void NTNDArrayRecord::update() { lock(); try { beginGroupPut(); PVUByteArray::svector bytes; imageGen->fillSharedVector(bytes,angle); setValue(freeze(bytes)); if (firstTime) { int dims[] = { imageGen->getWidth(), imageGen->getHeight() }; setDimension(dims, 2); setAttributes(); setSizes(static_cast<int64_t>(imageGen->getSize())); firstTime = false; } setDataTimeStamp(); setUniqueId(count++); process(); endGroupPut(); } catch(...) { unlock(); throw; } angle += 1; unlock(); }
LadspaPluginInfo::LadspaPluginInfo (const QString &path, const LADSPA_Descriptor *desc) : PluginInfo(), m_path(path), m_descriptor(desc) { printf("PATH %s %s\n",qPrintable(path), desc->Name); setName(desc->Name); setAuthorName(desc->Maker); setUniqueId(QString("%1%2").arg( UriRoot ).arg( m_descriptor->UniqueID )); int inCnt = 0, outCnt = 0; for (unsigned long i=0; i < desc->PortCount; ++i) { LADSPA_PortDescriptor p = desc->PortDescriptors[i]; if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_AUDIO(p)) { if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_INPUT(p)) { ++inCnt; } else if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_OUTPUT(p)) { ++outCnt; } } } setAudioInputCount(inCnt); setAudioOutputCount(outCnt); }
MockInputDeviceNode* getAsusGamepad() { auto node = new MockInputDeviceNode(); node->setPath("/dev/input/event3"); node->setName("ASUS Gamepad"); // Location not set node->setUniqueId("C5:30:CD:50:A0:54"); node->setBusType(0x0005); node->setVendorId(0x0b05); node->setProductId(0x4500); node->setVersion(0x0040); node->addKeys(KEY_BACK, KEY_HOMEPAGE, BTN_A, BTN_B, BTN_X, BTN_Y, BTN_TL, BTN_TR, BTN_MODE, BTN_THUMBL, BTN_THUMBR); // No relative axes node->addAbsAxis(ABS_X, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_Y, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_Z, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_RZ, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_GAS, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_BRAKE, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_HAT0X, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_HAT0Y, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(ABS_MISC, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(0x29, nullptr); node->addAbsAxis(0x2a, nullptr); // No switches node->addInputProperty(INPUT_PROP_DIRECT); // Note: this device has MSC and LED bitmaps as well. return node; }
FeatureHandle::FeatureHandle(UInt64 map_index, const Peak2D& point, UInt64 element_index) : Peak2D(point), map_index_(map_index), charge_(0), width_(0) { setUniqueId(element_index); }
/** * Creates completely new ConnectionSettings by cloning this record. */ ConnectionSettings *ConnectionSettings::clone() const { auto settings = new ConnectionSettings(true); settings->setUniqueId(_uniqueId); settings->setUuid(_uuid); settings->apply(this); return settings; }
void Item::makeUnique(Item* parent) { if(!parent || !parent->getUniqueId()) return; ScriptEnviroment::removeUniqueThing(parent); setUniqueId(parent->getUniqueId()); parent->eraseAttribute("uid"); }
void Association::readXml(QDomElement node, QuLC::XmlModelReader& reader) { reader.ensureLoaded(node.attribute("source")); reader.ensureLoaded(node.attribute("target")); setUniqueId(node.attribute("id")); setSource(dynamic_cast<Classifier*>( Element::byId(node.attribute("source")))); setTarget(dynamic_cast<Classifier*>( Element::byId(node.attribute("target")))); setAggregation(aggregationKindFromString(node.attribute("aggregation"))); }
bool Item::unserialize(xmlNodePtr nodeItem) { int intValue; std::string strValue; if(readXMLInteger(nodeItem, "id", intValue)){ id = intValue; } else{ return false; } if(readXMLInteger(nodeItem, "count", intValue)){ setSubType(intValue); } if(readXMLString(nodeItem, "special_description", strValue)){ setSpecialDescription(strValue); } if(readXMLString(nodeItem, "text", strValue)){ setText(strValue); } if(readXMLInteger(nodeItem, "written_date", intValue)){ setWrittenDate(intValue); } if(readXMLString(nodeItem, "writer", strValue)){ setWriter(strValue); } if(readXMLInteger(nodeItem, "actionId", intValue)){ setActionId(intValue); } if(readXMLInteger(nodeItem, "uniqueId", intValue)){ setUniqueId(intValue); } if(readXMLInteger(nodeItem, "duration", intValue)){ setDuration(intValue); } if(readXMLInteger(nodeItem, "decayState", intValue)){ ItemDecayState_t decayState = (ItemDecayState_t)intValue; if(decayState != DECAYING_FALSE){ setDecaying(DECAYING_PENDING); } } return true; }
