Example #1
TransmissionDialog::TransmissionDialog(AbstractDiagInterface *diagInterface, QString language) : ControlUnitDialog(tr("Transmission Control Unit"), diagInterface, language)
	// *** Initialize global variables:
	_content_DCs = NULL;
	_content_MBsSWs = NULL;
	_content_Adjustments = NULL;
	_mode = DCs_mode;	// we start in Diagnostic Codes mode
	// Show information-widget:
	_infoWidget = new CUinfo_Transmission();
	// Setup functions:
	QPushButton *pushButton = addFunction(tr("&Diagnostic Codes"), QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/chrystal/22x22/messagebox_warning.png")), true);
	connect( pushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( DTCs() ) );
	pushButton = addFunction(tr("&Measuring Blocks"), QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/oxygen/22x22/applications-utilities.png")), true);
	connect( pushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( measuringblocks() ) );
	pushButton = addFunction(tr("&Adjustments"), QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/chrystal/22x22/configure.png")), true);
	connect( pushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( adjustments() ) );
	_clearMemory_pushButton = addFunction(tr("Clear Memory"), QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/chrystal/22x22/eraser.png")), false);
	connect( _clearMemory_pushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( clearMemory() ) );
	_clearMemory2_pushButton = addFunction(tr("Clear Memory 2"), QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/chrystal/22x22/eraser.png")), false);
	connect( _clearMemory2_pushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( clearMemory2() ) );
	// NOTE: using released() instead of pressed() as workaround for a Qt-Bug occuring under MS Windows
	// Load/Show Diagnostic Code content:
	_content_DCs = new CUcontent_DCs_twoMemories();
	setContentWidget(tr("Diagnostic Codes:"), _content_DCs);
	// Make GUI visible
	// Connect to Control Unit, get data and setup GUI:
CruiseControlDialog::CruiseControlDialog(AbstractDiagInterface *diagInterface, QString language) : ControlUnitDialog(controlUnitName(), diagInterface, language)
	// Add information widget:
	setInfoWidget( new CUinfo_simple() );
	// Add content: