int Test::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = prop(); break; } _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setProp(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 1; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 1; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
/* GenLineSpecialPanel::loadSpecial * Opens boom generalised line special [special], setting up controls * as necessary *******************************************************************/ bool GenLineSpecialPanel::loadSpecial(int special) { // Get special info int props[7]; int type = BoomGenLineSpecial::getLineTypeProperties(special, props); if (type >= 0) { // Set special type choice_type->Select(type); setupForType(type); // Set selected properties for (unsigned a = 0; a < 7; a++) { if (choice_props[a]->IsShown()) setProp(a, props[a]); } return true; } // Not a generalised special return false; }
/** * missing 処理用の口 * TJSインスタンスにメンバが存在しなかった場合は javascriptインスタンスを参照する */ tjs_error TJSInstance::missing(tjs_uint32 flag, const tjs_char * membername, tjs_uint32 *hint, tTJSVariant *result, tjs_int numparams, tTJSVariant **params, iTJSDispatch2 *objthis) { if (numparams < 3) {return TJS_E_BADPARAMCOUNT;}; iTJSNativeInstance *ninstance; if (TJS_SUCCEEDED(objthis->NativeInstanceSupport(TJS_NIS_GETINSTANCE, classId, &ninstance))) { TJSInstance *self = (TJSInstance*)ninstance; HandleScope handle_scope(self->isolate); bool ret = false; if (!(int)*params[0]) { // get tTJSVariant result; if (TJS_SUCCEEDED(getProp(self->isolate, self->getObject(), params[1]->GetString(), &result))) { params[2]->AsObjectClosureNoAddRef().PropSet(0, NULL, NULL, &result, NULL); ret = true; } } else { // set if (TJS_SUCCEEDED(setProp(self->isolate, self->getObject(), params[1]->GetString(), params[2]))) { ret = true; } } if (result) { *result = ret; } } return TJS_E_NATIVECLASSCRASH; }
//Add a coin to the given tile. void Scene::addCoin(byte x, byte y) { if(_coinIndex != COINS) { Coin *coin = _coins[_coinIndex]; setProp(coin, x, y); _coinList.add(coin); _coinIndex++; } }
void Perfboard::addedToScene(bool temporary) { if (this->scene()) { QString temp = m_size; m_size = ""; setProp("size", temp); } return Capacitor::addedToScene(temporary); }
/** * Initializes the given property set with the specified keys * and values. * <p> * <b>NOTE:<b> The given <tt>key<tt> and <tt>value<tt> arrays * must have the same number of elements. * * @param propertySet The property set to initialize * @param key An array of keys to set * @param value An array of values to associate with the keys */ static void initializeProp(Property** propertySet, const char* key[], char* value[]) { int i = 0; while (key[i] != NULL) { setProp(propertySet, key[i], value[i], KNI_FALSE); i++; } }
/** * Parse arguments to initialize fanArgc and fanArgv, plus check for * arguments used by the launcher itself (prefixed via --). Note that * the --v debug is handled in init(), not this method. */ int parseArgs(int argc, char** argv) { if (debug) printf("-- parseArgs\n"); fanArgc = 0; fanArgv = new char*[argc]; #ifdef FAN_MAIN fanArgv[fanArgc++] = FAN_MAIN; #endif for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) { char* arg = argv[i]; int len = strlen(arg); // if arg starts with -- if (len >= 3 && arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == '-') { // --v (already handled in init) if (strcmp(arg, "--v") == 0) { continue; } // --Dname=value else if (arg[2] == 'D') { char* temp = new char[len]; strcpy(temp, arg+3); char* name = strtok(temp, "="); char* val = strtok(NULL, "="); if (val != NULL) { sysProps = setProp(sysProps, name, val); if (debug) printf("-- override prop %s=%s\n", name, val); if (strcmp(name, "runtime") == 0) cmdLineRuntime = val; } continue; } } // pass thru to fan fanArgv[fanArgc++] = arg; } if (debug) { printf("-- fanArgs (%d)\n", fanArgc); for (int i=0; i<fanArgc; ++i) printf("-- [%d] %s\n", i, fanArgv[i]); } return 0; }
