void t(){ gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13); TFile *f_bef = TFile::Open("hists/sig_nofilt_noeff.root"); TH2F *tb = (TH2F*) f_bef->Get("inv_p_t_pbar_pi0_lab_the_pi0"); tb->SetTitle("#theta_{#pi^{0}} vs t;t[(GeV)^{2}];#theta_{#pi^{0}}[#circ]"); set_style(tb->GetXaxis()); set_style(tb->GetYaxis()); TFile* f_aft = TFile::Open("hists/sig_noeff.root"); TH1F *ta = (TH1F*) f_aft->Get("inv_p_t_pbar_pi0"); // tb->SetTitle(Form("#theta_{J/#psi} in #bar{p}p#rightarrow%s", rxn.c_str())); ta->SetTitle("t;t[(GeV)^{2}]"); ta->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.8,0.8); set_style(ta->GetXaxis()); set_style(ta->GetYaxis()); TCanvas *tc0 = new TCanvas("tc0","tc0",1100,500); tc0->Divide(2,1); tc0->cd(1); tb->Draw("colz"); TLatex *tt = new TLatex(); tt->SetTextSize(0.06); tt->SetNDC(); tt->DrawLatex(0.5,0.5,"s=12.25 GeV^{2}"); tc0->cd(2); ta->Draw(); tt->DrawLatex(0.19,0.7,"s=12.25 GeV^{2}"); tt->DrawLatex(0.19,0.6,"After MC rejection"); tc0->Print("figs/t_vs_the_pi0.pdf"); TCanvas *tc1 = new TCanvas("tc1","tc1",1400,1000); tc1->cd(); ta->Draw(); tt->DrawLatex(0.19,0.7,"s=12.25 GeV^{2}"); tt->DrawLatex(0.19,0.6,"Forward Hemesphere in CM"); //tt->DrawLatex(0.19,0.5,"After MC rejection"); }
static void handle_tap(AccelAxisType axis, int32_t direction) { persist_write_bool(STYLE_KEY, !persist_read_bool(STYLE_KEY)); set_style(); force_update(); vibes_long_pulse(); accel_tap_service_unsubscribe(); }
void Label::set_text_color(const Colorf color) { CSSValueColor value; value.color = color; value.type = value.type_color; set_style(value, true); }
void DemoCMotion::on_key_up(const clan::InputEvent& key, clan::Canvas canvas) { if( key.id == clan::keycode_escape ) quit = true; else if( key.id == clan::keycode_z) { current_style = (current_style+1)%2; set_style(canvas); } else if( key.id == clan::keycode_x) { random_ini_rotation = !random_ini_rotation; if( random_ini_rotation ) effect->set_rotation_distortion(L_DEGREE_TO_RADIAN(200)); else effect->set_rotation_distortion(0); } else if( key.id == clan::keycode_f1) show_menu = !show_menu; else if( key.id == clan::keycode_space) clan::System::sleep(rand()%200+50); }
void SessionRep::connect(Display* d) { set_style(d); Dispatcher::instance().link( d->fd(), Dispatcher::ReadMask, new SessionIOHandler(this, d) ); displays_->append(d); }
static void handle_init(void) { window = window_create(); window_stack_push(window, true /* Animated */); // child init simplebig_init(window); status_init(window); termo_init(window); // Register callbacks app_message_register_inbox_received(inbox_received_callback); app_message_register_inbox_dropped(inbox_dropped_callback); app_message_register_outbox_failed(outbox_failed_callback); app_message_register_outbox_sent(outbox_sent_callback); // Open AppMessage AppMessageResult result = app_message_open(APP_MESSAGE_INBOX_SIZE_MINIMUM, APP_MESSAGE_OUTBOX_SIZE_MINIMUM); if (result != APP_MSG_OK) { APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Can't open inbox"); } // handlers tick_timer_service_subscribe(MINUTE_UNIT, handle_minute_tick); UnobstructedAreaHandlers ua_handler = { .change = handle_unobstructed_change }; unobstructed_area_service_subscribe(ua_handler, NULL); // style set_style(); // draw first frame force_update(); }
// Display the atlas statusbar int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Enable multi threading XInitThreads(); // Initialize gtk toolkit gtk_init(&argc, &argv); // Setup widgets set_style(); // Display widgets display_frame(); display_tags(1); display_date(attrList); display_battery(); display_wifi(); display_volume(); display_brightness(); signal(SIGUSR1, widget_updater); // Run the gtk loop gtk_main(); return 0; }
variable flux_set_style(opts o,interpreter *i) { variable v=init_variable(); int buffer=0; int style=0; if (i->cast_int(&buffer,o,0) && i->cast_int(&style,o,1)) set_style(buffer,style); return v; }
void YahooParser::tag_end(const QString &tag) { style saveStyle =curStyle; while (!tags.empty()) { saveStyle = tags.top(); tags.pop(); if (saveStyle.tag == tag) break; } set_style(saveStyle); }
Halftone_TX::Halftone_TX(Patch* p) : GLSLShader_Layer_Base(p,new StripOpCB()), _use_alpha_transitions(false) { for (int i=0; i<MAX_LAYERS; i++) _layers.push_back(new halftone_layer_t()); // setup a default style here _layers[0]->_mode = 2; //procedural dots; set_style(0); }
void edit_typeset_rep::set_data (new_data data) { set_style (data->style); set_init (data->init); set_fin (data->fin); set_att (data->att); notify_page_change (); add_init (data->init); notify_change (THE_DECORATIONS); typeset_invalidate_env (); }
// MESSAGING static void inbox_received_callback(DictionaryIterator *iterator, void *context) { // Look for item Tuple *t = dict_find(iterator, MESSAGE_KEY_INVERSE); // For all items if (t) { persist_write_bool(STYLE_KEY, t->value->int32 == 1); set_style(); force_update(); vibes_long_pulse(); } termo_inbox_received(iterator, context); }
void draw_component(int origin_x, int origin_y, component *comp) { int x = comp->x+origin_x; int y = comp->y+origin_y; if (comp->hidden == 0) { set_style(comp->style); set_color(comp->color); set_bgcolor(comp->bgcolor); draw(x, y, comp->resource); } if (comp->next != NULL) { draw_component(origin_x, origin_y, comp->next); } if (comp->child != NULL) { draw_component(x, y, comp->child); } }
