void CoolPropSolver::setFluidConstants(){
	if (isCompressible){
		if (debug_level > 5) std::cout << format("Setting constants for fluid %s \n",substanceName.c_str());
		// Theses values are part of the `trivial_keyed_output` and do not require a state update.
		_fluidConstants.pc = state->p_critical();
		_fluidConstants.Tc = state->T_critical();
		_fluidConstants.MM = state->molar_mass();
		_fluidConstants.dc = state->rhomass_critical();
		// Now we fill the close to crit record
		if (debug_level > 5) std::cout << format("Setting near-critical saturation conditions for fluid %s \n",substanceName.c_str());
		_satPropsClose2Crit.psat = _fluidConstants.pc*(1.0-_p_eps); // Needs update, setSat_p relies on it
		setSat_p(_satPropsClose2Crit.psat, &_satPropsClose2Crit);

	else { // incompressible
		if (debug_level > 5) std::cout << format("Setting constants for incompressible fluid %s \n",substanceName.c_str());
		_fluidConstants.pc = NAN;
		_fluidConstants.Tc = NAN;
		_fluidConstants.MM = NAN; //state->molar_mass(); //NAN
		_fluidConstants.dc = NAN;
void CoolPropSolver::setFluidConstants(){
	if ((fluidType==FLUID_TYPE_PURE)||(fluidType==FLUID_TYPE_PSEUDOPURE)||(fluidType==FLUID_TYPE_REFPROP)){
		if (debug_level > 5) std::cout << format("Setting constants for fluid %s \n",substanceName.c_str());
		_fluidConstants.pc = PropsSI((char *)"pcrit"   ,(char *)"T",0,(char *)"P",0,(char *)substanceName.c_str());
		_fluidConstants.Tc = PropsSI((char *)"Tcrit"   ,(char *)"T",0,(char *)"P",0,(char *)substanceName.c_str());
		_fluidConstants.MM = PropsSI((char *)"molemass",(char *)"T",0,(char *)"P",0,(char *)substanceName.c_str());
		/* TODO: Fix this dirty, dirty workaround */
		if (_fluidConstants.MM > 1.0)
		  _fluidConstants.MM *= 1e-3;
		_fluidConstants.dc = PropsSI((char *)"rhocrit" ,(char *)"T",0,(char *)"P",0,(char *)substanceName.c_str());
		// Now we fill the close to crit record
		if (debug_level > 5) std::cout << format("Setting near-critical saturation conditions for fluid %s \n",substanceName.c_str());
		_satPropsClose2Crit.psat = _fluidConstants.pc*(1.0-_p_eps); // Needs update, setSat_p relies on it
		setSat_p(_satPropsClose2Crit.psat, &_satPropsClose2Crit);

		if (debug_level > 5) std::cout << format("Setting constants for incompressible fluid %s \n",substanceName.c_str());
		_fluidConstants.pc = NAN;
		_fluidConstants.Tc = NAN;
		_fluidConstants.MM = NAN;
		_fluidConstants.dc = NAN;