/* init phase : * 1) read configuration file * 2) read command line arguments * 3) daemonize * 4) check and write pid file * 5) set startup time stamp * 6) compute presentation URL * 7) set signal handlers */ static int init(int argc, char * * argv) { int i; int pid; int debug_flag = 0; int verbose_flag = 0; int options_flag = 0; struct sigaction sa; const char * presurl = NULL; const char * optionsfile = "/etc/minidlna.conf"; char mac_str[13]; char * string, * word; enum media_types type; char * path; char buf[PATH_MAX]; char ip_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 3] = {'\0'}; char log_str[72] = "general,artwork,database,inotify,scanner,metadata,http,ssdp,tivo=warn"; char *log_level = NULL; /* first check if "-f" option is used */ for(i=2; i<argc; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(argv[i-1], "-f")) { optionsfile = argv[i]; options_flag = 1; break; } } /* set up uuid based on mac address */ if( getsyshwaddr(mac_str, sizeof(mac_str)) < 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_OFF, L_GENERAL, "No MAC address found. Falling back to generic UUID.\n"); strcpy(mac_str, "554e4b4e4f57"); } strcpy(uuidvalue+5, "4d696e69-444c-164e-9d41-"); strncat(uuidvalue, mac_str, 12); getfriendlyname(friendly_name, FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN); runtime_vars.port = -1; runtime_vars.notify_interval = 895; /* seconds between SSDP announces */ runtime_vars.root_container = NULL; /* read options file first since * command line arguments have final say */ if(readoptionsfile(optionsfile) < 0) { /* only error if file exists or using -f */ if(access(optionsfile, F_OK) == 0 || options_flag) DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Error reading configuration file %s\n", optionsfile); } else { for(i=0; i<num_options; i++) { switch(ary_options[i].id) { case UPNPIFNAME: for( string = ary_options[i].value; (word = strtok(string, ",")); string = NULL ) { if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(getifaddr(word, ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) >= 0) { if( *ip_addr && parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ip_addr) == 0 ) if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) n_lan_addr++; } } else { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, word); } } break; case UPNPLISTENING_IP: if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ary_options[i].value) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, ary_options[i].value); } break; case UPNPPORT: runtime_vars.port = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPPRESENTATIONURL: presurl = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPNOTIFY_INTERVAL: runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPSERIAL: strncpyt(serialnumber, ary_options[i].value, SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPMODEL_NAME: strncpyt(modelname, ary_options[i].value, MODELNAME_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPMODEL_NUMBER: strncpyt(modelnumber, ary_options[i].value, MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPFRIENDLYNAME: strncpyt(friendly_name, ary_options[i].value, FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPMEDIADIR: type = ALL_MEDIA; char * myval = NULL; switch( ary_options[i].value[0] ) { case 'A': case 'a': if( ary_options[i].value[0] == 'A' || ary_options[i].value[0] == 'a' ) type = AUDIO_ONLY; case 'V': case 'v': if( ary_options[i].value[0] == 'V' || ary_options[i].value[0] == 'v' ) type = VIDEO_ONLY; case 'P': case 'p': if( ary_options[i].value[0] == 'P' || ary_options[i].value[0] == 'p' ) type = IMAGES_ONLY; myval = index(ary_options[i].value, '/'); case '/': path = realpath(myval ? myval:ary_options[i].value, buf); if( !path ) path = (myval ? myval:ary_options[i].value); if( access(path, F_OK) != 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Media directory \"%s\" not accessible! [%s]\n", path, strerror(errno)); break; } struct media_dir_s * this_dir = calloc(1, sizeof(struct media_dir_s)); this_dir->path = strdup(path); this_dir->type = type; if( !media_dirs ) { media_dirs = this_dir; } else { struct media_dir_s * all_dirs = media_dirs; while( all_dirs->next ) all_dirs = all_dirs->next; all_dirs->next = this_dir; } break; default: DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Media directory entry not understood! [%s]\n", ary_options[i].value); break; } break; case UPNPALBUMART_NAMES: for( string = ary_options[i].value; (word = strtok(string, "/")); string = NULL ) { struct album_art_name_s * this_name = calloc(1, sizeof(struct album_art_name_s)); int len = strlen(word); if( word[len-1] == '*' ) { word[len-1] = '\0'; this_name->wildcard = 1; } this_name->name = strdup(word); if( !album_art_names ) { album_art_names = this_name; } else { struct album_art_name_s * all_names = album_art_names; while( all_names->next ) all_names = all_names->next; all_names->next = this_name; } } break; case UPNPDBDIR: path = realpath(ary_options[i].value, buf); if( !path ) path = (ary_options[i].value); make_dir(path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); if( access(path, F_OK) != 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Database path not accessible! [%s]\n", path); break; } strncpyt(db_path, path, PATH_MAX); break; case UPNPLOGDIR: path = realpath(ary_options[i].value, buf); if( !path ) path = (ary_options[i].value); make_dir(path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); if( access(path, F_OK) != 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Log path not accessible! [%s]\n", path); break; } strncpyt(log_path, path, PATH_MAX); break; case UPNPLOGLEVEL: log_level = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPINOTIFY: if( (strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") != 0) && !atoi(ary_options[i].value) ) CLEARFLAG(INOTIFY_MASK); break; case ENABLE_TIVO: if( (strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) || atoi(ary_options[i].value) ) SETFLAG(TIVO_MASK); break; case ENABLE_DLNA_STRICT: if( (strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) || atoi(ary_options[i].value) ) SETFLAG(DLNA_STRICT_MASK); break; case ROOT_CONTAINER: switch( ary_options[i].value[0] ) { case '.': runtime_vars.root_container = NULL; break; case 'B': case 'b': runtime_vars.root_container = BROWSEDIR_ID; break; case 'M': case 'm': runtime_vars.root_container = MUSIC_ID; break; case 'V': case 'v': runtime_vars.root_container = VIDEO_ID; break; case 'P': case 'p': runtime_vars.root_container = IMAGE_ID; break; default: DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Invalid root container! [%s]\n", ary_options[i].value); break; } break; case UPNPMINISSDPDSOCKET: minissdpdsocketpath = ary_options[i].value; break; default: DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Unknown option in file %s\n", optionsfile); } } } if( log_path[0] == '\0' ) { if( db_path[0] == '\0' ) strncpyt(log_path, DEFAULT_LOG_PATH, PATH_MAX); else strncpyt(log_path, db_path, PATH_MAX); } if( db_path[0] == '\0' ) strncpyt(db_path, DEFAULT_DB_PATH, PATH_MAX); /* command line arguments processing */ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0]!='-') { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--help")==0) { runtime_vars.port = 0; break; } else switch(argv[i][1]) { case 't': if(i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 's': if(i+1 < argc) strncpyt(serialnumber, argv[++i], SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'm': if(i+1 < argc) strncpyt(modelnumber, argv[++i], MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'p': if(i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.port = atoi(argv[++i]); else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'P': if(i+1 < argc) pidfilename = argv[++i]; else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'd': debug_flag = 1; case 'v': verbose_flag = 1; break; case 'L': SETFLAG(NO_PLAYLIST_MASK); break; case 'w': if(i+1 < argc) presurl = argv[++i]; else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'a': if(i+1 < argc) { int address_already_there = 0; int j; i++; for(j=0; j<n_lan_addr; j++) { struct lan_addr_s tmpaddr; parselanaddr(&tmpaddr, argv[i]); if(0 == strcmp(lan_addr[j].str, tmpaddr.str)) address_already_there = 1; } if(address_already_there) break; if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], argv[i]) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, argv[i]); } } else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'i': if(i+1 < argc) { int address_already_there = 0; int j; i++; if( getifaddr(argv[i], ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Required network interface '%s' not found.\n", argv[i]); } for(j=0; j<n_lan_addr; j++) { struct lan_addr_s tmpaddr; parselanaddr(&tmpaddr, ip_addr); if(0 == strcmp(lan_addr[j].str, tmpaddr.str)) address_already_there = 1; } if(address_already_there) break; if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ip_addr) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, argv[i]); } } else DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'f': i++; /* discarding, the config file is already read */ break; case 'h': runtime_vars.port = 0; // triggers help display break; case 'R': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "rm -rf %s/files.db %s/art_cache", db_path, db_path); if( system(buf) != 0 ) DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_GENERAL, "Failed to clean old file cache.