Example #1
status_t AudioPolicyManager::stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output, AudioSystem::stream_type stream, int session)
    LOGV("stopOutput() output %d, stream %d", output, stream);
    ssize_t index = mOutputs.indexOfKey(output);
    if (index < 0) {
        LOGW("stopOutput() unknow output %d", output);
        return BAD_VALUE;

    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueAt(index);
    routing_strategy strategy = AudioPolicyManagerBase::getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream);

    // handle special case for sonification while in call
    if (isInCall()) {
        AudioPolicyManagerBase::handleIncallSonification(stream, false, false);

    if (outputDesc->mRefCount[stream] > 0) {
        // decrement usage count of this stream on the output
        outputDesc->changeRefCount(stream, -1);
        // store time at which the last music track was stopped - see computeVolume()
        if (stream == AudioSystem::MUSIC) {
            outputDesc->mStopTime[stream] = systemTime();
           // mMusicStopTime = systemTime();

        uint32_t newDevice = AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(mHardwareOutput, false);

        if(newDevice == 0 && mLPADecodeOutput != -1) {
            newDevice = AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(mLPADecodeOutput, false);

        setOutputDevice(output, newDevice);
        setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output));

#ifdef WITH_A2DP
        if (mA2dpOutput != 0 && !a2dpUsedForSonification() &&
                (strategy == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION || strategy == STRATEGY_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE)) {
        if (output != mHardwareOutput) {
            setOutputDevice(mHardwareOutput, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(mHardwareOutput), true);
        return NO_ERROR;
    } else {
        LOGW("stopOutput() refcount is already 0 for output %d", output);
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
Example #2
status_t AudioPolicyManager::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output, AudioSystem::stream_type stream, int session)
    LOGV("startOutput() output %d, stream %d", output, stream);
    ssize_t index = mOutputs.indexOfKey(output);
    if (index < 0) {
        LOGW("startOutput() unknow output %d", output);
        return BAD_VALUE;

    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueAt(index);
    routing_strategy strategy = getStrategy((AudioSystem::stream_type)stream);

#ifdef WITH_A2DP
    if (mA2dpOutput != 0  && !a2dpUsedForSonification() &&
            (strategy == STRATEGY_SONIFICATION || strategy == STRATEGY_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE)) {
        setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, mA2dpOutput);

    // incremenent usage count for this stream on the requested output:
    // NOTE that the usage count is the same for duplicated output and hardware output which is
    // necassary for a correct control of hardware output routing by startOutput() and stopOutput()
    outputDesc->changeRefCount(stream, 1);
#ifdef FM_RADIO
    if ((stream == AudioSystem::FM && output == mA2dpOutput) || output == mLPADecodeOutput)
        setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output), true);
        setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output));
    if (stream == AudioSystem::FM && output == mA2dpOutput)
        setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output), true);
        setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output));
    if (output == mLPADecodeOutput)
        setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output), true);
        setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output));
    setOutputDevice(output, AudioPolicyManagerBase::getNewDevice(output));

    // handle special case for sonification while in call
    if (isInCall()) {
        AudioPolicyManagerBase::handleIncallSonification(stream, true, false);

    // apply volume rules for current stream and device if necessary
    checkAndSetVolume(stream, mStreams[stream].mIndexCur, output, outputDesc->device());

    return NO_ERROR;
void AudioPolicyManager::setPhoneState(int state) {
    ALOGV("setPhoneState() state %d", state);
    audio_devices_t newDevice = AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE;
    if (state < 0 || state >= AudioSystem::NUM_MODES) {
        ALOGW("setPhoneState() invalid state %d", state);

    if (state == mPhoneState) {
        ALOGW("setPhoneState() setting same state %d", state);

    // if leaving call state, handle special case of active streams
    // pertaining to sonification strategy see handleIncallSonification()
    if (isInCall()) {
        ALOGV("setPhoneState() in call state management: new state is %d", state);
        for (int stream = 0; stream < AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES; stream++) {
            handleIncallSonification(stream, false, true);

    // store previous phone state for management of sonification strategy below
    int oldState = mPhoneState;
    mPhoneState = state;
    bool force = false;

    // are we entering or starting a call
    if (!isStateInCall(oldState) && isStateInCall(state)) {
        ALOGV("  Entering call in setPhoneState()");
        // force routing command to audio hardware when starting a call
        // even if no device change is needed
        force = true;
    } else if (isStateInCall(oldState) && !isStateInCall(state)) {
        ALOGV("  Exiting call in setPhoneState()");
        // force routing command to audio hardware when exiting a call
        // even if no device change is needed
        force = true;
    } else if (isStateInCall(state) && (state != oldState)) {
        ALOGV("  Switching between telephony and VoIP in setPhoneState()");
        // force routing command to audio hardware when switching between telephony and VoIP
        // even if no device change is needed
        force = true;

