Example #1
File: time.c Project: goovdl/akaros
void udelay_sched(uint64_t usec)
	struct timer_chain *tchain = &per_cpu_info[core_id()].tchain;
	struct alarm_waiter a_waiter;
	init_awaiter(&a_waiter, 0);
	set_awaiter_rel(&a_waiter, usec);
	set_alarm(tchain, &a_waiter);
Example #2
/* Like sleep, but it will timeout in 'usec' microseconds. */
void rendez_sleep_timeout(struct rendez *rv, int (*cond)(void*), void *arg,
                          uint64_t usec)
	int8_t irq_state = 0;
	struct alarm_waiter awaiter;
	struct cv_lookup_elm cle;
	struct timer_chain *pcpui_tchain = &per_cpu_info[core_id()].tchain;

	if (!usec)
	/* Doing this cond check early, but then unlocking again.  Mostly just to
	 * avoid weird issues with the CV lock and the alarm tchain lock. */
	cv_lock_irqsave(&rv->cv, &irq_state);
	if (cond(arg)) {
		cv_unlock_irqsave(&rv->cv, &irq_state);
	cv_unlock_irqsave(&rv->cv, &irq_state);
	/* The handler will call rendez_wake, but won't mess with the condition
	 * state.  It's enough to break us out of cv_wait() to see .on_tchain. */
	init_awaiter(&awaiter, rendez_alarm_handler);
	awaiter.data = rv;
	set_awaiter_rel(&awaiter, usec);
	/* Set our alarm on this cpu's tchain.  Note that when we sleep in cv_wait,
	 * we could be migrated, and later on we could be unsetting the alarm
	 * remotely. */
	set_alarm(pcpui_tchain, &awaiter);
	cv_lock_irqsave(&rv->cv, &irq_state);
	__reg_abortable_cv(&cle, &rv->cv);
	/* We could wake early for a few reasons.  Legit wakeups after a changed
	 * condition (and we should exit), other alarms with different timeouts (and
	 * we should go back to sleep), etc.  Note it is possible for our alarm to
	 * fire immediately upon setting it: before we even cv_lock. */
	while (!cond(arg) && awaiter.on_tchain) {
		if (should_abort(&cle)) {
			cv_unlock_irqsave(&rv->cv, &irq_state);
			unset_alarm(pcpui_tchain, &awaiter);
			error(EINTR, "syscall aborted");
	cv_unlock_irqsave(&rv->cv, &irq_state);
	/* Turn off our alarm.  If it already fired, this is a no-op.  Note this
	 * could be cross-core. */
	unset_alarm(pcpui_tchain, &awaiter);
Example #3
 * Timer callback function that calls tcp_tmr() and reschedules itself.
 * @param arg unused argument
static void tcpip_tcp_timer(struct alarm_waiter *aw) {
  /* call TCP timer handler */
	if (aw == NULL) {
		// need to allocate a fresh waiter
  /* timer still needed? */
  if (tcp_active_pcbs || tcp_tw_pcbs) {
 		struct timer_chain *tchain = &per_cpu_info[core_id()].tchain;
		set_awaiter_rel(aw, TCP_TMR_INTERVAL);
		set_alarm(tchain, aw);
		tcpip_tcp_timer_active = true;
  } else {
    /* disable timer */
    tcpip_tcp_timer_active = false;
Example #4
 * Create a one-shot timer (aka timeout). Timeouts are processed in the
 * following cases:
 * @param msecs time in milliseconds after that the timer should expire
 * @param handler callback function to call when msecs have elapsed, this handler takes no arguments
struct alarm_waiter* sys_timeout(uint32_t msecs, sys_timeout_handler func, struct alarm_waiter* waiter) {
	if (waiter == NULL) {
		waiter = kmalloc(sizeof(struct alarm_waiter), 0);
 	struct timer_chain *tchain = &per_cpu_info[core_id()].tchain;
	// initialize the waiter
	init_awaiter(waiter, func);
	// explicitly setting the waiter data to be null, since we do not need it in our handler
	waiter->data = NULL;
	// set waiting time
	set_awaiter_rel(waiter, 1000 * msecs);
	// attach the waiter to a chain to wait
	set_alarm(tchain, waiter);

	// XXX: when to destroy the waiter, handlers responsibility?
	return waiter;
Example #5
/* Helper: Sets up a timer tick on the calling core to go off 10 msec from now.
 * This assumes the calling core is an LL core, etc. */
static void set_ksched_alarm(void)
	set_awaiter_rel(&ksched_waiter, TIMER_TICK_USEC);
	set_alarm(&per_cpu_info[core_id()].tchain, &ksched_waiter);
Example #6
rcvr(int fd, int msglen, int interval, int nmsg)
	int i, n, munged;
	uint16_t x;
	int64_t now;
	uint8_t *buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
	struct icmphdr *icmp;
	Req *r;
	struct alarm_waiter waiter;

	init_awaiter(&waiter, alarm_abort_sysc);
	waiter.data = current_uthread;

	sum = 0;
	while(lostmsgs+rcvdmsgs < nmsg){
		/* arm to wake ourselves if the read doesn't connect in time */
		set_awaiter_rel(&waiter, 1000 *
		                ((nmsg - lostmsgs - rcvdmsgs) * interval + waittime));
		n = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZE);
		/* cancel immediately, so future syscalls don't get aborted */

		now = read_tsc();
		if(n <= 0){	/* read interrupted - time to go */
			/* Faking time being a minute in the future, so clean marks our
			 * message as lost.  Note this will also end up cancelling any other
			 * pending replies that would have expired by then.  Whatever. */
			clean(0, now + MINUTETSC, NULL);
		if(n < msglen){
			printf("bad len %d/%d\n", n, msglen);
		icmp = geticmp(buf);
		munged = 0;
		for(i = proto->iphdrsz + ICMP_HDRSIZE; i < msglen; i++)
			if(buf[i] != (uint8_t)i)
			printf("corrupted reply\n");
		x = nhgets(icmp->seq);
		if(icmp->type != proto->echoreply || icmp->code != 0) {
			printf("bad type/code/sequence %d/%d/%d (want %d/%d/%d)\n",
				icmp->type, icmp->code, x,
				proto->echoreply, 0, x);
		clean(x, now, buf);

	for(r = first; r; r = r->next)
		if(r->replied == 0)

	if(!quiet && lostmsgs)
		printf("%d out of %d messages lost\n", lostmsgs,