Example #1
    m_Checker = NULL;
    m_oneInstancePerFileChecker = NULL;
    m_HtmlCtrl = NULL;
    m_settings = NULL;
    setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );
    m_Locale = NULL;
    m_projectSettings = NULL;
    m_commonSettings = NULL;
    ForceSystemPdfBrowser( false );
    m_pgm_checker = NULL;
    m_locale = NULL;
    m_common_settings = NULL;

    m_show_env_var_dialog = true;

    setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );

    ForceSystemPdfBrowser( false );
Example #3
void EDA_APP::SetLanguageIdentifier( int menu_id )
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Select language ID %d from %zd possible languages." ),
                menu_id, DIM( s_Languages ) );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( s_Languages ); ii++ )
        if( menu_id == s_Languages[ii].m_KI_Lang_Identifier )
            setLanguageId( s_Languages[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier );
Example #4
    m_pgm_checker = NULL;
    m_file_checker = NULL;
    m_html_ctrl = NULL;
    m_locale = NULL;
    m_common_settings = NULL;

    m_wx_app = NULL;

    setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );

    ForceSystemPdfBrowser( false );
Example #5
void PGM_BASE::loadCommonSettings()
    wxASSERT( m_common_settings );

    m_help_size.x = 500;
    m_help_size.y = 400;

    wxString languageSel;

    m_common_settings->Read( languageCfgKey, &languageSel );
    setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );

    // Search for the current selection
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( s_Languages ); ii++ )
        if( s_Languages[ii].m_Lang_Label == languageSel )
            setLanguageId( s_Languages[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier );

    m_editor_name = m_common_settings->Read( wxT( "Editor" ) );
Example #6
bool EDA_APP::SetLanguage( bool first_time )
    bool     retv = true;

    // dictionary file name without extend (full name is kicad.mo)
    wxString DictionaryName( wxT( "kicad" ) );

    delete m_Locale;
    m_Locale = new wxLocale;

#if wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 0 )
    if( !m_Locale->Init( m_LanguageId ) )
    if( !m_Locale->Init( m_LanguageId, wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING ) )
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "This language is not supported by the system." ) );

        setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );
        delete m_Locale;

        m_Locale = new wxLocale;
        retv = false;
    else if( !first_time )
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "Search for dictionary %s.mo in %s" ),
                    GetChars( DictionaryName ), GetChars( m_Locale->GetName() ) );

    if( !first_time )
        wxString languageSel;

        // Search for the current selection
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( s_Languages ); ii++ )
            if( s_Languages[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier == m_LanguageId )
                languageSel = s_Languages[ii].m_Lang_Label;

        m_commonSettings->Write( languageCfgKey, languageSel );

    // Test if floating point notation is working (bug in cross compilation, using wine)
    // Make a conversion double <=> string
    double dtst = 0.5;
    wxString msg;

    extern bool g_DisableFloatingPointLocalNotation;    // See common.cpp

    g_DisableFloatingPointLocalNotation = false;

    msg << dtst;
    double result;
    msg.ToDouble( &result );

    if( result != dtst )  // string to double encode/decode does not work! Bug detected
        // Disable floating point localization:
        g_DisableFloatingPointLocalNotation = true;
        SetLocaleTo_C_standard( );

    if( !m_Locale->IsLoaded( DictionaryName ) )
        m_Locale->AddCatalog( DictionaryName );

    if( !retv )
        return retv;

    return m_Locale->IsOk();
Example #7
void EDA_APP::GetSettings( bool aReopenLastUsedDirectory )
    wxASSERT( m_settings != NULL && m_commonSettings != NULL );

    m_HelpSize.x = 500;
    m_HelpSize.y = 400;

    wxString languageSel;

    m_commonSettings->Read( languageCfgKey, &languageSel );
    setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );

    // Search for the current selection
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( s_Languages ); ii++ )
        if( s_Languages[ii].m_Lang_Label == languageSel )
            setLanguageId( s_Languages[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier );

    m_EditorName = m_commonSettings->Read( wxT( "Editor" ) );

    m_fileHistory.Load( *m_settings );

    m_settings->Read( showPageLimitsKey, &g_ShowPageLimits );

    if( aReopenLastUsedDirectory )
        wxString dir;

        if( m_settings->Read( workingDirKey, &dir ) && wxDirExists( dir ) )
            wxSetWorkingDirectory( dir );

    // FIXME OSX Mountain Lion (10.8)
    // Seems that Read doesn't found anything and ColorFromInt Asserts - I'm unable to reproduce
    // on 10.7
    // In general terms I think is better have a failsafe default than an uninit variable
    int draw_bg_color = (int)BLACK;      // Default for all apps but Eeschema

    if( m_Id == APP_EESCHEMA_T )
        draw_bg_color = (int)WHITE;      // Default for Eeschema

    m_settings->Read( backgroundColorKey, &draw_bg_color );
    g_DrawBgColor = ColorFromInt( draw_bg_color );