\n"); break; case 'V': printf("Version " MINIDLNA_VERSION "\n"); exit(0); break; default: DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } } /* If no IP was specified, try to detect one */ if( n_lan_addr < 1 ) { if( (getsysaddr(ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0) && (getifaddr("eth0", ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0) && (getifaddr("eth1", ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0) ) { DPRINTF(E_OFF, L_GENERAL, "No IP address automatically detected!\n"); } if( *ip_addr && parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ip_addr) == 0 ) { n_lan_addr++; } } if( (n_lan_addr==0) || (runtime_vars.port<=0) ) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Usage:\n\t" "%s [-d] [-v] [-f config_file]\n" "\t\t[-a listening_ip] [-p port]\n" /*"[-l logfile] " not functionnal */ "\t\t[-s serial] [-m model_number] \n" "\t\t[-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename]\n" "\t\t[-w url] [-R] [-V] [-h]\n" "\nNotes:\n\tNotify interval is in seconds. Default is 895 seconds.\n" "\tDefault pid file is %s.\n" "\tWith -d minidlna will run in debug mode (not daemonize).\n" "\t-w sets the presentation url. Default is http address on port 80\n" "\t-h displays this text\n" "\t-R forces a full rescan\n" "\t-L do note create playlists\n" "\t-V print the version number\n", argv[0], pidfilename); return 1; } if( verbose_flag ) { strcpy(log_str+65, "debug"); log_level = log_str; } else if( !log_level ) { log_level = log_str; } if(debug_flag) { pid = getpid(); log_init(NULL, log_level); } else { pid = daemonize(); #ifdef READYNAS log_init("/var/log/upnp-av.log", log_level); #else if( access(db_path, F_OK) != 0 ) make_dir(db_path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); sprintf(buf, "%s/minidlna.log", log_path); log_init(buf, log_level); #endif } if(checkforrunning(pidfilename) < 0) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "MiniDLNA is already running. EXITING.\n"); return 1; } set_startup_time(); /* presentation url */ if(presurl) strncpyt(presentationurl, presurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN); else strcpy(presentationurl, "/"); /* set signal handler */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); sa.sa_handler = sigterm; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL)) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set SIGTERM handler. EXITING.\n"); } if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL)) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set SIGINT handler. EXITING.\n"); } if(signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to ignore SIGPIPE signals. EXITING.\n"); } writepidfile(pidfilename, pid); return 0; }
/* init phase : * 1) read configuration file * 2) read command line arguments * 3) daemonize * 4) check and write pid file * 5) set startup time stamp * 6) compute presentation URL * 7) set signal handlers */ static int init(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int pid; int debug_flag = 0; int verbose_flag = 0; int options_flag = 0; struct sigaction sa; const char * presurl = NULL; const char * optionsfile = "/etc/minidlna.conf"; char mac_str[13]; char *string, *word; char *path; char buf[PATH_MAX]; char log_str[75] = "general,artwork,database,inotify,scanner,metadata,http,ssdp,tivo=warn"; char *log_level = NULL; struct media_dir_s *media_dir; int ifaces = 0; media_types types; uid_t uid = 0; /* first check if "-f" option is used */ for (i=2; i<argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i-1], "-f") == 0) { optionsfile = argv[i]; options_flag = 1; break; } } /* set up uuid based on mac address */ if (getsyshwaddr(mac_str, sizeof(mac_str)) < 0) { DPRINTF(E_OFF, L_GENERAL, "No MAC address found. Falling back to generic UUID.\n"); strcpy(mac_str, "554e4b4e4f57"); } strcpy(uuidvalue+5, "4d696e69-444c-164e-9d41-"); strncat(uuidvalue, mac_str, 12); getfriendlyname(friendly_name, FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN); runtime_vars.port = 8200; runtime_vars.notify_interval = 895; /* seconds between SSDP announces */ runtime_vars.max_connections = 50; runtime_vars.root_container = NULL; runtime_vars.ifaces[0] = NULL; /* read options file first since * command line arguments have final say */ if (readoptionsfile(optionsfile) < 0) { /* only error if file exists or using -f */ if(access(optionsfile, F_OK) == 0 || options_flag) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Error reading configuration file %s\n", optionsfile); } for (i=0; i<num_options; i++) { switch (ary_options[i].id) { case UPNPIFNAME: for (string = ary_options[i].value; (word = strtok(string, ",")); string = NULL) { if (ifaces >= MAX_LAN_ADDR) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Too many interfaces (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, word); break; } runtime_vars.ifaces[ifaces++] = word; } break; case UPNPPORT: runtime_vars.port = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPPRESENTATIONURL: presurl = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPNOTIFY_INTERVAL: runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPSERIAL: strncpyt(serialnumber, ary_options[i].value, SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPMODEL_NAME: strncpyt(modelname, ary_options[i].value, MODELNAME_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPMODEL_NUMBER: strncpyt(modelnumber, ary_options[i].value, MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPFRIENDLYNAME: strncpyt(friendly_name, ary_options[i].value, FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN); break; case UPNPMEDIADIR: types = ALL_MEDIA; path = ary_options[i].value; word = strchr(path, ','); if (word && (access(path, F_OK) != 0)) { types = 0; while (*path) { if (*path == ',') { path++; break; } else if (*path == 'A' || *path == 'a') types |= TYPE_AUDIO; else if (*path == 'V' || *path == 'v') types |= TYPE_VIDEO; else if (*path == 'P' || *path == 'p') types |= TYPE_IMAGES; else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Media directory entry not understood [%s]\n", ary_options[i].value); path++; } } path = realpath(path, buf); if (!path || access(path, F_OK) != 0) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Media directory \"%s\" not accessible [%s]\n", ary_options[i].value, strerror(errno)); break; } media_dir = calloc(1, sizeof(struct media_dir_s)); media_dir->path = strdup(path); media_dir->types = types; if (media_dirs) { struct media_dir_s *all_dirs = media_dirs; while( all_dirs->next ) all_dirs = all_dirs->next; all_dirs->next = media_dir; } else media_dirs = media_dir; break; case UPNPALBUMART_NAMES: for (string = ary_options[i].value; (word = strtok(string, "/")); string = NULL) { struct album_art_name_s * this_name = calloc(1, sizeof(struct album_art_name_s)); int len = strlen(word); if (word[len-1] == '*') { word[len-1] = '\0'; this_name->wildcard = 1; } this_name->name = strdup(word); if (album_art_names) { struct album_art_name_s * all_names = album_art_names; while( all_names->next ) all_names = all_names->next; all_names->next = this_name; } else album_art_names = this_name; } break; case UPNPDBDIR: path = realpath(ary_options[i].value, buf); if (!path) path = (ary_options[i].value); make_dir(path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); if (access(path, F_OK) != 0) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Database path not accessible! [%s]\n", path); strncpyt(db_path, path, PATH_MAX); break; case UPNPLOGDIR: path = realpath(ary_options[i].value, buf); if (!path) path = (ary_options[i].value); make_dir(path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); if (access(path, F_OK) != 0) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Log path not accessible! [%s]\n", path); strncpyt(log_path, path, PATH_MAX); break; case UPNPLOGLEVEL: log_level = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPINOTIFY: if (!strtobool(ary_options[i].value)) CLEARFLAG(INOTIFY_MASK); break; case ENABLE_TIVO: if (strtobool(ary_options[i].value)) SETFLAG(TIVO_MASK); break; case ENABLE_DLNA_STRICT: if (strtobool(ary_options[i].value)) SETFLAG(DLNA_STRICT_MASK); break; case ROOT_CONTAINER: switch (ary_options[i].value[0]) { case '.': runtime_vars.root_container = NULL; break; case 'B': case 'b': runtime_vars.root_container = BROWSEDIR_ID; break; case 'M': case 'm': runtime_vars.root_container = MUSIC_ID; break; case 'V': case 'v': runtime_vars.root_container = VIDEO_ID; break; case 'P': case 'p': runtime_vars.root_container = IMAGE_ID; break; default: runtime_vars.root_container = ary_options[i].value; DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_GENERAL, "Using arbitrary root container [%s]\n", ary_options[i].value); break; } break; case UPNPMINISSDPDSOCKET: minissdpdsocketpath = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPUUID: strcpy(uuidvalue+5, ary_options[i].value); break; case USER_ACCOUNT: uid = strtoul(ary_options[i].value, &string, 0); if (*string) { /* Symbolic username given, not UID. */ struct passwd *entry = getpwnam(ary_options[i].value); if (!entry) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Bad user '%s'.