MockInputDeviceNode* getNexusRemote() { auto node = new MockInputDeviceNode(); node->setPath("/dev/input/event2"); node->setName("Nexus Remote"); // Location not set node->setUniqueId("78:86:D9:50:A0:54"); node->setBusType(0x0005); node->setVendorId(0x18d1); node->setProductId(0x2c42); node->setVersion(0); node->addKeys(KEY_UP, KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_DOWN, KEY_BACK, KEY_PLAYPAUSE, KEY_HOMEPAGE, KEY_SEARCH, KEY_SELECT); // No relative axes node->addAbsAxis(ABS_MISC, nullptr); // No switches node->addInputProperty(INPUT_PROP_DIRECT); return node; }
bool Item::unserialize(xmlNodePtr nodeItem) { char* nodeValue; nodeValue = (char*)xmlGetProp(nodeItem, (const xmlChar *) "id"); if(nodeValue){ id = atoi(nodeValue); xmlFreeOTSERV(nodeValue); } else return false; nodeValue = (char*)xmlGetProp(nodeItem, (const xmlChar *) "count"); if(nodeValue){ setItemCountOrSubtype(atoi(nodeValue)); xmlFreeOTSERV(nodeValue); } nodeValue = (char*)xmlGetProp(nodeItem, (const xmlChar *) "special_description"); if(nodeValue){ specialDescription = new std::string(nodeValue); xmlFreeOTSERV(nodeValue); } nodeValue = (char*)xmlGetProp(nodeItem, (const xmlChar *) "text"); if(nodeValue){ text = new std::string(nodeValue); xmlFreeOTSERV(nodeValue); } nodeValue = (char*)xmlGetProp(nodeItem, (const xmlChar *) "actionId"); if(nodeValue){ setActionId(atoi(nodeValue)); xmlFreeOTSERV(nodeValue); } nodeValue = (char*)xmlGetProp(nodeItem, (const xmlChar *) "uniqueId"); if(nodeValue){ setUniqueId(atoi(nodeValue)); xmlFreeOTSERV(nodeValue); } return true; }
Attr_ReadValue Item::readAttr(AttrTypes_t attr, PropStream& propStream) { switch (attr) { case ATTR_COUNT: { uint8_t _count = 0; if (!propStream.GET_UCHAR(_count)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setSubType(_count); break; } case ATTR_ACTION_ID: { uint16_t _actionid = 0; if (!propStream.GET_USHORT(_actionid)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setActionId(_actionid); break; } case ATTR_UNIQUE_ID: { uint16_t _uniqueid; if (!propStream.GET_USHORT(_uniqueid)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setUniqueId(_uniqueid); break; } case ATTR_TEXT: { std::string _text; if (!propStream.GET_STRING(_text)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setText(_text); break; } case ATTR_WRITTENDATE: { uint32_t _writtenDate; if (!propStream.GET_ULONG(_writtenDate)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setDate(_writtenDate); break; } case ATTR_WRITTENBY: { std::string _writer; if (!propStream.GET_STRING(_writer)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setWriter(_writer); break; } case ATTR_DESC: { std::string _text; if (!propStream.GET_STRING(_text)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setSpecialDescription(_text); break; } case ATTR_RUNE_CHARGES: { uint8_t _charges = 1; if (!propStream.GET_UCHAR(_charges)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setSubType(_charges); break; } case ATTR_CHARGES: { uint16_t _charges = 1; if (!propStream.GET_USHORT(_charges)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } setSubType(_charges); break; } case ATTR_DURATION: { uint32_t duration = 0; if (!propStream.GET_ULONG(duration)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } if (((int32_t)duration) < 0) { duration = 0; } setDuration(duration); break; } case ATTR_DECAYING_STATE: { uint8_t state = 0; if (!propStream.GET_UCHAR(state)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } if (state != DECAYING_FALSE) { setDecaying(DECAYING_PENDING); } break; } //these should be handled