    // Load per-user search paths from settings file

    wxString   upath;
    int i = 1;

    while( 1 )
        upath = m_commonSettings->Read(
                    wxString::Format( wxT( "LibraryPath%d" ), i ), wxT( "" ) );

        if( upath.IsSameAs( wxT( "" ) ) )

        m_libSearchPaths.Add( upath );
Example #8
void EDA_APP::InitEDA_Appl( const wxString& aName, EDA_APP_T aId )
    m_Id = aId;
    m_Checker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker( aName.Lower() + wxT( "-" ) + wxGetUserId() );

    // Init KiCad environment
    // the environment variable KICAD (if exists) gives the kicad path:
    // something like set KICAD=d:\kicad
    bool isDefined = wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD" ), &m_KicadEnv );

    if( isDefined )    // ensure m_KicadEnv ends by "/"
        m_KicadEnv.Replace( WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP, UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP );

        if( !m_KicadEnv.IsEmpty() && m_KicadEnv.Last() != '/' )
            m_KicadEnv += UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP;

    // Prepare On Line Help. Use only lower case for help file names, in order to
    // avoid problems with upper/lower case file names under windows and unix.
    m_HelpFileName = aName.Lower() + wxT( ".html" );
    m_HelpFileName = aName.Lower() + wxT( ".pdf" );
    #error Help files format not defined

    // Init parameters for configuration
    SetVendorName( wxT( "KiCad" ) );
    SetAppName( aName.Lower() );
    SetTitle( aName );

    m_settings = new wxConfig();

    wxASSERT( m_settings != NULL );

    m_commonSettings = new wxConfig( CommonConfigPath );
    wxASSERT( m_commonSettings != NULL );

    // Install some image handlers, mainly for help
    wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler );
    wxImage::AddHandler( new wxGIFHandler );
    wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJPEGHandler );
    wxFileSystem::AddHandler( new wxZipFSHandler );

    // Analyze the command line & init binary path

    // Internationalization: loading the kicad suitable Dictionary
    wxString languageSel;
    m_commonSettings->Read( languageCfgKey, &languageSel);

    setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );

    // Search for the current selection
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( s_Languages ); ii++ )
        if( s_Languages[ii].m_Lang_Label == languageSel )
            setLanguageId( s_Languages[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier );

    bool succes = SetLanguage( true );

    if( !succes )

    // Set locale option for separator used in float numbers
Example #9
bool PGM_BASE::SetLanguage( bool first_time )
    bool     retv = true;

    if( first_time )
        setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );
        // First time SetLanguage is called, the user selected language id is set
        // from commun user config settings
        wxString languageSel;

        m_common_settings->Read( languageCfgKey, &languageSel );

        // Search for the current selection
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( s_Languages ); ii++ )
            if( s_Languages[ii].m_Lang_Label == languageSel )
                setLanguageId( s_Languages[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier );

    // dictionary file name without extend (full name is kicad.mo)
    wxString dictionaryName( wxT( "kicad" ) );

    delete m_locale;
    m_locale = new wxLocale;

    if( !m_locale->Init( m_language_id ) )
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "This language is not supported by the system." ) );

        setLanguageId( wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT );
        delete m_locale;

        m_locale = new wxLocale;
        retv = false;
    else if( !first_time )
        wxLogDebug( wxT( "Search for dictionary %s.mo in %s" ),
                    GetChars( dictionaryName ), GetChars( m_locale->GetName() ) );

    if( !first_time )
        // If we are here, the user has selected an other language.
        // Therefore the new prefered language name is stored in common config.
        // Do NOT store the wxWidgets language Id, it can change between wxWidgets
        // versions, for a given language
        wxString languageSel;

        // Search for the current selection
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( s_Languages ); ii++ )
            if( s_Languages[ii].m_WX_Lang_Identifier == m_language_id )
                languageSel = s_Languages[ii].m_Lang_Label;

        m_common_settings->Write( languageCfgKey, languageSel );

    // Test if floating point notation is working (bug in cross compilation, using wine)
    // Make a conversion double <=> string
    double dtst = 0.5;
    wxString msg;

    extern bool g_DisableFloatingPointLocalNotation;    // See common.cpp

    g_DisableFloatingPointLocalNotation = false;

    msg << dtst;
    double result;
    msg.ToDouble( &result );

    if( result != dtst )  // string to double encode/decode does not work! Bug detected
        // Disable floating point localization:
        g_DisableFloatingPointLocalNotation = true;
        SetLocaleTo_C_standard( );

    if( !m_locale->IsLoaded( dictionaryName ) )
        m_locale->AddCatalog( dictionaryName );

    if( !retv )
        return retv;

    return m_locale->IsOk();