\n", argv[i]); uid = entry->pw_uid; } break; case FORCE_SORT_CRITERIA: force_sort_criteria = ary_options[i].value; break; case MAX_CONNECTIONS: runtime_vars.max_connections = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case MERGE_MEDIA_DIRS: if (strtobool(ary_options[i].value)) SETFLAG(MERGE_MEDIA_DIRS_MASK); break; default: DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Unknown option in file %s\n", optionsfile); } } if (log_path[0] == '\0') { if (db_path[0] == '\0') strncpyt(log_path, DEFAULT_LOG_PATH, PATH_MAX); else strncpyt(log_path, db_path, PATH_MAX); } if (db_path[0] == '\0') strncpyt(db_path, DEFAULT_DB_PATH, PATH_MAX); /* command line arguments processing */ for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] != '-') { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) { runtime_vars.port = -1; break; } else switch(argv[i][1]) { case 't': if (i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 's': if (i+1 < argc) strncpyt(serialnumber, argv[++i], SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'm': if (i+1 < argc) strncpyt(modelnumber, argv[++i], MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'p': if (i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.port = atoi(argv[++i]); else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'P': if (i+1 < argc) { if (argv[++i][0] != '/') DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c requires an absolute filename.\n", argv[i-1][1]); else pidfilename = argv[i]; } else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'd': debug_flag = 1; case 'v': verbose_flag = 1; break; case 'L': SETFLAG(NO_PLAYLIST_MASK); break; case 'w': if (i+1 < argc) presurl = argv[++i]; else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'i': if (i+1 < argc) { i++; if (ifaces >= MAX_LAN_ADDR) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Too many interfaces (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, argv[i]); break; } runtime_vars.ifaces[ifaces++] = argv[i]; } else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'f': i++; /* discarding, the config file is already read */ break; case 'h': runtime_vars.port = -1; // triggers help display break; case 'R': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "rm -rf %s/files.db %s/art_cache", db_path, db_path); if (system(buf) != 0) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to clean old file cache. EXITING\n"); break; case 'u': if (i+1 != argc) { i++; uid = strtoul(argv[i], &string, 0); if (*string) { /* Symbolic username given, not UID. */ struct passwd *entry = getpwnam(argv[i]); if (!entry) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Bad user '%s'.\n", argv[i]); uid = entry->pw_uid; } } else DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; break; #ifdef __linux__ case 'S': SETFLAG(SYSTEMD_MASK); break; #endif case 'V': printf("Version " MINIDLNA_VERSION "\n"); exit(0); break; default: DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); runtime_vars.port = -1; // triggers help display } } if (runtime_vars.port <= 0) { printf("Usage:\n\t" "%s [-d] [-v] [-f config_file] [-p port]\n" "\t\t[-i network_interface] [-u uid_to_run_as]\n" "\t\t[-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename]\n" "\t\t[-s serial] [-m model_number]\n" #ifdef __linux__ "\t\t[-w url] [-R] [-L] [-S] [-V] [-h]\n" #else "\t\t[-w url] [-R] [-L] [-V] [-h]\n" #endif "\nNotes:\n\tNotify interval is in seconds. Default is 895 seconds.\n" "\tDefault pid file is %s.\n" "\tWith -d minidlna will run in debug mode (not daemonize).\n" "\t-w sets the presentation url. Default is http address on port 80\n" "\t-v enables verbose output\n" "\t-h displays this text\n" "\t-R forces a full rescan\n" "\t-L do not create playlists\n" #ifdef __linux__ "\t-S changes behaviour for systemd\n" #endif "\t-V print the version number\n", argv[0], pidfilename); return 1; } if (verbose_flag) { strcpy(log_str+65, "debug"); log_level = log_str; } else if (!log_level) log_level = log_str; /* Set the default log file path to NULL (stdout) */ path = NULL; if (debug_flag) { pid = getpid(); strcpy(log_str+65, "maxdebug"); log_level = log_str; } else if (GETFLAG(SYSTEMD_MASK)) { pid = getpid(); } else { pid = process_daemonize(); #ifdef READYNAS unlink("/ramfs/.upnp-av_scan"); path = "/var/log/upnp-av.log"; #else if (access(db_path, F_OK) != 0) make_dir(db_path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/minidlna.log", log_path); path = buf; #endif } log_init(path, log_level); if (process_check_if_running(pidfilename) < 0) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, SERVER_NAME " is already running. EXITING.\n"); return 1; } set_startup_time(); /* presentation url */ if (presurl) strncpyt(presentationurl, presurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN); else strcpy(presentationurl, "/"); /* set signal handlers */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); sa.sa_handler = sigterm; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL)) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set %s handler. EXITING.\n", "SIGTERM"); if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL)) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set %s handler. EXITING.\n", "SIGINT"); if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set %s handler. EXITING.\n", "SIGPIPE"); if (signal(SIGHUP, &sighup) == SIG_ERR) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set %s handler. EXITING.\n", "SIGHUP"); signal(SIGUSR1, &sigusr1); sa.sa_handler = process_handle_child_termination; if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL)) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set %s handler. EXITING.\n", "SIGCHLD"); if (writepidfile(pidfilename, pid, uid) != 0) pidfilename = NULL; if (uid > 0) { struct stat st; if (stat(db_path, &st) == 0 && st.st_uid != uid && chown(db_path, uid, -1) != 0) DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Unable to set db_path [%s] ownership to %d: %s\n", db_path, uid, strerror(errno)); } if (uid > 0 && setuid(uid) == -1) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to switch to uid '%d'. [%s] EXITING.\n", uid, strerror(errno)); children = calloc(runtime_vars.max_connections, sizeof(struct child)); if (!children) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Allocation failed\n"); return 1; } // remove working flag remove_scantag(); return 0; }
/* init phase : * 1) read configuration file * 2) read command line arguments * 3) daemonize * 4) check and write pid file * 5) set startup time stamp * 6) compute presentation URL * 7) set signal handlers */ static int init(int argc, char * * argv) { int i; int pid; int debug_flag = 0; int options_flag = 0; struct sigaction sa; /*const char * logfilename = 0;*/ const char * presurl = 0; #if 1 const char * optionsfile = "/system/etc/minidlna.conf"; #else const char * optionsfile = "/etc/minidlna.conf"; #endif char mac_str[13]; char * string, * word; enum media_types type; char * path; char real_path[PATH_MAX]; char ext_ip_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = {'\0'}; /* first check if "-f" option is used */ for(i=2; i<argc; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(argv[i-1], "-f")) { optionsfile = argv[i]; options_flag = 1; break; } } /* set up uuid based on mac address */ if( getsyshwaddr(mac_str, sizeof(mac_str)) < 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_OFF, L_GENERAL, "No MAC address found. Falling back to generic UUID.\n"); strcpy(mac_str, "554e4b4e4f57"); } strcpy(uuidvalue+5, "4d696e69-444c-164e-9d41-"); strncat(uuidvalue, mac_str, 12); getfriendlyname(friendly_name, FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN); runtime_vars.port = -1; runtime_vars.notify_interval = 895; /* seconds between SSDP announces */ /* read options file first since * command line arguments have final say */ if(readoptionsfile(optionsfile) < 0) { /* only error if file exists or using -f */ if(access(optionsfile, F_OK) == 0 || options_flag) fprintf(stderr, "Error reading configuration file %s\n", optionsfile); } else { for(i=0; i<num_options; i++) { switch(ary_options[i].id) { case UPNPIFNAME: if(getifaddr(ary_options[i].value, ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) >= 0) { if( *ext_ip_addr && parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ext_ip_addr) == 0 ) n_lan_addr++; } else fprintf(stderr, "Interface %s not found, ignoring.\n", ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPLISTENING_IP: if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ary_options[i].value) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, ary_options[i].value); } break; case UPNPPORT: runtime_vars.port = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPPRESENTATIONURL: presurl = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPNOTIFY_INTERVAL: runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPSERIAL: strncpy(serialnumber, ary_options[i].value, SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); serialnumber[SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPMODEL_NUMBER: strncpy(modelnumber, ary_options[i].value, MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); modelnumber[MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPFRIENDLYNAME: strncpy(friendly_name, ary_options[i].value, FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN); friendly_name[FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPMEDIADIR: type = ALL_MEDIA; char * myval = NULL; switch( ary_options[i].value[0] ) { case 'A': case 'a': if( ary_options[i].value[0] == 'A' || ary_options[i].value[0] == 'a' ) type = AUDIO_ONLY; case 'V': case 'v': if( ary_options[i].value[0] == 'V' || ary_options[i].value[0] == 'v' ) type = VIDEO_ONLY; case 'P': case 'p': if( ary_options[i].value[0] == 'P' || ary_options[i].value[0] == 'p' ) type = IMAGES_ONLY; myval = index(ary_options[i].value, '/'); case '/': path = realpath(myval ? myval:ary_options[i].value, real_path); if( !path ) path = (myval ? myval:ary_options[i].value); if( access(path, F_OK) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Media directory not accessible! [%s]\n", path); break; } struct media_dir_s * this_dir = calloc(1, sizeof(struct media_dir_s)); this_dir->path = strdup(path); this_dir->type = type; if( !media_dirs ) { media_dirs = this_dir; } else { struct media_dir_s * all_dirs = media_dirs; while( all_dirs->next ) all_dirs = all_dirs->next; all_dirs->next = this_dir; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Media directory entry not understood! [%s]\n", ary_options[i].value); break; } break; case UPNPALBUMART_NAMES: for( string = ary_options[i].value; (word = strtok(string, "/")); string = NULL ) { struct album_art_name_s * this_name = calloc(1, sizeof(struct album_art_name_s)); this_name->name = strdup(word); if( !album_art_names ) { album_art_names = this_name; } else { struct album_art_name_s * all_names = album_art_names; while( all_names->next ) all_names = all_names->next; all_names->next = this_name; } } break; case UPNPINOTIFY: if( (strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") != 0) && !atoi(ary_options[i].value) ) CLEARFLAG(INOTIFY_MASK); break; case ENABLE_TIVO: if( (strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) || atoi(ary_options[i].value) ) SETFLAG(TIVO_MASK); break; case ENABLE_DLNA_STRICT: if( (strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) || atoi(ary_options[i].value) ) SETFLAG(DLNA_STRICT_MASK); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option in file %s\n", optionsfile); } } } /* command line arguments processing */ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0]!