through derived classes //If these are called then something has changed in the items.xml since the map was saved //just read the values //Depot class case ATTR_DEPOT_ID: { uint16_t _depotId; if (!propStream.GET_USHORT(_depotId)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; } //Door class case ATTR_HOUSEDOORID: { uint8_t _doorId; if (!propStream.GET_UCHAR(_doorId)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; } //Bed class case ATTR_SLEEPERGUID: { uint32_t _guid; if (!propStream.GET_ULONG(_guid)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; } case ATTR_SLEEPSTART: { uint32_t sleep_start; if (!propStream.GET_ULONG(sleep_start)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; } //Teleport class case ATTR_TELE_DEST: { TeleportDest* tele_dest; if (!propStream.GET_STRUCT(tele_dest)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; } //Container class case ATTR_CONTAINER_ITEMS: { uint32_t count; if (!propStream.GET_ULONG(count)) { return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } default: return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; }
Attr_ReadValue Item::readAttr(AttrTypes_t attr, PropStream& propStream) { switch(attr) { case ATTR_COUNT: { uint8_t _count; if(!propStream.getByte(_count)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setSubType((uint16_t)_count); break; } case ATTR_ACTION_ID: { uint16_t aid; if(!propStream.getShort(aid)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("aid", aid); break; } case ATTR_UNIQUE_ID: { uint16_t uid; if(!propStream.getShort(uid)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setUniqueId(uid); break; } case ATTR_NAME: { std::string name; if(!propStream.getString(name)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("name", name); break; } case ATTR_PLURALNAME: { std::string name; if(!propStream.getString(name)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("pluralname", name); break; } case ATTR_ARTICLE: { std::string article; if(!propStream.getString(article)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("article", article); break; } case ATTR_ATTACK: { int32_t attack; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)attack)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("attack", attack); break; } case ATTR_EXTRAATTACK: { int32_t attack; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)attack)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("extraattack", attack); break; } case ATTR_DEFENSE: { int32_t defense; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)defense)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("defense", defense); break; } case ATTR_EXTRADEFENSE: { int32_t defense; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)defense)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("extradefense", defense); break; } case ATTR_ARMOR: { int32_t armor; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)armor)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("armor", armor); break; } case ATTR_ATTACKSPEED: { int32_t attackSpeed; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)attackSpeed)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("attackspeed", attackSpeed); break; } case ATTR_HITCHANCE: { int32_t hitChance; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)hitChance)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("hitchance", hitChance); break; } case ATTR_SCRIPTPROTECTED: { uint8_t protection; if(!propStream.getByte(protection)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("scriptprotected", protection != 0); break; } case ATTR_DUALWIELD: { uint8_t wield; if(!propStream.getByte(wield)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("dualwield", wield != 0); break; } case ATTR_TEXT: { std::string text; if(!propStream.getString(text)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("text", text); break; } case ATTR_WRITTENDATE: { int32_t date; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)date)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("date", date); break; } case