void process_tuple(Tuple *t)
    int key = t->key;
    int value = t->value->uint8;
    char string_value[256];
    strcpy(string_value, t->value->cstring);

    switch(key) {
    case OK:
        if (value == 1)
            load = true;
            layer_set_hidden((Layer *)slide_start, true);
    case CPU:
        strcat(cpu, string_value);
        text_layer_set_text(cpu_text_layer, (char *) &cpu);
    case MEMORY:
        strcat(memory, string_value);
        text_layer_set_text(memory_text_layer, (char *) &memory);
    case MEMORY_P:
        progress_bar_layer_set_value(memory_bar, value);
    case SWAP:
        strcat(swap, string_value);
        text_layer_set_text(swap_text_layer, (char *) &swap);
    case SWAP_P:
        progress_bar_layer_set_value(swap_bar, value);
    case SDCARD:
        strcat(sdcard, string_value);
        text_layer_set_text(sdcard_text_layer, (char *) &sdcard);
    case SDCARD_P:
        progress_bar_layer_set_value(root_bar, value);
    case NET:
        strcat(net, string_value);
        text_layer_set_text(network_text_layer, (char *) &net);
    case VERSION:
        strcat(version, string_value);
        text_layer_set_text(version_text_layer, (char *) &version);

Example #2
void  coup_mu_button( short m_x, short m_y, short breturn )
	short obj_x, obj_y ;			/* object x and y return values		*/
	short no_exit ;
	char names[60] ;				/* string in which to format names	*/

	coup_form.next_object = objc_find( coup_form.fm_ptr, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, m_x, m_y ) ;
	if( coup_form.next_object == NIL )
		Bconout( 2, '\a' ) ;
		objc_edit( coup_form.fm_ptr, coup_form.edit_object, 0,
							&(coup_form.cursor_position), ED_END ) ;
		coup_form.edit_object = 0 ;
		no_exit = form_button( coup_form.fm_ptr, coup_form.next_object,
								breturn, &(coup_form.next_object) ) ;
		if( !no_exit )
			coup_form.next_object &= ~DOUBLE_CLICK ;
									/* deselect object if it an exit button	*/
			if( coup_form.fm_ptr[coup_form.next_object].ob_flags & EXIT )
				coup_form.fm_ptr[coup_form.next_object].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ;
			switch( coup_form.next_object )
				case C_CANCEL :
					close_couple() ;
					break ;
				case C_OK :
					save_couple( edit_coup_ref, edit_coup_block, edit_coup_cptr ) ;
					close_couple() ;
					break ;
				case C_DELETE :
					if( q_del_coup( edit_coup_ref, edit_coup_block,
														edit_coup_cptr ) )
						close_couple() ;
						else  objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, C_DELETE, MAX_DEPTH,
													ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ;
					break ;
				case C_HELP :
					help( marriage_help ) ;
					objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, C_HELP, 0, ELTS( coup_form.fm_box ) ) ;
					break ;
				case MALE :
					if( male = get_person_reference( NULL, FALSE ) )
						names_only( male, names, 40, FALSE ) ;
						strcpy( c_form_addrs.male, names ) ;
						objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, MALE, 0,
							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
 							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
						sprintf( c_form_addrs.m_ref, "%10d", male ) ;
						objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, M_REF, 0,
							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
 							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
					break ;
				case FEMALE :
					if( female = get_person_reference( NULL, FALSE ) )
						names_only( female, names, 40, FALSE ) ;
						strcpy( c_form_addrs.female, names ) ;
						objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, FEMALE, 0,
							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
 							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
						sprintf( c_form_addrs.f_ref, "%10d", female ) ;
						objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, F_REF, 0,
							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x,(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
 							(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
					break ;
				case WED_QUALIFIER :
					popup_date_qualifier( c_form_addrs.wed_qual, coup_form.fm_ptr, WED_QUALIFIER ) ;
					break ;
				case C_SOURCE :
					wind_form_do( &co_src_form, WF_SOURCE ) ;
					break ;
				case C_DIVORCE :
					wind_form_do( &divorce_form, DI_DATE ) ;
					break ;
				case PROG0 :
				case PROG1 :
				case PROG2 :
				case PROG3 :
				case PROG4 :
				case PROG5 :
				case PROG6 :
				case PROG7 :
				case PROG8 :
				case PROG9 :
					select_progeny( coup_form.next_object - PROG0,
														coup_form.fm_box ) ;
					break ;
				case C_SLIDER :
					prog_oset = move_slide( coup_form.fm_ptr,
								C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ;
					prog_oset = 30 * prog_oset / 1000 ;
					update_progeny() ;
					objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH,
								(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
								(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
					break ;
				case C_UP :
					if( prog_oset > 0 )
						prog_oset-- ;
						set_slide( prog_oset, 30,
							coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ;
						update_progeny() ;
						objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH,
									(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
									(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
					break ;
				case C_DOWN :
					if( prog_oset < 30 )
					{	prog_oset++ ;
						set_slide( prog_oset, 30,
							coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ;
						update_progeny() ;
						objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH,
									(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
									(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
					break ;
				case C_SLIDERANGE :
					objc_offset( coup_form.fm_ptr, C_SLIDER, &obj_x, &obj_y ) ;
					if( m_y > obj_y )
						prog_oset += 9 ;
						if( prog_oset > 30 )  prog_oset = 30 ;
						prog_oset -= 9 ;
						if( prog_oset < 0 )  prog_oset = 0 ;
					set_slide( prog_oset, 30, coup_form.fm_ptr,
								C_SLIDER, C_SLIDERANGE, &coup_form.fm_box ) ;
					update_progeny() ;
					objc_draw( coup_form.fm_ptr, PROGENY, MAX_DEPTH,
									(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_x, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_y,
									(int) coup_form.fm_box.g_w, (int) coup_form.fm_box.g_h ) ;
					break ;
				default :
#ifndef NDEBUG
					report( 0x300 + coup_form.next_object ) ;
					break ;
	change_edit_object( &coup_form, MU_BUTTON ) ;
void up_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context)
    if (slide > 0 && load) {
void down_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context)
    if (slide < 3 && load) {
Example #5
short  select_exports( short *type_ptr )
	int oset = 0 ;				/* slider offset in numbers of people	*/
	short done = FALSE ;
	short fdone ;
	short export = FALSE ;
	short button ;
	short m_x, m_y ;
	short dummy ;
	short obj_x, obj_y ;
	Filter filter ;
	short i, flag ;