='-') { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--help")==0) { runtime_vars.port = 0; break; } else switch(argv[i][1]) { case 't': if(i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 's': if(i+1 < argc) strncpy(serialnumber, argv[++i], SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); serialnumber[SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case 'm': if(i+1 < argc) strncpy(modelnumber, argv[++i], MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); modelnumber[MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; /*case 'l': logfilename = argv[++i]; break;*/ case 'p': if(i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.port = atoi(argv[++i]); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'P': if(i+1 < argc) pidfilename = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'd': debug_flag = 1; break; case 'w': if(i+1 < argc) presurl = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'a': if(i+1 < argc) { int address_already_there = 0; int j; i++; for(j=0; j<n_lan_addr; j++) { struct lan_addr_s tmpaddr; parselanaddr(&tmpaddr, argv[i]); if(0 == strcmp(lan_addr[j].str, tmpaddr.str)) address_already_there = 1; } if(address_already_there) break; if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], argv[i]) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, argv[i]); } } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'i': if(i+1 < argc) { int address_already_there = 0; int j; i++; if( getifaddr(argv[i], ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Network interface '%s' not found.\n", argv[i]); exit(-1); } for(j=0; j<n_lan_addr; j++) { struct lan_addr_s tmpaddr; parselanaddr(&tmpaddr, ext_ip_addr); if(0 == strcmp(lan_addr[j].str, tmpaddr.str)) address_already_there = 1; } if(address_already_there) break; if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ext_ip_addr) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, argv[i]); } } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'f': i++; /* discarding, the config file is already read */ break; case 'h': runtime_vars.port = 0; // triggers help display break; case 'R': system("rm -rf " DB_PATH); // triggers a full rescan break; case 'V': printf("Version " MINIDLNA_VERSION "\n"); exit(0); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } } /* If no IP was specified, try to detect one */ if( n_lan_addr < 1 ) { if( (getsysaddr(ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) && (getifaddr("eth0", ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) && (getifaddr("eth1", ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) ) { DPRINTF(E_OFF, L_GENERAL, "No IP address automatically detected!\n"); } if( *ext_ip_addr && parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ext_ip_addr) == 0 ) { n_lan_addr++; } } if( (n_lan_addr==0) || (runtime_vars.port<=0) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\t" "%s [-d] [-f config_file]\n" "\t\t[-a listening_ip] [-p port]\n" /*"[-l logfile] " not functionnal */ "\t\t[-s serial] [-m model_number] \n" "\t\t[-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename]\n" "\t\t[-w url] [-R] [-V] [-h]\n" "\nNotes:\n\tNotify interval is in seconds. Default is 895 seconds.\n" "\tDefault pid file is %s.\n" "\tWith -d minidlna will run in debug mode (not daemonize).\n" "\t-w sets the presentation url. Default is http address on port 80\n" "\t-h displays this text\n" "\t-R forces a full rescan\n" "\t-V print the version number\n", argv[0], pidfilename); return 1; } if(debug_flag) { pid = getpid(); log_init(NULL, "general,artwork,database,inotify,scanner,metadata,http,ssdp,tivo=debug"); } else { #ifdef USE_DAEMON if(daemon(0, 0)<0) { perror("daemon()"); } pid = getpid(); #else pid = daemonize(); #endif #ifdef READYNAS log_init("/var/log/upnp-av.log", "general,artwork,database,inotify,scanner,metadata,http,ssdp,tivo=warn"); #else log_init(DB_PATH "/minidlna.log", "general,artwork,database,inotify,scanner,metadata,http,ssdp,tivo=warn"); #endif } if(checkforrunning(pidfilename) < 0) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "MiniDLNA is already running. EXITING.\n"); return 1; } set_startup_time(); /* presentation url */ if(presurl) { strncpy(presentationurl, presurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN); presentationurl[PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; } else { #ifdef READYNAS snprintf(presentationurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN, "https://%s/admin/", lan_addr[0].str); #else snprintf(presentationurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN, "http://%s:%d/", lan_addr[0].str, runtime_vars.port); #endif } /* set signal handler */ //signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); sa.sa_handler = sigterm; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL)) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set SIGTERM handler. EXITING.\n"); } if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL)) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set SIGINT handler. EXITING.\n"); } if(signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to ignore SIGPIPE signals. EXITING.\n"); } writepidfile(pidfilename, pid); return 0; }
/* init phase : * 1) read configuration file * 2) read command line arguments * 3) daemonize * 4) check and write pid file * 5) set startup time stamp * 6) set signal handlers */ static int init(int argc, char * * argv) { int i; int pid; int debug_flag = 0; int options_flag = 0; struct sigaction sa; /*const char * logfilename = 0;*/ const char * presurl = 0; const char * optionsfile = "/etc/dlnaproxy.conf"; char mac_str[13]; char * string, * word; char * path; char real_path[PATH_MAX]; char ip_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 3] = {'\0'}; /* first check if "-f" option is used */ for(i=2; i<argc; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(argv[i-1], "-f")) { optionsfile = argv[i]; options_flag = 1; break; } } /* set up uuid based on mac address */ if( getsyshwaddr(mac_str, sizeof(mac_str)) < 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_OFF, L_GENERAL, "No MAC address found. Falling back to generic UUID.\n"); strcpy(mac_str, "554e4b4e4f57"); } strcpy(uuidvalue+5, "4d696e69-444c-164e-9d41-"); strncat(uuidvalue, mac_str, 12); getfriendlyname(friendly_name, FRIENDLYNAME_MAX_LEN); runtime_vars.port = -1; runtime_vars.notify_interval = 895; /* seconds between SSDP announces */ runtime_vars.rport = 50001; runtime_vars.rhost = ""; /* read options file first since * command line arguments have final say */ if(readoptionsfile(optionsfile) < 0) { /* only error if file exists or using -f */ if(access(optionsfile, F_OK) == 0 || options_flag) fprintf(stderr, "Error reading configuration file %s\n", optionsfile); } else { for(i=0; i<num_options; i++) { switch(ary_options[i].id) { case UPNPIFNAME: for( string = ary_options[i].value; (word = strtok(string, ",")); string = NULL ) { if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(getifaddr(word, ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) >= 0) { if( *ip_addr && parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ip_addr) == 0 ) if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) n_lan_addr++; } else fprintf(stderr, "Interface %s not found, ignoring.