    // check for device and output changes triggered by new phone state
    newDevice = getNewDevice(mPrimaryOutput, false /*fromCache*/);

    AudioOutputDescriptor *hwOutputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(mPrimaryOutput);

    // force routing command to audio hardware when ending call
    // even if no device change is needed
    if (isStateInCall(oldState) && newDevice == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) {
        newDevice = hwOutputDesc->device();

    // when changing from ring tone to in call mode, mute the ringing tone
    // immediately and delay the route change to avoid sending the ring tone
    // tail into the earpiece or headset.
    int delayMs = 0;
    if (isStateInCall(state) && oldState == AudioSystem::MODE_RINGTONE) {
        // delay the device change command by twice the output latency to have some margin
        // and be sure that audio buffers not yet affected by the mute are out when
        // we actually apply the route change
        delayMs = hwOutputDesc->mLatency*2;
        setStreamMute(AudioSystem::RING, true, mPrimaryOutput);

    if (isStateInCall(state)) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputs.size(); i++) {
            AudioOutputDescriptor *desc = mOutputs.valueAt(i);
            //take the biggest latency for all outputs
            if (delayMs < desc->mLatency*2) {
                delayMs = desc->mLatency*2;
            //mute STRATEGY_MEDIA on all outputs
            if (desc->strategyRefCount(STRATEGY_MEDIA) != 0) {
                setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, mOutputs.keyAt(i));
                setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, false, mOutputs.keyAt(i), MUTE_TIME_MS,
                    getDeviceForStrategy(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true /*fromCache*/));

    // Ignore the delay to enable voice call on this target as the enabling the
    // voice call has enough delay to make sure the ringtone audio completely
    // played out
    if (state == AudioSystem::MODE_IN_CALL && oldState == AudioSystem::MODE_RINGTONE) {
        delayMs = 40;

    // change routing is necessary
    setOutputDevice(mPrimaryOutput, newDevice, force, delayMs);

    // if entering in call state, handle special case of active streams
    // pertaining to sonification strategy see handleIncallSonification()
    if (isStateInCall(state)) {
        ALOGV("setPhoneState() in call state management: new state is %d", state);
        // unmute the ringing tone after a sufficient delay if it was muted before
        // setting output device above
        if (oldState == AudioSystem::MODE_RINGTONE) {
            setStreamMute(AudioSystem::RING, false, mPrimaryOutput, MUTE_TIME_MS);
        for (int stream = 0; stream < AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES; stream++) {
            handleIncallSonification(stream, true, true);

    // Flag that ringtone volume must be limited to music volume until we exit MODE_RINGTONE
    if (state == AudioSystem::MODE_RINGTONE &&
        isStreamActive(AudioSystem::MUSIC, SONIFICATION_HEADSET_MUSIC_DELAY)) {
        mLimitRingtoneVolume = true;
    } else {
        mLimitRingtoneVolume = false;
Example #4
void AudioPolicyManager::setOutputDevice(audio_io_handle_t output, uint32_t device, bool force, int delayMs)
    LOGV("setOutputDevice() output %d device %x delayMs %d", output, device, delayMs);
    AudioOutputDescriptor *outputDesc = mOutputs.valueFor(output);

    if (outputDesc->isDuplicated()) {
        setOutputDevice(outputDesc->mOutput1->mId, device, force, delayMs);
        setOutputDevice(outputDesc->mOutput2->mId, device, force, delayMs);
#ifdef WITH_A2DP
    // filter devices according to output selected
    if (output == mA2dpOutput) {
        device &= AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP;
    } else {
        device &= ~AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP;

    uint32_t prevDevice = (uint32_t)outputDesc->device();
    // Do not change the routing if:
    //  - the requestede device is 0
    //  - the requested device is the same as current device and force is not specified.
    // Doing this check here allows the caller to call setOutputDevice() without conditions
    if ((device == 0 || device == prevDevice) && !force) {
        LOGV("setOutputDevice() setting same device %x or null device for output %d", device, output);

