Example #1
assign(struct namnod *n, const unsigned char *v)
	if (n->namflg & N_RDONLY)
		failed(n->namid, wtfailed);

#ifndef RES

	else if (flags & rshflg)
		if (n == &pathnod || eq(n->namid,"SHELL"))
			failed(n->namid, restricted);

	else if (n->namflg & N_FUNCTN)

		n->namenv = 0;
		n->namflg = N_DEFAULT;

	if (n == &mchknod)
		mailchk = stoi(v);

	replace(&n->namval, v);
	attrib(n, N_ENVCHG);

	if (n == &pathnod)

	if (flags & prompt)
		if ((n == &mailpnod) || (n == &mailnod && mailpnod.namflg == N_DEFAULT))
Example #2
main(int c, char *v[], char *e[])
	int		rflag = ttyflg;
	int		rsflag = 1;	/* local restricted flag */
	unsigned char	*flagc = flagadr;
	struct namnod	*n;

	mypid = getpid();
	mypgid = getpgid(mypid);
	mysid = getsid(mypid);

	 * Do locale processing only if /usr is mounted.
	localedir_exists = (access(localedir, F_OK) == 0);

	 * initialize storage allocation

	if (stakbot == 0) {

	 * If the first character of the last path element of v[0] is "-"
	 * (ex. -sh, or /bin/-sh), this is a login shell
	if (*simple(v[0]) == '-') {
		signal(SIGXCPU, SIG_DFL);
		signal(SIGXFSZ, SIG_DFL);

		 * As the previous comment states, this is a login shell.
		 * Therefore, we set the login_shell flag to explicitly
		 * indicate this condition.
		login_shell = TRUE;


	 * set names from userenv


	 * LC_MESSAGES is set here so that early error messages will
	 * come out in the right style.
	 * Note that LC_CTYPE is done later on and is *not*
	 * taken from the previous environ

	 * Do locale processing only if /usr is mounted.
	if (localedir_exists)
		(void) setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
#if !defined(TEXT_DOMAIN)	/* Should be defined by cc -D */
#define	TEXT_DOMAIN "SYS_TEST"	/* Use this only if it weren't */
	(void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN);

	 * 'rsflag' is zero if SHELL variable is
	 *  set in environment and
	 *  the simple file part of the value.
	 *  is rsh
	if (n = findnam("SHELL")) {
		if (eq("rsh", simple(n->namval)))
			rsflag = 0;

	 * a shell is also restricted if the simple name of argv(0) is
	 * rsh or -rsh in its simple name

#ifndef RES

	if (c > 0 && (eq("rsh", simple(*v)) || eq("-rsh", simple(*v))))
		rflag = 0;


	if (eq("jsh", simple(*v)) || eq("-jsh", simple(*v)))
		flags |= monitorflg;


	 * look for options
	 * dolc is $#
	dolc = options(c, v);

	if (dolc < 2) {
		flags |= stdflg;

			while (*flagc)
			*flagc++ = STDFLG;
			*flagc = 0;
	if ((flags & stdflg) == 0)

	if ((flags & privflg) == 0) {
		uid_t euid;
		gid_t egid;
		uid_t ruid;
		gid_t rgid;

		 * Determine all of the user's id #'s for this process and
		 * then decide if this shell is being entered as a result
		 * of a fork/exec.
		 * If the effective uid/gid do NOT match and the euid/egid
		 * is < 100 and the egid is NOT 1, reset the uid and gid to
		 * the user originally calling this process.
		euid = geteuid();
		ruid = getuid();
		egid = getegid();
		rgid = getgid();
		if ((euid != ruid) && (euid < 100))
			setuid(ruid);   /* reset the uid to the orig user */
		if ((egid != rgid) && ((egid < 100) && (egid != 1)))
			setgid(rgid);   /* reset the gid to the orig user */

	dolv = (unsigned char **)v + c - dolc;

	 * return here for shell file execution
	 * but not for parenthesis subshells
	if (setjmp(subshell)) {
		flags |= subsh;

	 * number of positional parameters
	replace(&cmdadr, dolv[0]);	/* cmdadr is $0 */

	 * set pidname '$$'
	assnum(&pidadr, (long)mypid);

	 * set up temp file names

	 * default internal field separators
	 * Do not allow importing of IFS from parent shell.
	 * setup_env() may have set anything from parent shell to IFS.
	 * Always set the default ifs to IFS.
	assign(&ifsnod, (unsigned char *)sptbnl);

	dfault(&mchknod, MAILCHECK);
	mailchk = stoi(mchknod.namval);

	/* initialize OPTIND for getopt */

	n = lookup("OPTIND");
	assign(n, (unsigned char *)"1");
	 * make sure that option parsing starts
	 * at first character
	_sp = 1;

	if ((beenhere++) == FALSE)	/* ? profile */
		if ((login_shell == TRUE) && (flags & privflg) == 0) {

			/* system profile */

#ifndef RES

			if ((input = pathopen(nullstr, sysprofile)) >= 0)
				exfile(rflag);		/* file exists */

			/* user profile */

			if ((input = pathopen(homenod.namval, profile)) >= 0) {
				flags &= ~ttyflg;
		if (rsflag == 0 || rflag == 0) {
			if ((flags & rshflg) == 0) {
				while (*flagc)
				*flagc++ = 'r';
				*flagc = '\0';
			flags |= rshflg;

		 * open input file if specified
		if (comdiv) {
			input = -1;
			if (flags & stdflg) {
				input = 0;
			} else {
			 * If the command file specified by 'cmdadr'
			 * doesn't exist, chkopen() will fail calling
			 * exitsh(). If this is a login shell and
			 * the $HOME/.profile file does not exist, the
			 * above statement "flags &= ~ttyflg" does not
			 * get executed and this makes exitsh() call
			 * longjmp() instead of exiting. longjmp() will
			 * return to the location specified by the last
			 * active jmpbuffer, which is the one set up in
			 * the function exfile() called after the system
			 * profile file is executed (see lines above).
			 * This would cause an infinite loop, because
			 * chkopen() will continue to fail and exitsh()
			 * to call longjmp(). To make exitsh() exit instead
			 * of calling longjmp(), we then set the flag forcexit
			 * at this stage.

				flags |= forcexit;
				input = chkopen(cmdadr, 0);
				flags &= ~forcexit;

#ifdef ACCT
			if (input != 0)
#ifdef pdp11
		*execargs = (char *)dolv;	/* for `ps' cmd */