\n", word); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, word); } } break; case UPNPLISTENING_IP: if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ary_options[i].value) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, ary_options[i].value); } break; case UPNPPORT: runtime_vars.port = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPNOTIFY_INTERVAL: runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPSERIAL: strncpy(serialnumber, ary_options[i].value, SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); serialnumber[SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPMODEL_NAME: strncpy(modelname, ary_options[i].value, MODELNAME_MAX_LEN); modelname[MODELNAME_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPMODEL_NUMBER: strncpy(modelnumber, ary_options[i].value, MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); modelnumber[MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPLOGDIR: path = realpath(ary_options[i].value, real_path); if( !path ) path = (ary_options[i].value); make_dir(path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); if( access(path, F_OK) != 0 ) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Log path not accessible! [%s]\n", path); break; } strncpy(log_path, path, PATH_MAX); break; case UPNPMINISSDPDSOCKET: minissdpdsocketpath = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPREMOTEUUID: runtime_vars.ruuid = ary_options[i].value; strcpy(uuidvalue+5, runtime_vars.ruuid); break; case UPNPREMOTEPORT: runtime_vars.rport = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPREMOTEHOST: runtime_vars.rhost = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPDESCPATH: runtime_vars.path = ary_options[i].value; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option with value %s in file %s\n", ary_options[i].value, optionsfile); } } } if( log_path[0] == '\0' ) { strncpy(log_path, DEFAULT_LOG_PATH, PATH_MAX); } /* command line arguments processing */ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0]!='-') { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "--help")==0) { runtime_vars.port = 0; break; } else switch(argv[i][1]) { case 't': if(i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.notify_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; /*case 'l': logfilename = argv[++i]; break;*/ case 'p': if(i+1 < argc) runtime_vars.port = atoi(argv[++i]); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'P': if(i+1 < argc) pidfilename = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'd': debug_flag = 1; break; case 'a': if(i+1 < argc) { int address_already_there = 0; int j; i++; for(j=0; j<n_lan_addr; j++) { struct lan_addr_s tmpaddr; parselanaddr(&tmpaddr, argv[i]); if(0 == strcmp(lan_addr[j].str, tmpaddr.str)) address_already_there = 1; } if(address_already_there) break; if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], argv[i]) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, argv[i]); } } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'i': if(i+1 < argc) { int address_already_there = 0; int j; i++; if( getifaddr(argv[i], ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Network interface '%s' not found.\n", argv[i]); exit(-1); } for(j=0; j<n_lan_addr; j++) { struct lan_addr_s tmpaddr; parselanaddr(&tmpaddr, ip_addr); if(0 == strcmp(lan_addr[j].str, tmpaddr.str)) address_already_there = 1; } if(address_already_there) break; if(n_lan_addr < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { if(parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ip_addr) == 0) n_lan_addr++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many listening ips (max: %d), ignoring %s\n", MAX_LAN_ADDR, argv[i]); } } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'f': i++; /* discarding, the config file is already read */ break; case 'h': runtime_vars.port = 0; // triggers help display break; case 'V': printf("Version " DLNAPROXY_VERSION "\n"); exit(0); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } } /* If no IP was specified, try to detect one */ if( n_lan_addr < 1 ) { if( (getsysaddr(ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0) && (getifaddr("eth0", ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0) && (getifaddr("eth1", ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)) < 0) ) { DPRINTF(E_OFF, L_GENERAL, "No IP address automatically detected!\n"); } if( *ip_addr && parselanaddr(&lan_addr[n_lan_addr], ip_addr) == 0 ) { n_lan_addr++; } } if( (n_lan_addr==0) || (runtime_vars.port<=0) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\t" "%s [-d] [-f config_file]\n" "\t\t[-a listening_ip] [-p port]\n" /*"[-l logfile] " not functionnal */ "\t\t[-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename]\n" "\t\t[-V] [-h]\n" "\nNotes:\n\tNotify interval is in seconds. Default is 895 seconds.\n" "\tDefault pid file is %s.\n" "\tWith -d dlnaproxy will run in debug mode (not daemonize).\n" "\t-h displays this text\n" "\t-V print the version number\n", argv[0], pidfilename); return 1; } if(debug_flag) { pid = getpid(); log_init(NULL, "general,inotify,http,ssdp=debug"); } else { #ifdef USE_DAEMON if(daemon(0, 0)<0) { perror("daemon()"); } pid = getpid(); #else pid = daemonize(); #endif if( access(log_path, F_OK) != 0 ) make_dir(log_path, S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); sprintf(real_path, "%s/dlnaproxy.log", log_path); log_init(real_path, "general,inotify,http,ssdp=warn"); } if(checkforrunning(pidfilename) < 0) { DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "DLNAProxy is already running. EXITING.\n"); return 1; } set_startup_time(); /* presentation url */ if(presurl) { strncpy(presentationurl, presurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN); presentationurl[PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(presentationurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN, "http://%s:%d/", lan_addr[0].str, runtime_vars.port); } /* set signal handler */ signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); sa.sa_handler = sigterm; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL)) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set SIGTERM handler. EXITING.\n"); } if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL)) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to set SIGINT handler. EXITING.\n"); } if(signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to ignore SIGPIPE signals. EXITING.\n"); } writepidfile(pidfilename, pid); return 0; }
/* init phase : * 1) read configuration file * 2) read command line arguments * 3) daemonize * 4) open syslog * 5) check and write pid file * 6) set startup time stamp * 7) compute presentation URL * 8) set signal handlers */ static int init(int argc, char * * argv, struct runtime_vars * v) { int i; int pid; int debug_flag = 0; int openlog_option; struct sigaction sa; /*const char * logfilename = 0;*/ const char * presurl = 0; #ifndef DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE int options_flag = 0; const char * optionsfile = DEFAULT_CONFIG; #endif /* DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE */ struct lan_addr_s * lan_addr; struct lan_addr_s * lan_addr2; /* only print usage if -h is used */ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) goto print_usage; } #ifndef DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE /* first check if "-f" option is used */ for(i=2; i<argc; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(argv[i-1], "-f")) { optionsfile = argv[i]; options_flag = 1; break; } } #endif /* DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE */ /* set initial values */ SETFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK); /* UPnP is enabled by default */ LIST_INIT(&lan_addrs); v->port = -1; v->notify_interval = 30; /* seconds between SSDP announces */ v->clean_ruleset_threshold = 20; v->clean_ruleset_interval = 0; /* interval between ruleset check. 0=disabled */ #ifndef DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE /* read options file first since * command line arguments have final say */ if(readoptionsfile(optionsfile) < 0) { /* only error if file exists or using -f */ if(access(optionsfile, F_OK) == 0 || options_flag) fprintf(stderr, "Error reading configuration file %s\n", optionsfile); } else { for(i=0; i<(int)num_options; i++) { switch(ary_options[i].id) { case UPNPEXT_IFNAME: ext_if_name = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPEXT_IP: use_ext_ip_addr = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPLISTENING_IP: lan_addr = (struct lan_addr_s *) malloc(sizeof(struct lan_addr_s)); if (lan_addr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc(sizeof(struct lan_addr_s)): %m"); break; } if(parselanaddr(lan_addr, ary_options[i].value) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't parse \"%s\" as valid lan address\n", ary_options[i].value); free(lan_addr); break; } LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&lan_addrs, lan_addr, list); break; case UPNPPORT: v->port = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPBITRATE_UP: upstream_bitrate = strtoul(ary_options[i].value, 0, 0); break; case UPNPBITRATE_DOWN: downstream_bitrate = strtoul(ary_options[i].value, 0, 0); break; case UPNPPRESENTATIONURL: presurl = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPFRIENDLY_NAME: strncpy(friendly_name, ary_options[i].value, FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX_LEN); friendly_name[FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; #ifdef USE_NETFILTER case UPNPFORWARDCHAIN: miniupnpd_forward_chain = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPNATCHAIN: miniupnpd_nat_chain = ary_options[i].value; break; #endif case UPNPNOTIFY_INTERVAL: v->notify_interval = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPSYSTEM_UPTIME: if(strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) SETFLAG(SYSUPTIMEMASK); /*sysuptime = 1;*/ break; #if defined(USE_PF) || defined(USE_IPF) case UPNPPACKET_LOG: if(strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) SETFLAG(LOGPACKETSMASK); /*logpackets = 1;*/ break; #endif case UPNPUUID: strncpy(uuidvalue+5, ary_options[i].value, strlen(uuidvalue+5) + 1); break; case UPNPSERIAL: strncpy(serialnumber, ary_options[i].value, SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); serialnumber[SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPMODEL_NUMBER: strncpy(modelnumber, ary_options[i].value, MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); modelnumber[MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case