           this, SLOT( onPresetsChanged() ) );

  // keep layers from preset button
  QMenu* menuKeepLayers = new QMenu( this );
  mLayerListFromPresetButton->setMenu( menuKeepLayers );
  mLayerListFromPresetButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionShowAllLayers.svg" ) );
  mLayerListFromPresetButton->setToolTip( tr( "Set layer list from a map theme" ) );
  connect( menuKeepLayers, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( aboutToShowKeepLayersVisibilityPresetsMenu() ) );

  if ( composerMap )
    mLabel->setText( tr( "Map %1" ).arg( composerMap->id() ) );

    connect( composerMap, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );

    QgsAtlasComposition* atlas = atlasComposition();
    if ( atlas )
      connect( atlas, SIGNAL( coverageLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ),
               this, SLOT( atlasLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ) );
      connect( atlas, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( compositionAtlasToggled( bool ) ) );

      compositionAtlasToggled( atlas->enabled() );

    mOverviewFrameMapComboBox->setComposition( composerMap->composition() );
    mOverviewFrameMapComboBox->setItemType( QgsComposerItem::ComposerMap );
    mOverviewFrameMapComboBox->setExceptedItemList( QList< QgsComposerItem* >() << composerMap );
    connect( mOverviewFrameMapComboBox, SIGNAL( itemChanged( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( overviewMapChanged( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );

  blockAllSignals( false );
Example #25
    mComposerMapComboBox->setComposition( mPicture->composition() );
    mComposerMapComboBox->setItemType( QgsComposerItem::ComposerMap );
    connect( mComposerMapComboBox, SIGNAL( itemChanged( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( composerMapChanged( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );


  mPreviewListWidget->setIconSize( QSize( 30, 30 ) );

  // mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox is a QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic, so its collapsed state should not be saved/restored
  mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox->setCollapsed( true );
  // setup connection for loading previews on first expansion of group box
  connect( mSearchDirectoriesGroupBox, SIGNAL( collapsedStateChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( loadPicturePreviews( bool ) ) );

  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );
  connect( mPicture, SIGNAL( pictureRotationChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( setPicRotationSpinValue( double ) ) );

  QgsAtlasComposition* atlas = atlasComposition();
  if ( atlas )
    // repopulate data defined buttons if atlas layer changes
    connect( atlas, SIGNAL( coverageLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ),
             this, SLOT( populateDataDefinedButtons() ) );
    connect( atlas, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( populateDataDefinedButtons() ) );

  //connections for data defined buttons
  connect( mSourceDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( updateDataDefinedProperty() ) );
  connect( mSourceDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedActivated( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateDataDefinedProperty() ) );
  connect( mSourceDDBtn, SIGNAL( dataDefinedActivated( bool ) ), mPictureLineEdit, SLOT( setDisabled( bool ) ) );
QgsComposerMapWidget::QgsComposerMapWidget( QgsComposerMap* composerMap ): QWidget(), mComposerMap( composerMap )
  setupUi( this );

  //add widget for general composer item properties
  QgsComposerItemWidget* itemPropertiesWidget = new QgsComposerItemWidget( this, composerMap );
  mainLayout->addWidget( itemPropertiesWidget );

  mScaleLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mScaleLineEdit ) );

  mXMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMinLineEdit ) );
  mXMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mXMaxLineEdit ) );
  mYMinLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMinLineEdit ) );
  mYMaxLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mYMaxLineEdit ) );

  blockAllSignals( true );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Cache" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Render" ) );
  mPreviewModeComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "Rectangle" ) );

  mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Solid" ) );
  mGridTypeComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Cross" ) );

  mAnnotationFormatComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "Decimal" ) );
  mAnnotationFormatComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "DegreeMinute" ) );
  mAnnotationFormatComboBox->insertItem( 2, tr( "DegreeMinuteSecond" ) );

  mAnnotationFontColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select font color" ) );
  mAnnotationFontColorButton->setColorDialogOptions( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );

  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionLeftComboBox );
  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionRightComboBox );
  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionTopComboBox );
  insertAnnotationPositionEntries( mAnnotationPositionBottomComboBox );

  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxLeft );
  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxRight );
  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxTop );
  insertAnnotationDirectionEntries( mAnnotationDirectionComboBoxBottom );

  mFrameStyleComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "No frame" ) );
  mFrameStyleComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Zebra" ) );

  mGridFramePenColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select grid frame color" ) );
  mGridFramePenColorButton->setColorDialogOptions( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );
  mGridFrameFill1ColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select grid frame fill color" ) );
  mGridFrameFill1ColorButton->setColorDialogOptions( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );
  mGridFrameFill2ColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select grid frame fill color" ) );
  mGridFrameFill2ColorButton->setColorDialogOptions( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );

  //set initial state of frame style controls
  toggleFrameControls( false );

  connect( mGridCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
           mDrawAnnotationCheckableGroupBox, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );

  connect( mAtlasCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( atlasToggled( bool ) ) );

  if ( composerMap )
    connect( composerMap, SIGNAL( itemChanged() ), this, SLOT( setGuiElementValues() ) );

    //get composition
    QgsComposition* composition = mComposerMap->composition();
    if ( composition )
      QgsAtlasComposition* atlas = &composition->atlasComposition();
      connect( atlas, SIGNAL( coverageLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ),
               this, SLOT( atlasLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ) );
      connect( atlas, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( compositionAtlasToggled( bool ) ) );


  blockAllSignals( false );