void MainMenuScene::editBoxEditingDidEnd(EditBox * editBox) { if (!setNumPlayers(editBox->getText())) { CCLog("input incorrect, setting number of players to default."); setNumPlayersToDefault(); } }
void CTournament::tick(long now) { // Do once per two tics flipFlop_ = !flipFlop_; if (!flipFlop_) return; if (state_) state_->tick(now); else { if (startTime_ > now) { state_ = new CWaitStartState(this); setNumPlayers(0); } } }
PlayerTracker::PlayerTracker(Sensor *sensor) { this->depthThreashold = 0.1f; this->armSize = 0.2f; this->minSize = 0.2f; this->sensor = sensor; this->sensor->setNearClip(0); this->sensor->setFarClip(1); this->debugWindow = new DebugWindow(this); this->debugWindow->show(); setNumPlayers(1); depthImage = QImage(sensor->getDepthImage().size(), sensor->getDepthImage().format()); binaryDepth = QImage(sensor->getDepthImage().size(), sensor->getDepthImage().format()); playerDebugView = QImage(300, 300, QImage::Format_ARGB32); syncUi(); }
/** Constructs the race manager. */ RaceManager::RaceManager() { // Several code depends on this, e.g. kart_properties assert(DIFFICULTY_FIRST == 0); m_num_karts = UserConfigParams::m_num_karts; m_difficulty = DIFFICULTY_HARD; m_major_mode = MAJOR_MODE_SINGLE; m_minor_mode = MINOR_MODE_NORMAL_RACE; m_ai_superpower = SUPERPOWER_NONE; m_track_number = 0; m_coin_target = 0; m_started_from_overworld = false; m_have_kart_last_position_on_overworld = false; setMaxGoal(0); setTimeTarget(0.0f); setReverseTrack(false); setRecordRace(false); setRaceGhostKarts(false); setWatchingReplay(false); setTrack("jungle"); m_default_ai_list.clear(); setNumPlayers(0); } // RaceManager
/** Receive and store the information from sendKartsInformation() */ void RaceManager::setupPlayerKartInfo() { std::vector<RemoteKartInfo> kart_info; // Get the local kart info for(unsigned int i=0; i<getNumLocalPlayers(); i++) kart_info.push_back(getLocalKartInfo(i)); // Now sort by (hostid, playerid) std::sort(kart_info.begin(), kart_info.end()); // Set the player kart information setNumPlayers(kart_info.size()); // Set the global player ID for each player for(unsigned int i=0; i<kart_info.size(); i++) { kart_info[i].setGlobalPlayerId(i); setPlayerKart(i, kart_info[i]); } computeRandomKartList(); } // setupPlayerKartInfo