UPNPCLEANTHRESHOLD: v->clean_ruleset_threshold = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; case UPNPCLEANINTERVAL: v->clean_ruleset_interval = atoi(ary_options[i].value); break; #ifdef USE_PF case UPNPANCHOR: anchor_name = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPQUEUE: queue = ary_options[i].value; break; case UPNPTAG: tag = ary_options[i].value; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP case UPNPENABLENATPMP: if(strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) SETFLAG(ENABLENATPMPMASK); /*enablenatpmp = 1;*/ else if(atoi(ary_options[i].value)) SETFLAG(ENABLENATPMPMASK); /*enablenatpmp = atoi(ary_options[i].value);*/ break; #endif #ifdef PF_ENABLE_FILTER_RULES case UPNPQUICKRULES: if(strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "no") == 0) SETFLAG(PFNOQUICKRULESMASK); break; #endif case UPNPENABLE: if(strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") != 0) CLEARFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK); break; case UPNPSECUREMODE: if(strcmp(ary_options[i].value, "yes") == 0) SETFLAG(SECUREMODEMASK); break; #ifdef ENABLE_LEASEFILE case UPNPLEASEFILE: lease_file = ary_options[i].value; break; #endif case UPNPMINISSDPDSOCKET: minissdpdsocketpath = ary_options[i].value; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option in file %s\n", optionsfile); } } } #endif /* DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE */ /* command line arguments processing */ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0]!='-') { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } else switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'o': if(i+1 < argc) use_ext_ip_addr = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 't': if(i+1 < argc) v->notify_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'r': if(i+1 < argc) v->clean_ruleset_interval = atoi(argv[++i]); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'u': if(i+1 < argc) strncpy(uuidvalue+5, argv[++i], strlen(uuidvalue+5) + 1); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'z': if(i+1 < argc) strncpy(friendly_name, argv[++i], FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX_LEN); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); friendly_name[FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case 's': if(i+1 < argc) strncpy(serialnumber, argv[++i], SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); serialnumber[SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; case 'm': if(i+1 < argc) strncpy(modelnumber, argv[++i], MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN); else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); modelnumber[MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; break; #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP case 'N': /*enablenatpmp = 1;*/ SETFLAG(ENABLENATPMPMASK); break; #endif case 'U': /*sysuptime = 1;*/ SETFLAG(SYSUPTIMEMASK); break; /*case 'l': logfilename = argv[++i]; break;*/ #if defined(USE_PF) || defined(USE_IPF) case 'L': /*logpackets = 1;*/ SETFLAG(LOGPACKETSMASK); break; #endif case 'S': SETFLAG(SECUREMODEMASK); break; case 'i': if(i+1 < argc) ext_if_name = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; #ifdef USE_PF case 'q': if(i+1 < argc) queue = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'T': if(i+1 < argc) tag = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; #endif case 'p': if(i+1 < argc) v->port = atoi(argv[++i]); else #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE case 'Q': if(i+1<argc) { nfqueue = atoi(argv[++i]); } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'n': if (i+1 < argc) { i++; if(n_nfqix < MAX_LAN_ADDR) { nfqix[n_nfqix++] = if_nametoindex(argv[i]); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Too many nfq interfaces. Ignoring %s\n", argv[i]); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); } break; #endif fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'P': if(i+1 < argc) pidfilename = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'd': debug_flag = 1; break; case 'w': if(i+1 < argc) presurl = argv[++i]; else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'B': if(i+2<argc) { downstream_bitrate = strtoul(argv[++i], 0, 0); upstream_bitrate = strtoul(argv[++i], 0, 0); } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes two arguments.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'a': #ifndef MULTIPLE_EXTERNAL_IP if(i+1 < argc) { i++; lan_addr = (struct lan_addr_s *) malloc(sizeof(struct lan_addr_s)); if (lan_addr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc(sizeof(struct lan_addr_s)): %m"); break; } if(parselanaddr(lan_addr, argv[i]) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't parse \"%s\" as valid lan address\n", argv[i]); free(lan_addr); break; } /* check if we already have this address */ for(lan_addr2 = lan_addrs.lh_first; lan_addr2 != NULL; lan_addr2 = lan_addr2->list.le_next) { if (0 == strncmp(lan_addr2->str, lan_addr->str, 15)) break; } if (lan_addr2 == NULL) LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&lan_addrs, lan_addr, list); } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); #else if(i+2 < argc) { char *val=calloc((strlen(argv[i+1]) + strlen(argv[i+2]) + 1), sizeof(char)); if (val == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation error for listen address storage\n"); break; } sprintf(val, "%s %s", argv[i+1], argv[i+2]); lan_addr = (struct lan_addr_s *) malloc(sizeof(struct lan_addr_s)); if (lan_addr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc(sizeof(struct lan_addr_s)): %m"); free(val); break; } if(parselanaddr(lan_addr, val) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't parse \"%s\" as valid lan address\n", val); free(lan_addr); free(val); break; } /* check if we already have this address */ for(lan_addr2 = lan_addrs.lh_first; lan_addr2 != NULL; lan_addr2 = lan_addr2->list.le_next) { if (0 == strncmp(lan_addr2->str, lan_addr->str, 15)) break; } if (lan_addr2 == NULL) LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&lan_addrs, lan_addr, list); free(val); i+=2; } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes two arguments.\n", argv[i][1]); #endif break; case 'A': if(i+1 < argc) { void * tmp; tmp = realloc(upnppermlist, sizeof(struct upnpperm) * (num_upnpperm+1)); if(tmp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation error for permission\n"); } else { upnppermlist = tmp; if(read_permission_line(upnppermlist + num_upnpperm, argv[++i]) >= 0) { num_upnpperm++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Permission rule parsing error :\n%s\n", argv[i]); } } } else fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c takes one argument.\n", argv[i][1]); break; case 'f': i++; /* discarding, the config file is already read */ break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); } } if(!ext_if_name || !lan_addrs.lh_first) { /* bad configuration */ goto print_usage; } if(debug_flag) { pid = getpid(); } else { #ifdef USE_DAEMON if(daemon(0, 0)<0) { perror("daemon()"); } pid = getpid(); #else pid = daemonize(); #endif } openlog_option = LOG_PID|LOG_CONS; if(debug_flag) { openlog_option |= LOG_PERROR; /* also log on stderr */ } openlog("miniupnpd", openlog_option, LOG_MINIUPNPD); if(!debug_flag) { /* speed things up and ignore LOG_INFO and LOG_DEBUG */ setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_NOTICE)); } if(checkforrunning(pidfilename) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "MiniUPnPd is already running. EXITING"); return 1; } set_startup_time(GETFLAG(SYSUPTIMEMASK)); /* presentation url */ if(presurl) { strncpy(presentationurl, presurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN); presentationurl[PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN-1] = '\0'; } else { snprintf(presentationurl, PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN, "http://%s/", lan_addrs.lh_first->str); /*"http://%s:%d/", lan_addrs.lh_first->str, 80);*/ } /* set signal handler */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); sa.sa_handler = sigterm; if(sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to set %s handler. EXITING", "SIGTERM"); return 1; } if(sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to set %s handler. EXITING", "SIGINT"); return 1; } sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; if(sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to ignore SIGPIPE signals"); } sa.sa_handler = sigusr1; if(sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL) < 0) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to set %s handler", "SIGUSR1"); } if(init_redirect() < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to init redirection engine. EXITING"); return 1; } #ifdef ENABLE_6FC_SERVICE #ifdef USE_NETFILTER init_iptpinhole(); #endif #endif if(writepidfile(pidfilename, pid) < 0) pidfilename = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_LEASEFILE /*remove(lease_file);*/ syslog(LOG_INFO, "Reloading rules from lease file"); reload_from_lease_file(); #endif return 0; print_usage: fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\t" "%s " #ifndef DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE "[-f config_file] " #endif "[-i ext_ifname] [-o ext_ip]\n" #ifndef MULTIPLE_EXTERNAL_IP "\t\t[-a listening_ip]" #else "\t\t[-a listening_ip ext_ip]" #endif " [-p port] [-d]" #if defined(USE_PF) || defined(USE_IPF) " [-L]" #endif " [-U] [-S]" #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP " [-N]" #endif "\n" /*"[-l logfile] " not functionnal */ "\t\t[-u uuid] [-s serial] [-m model_number] \n" "\t\t[-t notify_interval] [-P pid_filename] [-z fiendly_name]\n" "\t\t[-B down up] [-w url] [-r clean_ruleset_interval]\n" #ifdef USE_PF "\t\t[-q queue] [-T tag]\n" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE "\t\t[-Q queue] [-n name]\n" #endif "\t\t[-A \"permission rule\"]\n" "\nNotes:\n\tThere can be one or several listening_ips.