Example #1
void track_puck() {
  float KP = 1;
  float KD = 0;

  if (!TRACK_PUCK) return;

  int goalie_theta_est = estimate_track_puck_theta();
  if (first_move) {
    prev_goalie_theta_est = goalie_theta_est;
    first_move = FALSE;

  int speed = KP * goalie_theta_est - KD * (goalie_theta_est - prev_goalie_theta_est);
  prev_goalie_theta_est = goalie_theta_est;

  set_motor_duty_cycle(-speed, -speed);

  m_usb_tx_string("--------------------TRACK PUCK --------------------\n");
  send_float("goalie_theta_est", goalie_theta_est);
  send_float("speed", speed);
  send_float("tgt_duty_cycle_R", -speed);
  send_float("tgt_duty_cycle_L", -speed);
Example #2
void calculate_pid()
   // Get orientation data from IMU and depth from depth sensor
   current_orientation.depth = get_average_depth();
   /* current_orientation.pitch and .roll are controlled towards zero
    * and .depth is controlled towards target_orientation.depth
   // update the controller with the new pitch and roll values
   PID_Update (&PID_Roll, current_orientation.roll);
   PID_Update (&PID_Pitch, current_orientation.pitch);

   // normalize yaw difference between -180 and 180 degrees
   double delta_yaw = (target_orientation.yaw - current_orientation.yaw);
   delta_yaw = fmod(delta_yaw, MAX_YAW);
   if (delta_yaw > MAX_YAW/2) {
     delta_yaw -= MAX_YAW;
   } else if (delta_yaw < -MAX_YAW/2) {
     delta_yaw += MAX_YAW;
   PID_Update (&PID_Yaw, delta_yaw);

   // calculate depth difference
   double delta_depth = (target_orientation.depth - current_orientation.depth);
   PID_Update (&PID_Depth, delta_depth);
   // calculate the force required
   double Roll_Force_Needed = FACTOR_PID_ROLL_TO_FORCE * PID_Output(&PID_Roll);
   double Pitch_Force_Needed = FACTOR_PID_PITCH_TO_FORCE * PID_Output(&PID_Pitch);
   double Depth_Force_Needed = FACTOR_PID_DEPTH_TO_FORCE * PID_Output(&PID_Depth);
   double Yaw_Force_Needed = FACTOR_PID_YAW_TO_FORCE * PID_Output(&PID_Yaw);
   double Forward_Force_Needed = FACTOR_SPEED_TO_FORCE * target_orientation.speed;

   /** orientation stability
    *  If the COM is off center we would have some sort of factors here instead of 0.5
   //subgroup A: 						
   double m_left, m_right;
   //subgroup B:
   double mp_front_left, mp_front_right, mp_back_left, mp_back_right; //mp = motor perpendicular
   stabilizing_motors_force_to_pwm ( // this calculates the pwms for yaw motors
				    // These are actually switched for SubZero
      0.5*Yaw_Force_Needed - Forward_Force_Needed, // m_left //we might change hard-coded 0.5 ratio later
      -0.5*Yaw_Force_Needed - Forward_Force_Needed, // m_right
      0, 0// m_back left, back right (not used)
	//0.2*Yaw_Force_Needed-0.7*Forward_Force_Needed, // m_front_left 
	//-0.2*Yaw_Force_Needed-0.7*Forward_Force_Needed, // m_front_right 
	//0.2*Yaw_Force_Needed-0.7*Forward_Force_Needed, // m_back_left 
	//-0.2*Yaw_Force_Needed-0.7*Forward_Force_Needed, // m_back_right
	&m_left, //assumptions: polarity of motors: + pointed towards front O-ring
	&m_right, //positive yaw is left turn
      	NULL,//&m_back_left, //positive foward is forward
      	NULL//&m_back_right //most importantly, assume motors work like rudders kicking backwards
   if (ABS(current_orientation.pitch) > 30) {
      Depth_Force_Needed *= 0.8;
   else if (ABS(current_orientation.pitch) > 35) {
      Depth_Force_Needed *= 0.6;
   else if (ABS(current_orientation.pitch) > 40) {
      Depth_Force_Needed *= 0.3;
   stabilizing_motors_force_to_pwm ( // this calculates the pwms for pitch and roll motors
      //0.5*Roll_Force_Needed + 0.2*Pitch_Force_Needed + 0.2*Depth_Force_Needed, // m_front_left
      //-0.5*Roll_Force_Needed + 0.2*Pitch_Force_Needed + 0.2*Depth_Force_Needed, // m_front_right
      //-0.5*Pitch_Force_Needed + 0.4*Depth_Force_Needed, // m_rear
      	0.25*Roll_Force_Needed + 0.2*Pitch_Force_Needed + 0.2*Depth_Force_Needed // mp_front_left
	-0.25*Roll_Force_Needed + 0.2*Pitch_Force_Needed + 0.2*Depth_Force_Needed // mp_front_right
	0.25*Roll_Force_Needed - 0.2*Pitch_Force_Needed + 0.2*Depth_Force_Needed // mp_back_left
	-0.25*Roll_Force_Needed - 0.2*Pitch_Force_Needed + 0.2*Depth_Force_Needed // mp_back_right
	&mp_front_left, //assumptions: polarity of motors: + pointed towards water surface
      	&mp_front_right, //positive roll is CCW if we are looking at the back O-ring of the submarine
      	&mp_back_left, //positive depth is deeper
      	&mp_back_right //positive pitch is nose dive

   M_LEFT = (int)m_left;
   M_RIGHT = (int)m_right;
   //M_BACK_LEFT = (int)m_back_left;
   //M_BACK_RIGHT = (int)m_back_right;
   MP_FRONT_LEFT = (int)mp_front_left;
   MP_FRONT_RIGHT = (int)mp_front_right;
   MP_BACK_LEFT = (int)mp_pback_left;
   MP_BACK_RIGHT = (int)mp_back_right;

   /** Note that motor_force_to_pwm returns a value between -400 and 400, and the factors are such that the sum of
    *  each factor for every motor adds up (absolutely) to 1.0. Physics son! 
   // write the motor settings
   int i;
   for ( i = 0; i < NUM_MOTORS; i++ )
      set_motor_duty_cycle(i, motor_duty_cycle[i]);  