RemoteXmlEclRepository::RemoteXmlEclRepository(IEclUser * _user, IXmlEclRepository &_repository, const char* _cluster, const char * _snapshot, bool _sandbox4snapshot) : repository(_repository), user(_user) { if (_snapshot && *_snapshot) { setProp("snapshot", _snapshot); setPropInt("sandbox4snapshot", _sandbox4snapshot ? 1 : 0); } cachestamp = 0; setCurrentCluster(_cluster); }
void getProps(char *propFileName){ std::ifstream propFile(propFileName); if (!propFile) { std::cout << "propertyfile " << propFileName << " not found" << std::endl; exit(1); } //const char *delim = "="; char prop[150],val[150]; while (!propFile.eof()) { propFile.getline(prop,150,'='); propFile.getline(val,150,'\n'); if ((prop!=NULL) && (val!=NULL)) { setProp(prop,val); std::cout << prop << " = " << val << std::endl; } } }
void XmlEclRepository::setPropInt(const char* name,int value) { StringBuffer temp; temp.append(value); setProp(name,temp.str()); }
bool ScValue::setProperty(const char *propName) { ScValue *val = new ScValue(_gameRef); bool ret = DID_SUCCEED(setProp(propName, val)); delete val; return ret; }
/** * Sets a property key to the specified value in the application * property set. * * @param key The key to set * @param value The value to set <tt>key</tt> to */ void setSystemProperty(const char* key , const char* value) { setProp(&applicationProperties, key, value); }
void RemoteXmlEclRepository::setCurrentCluster(const char* _cluster) { setProp("cluster",_cluster); }
//Add a unit to the given tile. void Scene::addUnit(Unit* unit, byte x, byte y) { setProp(unit, x, y); _unitList.add(unit); }
KRootProp::KRootProp(const QString &rProp) { atom = 0; dirty = false; setProp(rProp); }
void GameMapRecrusive::makeMap(int mLevel, int vLevel) { m_mLevel = mLevel; m_vLevel = vLevel; //10*20 -> 20*20 -> 20*30 -> 30*30 m_mapRows = 10* (vLevel/2+1); m_mapCols = 20+10*vLevel/2; m_mapCols = min(50, m_mapCols); m_roomSize = 5;//5-vLevel/3;//3 + vLevel/2; m_roomSize = max(3, m_roomSize); m_mineCount = 5 + 20*vLevel; m_coinCount = 5+vLevel;// + 10*vLevel; m_propCount = 5+vLevel;// + 10*vLevel; // m_hallMin = max(2, 5 - vLevel/2); // m_objects.resize(m_mapRows); for(int r=0; r<m_mapRows; ++r) { m_objects[r].resize(m_mapCols); for(int c=0; c<m_mapCols; ++c) { MapCell* cell = MapCell::create(); cell->setPosition(Point(c*m_tw, r*m_th) + Point(0, m_th) /*+ m_border*/); cell->setLocalZOrder((m_mapRows-r-1)*m_mapCols + c); addChild(cell); m_objects[r][c] = cell; } } // this->setContentSize(Size(m_mapCols*m_tw/*+m_border.width*2*/, m_mapRows*m_th/*+m_border.height*2*/)); generate(0, 0, m_mapRows, m_mapCols); while(m_mineCount>0) { int r = rand()% (m_mapRows-2)+1; int c = rand()% (m_mapCols-2)+1; setTrap(r, c); } while(m_coinCount>0) { int r = rand()% (m_mapRows-2)+1; int c = rand()% (m_mapCols-2)+1; setCoin(r, c); } while(m_propCount > 0) { int r = rand()% (m_mapRows-2)+1; int c = rand()% (m_mapCols-2)+1; setProp(r, c); } for (int r = 0; r < m_mapRows; ++r) { for (int j=0; j < m_mapCols; ++j) { if (m_objects[r][j]->empty()) { if (rand()%100<70) { setSoil(r, j, false); } } } } // const Index2 pos(rand()%m_mapRows,0); m_pPlayer = Player::create(); m_pPlayer->setPosition(index2ToPoint(pos)+Point(m_tw/2, m_th/2)); addChild(m_pPlayer, m_mapRows*m_mapCols+1); m_objects[pos.first][pos.second]->clear(); for(auto x : getSurrounding(pos)) { m_objects[x.first][x.second]->clear(); } // ValueMap val; val["type"] = "LevelStair"; const Index2 win(rand()%m_mapRows, m_mapCols-1); m_objects[win.first][win.second]->clear(); m_objects[win.first][win.second]->pushObjBy(val); }
