STATE NodeSequenceStar::execute() { set_highlighted(true); std::cout << "Executing Sequence Star" << std::endl; if (current_running_child_ == NULL) { current_running_child_ = first_child_; } exec_child_ = current_running_child_; do { child_status_ = exec_child_->execute(); set_highlighted(false); if (child_status_ == NODE_ERROR) { current_running_child_ = exec_child_; return node_status_ = NODE_ERROR; } else if (child_status_ == RUNNING) { current_running_child_ = exec_child_; return node_status_ = RUNNING; } else if (child_status_ == FAILURE) { current_running_child_ = NULL; return node_status_ = FAILURE; } exec_child_ = exec_child_->get_next_brother(); } while (exec_child_ != NULL); current_running_child_ = NULL; return node_status_ = SUCCESS; }
STATE NodeParallel::execute() { set_highlighted(true); int number_failure = 0; int number_success = 0; int number_error = 0; std::cout << "Executing Parallel" << std::endl; exec_child_ = first_child_; for (int i = 0; i < number_children_; i++) { child_status_ = exec_child_->execute(); set_highlighted(false); if (child_status_ == NODE_ERROR) number_error++; else if (child_status_ == FAILURE) number_failure++; else if (child_status_ == SUCCESS) number_success++; exec_child_ = exec_child_->get_next_brother(); } if (number_error > 0) return node_status_ = NODE_ERROR; else if (number_success >= number_children_ / 2) return node_status_ = SUCCESS; else if (number_failure >= number_children_ / 2) return node_status_ = FAILURE; else return node_status_ = RUNNING; }
STATE NodeROS::execute() { set_highlighted(true); glut_process(); std::cout << "NodeROS::execute()" << std::endl; if (overwritten_) { set_highlighted(false); return node_status_ = FAILURE; //overwritten_result_; } else { bool finished; // received_ = false; { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex_finished_); finished = finished_; } ROS_INFO("RECEIVED: %d", received_); if (!finished && !received_) { std::cout << "Sending Goal Client: " << ros_node_name_ << std::endl; behavior_trees::ROSGoal goal; goal.GOAL_ = 1; // possitive tick { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex_active_); active_ = false; } ac_.sendGoal(goal, boost::bind(&NodeROS::doneCb, this, _1, _2), boost::bind(&NodeROS::activeCb, this), boost::bind(&NodeROS::feedbackCb, this, _1)); std::cout << "Waiting for Feedback at Node: " << this << std::endl; while (!received_ && !active_) { sleep(0.01); // std::cout << "*"; } std::cout << "Received Feedback at Node: " << this << std::endl; } { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex_received_); received_ = false; } { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex_node_status_); std::cout << "STATUS: " << node_status_ << std::endl; set_highlighted(false); return node_status_; } } }
STATE NodeRoot::execute() { // there is no need to reset status because the nodes should // have a timeout to become NODE_ERROR after a while, if they // don't receive a feedback from the server. // execute_reset_status(); set_highlighted(true); std::cout << "---------- Executing Root ----------" << std::endl; return child_status_ = first_child_->execute(); set_highlighted(false); }
bool Button::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { switch(event.type) { case TouchEvent::Type::Start: set_highlighted(true); set_dirty(); return true; case TouchEvent::Type::End: set_highlighted(false); set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); } return true; default: return false; } #if 0 switch(event.type) { case TouchEvent::Type::Start: flags.highlighted = true; set_dirty(); return true; case TouchEvent::Type::Move: { const bool new_highlighted = screen_rect().contains(event.point); if( flags.highlighted != new_highlighted ) { flags.highlighted = new_highlighted; set_dirty(); } } return true; case TouchEvent::Type::End: if( flags.highlighted ) { flags.highlighted = false; set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); } } return true; default: return false; } #endif }
STATE NodeSequence::execute() { set_highlighted(true); std::cout << "Executing Sequence" << std::endl; exec_child_ = first_child_; for (int i = 0; i < number_children_; i++) { child_status_ = exec_child_->execute(); set_highlighted(false); if (child_status_ == NODE_ERROR) return node_status_ = NODE_ERROR; else if (child_status_ == RUNNING) return node_status_ = RUNNING; else if (child_status_ == FAILURE) return node_status_ = FAILURE; exec_child_ = exec_child_->get_next_brother(); } return node_status_ = SUCCESS; }