	match_refs = (int *) pmalloc( sizeof (int) * next_person ) ;
	pcross_refs = (int *) pmalloc( sizeof (int) * next_person ) ;
	ccross_refs = (int *) pmalloc( sizeof (int) * next_couple ) ;

	total_people = 0 ;
	for( i=1; i<next_person; i++ )
		if( people[i].birth_date != DELETED_DATE )
			matches[total_people++] = i ;

	exp_selected = (char *) pmalloc( total_people ) ;

	if( !exp_selected || !match_refs || !pcross_refs || !ccross_refs )
		rsrc_form_alert( 1, NO_MEMORY ) ;
		if( exp_selected )  free( exp_selected ) ;
		if( match_refs )  free( match_refs ) ;
		if( pcross_refs )  free( pcross_refs ) ;
		if( ccross_refs ) free( ccross_refs ) ;
		return FALSE ;

	qsort( matches, (size_t) total_people, (size_t) 4, pidx_compare ) ;

				/* initialise match_refs as not all of array is used	*/
	for( i=0; i<next_person; i++ )  match_refs[i] = -1 ;
				/* load array to get from reference to match position	*/
	for( i=0; i<total_people; i++ )  match_refs[matches[i]] = i ;

	for( i=0; i<total_people; i++ )  exp_selected[i] = FALSE ;

	if( total_people > 16 )
		if( total_people < 256 )
					= esel_ptr[ES_SLIDE_RANGE].ob_height * 16 / total_people ;
					= esel_ptr[ES_SLIDE_RANGE].ob_height / 16 ;
		set_slide( 0, total_people-16, esel_ptr,
										ES_SLIDER, ES_SLIDE_RANGE, app_modal_box() ) ;
		esel_ptr[ES_SLIDER].ob_height = esel_ptr[ES_SLIDE_RANGE].ob_height ;
		set_slide( 0, 1, esel_ptr, ES_SLIDER, ES_SLIDE_RANGE, app_modal_box() ) ;

	list_exportees( oset ) ;

	app_modal_init( esel_ptr, "Export", TITLED ) ;

	while( !done )
		button = app_modal_do() ;
		button &= ~DOUBLE_CLICK ;

		if( button  && button != APP_MODAL_TERM )  esel_ptr[button].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ;

