// // // /// @brief A help function used to initialize the log file in the constructor. // /// @return None. // void log_file_handler::init_log_file() { #pragma omp critical switch(!manager.file_system::exists() && config -> output_mode() && log_file_ready) { case true: // set_fixed(); log_file << "\nCatalyst ver. " << CATALYST_VERSION << "\n- Compilation number = " << COMPILATION_NUMBER << std::endl; // write_title_bar("General settings", 80); log_file << "- Invoked in = " << config -> work_dir() << "\n- By = " << config -> check_current_username() << "\n- From = " << config -> check_current_hostname() << "\n- At = " << config -> check_current_time() << "- Number of tasks requested = " << config -> tasks() << "\n- Memory available at the starting up = " << config -> check_free_memory() << " of " << config -> check_total_memory() << " GB" << "\n- Number of CPUs available = " << config -> check_current_cpus() << "\n- Log file = " << config -> ctrl_key(config -> output_mode()) << "\n- Log filename = " << config -> log_file() << "\n- Debug mode = " << config -> ctrl_key(config -> debug_mode()) << "\n- Scratch directory = " << config -> scratch_dir() << "\n- SCF convergence criteria = " << config -> scf_convergence_criteria() << "\n- Numeric precision = " << config -> numeric_precision() << "/" << tools::max_precision() #if defined(USE_OMP) << "\n- Open multi-processing = on" #else << "\n- Open multi-processing = off" #endif #if defined(USE_MPI) << "\n- Message passing interface = on" #else << "\n- Message passing interface = off" #endif << "\n- Settings memory usage = " << tools::kB(config -> my_size()) << " kB" << "\n" << std::endl; } }
void format_disk(void) { if (force_f != YES && conf->open_files) fatal("Files open on drive"); if (force_f != YES && f.removable == OFF && ((defined_format & REMOVABLE) == 0 || newf.removable == OFF)) { changed_format = defined_format; /* Only for format_f */ if (format_f || reconfig_f) { fatal("Changes requested for nonremovable drive"); } } /* fill new format structure and check for changes */ return_val = make_newf(); if (return_val) { /* Could not make the disk as requested */ if (return_val == ERRL_BADFORMAT) return_msg = "Aborted: Impossible format for disk"; else if (return_val == ERRL_NOMEM) return_msg = "Aborted: Not enough memory for the disk"; if (disk_bad) { warning("Impossible format for disk - restoring old format"); memcpy(&newf, &f, sizeof f); WriteNewFormat(); } return; } if (!disk_bad && !format_f && !reconfig_f) { if (!changed_format) { if (verbose > 0) warning("No change in format - disk remains untouched"); } else { if (changed_format & WRITE_PROTECTION) set_write_protect(); if (changed_format & REMOVABLE) set_fixed(); if (changed_format & MAX_PART_SIZES) { if (f.size) { if (!SavingDiskAllocate(f.sectors)) error("Failed to rearrange memory"); } else ConfigMaxAlloc(); } } return; } /* If Disk will be disabled */ /* !!!! Move this before the code to adjust parameterf for resize */ if (!newf.size) { if (!f.size) { /* If was disabled also before */ configure_drive(); if (verbose > 1) printf("New configuration saved for later use\n"); } else { /* If disk now get's disabled */ if (!licence_to_kill()) { return_val = ERRL_NO_LICENCE; return; } disable_disk(); } return; } if (format_f || disk_bad) { if (!data_on_disk) WriteNewFormat(); else Resize(); } else if (reconfig_f) { ReConfig(); if (f.size) RefreshBootSector(); if (verbose > 1) printf("Drive %c: reconfigured\n", drive); } }
KDMShutdown::KDMShutdown( int mode, QWidget* _parent, const char* _name, const char* _shutdown, const char* _restart) : FDialog( _parent, _name, true) { shutdown = _shutdown; restart = _restart; int h = 10, w = 0; QFrame* winFrame = new QFrame( this); winFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Raised); QBoxLayout* box = new QBoxLayout( winFrame, QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, 10, 10); QString shutdownmsg = klocale->translate( "Shutdown or restart?"); if( mode == KDMConfig::RootOnly) { shutdownmsg += '\n'; shutdownmsg += klocale->translate( "(Enter Root Password)"); } label = new QLabel( shutdownmsg, winFrame); set_fixed( label); h += label->height() + 10; w = label->width(); box->addWidget( label, 0, AlignCenter); QFrame* sepFrame = new QFrame( this); sepFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine| QFrame::Sunken); h += sepFrame->height(); box->addWidget( sepFrame); btGroup = new QButtonGroup( /* this */); QRadioButton *rb; rb = new QRadioButton( winFrame /*btGroup*/); rb->setText( klocale->translate("Shutdown")); set_min( rb); rb->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus); // Default action rb->setChecked( true); rb->setFocus(); cur_action = shutdown; h += rb->height() + 10; w = QMAX( rb->width(), w); box->addWidget( rb); btGroup->insert( rb); rb = new QRadioButton( winFrame /*btGroup*/); rb->setText( klocale->translate("Shutdown and restart")); set_min( rb); rb->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus); h += rb->height() + 10; w = QMAX( rb->width(), w); box->addWidget( rb); btGroup->insert( rb); rb = new QRadioButton( winFrame /*btGroup*/); rb->setText( klocale->translate("Restart X Server"));//better description set_min( rb); rb->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus); h += rb->height() + 10; w = QMAX( rb->width(), w); box->addWidget( rb); btGroup->insert( rb); // Passwd line edit if( mode == KDMConfig::RootOnly) { pswdEdit = new QLineEdit( winFrame); //set_min( pswdEdit); pswdEdit->setMinimumHeight( pswdEdit->sizeHint().height()); pswdEdit->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::NoEcho); /*QColorGroup passwdColGroup( QApplication::palette()->normal().foreground(), QApplication::palette()->normal().background(), QApplication::palette()->normal().light(), QApplication::palette()->normal().dark(), QApplication::palette()->normal().mid(), QApplication::palette()->normal().base(), QApplication::palette()->normal().base()); QPalette passwdPalette( passwdColGroup, passwdColGroup, passwdColGroup); pswdEdit->setPalette( passwdPalette); */ pswdEdit->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus); pswdEdit->setFocus(); h+= pswdEdit->height() + 10; box->addWidget( pswdEdit); } QBoxLayout* box3 = new QBoxLayout( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight, 10); box->addLayout( box3); okButton = new QPushButton( klocale->translate("OK"), winFrame); set_min( okButton); okButton->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus); cancelButton = new QPushButton( klocale->translate("Cancel"), winFrame); set_min( cancelButton); //cancelButton->setDefault( true); cancelButton->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus); h += cancelButton->height() + 10; w = QMAX( (okButton->width() + 10 + cancelButton->width()), w); box3->addWidget( okButton); box3->addWidget( cancelButton); // Connections connect( okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(bye_bye())); connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject())); connect( btGroup, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(rb_clicked(int))); if( mode == KDMConfig::RootOnly) { okButton->setEnabled( false); connect( pswdEdit, SIGNAL( returnPressed()), this, SLOT( pw_entered())); } else cancelButton->setFocus(); resize( 20 + w, h); winFrame->setGeometry( 0, 0, width(), height()); }