Example #1
RegionDesc::deleteBlock(RegionDesc::BlockVec::iterator it) {
  const auto bid = (*it)->id();
  for (auto pid : preds(bid)) removeArc(pid, bid);
  for (auto sid : succs(bid)) removeArc(bid, sid);

  if (auto nextR = nextRetrans(bid)) {
    auto prevR = prevRetrans(bid);
    if (prevR) {
      setNextRetrans(prevR.value(), nextR.value());
    } else {
  } else if (auto prevR = prevRetrans(bid)) {

  return m_blocks.erase(it);
 * Chain the retranslation blocks.  This method enforces that, for
 * each region block, all its successor have distinct SrcKeys.
void RegionDesc::chainRetransBlocks() {

  jit::vector<Chain> chains;
  BlockToChainMap block2chain;

  // 1. Initially assign each region block to its own chain.
  for (auto b : blocks()) {
    auto bid = b->id();
    auto cid = chains.size();
    chains.push_back({cid, {bid}});
    block2chain[bid] = cid;

  // 2. For each block, if it has 2 successors with the same SrcKey,
  //    then merge the successors' chains into one.
  for (auto b : blocks()) {
    auto bid = b->id();
    const auto& succSet = succs(bid);
    for (auto it1 = succSet.begin(); it1 != succSet.end(); it1++) {
      auto bid1 = *it1;
      auto cid1 = block2chain[bid1];
      for (auto it2 = it1 + 1; it2 != succSet.end(); it2++) {
        auto bid2 = *it2;
        auto cid2 = block2chain[bid2];
        if (data(bid1).block->start() == data(bid2).block->start()) {
          mergeChains(chains[cid1], chains[cid2], block2chain);

  // 3. Sort each chain.  In general, we want to sort each chain in
  //    decreasing order of profile weights.  However, note that this
  //    transformation can turn acyclic graphs into cyclic ones (see
  //    example below).  Therefore, if JitLoops are disabled, we
  //    instead sort each chain following the original block order,
  //    which prevents loops from being generated if the region was
  //    originally acyclic.
  //    Here's an example showing how an acyclic CFG can become cyclic
  //    by chaining its retranslation blocks:
  //      - Region before chaining retranslation blocks, where B2' and B2"
  //        are retranslations starting at the same SrcKey:
  //          B1  -> B2'
  //          B1  -> B2"
  //          B2' -> B3
  //          B3  -> B2"
  //      - Region after sorting the chain as B2" -R-> B2':
  //          B1  ->   B2"
  //          B2" -R-> B2'
  //          B2' ->   B3
  //          B3  ->   B2"
  //        Note the cycle: B2" -R-> B2' -> B3 -> B2".
  auto profData = mcg->tx().profData();

  auto weight = [&](RegionDesc::BlockId bid) {
    return hasTransID(bid) ? profData->absTransCounter(getTransID(bid)) : 0;

  auto sortGeneral = [&](RegionDesc::BlockId bid1, RegionDesc::BlockId bid2) {
    return weight(bid1) > weight(bid2);

  using SortFun = std::function<bool(RegionDesc::BlockId, RegionDesc::BlockId)>;
  SortFun sortFunc = sortGeneral;

  hphp_hash_map<RegionDesc::BlockId, uint32_t> origBlockOrder;
  if (!RuntimeOption::EvalJitLoops) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); i++) {
      origBlockOrder[m_blocks[i]->id()] = i;
    auto sortAcyclic = [&](RegionDesc::BlockId bid1, RegionDesc::BlockId bid2) {
      return origBlockOrder[bid1] < origBlockOrder[bid2];
    sortFunc = sortAcyclic;

  TRACE(1, "chainRetransBlocks: computed chains:\n");
  for (auto& c : chains) {
    std::sort(c.blocks.begin(), c.blocks.end(), sortFunc);

    if (Trace::moduleEnabled(Trace::region, 1) && c.blocks.size() > 0) {
      FTRACE(1, "  -> {} (w={})", c.blocks[0], weight(c.blocks[0]));
      for (size_t i = 1; i < c.blocks.size(); i++) {
        FTRACE(1, ", {} (w={})", c.blocks[i], weight(c.blocks[i]));
      FTRACE(1, "\n");

  // 4. Set the nextRetrans blocks according to the computed chains.
  for (auto& c : chains) {
    if (c.blocks.size() == 0) continue;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < c.blocks.size() - 1; i++) {
      setNextRetrans(c.blocks[i], c.blocks[i + 1]);

  // 5. For each block with multiple successors in the same chain,
  //    only keep the successor that first appears in the chain.
  for (auto b : blocks()) {
    auto& succSet = data(b->id()).succs;
    for (auto s : succSet) {
      auto& c = chains[block2chain[s]];
      auto selectedSucc = findFirstInSet(c, succSet);
      for (auto other : c.blocks) {
        if (other == selectedSucc) continue;

  // 6. Reorder the blocks in the region in topological order (if
  //    region is acyclic), since the previous steps may break it.