bool ImageButton::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { switch(event.type) { case TouchEvent::Type::Start: set_highlighted(true); set_dirty(); return true; case TouchEvent::Type::End: set_highlighted(false); set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); } return true; default: return false; } }
STATE NodeSelector::execute() { set_highlighted(true); std::cout << "Executing Selector" << std::endl; exec_child_ = first_child_; for (int i = 0; i < number_children_; i++) { std::cout << "ticking child: " << i << std::endl; child_status_ = exec_child_->execute(); set_highlighted(false); std::cout << "child status for comparison: " << child_status_ << std::endl; if (child_status_ == NODE_ERROR) return node_status_ = NODE_ERROR; else if (child_status_ == RUNNING) return node_status_ = RUNNING; else if (child_status_ == SUCCESS) return node_status_ = SUCCESS; std::cout << "pointing exec_child_ to next brother" << std::endl; exec_child_ = exec_child_->get_next_brother(); } return node_status_ = FAILURE; }
bool MenuView::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { switch(key) { case KeyEvent::Up: return set_highlighted(highlighted() - 1); case KeyEvent::Down: return set_highlighted(highlighted() + 1); case KeyEvent::Select: case KeyEvent::Right: item_view(highlighted())->select(); return true; case KeyEvent::Left: if( on_left ) { on_left(); } return true; default: return false; } }
STATE NodeCondition::execute() { set_highlighted(true); std::cout << "Executing Condition" << std::endl; if ("=")) std::cout << "it's equality" << std::endl; unsigned int idx = 0; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = global_varname.begin(); it != global_varname.end(); ++it) { if (*it == varlabel_) { std::cout << "found match " << idx << std::endl; break; } idx++; } double val =; std::cout << "val" << val << std::endl; set_highlighted(false); switch ( { case '=': return node_status_ = (val == std::stod(constant_)) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; break; case '>': return node_status_ = (val >= std::stod(constant_)) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; break; case '<': return node_status_ = (val <= std::stod(constant_)) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; break; default: std::cout << "relation not implemented (choose =, >, <)" << std::endl; break; } return node_status_ = NODE_ERROR; }
void MenuItemView::unhighlight() { set_highlighted(false); set_dirty(); }
void MenuItemView::highlight() { set_highlighted(true); set_dirty(); }
bool MenuView::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent event) { set_highlighted(highlighted() + event); return true; }
STATE NodeDecorator::execute() { set_highlighted(true); std::cout << "Executing Decorator" << std::endl; exec_child_ = first_child_; child_status_ = exec_child_->execute(); set_highlighted(false); if (child_status_ == SUCCESS) { unsigned int idx = 0; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = global_varname.begin(); it != global_varname.end(); ++it) { if (*it == prev_status_) break; idx++; } // prev_status = success global_varvalue[idx] = 0; std::cout << "global_varvalue" << global_varvalue[idx] << std::endl; idx = 0; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = global_varname.begin(); it != global_varname.end(); ++it) { if (*it == curr_state_) break; idx++; } // curr_state = next_state global_varvalue[idx] = std::stod(next_state_); std::cout << "global_varvalue" << global_varvalue[idx] << std::endl; return node_status_ = SUCCESS; } else if (child_status_ == FAILURE) { unsigned int idx = 0; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = global_varname.begin(); it != global_varname.end(); ++it) { if (*it == prev_status_) break; idx++; } // prev_status = failure global_varvalue[idx] = 1; std::cout << "global_varvalue" << global_varvalue[idx] << std::endl; idx = 0; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = global_varname.begin(); it != global_varname.end(); ++it) { if (*it == curr_state_) break; idx++; } // curr_state = next_state global_varvalue[idx] = std::stod(next_state_); std::cout << "global_varvalue" << global_varvalue[idx] << std::endl; return node_status_ = SUCCESS; } else if (child_status_ == RUNNING) return node_status_ = RUNNING; else return node_status_ = NODE_ERROR; }