		switch( button )
			case ES_SLIDER :
				if( total_people > 16 )
					oset = move_slide( esel_ptr,
										ES_SLIDER, ES_SLIDE_RANGE, app_modal_box() ) ;
					oset = ( total_people - 16 ) * oset / 1000 ;
				list_exportees( oset ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_LIST, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			case ES_UP :
				if( total_people > 16 && oset > 0 )
					oset-- ;
					set_slide( oset, total_people-16, esel_ptr,
										ES_SLIDER, ES_SLIDE_RANGE, app_modal_box() ) ;
				list_exportees( oset ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_LIST, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			case ES_DOWN :
				if( total_people > 16 && oset < total_people - 16 )
					oset++ ;
					set_slide( oset, total_people - 16, esel_ptr,
										ES_SLIDER, ES_SLIDE_RANGE, app_modal_box() ) ;
				list_exportees( oset ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_LIST, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			case ES_SLIDE_RANGE :
				if( total_people > 16 )
					graf_mkstate( &m_x, &m_y, &dummy, &dummy ) ;
					objc_offset( esel_ptr, ES_SLIDER, &obj_x, &obj_y ) ;
					if( m_y > obj_y )
						oset += 15 ;
						if( oset > total_people - 16 )  oset = total_people - 16 ;
						oset -= 15 ;
						if( oset < 0 )  oset = 0 ;
					set_slide( oset, total_people-16, esel_ptr,
									ES_SLIDER, ES_SLIDE_RANGE, app_modal_box() ) ;
				list_exportees( oset ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_LIST, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			case ESEL0 :
			case ESEL1 :
			case ESEL2 :
			case ESEL3 :
			case ESEL4 :
			case ESEL5 :
			case ESEL6 :
			case ESEL7 :
			case ESEL8 :
			case ESEL9 :
			case ESEL10 :
			case ESEL11 :
			case ESEL12 :
			case ESEL13 :
			case ESEL14 :
			case ESEL15 :
				if( esel_ptr[ANCESTORS].ob_state & SELECTED )
					ancestor_select( matches[button-ESEL0 + oset] ) ;
					esel_ptr[ANCESTORS].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ;
					esel_ptr[DESCENDANTS].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ;
					list_exportees( oset ) ;
					objc_draw( esel_ptr, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				else if( esel_ptr[DESCENDANTS].ob_state & SELECTED )
					descendant_select( matches[button-ESEL0 + oset], 0, 0 ) ;
					esel_ptr[DESCENDANTS].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ;
					list_exportees( oset ) ;
					objc_draw( esel_ptr, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
					if( !exp_selected[button-ESEL0 + oset] )
						exp_selected[button-ESEL0 + oset] = TRUE ;
						esel_ptr[button].ob_state |= CHECKED ;
						exp_selected[button-ESEL0 + oset] = FALSE ;
						esel_ptr[button].ob_state &= ~CHECKED ;
					objc_draw( esel_ptr, button, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			case ES_SEL_ALL :
				for( i=0; i<total_people; i++ )  exp_selected[i] = TRUE ;
				list_exportees( oset ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_LIST, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_SEL_ALL, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			case ES_DSEL_ALL :
				for( i=0; i<total_people; i++ )  exp_selected[i] = FALSE ;
				list_exportees( oset ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_LIST, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_DSEL_ALL, MAX_DEPTH, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			case ES_FILTER :
				clear_efil_form() ;
				clear_form_flags() ;
				for( i = 0 ; i <= FL_NOT8 - FL_NOT1 ; i+= FL_NOT2 - FL_NOT1 )
					set_to_ignore(FL_NOT1+i) ;
					flags_ptr[FL_NOT1+i].ob_state |= SELECTED ;
				fdone = FALSE ;				/* loop until filter done	*/
				while( !fdone )
					button = do_sub_form( efil_ptr, "Export Filter", EXP_HELP, TITLED ) ;
					switch( button )
						case EXP_SEL :
						case EXP_DESEL :
							busy( BUSY_MORE ) ;
							update_filter( &filter, efil_form_addrs.efam_name,
								efil_form_addrs.eforename, efil_form_addrs.ebefore,
								efil_form_addrs.eafter, efil_form_addrs.eplace ) ;
							if( button == EXP_DESEL )  flag = FALSE ;
							else  flag = TRUE ;
							for( i=0; i<total_people; i++ )
								if( test_match( &filter, matches[i] ) )
									exp_selected[i] = flag ;
							busy( BUSY_LESS ) ;
						case EXP_CANCEL :
							fdone = TRUE ;
							break ;
						case EXP_FLAGS :
							do_sub_form( flags_ptr, "Filter Flags", FL_HELP, TITLED ) ;
							break ;
				list_exportees( oset ) ;
				break ;
			case ES_CANCEL :
			case APP_MODAL_TERM :
				done = TRUE ;
				break ;
			case ES_OK :
				export = TRUE ;
				done = TRUE ;
				break ;
			case ES_HELP :
				help( export_help ) ;
				objc_draw( esel_ptr, ES_HELP, 0, PTRS( app_modal_box() ) ) ;
				break ;
			default :
				break ;
	esel_ptr[ANCESTORS].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ;
	esel_ptr[DESCENDANTS].ob_state &= ~SELECTED ;

	if( esel_ptr[GEDCOM].ob_state & SELECTED )
		*type_ptr = GEDCOM_TYPE ;
	else if( esel_ptr[CSV].ob_state & SELECTED )
		*type_ptr = CSV_TYPE ;
	else  *type_ptr = FAMTREE_TYPE ;
	app_modal_end() ;

	return export ;