bool canReachBed(int n, int s1, int s2, int d1, int d2, std::list<int> o) { Graph<tile> g; set_graph(g, n); set_food(g, o, n); tile start; start.insert(s1); start.insert(s2); explore(g, start); tile end; end.insert(d1); end.insert(d2); return g.vertices[end]->visited; }
int main() { // Exit if not EGA or VGA // Find out if they have what it takes if (set_graph() != 1) { cout << "This program requires EGA or VGA graphics\n"; exit(0); } calc_coords(); // Scale to graphics resolution in use draw_planets(); // Sun through Uranus get_key(); // Display message and wait for key press closegraph(); // Close graphics system return 0; }
void main(int argc,char *argv[]) {ARGC=argc; CMD=argv[0]; if (ARGC>1) ARGV=argv[1]; else ARGV=NULL; HyperReader_init(); set_graph(); while (1) {page0=ftell(story_file); read_story(story); page1=ftell(story_file); print(story,xx,yy); bof_eof(); wait(); clear(); } }