\n" "\tNotify interval is in seconds. Default is 30 seconds.\n" "\tDefault pid file is '%s'.\n" "\tDefault config file is '%s'.\n" "\tWith -d miniupnpd will run as a standard program.\n" #if defined(USE_PF) || defined(USE_IPF) "\t-L sets packet log in pf and ipf on.\n" #endif "\t-S sets \"secure\" mode : clients can only add mappings to their own ip\n" "\t-U causes miniupnpd to report system uptime instead " "of daemon uptime.\n" #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP "\t-N enable NAT-PMP functionality.\n" #endif "\t-B sets bitrates reported by daemon in bits per second.\n" "\t-w sets the presentation url. Default is http address on port 80\n" #ifdef USE_PF "\t-q sets the ALTQ queue in pf.\n" "\t-T sets the tag name in pf.\n" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE "\t-Q sets the queue number that is used by NFQUEUE.\n" "\t-n sets the name of the interface(s) that packets will arrive on.\n" #endif "\t-A use following syntax for permission rules :\n" "\t (allow|deny) (external port range) ip/mask (internal port range)\n" "\texamples :\n" "\t \"allow 1024-65535 1024-65535\"\n" "\t \"deny 0-65535 0-65535\"\n" "\t-h prints this help and quits.\n" "", argv[0], pidfilename, DEFAULT_CONFIG); return 1; }
/* process HTTP or SSDP requests */ int main(int argc, char * * argv) { int i; int shttpl = -1; /* socket for HTTP */ int sudp = -1; /* IP v4 socket for receiving SSDP */ #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 int sudpv6 = -1; /* IP v6 socket for receiving SSDP */ #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP int * snatpmp = NULL; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE int nfqh = -1; #endif #ifdef USE_IFACEWATCHER int sifacewatcher = -1; #endif int * snotify = NULL; int addr_count; LIST_HEAD(httplisthead, upnphttp) upnphttphead; struct upnphttp * e = 0; struct upnphttp * next; fd_set readset; /* for select() */ fd_set writeset; struct timeval timeout, timeofday, lasttimeofday = {0, 0}; int max_fd = -1; #ifdef USE_MINIUPNPDCTL int sctl = -1; LIST_HEAD(ctlstructhead, ctlelem) ctllisthead; struct ctlelem * ectl; struct ctlelem * ectlnext; #endif struct runtime_vars v; /* variables used for the unused-rule cleanup process */ struct rule_state * rule_list = 0; struct timeval checktime = {0, 0}; struct lan_addr_s * lan_addr; #ifdef ENABLE_6FC_SERVICE unsigned int next_pinhole_ts; #endif if(init(argc, argv, &v) != 0) return 1; /* count lan addrs */ addr_count = 0; for(lan_addr = lan_addrs.lh_first; lan_addr != NULL; lan_addr = lan_addr->list.le_next) addr_count++; if(addr_count > 0) { #ifndef ENABLE_IPV6 snotify = calloc(addr_count, sizeof(int)); #else /* one for IPv4, one for IPv6 */ snotify = calloc(addr_count * 2, sizeof(int)); #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP if(addr_count > 0) { snatpmp = malloc(addr_count * sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < addr_count; i++) snatpmp[i] = -1; } #endif LIST_INIT(&upnphttphead); #ifdef USE_MINIUPNPDCTL LIST_INIT(&ctllisthead); #endif if( #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP !GETFLAG(ENABLENATPMPMASK) && #endif !GETFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK) ) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Why did you run me anyway?"); return 0; } syslog(LOG_INFO, "Starting%s%swith external interface %s", #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP GETFLAG(ENABLENATPMPMASK) ? " NAT-PMP " : " ", #else " ", #endif GETFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK) ? "UPnP-IGD " : "", ext_if_name); if(GETFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK)) { /* open socket for HTTP connections. Listen on the 1st LAN address */ shttpl = OpenAndConfHTTPSocket((v.port > 0) ? v.port : 0); if(shttpl < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING"); return 1; } if(v.port <= 0) { struct sockaddr_in sockinfo; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if (getsockname(shttpl, (struct sockaddr *)&sockinfo, &len) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "getsockname(): %m"); return 1; } v.port = ntohs(sockinfo.sin_port); } syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "HTTP listening on port %d", v.port); #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 if(find_ipv6_addr(NULL, ipv6_addr_for_http_with_brackets, sizeof(ipv6_addr_for_http_with_brackets)) > 0) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "HTTP IPv6 address given to control points : %s", ipv6_addr_for_http_with_brackets); } else { memcpy(ipv6_addr_for_http_with_brackets, "[::1]", 6); syslog(LOG_WARNING, "no HTTP IPv6 address"); } #endif /* open socket for SSDP connections */ sudp = OpenAndConfSSDPReceiveSocket(0); if(sudp < 0) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to open socket for receiving SSDP. Trying to use MiniSSDPd"); if(SubmitServicesToMiniSSDPD(lan_addrs.lh_first->str, v.port) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to connect to MiniSSDPd. EXITING"); return 1; } } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 sudpv6 = OpenAndConfSSDPReceiveSocket(1); if(sudpv6 < 0) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open socket for receiving SSDP (IP v6)."); } #endif /* open socket for sending notifications */ if(OpenAndConfSSDPNotifySockets(snotify) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open sockets for sending SSDP notify " "messages. EXITING"); return 1; } #ifdef USE_IFACEWATCHER /* open socket for kernel notifications about new network interfaces */ if (sudp >= 0) { sifacewatcher = OpenAndConfInterfaceWatchSocket(); if (sifacewatcher < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open socket for receiving network interface notifications"); } } #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP /* open socket for NAT PMP traffic */ if(GETFLAG(ENABLENATPMPMASK)) { if(OpenAndConfNATPMPSockets(snatpmp) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open sockets for NAT PMP."); } else { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Listening for NAT-PMP traffic on port %u", NATPMP_PORT); } #if 0 ScanNATPMPforExpiration(); #endif } #endif /* for miniupnpdctl */ #ifdef USE_MINIUPNPDCTL sctl = OpenAndConfCtlUnixSocket("/var/run/miniupnpd.ctl"); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE if ( nfqueue != -1 && n_nfqix > 0) { nfqh = OpenAndConfNFqueue(); if(nfqh < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open fd for NFQUEUE."); return 1; } else { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Opened NFQUEUE %d",nfqueue); } } #endif /* main loop */ while(!quitting) { /* Correct startup_time if it was set with a RTC close to 0 */ if((startup_time<60*60*24) && (time(NULL)>60*60*24)) { set_startup_time(GETFLAG(SYSUPTIMEMASK)); } /* send public address change notifications if needed */ if(should_send_public_address_change_notif) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "should send external iface address change notification(s)"); #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP if(GETFLAG(ENABLENATPMPMASK)) SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification(snatpmp, addr_count); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_EVENTS if(GETFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK)) { upnp_event_var_change_notify(EWanIPC); } #endif should_send_public_address_change_notif = 0; } /* Check if we need to send SSDP NOTIFY messages and do it if * needed */ if(gettimeofday(&timeofday, 0) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "gettimeofday(): %m"); timeout.tv_sec = v.notify_interval; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { /* the comparaison is not very precise but who cares ? */ if(timeofday.tv_sec >= (lasttimeofday.tv_sec + v.notify_interval)) { if (GETFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK)) SendSSDPNotifies2(snotify, (unsigned short)v.port, v.notify_interval << 1); memcpy(&lasttimeofday, &timeofday, sizeof(struct timeval)); timeout.tv_sec = v.notify_interval; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } else { timeout.tv_sec = lasttimeofday.tv_sec + v.notify_interval - timeofday.tv_sec; if(timeofday.tv_usec > lasttimeofday.tv_usec) { timeout.tv_usec = 1000000 + lasttimeofday.tv_usec - timeofday.tv_usec; timeout.tv_sec--; } else { timeout.tv_usec = lasttimeofday.tv_usec - timeofday.tv_usec; } } } /* remove unused rules */ if( v.clean_ruleset_interval && (timeofday.tv_sec >= checktime.tv_sec + v.clean_ruleset_interval)) { if(rule_list) { remove_unused_rules(rule_list); rule_list = NULL; } else { rule_list = get_upnp_rules_state_list(v.clean_ruleset_threshold); } memcpy(&checktime, &timeofday, sizeof(struct timeval)); } /* Remove expired port mappings, based on UPnP IGD LeaseDuration * or NAT-PMP lifetime) */ if(nextruletoclean_timestamp && ((unsigned int)timeofday.tv_sec >= nextruletoclean_timestamp)) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "cleaning expired Port Mappings"); get_upnp_rules_state_list(0); } if(nextruletoclean_timestamp && ((unsigned int)timeout.tv_sec >= (nextruletoclean_timestamp - timeofday.tv_sec))) { timeout.tv_sec = nextruletoclean_timestamp - timeofday.tv_sec; timeout.tv_usec = 0; syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "setting timeout to %u