ATTR_WRITTENBY: { std::string writer; if(!propStream.getString(writer)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("writer", writer); break; } case ATTR_DESC: { std::string text; if(!propStream.getString(text)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("description", text); break; } case ATTR_RUNE_CHARGES: { uint8_t charges; if(!propStream.getByte(charges)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setSubType((uint16_t)charges); break; } case ATTR_CHARGES: { uint16_t charges; if(!propStream.getShort(charges)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setSubType(charges); break; } case ATTR_DURATION: { int32_t duration; if(!propStream.getLong((uint32_t&)duration)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; setAttribute("duration", duration); break; } case ATTR_DECAYING_STATE: { uint8_t state; if(!propStream.getByte(state)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; if((ItemDecayState_t)state != DECAYING_FALSE) setAttribute("decaying", (int32_t)DECAYING_PENDING); break; } //these should be handled through derived classes //if these are called then something has changed in the items.otb since the map was saved //just read the values //Depot class case ATTR_DEPOT_ID: { uint16_t depot; if(!propStream.getShort(depot)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Door class case ATTR_HOUSEDOORID: { uint8_t door; if(!propStream.getByte(door)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Teleport class case ATTR_TELE_DEST: { TeleportDest* dest; if(!propStream.getStruct(dest)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Bed class case ATTR_SLEEPERGUID: { uint32_t sleeper; if(!propStream.getLong(sleeper)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } case ATTR_SLEEPSTART: { uint32_t sleepStart; if(!propStream.getLong(sleepStart)) return ATTR_READ_ERROR; break; } //Container class case ATTR_CONTAINER_ITEMS: { uint32_t _count; propStream.getLong(_count); return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } //ItemAttributes class case ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_MAP: { bool unique = hasIntegerAttribute("uid"), ret = unserializeMap(propStream); if(!unique && hasIntegerAttribute("uid")) // unfortunately we have to do this ScriptEnviroment::addUniqueThing(this); // this attribute has a custom behavior as well if(getDecaying() != DECAYING_FALSE) setDecaying(DECAYING_PENDING); if(ret) break; } default: return ATTR_READ_ERROR; } return ATTR_READ_CONTINUE; }
bool Item::readAttr(AttrTypes_t attr, PropStream& propStream) { switch(attr){ case ATTR_COUNT: { unsigned char _count = 0; if(!propStream.GET_UCHAR(_count)){ return false; } setItemCountOrSubtype(_count); break; } case ATTR_ACTION_ID: { unsigned short _actionid = 0; if(!propStream.GET_USHORT(_actionid)){ return false; } setActionId(_actionid); break; } case ATTR_UNIQUE_ID: { unsigned short _uniqueid; if(!propStream.GET_USHORT(_uniqueid)){ return false; } setUniqueId(_uniqueid); break; } case ATTR_TEXT: { std::string _text; if(!propStream.GET_STRING(_text)){ return false; } setText(_text); break; } case ATTR_DESC: { std::string _text; if(!propStream.GET_STRING(_text)){ return false; } setSpecialDescription(_text); break; } case ATTR_RUNE_CHARGES: { unsigned char _charges = 1; if(!propStream.GET_UCHAR(_charges)){ return false; } setItemCountOrSubtype(_charges); break; } //these should be handled through derived classes //If these are called then something has changed in the items.otb since the map was saved //just read the values //Depot class case ATTR_DEPOT_ID: { unsigned short _depotId; if(!propStream.GET_USHORT(_depotId)){ return false; } return true; } //Door class case ATTR_HOUSEDOORID: { unsigned char _doorId; if(!propStream.GET_UCHAR(_doorId)){ return false; } return true; } //Teleport class case ATTR_TELE_DEST: { TeleportDest* tele_dest; if(!propStream.GET_STRUCT(tele_dest)){ return false; } return true; } default: return false; break; } return true; }