Example #1
static int32_t __camd35_send(struct s_client *cl, uchar *buf, int32_t buflen, int answer_awaited)
	int32_t l;
	unsigned char rbuf[REQ_SIZE + 15 + 4], *sbuf = rbuf + 4;

	if(!cl->udp_fd || !cl->crypted) { return (-1); }  //exit if no fd or aes key not set!

	//Fix ECM len > 255
	if(buflen <= 0)
		{ buflen = ((buf[0] == 0) ? (((buf[21] & 0x0f) << 8) | buf[22]) + 3 : buf[1]); }
	l = 20 + (((buf[0] == 3) || (buf[0] == 4)) ? 0x34 : 0) + buflen;
	memcpy(rbuf, cl->ucrc, 4);
	memcpy(sbuf, buf, l);
	memset(sbuf + l, 0xff, 15); // set unused space to 0xff for newer camd3's
	i2b_buf(4, crc32(0L, sbuf + 20, buflen), sbuf + 4);
	l = boundary(4, l);
	cs_log_dump_dbg(cl->typ == 'c' ? D_CLIENT : D_READER, sbuf, l, "send %d bytes to %s", l, username(cl));
	aes_encrypt_idx(cl->aes_keys, sbuf, l);

	int32_t status;
		status = sendto(cl->udp_fd, rbuf, l + 4, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&cl->udp_sa, cl->udp_sa_len);
		if(status == -1) { set_null_ip(&SIN_GET_ADDR(cl->udp_sa)); }
		status = send(cl->udp_fd, rbuf, l + 4, 0);

		if(cl->typ == 'p' && cl->reader)
			if(status == -1) { network_tcp_connection_close(cl->reader, "can't send"); }
		else if(cl->typ == 'c')
			if(status == -1) { cs_disconnect_client(cl); }
	if(status != -1)
		if(cl->reader && answer_awaited)
			cl->reader->last_s = time(NULL);
		if(cl->reader && !answer_awaited)
			cl->reader->last_s = cl->reader->last_g = time(NULL);
		cl->last = time(NULL);

	return status;
static void serverip_fn(const char *token, char *value, void *setting, FILE *f) {
	IN_ADDR_T srvip = *(IN_ADDR_T *)setting;
	if (value) {
		if (strlen(value) == 0) {
			set_null_ip((IN_ADDR_T *)setting);
		} else {
			cs_inet_addr(value, (IN_ADDR_T *)setting);
	if (IP_ISSET(srvip) || cfg.http_full_cfg)
		fprintf_conf(f, token, "%s\n", cs_inet_ntoa(srvip));
Example #3
/* Resolves the ip of the hostname of the specified account and saves it in account->dynip.
   If the hostname is not configured, the ip is set to 0. */
static void cs_user_resolve(struct s_auth *account)
    if (account->dyndns) {
        IN_ADDR_T lastip;
        IP_ASSIGN(lastip, account->dynip);
        cs_resolve(account->dyndns, &account->dynip, NULL, NULL);
        if (!IP_EQUAL(lastip, account->dynip))  {
            cs_log("%s: resolved ip=%s", account->dyndns, cs_inet_ntoa(account->dynip));
    } else {
Example #4
 *       client functions
int pandora_client_init(struct s_client *cl) {
	static struct sockaddr_in loc_sa;
	int16_t p_proto;
	char ptxt[16];
	struct s_reader *rdr = cl->reader;
	uchar md5tmp[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];

	cl->pfd = 0;
	if (rdr->r_port <= 0) {
		cs_log("invalid port %d for server %s", rdr->r_port, rdr->device);
		return (1);
	p_proto = IPPROTO_UDP;

	memset((char *) &loc_sa, 0, sizeof(loc_sa));
	loc_sa.sin_family = AF_INET;

	if (IP_ISSET(cfg.srvip))
		IP_ASSIGN(SIN_GET_ADDR(loc_sa), cfg.srvip);
		loc_sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
	loc_sa.sin_port = htons(rdr->l_port);

	if ((cl->udp_fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, p_proto)) < 0) {
		cs_log("Socket creation failed (errno=%d)", errno);
		return 1;
	int32_t opt = 1;
	setsockopt(cl->udp_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof (opt));
	setsockopt(cl->udp_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (void *)&opt, sizeof(opt));

	set_socket_priority(cl->udp_fd, cfg.netprio);

	if (rdr->l_port > 0) {
		if (bind(cl->udp_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &loc_sa, sizeof(loc_sa)) < 0) {
			cs_log("bind failed (errno=%d)", errno);
			return (1);
		snprintf(ptxt, sizeof(ptxt), ", port=%d", rdr->l_port);
	} else
		ptxt[0] = '\0';

	memcpy(cl->pand_md5_key, MD5((uchar*)rdr->r_pwd, strlen(rdr->r_pwd), md5tmp), 16);
	cl->crypted = 1;

	//cl->grp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	//rdr->caid[0] = rdr->ctab.caid[0];

	cl->pand_send_ecm = rdr->pand_send_ecm;
	memset((char *) &cl->udp_sa, 0, sizeof(cl->udp_sa));
	((struct sockaddr_in *)(&cl->udp_sa))->sin_family = AF_INET;
	((struct sockaddr_in *)(&cl->udp_sa))->sin_port = htons((u_short) rdr->r_port);
	cl->udp_sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
	cl->udp_sa.sin_port = htons((u_short) rdr->r_port);

	cs_log("proxy %s:%d pandora %s (%s)", rdr->device, rdr->r_port, rdr->pand_send_ecm?"with ECM support":"", ptxt );

	cl->pfd = cl->udp_fd;
	//fcntl(cl->udp_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(cl->udp_fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); //!!!!!
	return (0);