/* Add a character to a command line */
int addChar(wchar_t ** CommandLine, int key, unsigned int *cursorLocation)
    unsigned int indexToMoveChar = 0;

    unsigned int sizeOfCmd = 0;

    sizeOfCmd = wcslen(*CommandLine);
    if (L' ' <= key || key == L'\n')
        if (key == L'\n')
            *cursorLocation = sizeOfCmd;
         * If the size of the string size is a multiple of 1024,
         * it means the string has reached its max.
        if (sizeOfCmd && !((sizeOfCmd + 1) % 1024))
            *CommandLine = realloc(*CommandLine, sizeof(wchar_t) * (sizeOfCmd + 1 + 1024));
        indexToMoveChar = sizeOfCmd;
        /* move each character to the next place */
        while (indexToMoveChar > *cursorLocation)
            (*CommandLine)[indexToMoveChar] = (*CommandLine)[indexToMoveChar - 1];
        /* Add the new character to the command line. */
        (*CommandLine)[*cursorLocation] = (wchar_t) key;
        if (isatty(fileno(stdin)))
            /* We are not in a pipe */
            printf("%lc", (*CommandLine)[*cursorLocation]);
        (*CommandLine)[sizeOfCmd] = L'\0';
        /* To prevent a lost cursor (if cursor reach the last column of the term) */
        if ((*CommandLine)[*cursorLocation] && (*CommandLine)[*cursorLocation] != L'\n')
            /* Write the next character in the string then move the cursor left */
            printf("%lc\b", (*CommandLine)[*cursorLocation]);
            /* If there is none, write a space then move the cursor left */
            printf(" \b");
    return 0;
Example #2
/* Move cursor to the right */
int gotoRight(wchar_t * CommandLine, unsigned int *cursorLocation)
    int nbrCol;

    int sizeOfWChar = 0;

    int widthOfStringInTerm = 0;

    nbrCol = tgetnum("co");
    /* if the cursor is not at the end of the command line */
    if (*cursorLocation != wcslen(CommandLine))
        /* In case the wide char occupy more than one column */
        if (CommandLine[*cursorLocation] == L'\n')
            sizeOfWChar = 1;
            sizeOfWChar = wcwidth(CommandLine[*cursorLocation]);
        widthOfStringInTerm = sizeOfOneLineInTerm(CommandLine, *cursorLocation + 1);
        /* While we are not at the beginning of the character... */
        while (sizeOfWChar)
            if ((widthOfStringInTerm && !(widthOfStringInTerm % nbrCol) && sizeOfWChar <= 1)    // if last column of the terminal is reached...
                    || CommandLine[*cursorLocation] == L'\n')   // ... or if the cursor will go to the next line.
                /* move the cursor down. */
                /* else, move it to the right */
    /* else, if the cursor is next to the last column of the window, move it down a line */
    else if (widthOfStringInTerm && !(widthOfStringInTerm % nbrCol))
    return *cursorLocation;
/* Delete all characters from cursor to the end. */
int deleteFromCursToEndLine(wchar_t * CommandLine, unsigned int *cursorLocation)
    /* set the end of the command line at the current cursor location */
    CommandLine[*cursorLocation] = '\0';
     * Clear screen from cursor to the end of the screen
     * Don't use "ce" because of multiline.
    return 0;
/* Delete a character in the command line */
int rmChar(wchar_t * CommandLine, int key, unsigned int *cursorLocation)
    unsigned int indexToMoveChar;

    unsigned int sizeOfCmd = 0;

    sizeOfCmd = wcslen(CommandLine);
     * Case Backspace is pressed -> cursor must not be at the beginning of the command line
     * Case Delete is pressed -> cursor must not be at the end of line
    if ((*cursorLocation && key == SCI_BACKSPACE) || ((sizeOfCmd != *cursorLocation) && key == SCI_DELETE))
        if (key == SCI_BACKSPACE)
            gotoLeft(CommandLine, cursorLocation);
        indexToMoveChar = *cursorLocation;
        /* Save cursor position where it must be placed */
        while (indexToMoveChar < sizeOfCmd)
            /* move each character to the previous place and print it */
            CommandLine[indexToMoveChar] = CommandLine[indexToMoveChar + 1];
        CommandLine[indexToMoveChar] = L'\0';
        /* Delete sreen from cursor to the end */
        /* write the new string */
        printf("%ls", &CommandLine[*cursorLocation]);
        /* Put cursor to the previously saved position */
    return 0;
Example #5
/* Move cursor to the left */
int gotoLeft(wchar_t * CommandLine, unsigned int *cursorLocation)
    int nbrCol;

    int sizeOfWChar = 0;

    int widthOfStringInTerm = 0;

    int i = 0;

    if (CommandLine != NULL)
        i = *cursorLocation;
    if (i)
        /* In case the wide char occupy more than one column */
        if (CommandLine[*cursorLocation - 1] == L'\n')
            /* Because L'\n' return -1 */
            sizeOfWChar = 1;
            sizeOfWChar = wcwidth(CommandLine[*cursorLocation - 1]);
        /* Get the number of move too reach the end of the line (not the end of the command) */
        if (CommandLine[*cursorLocation - 1] == L'\n')
            /* Manage two consecutive L'\n' */
            if ((*cursorLocation >= 2 && CommandLine[*cursorLocation - 2] == L'\n'))
                if (CommandLine != NULL)
                    *cursorLocation = i;
                return i;
            /* If the cursor will move to a previous line separated by L'\n' */
            if (*cursorLocation > 1)
                nbrCol = (sizeOfOneLineInTerm(CommandLine, *cursorLocation - 2) + 1) % tgetnum("co");
                nbrCol = printPrompt(NOWRITE_PROMPT);
            /* If the cursor move up because of the terminal size */
            nbrCol = tgetnum("co");
        widthOfStringInTerm = sizeOfOneLineInTerm(CommandLine, i);
        while (sizeOfWChar)     /* While we are not at the beginning of the character... */
            if ((nbrCol && !(widthOfStringInTerm % nbrCol) && sizeOfWChar <= 1) // if last column of the terminal is reached...
                    || CommandLine[*cursorLocation - 1] == L'\n')   // ... or if the cursor will go to the previous line.
                while (nbrCol)
    if (CommandLine != NULL)
        *cursorLocation = i;
    return i;