sec", (unsigned)timeout.tv_sec); } #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP #if 0 /* Remove expired NAT-PMP mappings */ while(nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp && (timeofday.tv_sec >= nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp + startup_time)) { /*syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "cleaning expired NAT-PMP mappings");*/ if(CleanExpiredNATPMP() < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "CleanExpiredNATPMP() failed"); break; } } if(nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp && timeout.tv_sec >= (nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp + startup_time - timeofday.tv_sec)) { /*syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "setting timeout to %d sec", nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp + startup_time - timeofday.tv_sec);*/ timeout.tv_sec = nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp + startup_time - timeofday.tv_sec; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_6FC_SERVICE /* Clean up expired IPv6 PinHoles */ next_pinhole_ts = 0; upnp_clean_expired_pinholes(&next_pinhole_ts); if(next_pinhole_ts && timeout.tv_sec >= (int)(next_pinhole_ts - timeofday.tv_sec)) { timeout.tv_sec = next_pinhole_ts - timeofday.tv_sec; timeout.tv_usec = 0; } #endif /* select open sockets (SSDP, HTTP listen, and all HTTP soap sockets) */ FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_ZERO(&writeset); if (sudp >= 0) { FD_SET(sudp, &readset); max_fd = MAX( max_fd, sudp); #ifdef USE_IFACEWATCHER if (sifacewatcher >= 0) { FD_SET(sifacewatcher, &readset); max_fd = MAX(max_fd, sifacewatcher); } #endif } if (shttpl >= 0) { FD_SET(shttpl, &readset); max_fd = MAX( max_fd, shttpl); } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 if (sudpv6 >= 0) { FD_SET(sudpv6, &readset); max_fd = MAX( max_fd, sudpv6); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE if (nfqh >= 0) { FD_SET(nfqh, &readset); max_fd = MAX( max_fd, nfqh); } #endif i = 0; /* active HTTP connections count */ for(e = upnphttphead.lh_first; e != NULL; e = e->entries.le_next) { if(e->socket >= 0) { if(e->state <= EWaitingForHttpContent) FD_SET(e->socket, &readset); else if(e->state == ESendingAndClosing) FD_SET(e->socket, &writeset); else continue; max_fd = MAX(max_fd, e->socket); i++; } } /* for debug */ #ifdef DEBUG if(i > 1) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%d active incoming HTTP connections", i); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP for(i=0; i<addr_count; i++) { if(snatpmp[i] >= 0) { FD_SET(snatpmp[i], &readset); max_fd = MAX( max_fd, snatpmp[i]); } } #endif #ifdef USE_MINIUPNPDCTL if(sctl >= 0) { FD_SET(sctl, &readset); max_fd = MAX( max_fd, sctl); } for(ectl = ctllisthead.lh_first; ectl; ectl = ectl->entries.le_next) { if(ectl->socket >= 0) { FD_SET(ectl->socket, &readset); max_fd = MAX( max_fd, ectl->socket); } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_EVENTS upnpevents_selectfds(&readset, &writeset, &max_fd); #endif if(select(max_fd+1, &readset, &writeset, 0, &timeout) < 0) { if(quitting) goto shutdown; if(errno == EINTR) continue; /* interrupted by a signal, start again */ syslog(LOG_ERR, "select(all): %m"); syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to select open sockets. EXITING"); return 1; /* very serious cause of error */ } #ifdef USE_MINIUPNPDCTL for(ectl = ctllisthead.lh_first; ectl;) { ectlnext = ectl->entries.le_next; if((ectl->socket >= 0) && FD_ISSET(ectl->socket, &readset)) { char buf[256]; int l; l = read(ectl->socket, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(l > 0) { /*write(ectl->socket, buf, l);*/ write_command_line(ectl->socket, argc, argv); write_option_list(ectl->socket); write_permlist(ectl->socket, upnppermlist, num_upnpperm); write_upnphttp_details(ectl->socket, upnphttphead.lh_first); write_ctlsockets_list(ectl->socket, ctllisthead.lh_first); write_ruleset_details(ectl->socket); #ifdef ENABLE_EVENTS write_events_details(ectl->socket); #endif /* close the socket */ close(ectl->socket); ectl->socket = -1; } else { close(ectl->socket); ectl->socket = -1; } } if(ectl->socket < 0) { LIST_REMOVE(ectl, entries); free(ectl); } ectl = ectlnext; } if((sctl >= 0) && FD_ISSET(sctl, &readset)) { int s; struct sockaddr_un clientname; struct ctlelem * tmp; socklen_t clientnamelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); //syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "sctl!"); s = accept(sctl, (struct sockaddr *)&clientname, &clientnamelen); syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "sctl! : '%s'", clientname.sun_path); tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct ctlelem)); tmp->socket = s; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ctllisthead, tmp, entries); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_EVENTS upnpevents_processfds(&readset, &writeset); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP /* process NAT-PMP packets */ for(i=0; i<addr_count; i++) { if((snatpmp[i] >= 0) && FD_ISSET(snatpmp[i], &readset)) { ProcessIncomingNATPMPPacket(snatpmp[i]); } } #endif /* process SSDP packets */ if(sudp >= 0 && FD_ISSET(sudp, &readset)) { /*syslog(LOG_INFO, "Received UDP Packet");*/ ProcessSSDPRequest(sudp, (unsigned short)v.port); } #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 if(sudpv6 >= 0 && FD_ISSET(sudpv6, &readset)) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Received UDP Packet (IPv6)"); ProcessSSDPRequest(sudpv6, (unsigned short)v.port); } #endif #ifdef USE_IFACEWATCHER /* process kernel notifications */ if (sifacewatcher >= 0 && FD_ISSET(sifacewatcher, &readset)) ProcessInterfaceWatchNotify(sifacewatcher); #endif /* process active HTTP connections */ /* LIST_FOREACH macro is not available under linux */ for(e = upnphttphead.lh_first; e != NULL; e = e->entries.le_next) { if(e->socket >= 0) { if(FD_ISSET(e->socket, &readset) || FD_ISSET(e->socket, &writeset)) { Process_upnphttp(e); } } } /* process incoming HTTP connections */ if(shttpl >= 0 && FD_ISSET(shttpl, &readset)) { int shttp; socklen_t clientnamelen; #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage clientname; clientnamelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); #else struct sockaddr_in clientname; clientnamelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); #endif shttp = accept(shttpl, (struct sockaddr *)&clientname, &clientnamelen); if(shttp<0) { /* ignore EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK, EINTR, we just try again later */ if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EINTR) syslog(LOG_ERR, "accept(http): %m"); } else { struct upnphttp * tmp = 0; char addr_str[64]; sockaddr_to_string((struct sockaddr *)&clientname, addr_str, sizeof(addr_str)); syslog(LOG_INFO, "HTTP connection from %s", addr_str); /* Create a new upnphttp object and add it to * the active upnphttp object list */ tmp = New_upnphttp(shttp); if(tmp) { #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 if(clientname.ss_family == AF_INET) { tmp->clientaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&clientname)->sin_addr; } else if(clientname.ss_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 * addr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&clientname; if(IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&addr->sin6_addr)) { memcpy(&tmp->clientaddr, &addr->sin6_addr.s6_addr[12], 4); } else { tmp->ipv6 = 1; memcpy(&tmp->clientaddr_v6, &addr->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); } } #else tmp->clientaddr = clientname.sin_addr; #endif LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&upnphttphead, tmp, entries); } else { syslog(LOG_ERR, "New_upnphttp() failed"); close(shttp); } } } #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE /* process NFQ packets */ if(nfqh >= 0 && FD_ISSET(nfqh, &readset)) { /* syslog(LOG_INFO, "Received NFQUEUE Packet");*/ ProcessNFQUEUE(nfqh); } #endif /* delete finished HTTP connections */ for(e = upnphttphead.lh_first; e != NULL; ) { next = e->entries.le_next; if(e->state >= EToDelete) { LIST_REMOVE(e, entries); Delete_upnphttp(e); } e = next; } } /* end of main loop */ shutdown: /* close out open sockets */ while(upnphttphead.lh_first != NULL) { e = upnphttphead.lh_first; LIST_REMOVE(e, entries); Delete_upnphttp(e); } if (sudp >= 0) close(sudp); if (shttpl >= 0) close(shttpl); #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 if (sudpv6 >= 0) close(sudpv6); #endif #ifdef USE_IFACEWATCHER if(sifacewatcher >= 0) close(sifacewatcher); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP for(i=0; i<addr_count; i++) { if(snatpmp[i]>=0) { close(snatpmp[i]); snatpmp[i] = -1; } } #endif #ifdef USE_MINIUPNPDCTL if(sctl>=0) { close(sctl); sctl = -1; if(unlink("/var/run/miniupnpd.ctl") < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "unlink() %m"); } } #endif if (GETFLAG(ENABLEUPNPMASK)) { #ifndef ENABLE_IPV6 if(SendSSDPGoodbye(snotify, addr_count) < 0) #else if(SendSSDPGoodbye(snotify, addr_count * 2) < 0) #endif { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to broadcast good-bye notifications"); } #ifndef ENABLE_IPV6 for(i = 0; i < addr_count; i++) #else for(i = 0; i < addr_count * 2; i++) #endif close(snotify[i]); } if(pidfilename && (unlink(pidfilename) < 0)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to remove pidfile %s: %m", pidfilename); } /* delete lists */ while(lan_addrs.lh_first != NULL) { lan_addr = lan_addrs.lh_first; LIST_REMOVE(lan_addrs.lh_first, list); free(lan_addr); } #ifdef ENABLE_NATPMP free(snatpmp); #endif free(snotify); closelog(); #ifndef DISABLE_CONFIG_FILE freeoptions(); #endif return 0; }