    outputDesc->mDevice = device;
    // mute media streams if both speaker and headset are selected
    if (device == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET)
#ifdef QCOM_ANC
        || device == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ANC_HEADSET)
        || device == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ANC_HEADPHONE)
        || device == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE)
#ifdef FM_RADIO
        || device == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_FM)
        || device == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_FM)
        || device == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_FM_TX)
    ) {
        setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, output);
        // Mute LPA output also if it belongs to STRATEGY_MEDIA
        if(((mLPADecodeOutput != -1) && (mLPADecodeOutput != output) &&
            mOutputs.valueFor(mLPADecodeOutput)->isUsedByStrategy(STRATEGY_MEDIA))) {
            LOGV("setOutputDevice: Muting mLPADecodeOutput:%d",mLPADecodeOutput);
            setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, mLPADecodeOutput);
        // Mute hardware output also if it belongs to STRATEGY_MEDIA
        if(((mHardwareOutput != -1) && (mHardwareOutput != output) &&
            mOutputs.valueFor(mHardwareOutput)->isUsedByStrategy(STRATEGY_MEDIA))) {
            LOGV("setOutputDevice: Muting mHardwareOutput:%d",mHardwareOutput);
            setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, true, mHardwareOutput);
        // wait for the PCM output buffers to empty before proceeding with the rest of the command
#ifdef WITH_A2DP
    // suspend A2DP output if SCO device is selected
    if (AudioSystem::isBluetoothScoDevice((AudioSystem::audio_devices)device)) {
         if ((mA2dpOutput != 0) && (output == mHardwareOutput)) {
    // wait for output buffers to be played on the HDMI device before routing to new device
    if(prevDevice == AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL) {
        if((mLPADecodeOutput != -1 && output == mLPADecodeOutput &&
            mOutputs.valueFor(mLPADecodeOutput)->isUsedByStrategy(STRATEGY_MEDIA))) {
            AudioPolicyManagerBase::checkAndSetVolume(AudioSystem::MUSIC, mStreams[AudioSystem::MUSIC].mIndexCur, mLPADecodeOutput, device, delayMs, force);

        } else {
            AudioPolicyManagerBase::checkAndSetVolume(AudioSystem::MUSIC, mStreams[AudioSystem::MUSIC].mIndexCur, output, device, delayMs, force);

    // do the routing
    AudioParameter param = AudioParameter();
    param.addInt(String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting), (int)device);
    mpClientInterface->setParameters(mHardwareOutput, param.toString(), delayMs);
    // update stream volumes according to new device
    AudioPolicyManagerBase::applyStreamVolumes(output, device, delayMs);
    if((mLPADecodeOutput != -1 &&
        mOutputs.valueFor(mLPADecodeOutput)->isUsedByStrategy(STRATEGY_MEDIA))) {
        AudioPolicyManagerBase::applyStreamVolumes(mLPADecodeOutput, device, delayMs);

#ifdef WITH_A2DP
    // if disconnecting SCO device, restore A2DP output
    if (AudioSystem::isBluetoothScoDevice((AudioSystem::audio_devices)prevDevice)) {
         if (mA2dpOutput != 0) {
             LOGV("restore A2DP output");
    // if changing from a combined headset + speaker route, unmute media streams
    if (prevDevice == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET)
#ifdef QCOM_ANC
        || prevDevice == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ANC_HEADSET)
        || prevDevice == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ANC_HEADPHONE)
        || prevDevice == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE)
#ifdef FM_RADIO
        || prevDevice == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_FM)
        || prevDevice == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_FM)
        || prevDevice == (AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_FM_TX)
    ) {
        setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, false, output, delayMs);
        // Unmute LPA output also if it belongs to STRATEGY_MEDIA
        if(((mLPADecodeOutput != -1) && (mLPADecodeOutput != output) &&
            mOutputs.valueFor(mLPADecodeOutput)->isUsedByStrategy(STRATEGY_MEDIA))) {
            LOGV("setOutputDevice: Unmuting mLPADecodeOutput:%d delayMs:%d",mLPADecodeOutput,delayMs);
            setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, false, mLPADecodeOutput, delayMs);
        // Unmute hardware output also if it belongs to STRATEGY_MEDIA
        if(((mHardwareOutput != -1) && (mHardwareOutput != output) &&
            mOutputs.valueFor(mHardwareOutput)->isUsedByStrategy(STRATEGY_MEDIA))) {
            LOGV("setOutputDevice: Unmuting mHardwareOutput:%d delayMs:%d",mHardwareOutput,delayMs);
            setStrategyMute(STRATEGY_MEDIA, false, mHardwareOutput, delayMs);