/** * Sets a property key to the specified value in the application * property set. * * @param key The key to set * @param value The value to set <tt>key<tt> to */ void setSystemProperty(const char* key , const char* value) { setProp(&systemPropertySet, key, value, KNI_TRUE); }
/** * Sets a property key to the specified value in the internal * property set. * * @param key The key to set * @param value The value to set <tt>key<tt> to */ void setInternalProp(const char* key , const char* value) { setProp(&internalPropertySet, key, value, KNI_TRUE); }
void SelectTool::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_N) { tikz::core::Transaction transaction(document(), QStringLiteral("Create Node")); tikz::ui::NodeItem * node = document()->createNodeItem(); node->setPos(tikz::Pos(0, 0)); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "shape", QVariant::fromValue(tikz::Shape::ShapeRectangle)); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumWidth", 4.0_mm); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumHeight", 4.0_mm); } if (event->key() == Qt::Key_M) { tikz::core::Transaction transaction(document(), QStringLiteral("Create Node")); tikz::ui::NodeItem * node = document()->createNodeItem(); node->setPos(tikz::Pos(0, 0)); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumWidth", 4.0_mm); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumHeight", 4.0_mm); setProp(node->node()->uid(), "text", "x"); } if (event->key() == Qt::Key_E) { tikz::core::Transaction transaction(document(), QStringLiteral("Create Edge")); auto path = dynamic_cast<EdgePathItem *>(document()->createPathItem(tikz::PathType::Line)); path->edgePath()->setStartPos(tikz::Pos(-1, 0, tikz::Unit::Centimeter)); path->edgePath()->setEndPos(tikz::Pos(1, 0, tikz::Unit::Centimeter)); tikz::core::Style es; es.setArrowHead(tikz::Arrow::ToArrow); path->path()->setStyle(es); } if (event->key() == Qt::Key_C) { tikz::core::Transaction transaction(document(), QStringLiteral("Create Ellipse")); tikz::ui::NodeItem * node = document()->createNodeItem(); node->setPos(tikz::Pos(0, 0)); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "shape", QVariant::fromValue(tikz::Shape::ShapeEllipse)); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumWidth", 4.0_mm); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumHeight", 4.0_mm); } if (event->key() == Qt::Key_V) { tikz::core::Transaction transaction(document(), QStringLiteral("Create Ellipse")); tikz::ui::NodeItem * node = document()->createNodeItem(); node->setPos(tikz::Pos(0, 0)); tikz::core::Style ns; ns.setStyle(node->node()->style()); ns.setFillColor(Qt::black); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "shape", QVariant::fromValue(tikz::Shape::ShapeEllipse)); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumWidth", 1.0_mm); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "minimumHeight", 1.0_mm); setProp(node->style()->uid(), "innerSep", 0.0_mm); } }
/** * Sets a property key to the specified value in the internal * property set. * * @param key The key to set * @param value The value to set <tt>key</tt> to */ void setInternalProperty(const char* key , const char* value) { setProp(&implementationProperties, key, value); }