NBFMOptionsView::NBFMOptionsView( const Rect parent_rect, const Style* const style ) : View { parent_rect } { set_style(style); add_children({ { &label_config, &options_config, } }); options_config.set_selected_index(receiver_model.nbfm_configuration()); options_config.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t) { receiver_model.set_nbfm_configuration(n); }; }
void edit_main_rep::print (url name, bool conform, int first, int last) { if (inside ("screens")) { tree style= copy (get_style ()); tree init = copy (get_init ()); tree t = copy (subtree (et, rp)); call ("dynamic-make-slides"); apply_changes (); print_bis (name, conform, first, last); set_style (style); set_init (init); assign (rp, t); apply_changes (); } else print_bis (name, conform, first, last); }
FrequencyOptionsView::FrequencyOptionsView( const Rect parent_rect, const Style* const style ) : View { parent_rect } { set_style(style); options_step.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t v) { (void)n; this->on_step_changed(v); }; add_children({ { &text_step, &options_step, } }); }
/** * @brief Creates a new dialog box. * @param game the game this dialog box belongs to */ DialogBox::DialogBox(Game &game): game(game), issuer_script(NULL), dialog_surface(320, 240), box_img("hud/dialog_box.png"), icons_img("hud/dialog_icons.png"), end_lines_sprite("hud/dialog_box_message_end"), box_src_position(0, 0, 220, 60), box_dst_position(0, 0, 220, 60), question_src_position(96, 60, 8, 8) { dialog_surface.set_transparency_color(Color::get_black()); set_style(STYLE_WITH_FRAME); for (int i = 0; i < nb_visible_lines; i++) { line_surfaces[i] = new TextSurface(0, 0, TextSurface::ALIGN_LEFT, TextSurface::ALIGN_TOP); } }
static void add_cell (Sheet *sheet, const psiconv_sheet_cell psi_cell, const psiconv_formula_list psi_formulas, const GnmStyle * default_style) { GnmCell *cell; GnmValue *val; GnmExprTop const *expr = NULL; cell = sheet_cell_fetch (sheet, psi_cell->column, psi_cell->row); if (!cell) return; val = value_new_from_psi_cell (psi_cell); if (psi_cell->calculated) expr = expr_new_from_formula (psi_cell, psi_formulas); if (expr != NULL) { /* TODO : is there a notion of parse format ? * How does it store a user entered date ? */ if (val != NULL) gnm_cell_set_expr_and_value (cell, expr, val, TRUE); else gnm_cell_set_expr (cell, expr); } else if (val != NULL) { /* TODO : is there a notion of parse format ? * How does it store a user entered date ? */ gnm_cell_set_value (cell, val); } else { /* TODO : send this warning to iocontext with details of * which sheet and cell. */ g_warning ("Cell with no value or expression ?"); } if (expr) gnm_expr_top_unref (expr); /* TODO: Perhaps this must be moved above set_format */ set_style(sheet,psi_cell->row,psi_cell->column,psi_cell->layout, default_style); }
void init_editor(GtkWidget *box) { //エディタ部分の外観の設定 GtkWidget *notebook = gtk_notebook_new(); scroll_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scroll_window), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS); buffer = gtk_source_buffer_new(NULL); view = gtk_source_view_new_with_buffer(buffer); set_file_name(""); name_label = gtk_label_new("編集中のファイル"); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scroll_window), view); gtk_notebook_append_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook), scroll_window, name_label); gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip(view, TRUE); gtk_widget_grab_focus(view); set_style(); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), notebook, TRUE, TRUE, 0); //エディタ部分の動作の初期設定 gtk_source_buffer_set_highlight_matching_brackets(buffer, FALSE); gtk_widget_modify_font(view, pango_font_description_from_string(font_name)); gtk_source_view_set_tab_width(GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(view), state & width_mask); if (state & wrap_mask) { gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(view), GTK_WRAP_CHAR); } else { gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(view), GTK_WRAP_NONE); } if (state & line_mask) { gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers(GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(view), TRUE); } else { gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers(GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(view), FALSE); } if (state & highlight_mask) { gtk_source_view_set_highlight_current_line(GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(view), TRUE); } else { gtk_source_view_set_highlight_current_line(GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(view), FALSE); } if (state & space_mask) { gtk_source_view_set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs(GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(view), TRUE); } else { gtk_source_view_set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs(GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(view), FALSE); } }
DemoCMotion::DemoCMotion(clan::DisplayWindow &window) : window(window), fontColor(255.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f), blendingMode(L_ADDITIVE_BLENDING) { window.set_title("LinearParticle Example - CMotion "); sc.connect(window.sig_window_close(), clan::bind_member(this, &DemoCMotion::on_window_close)); canvas = clan::Canvas(window); sc.connect(window.get_keyboard().sig_key_up(), [&](const clan::InputEvent &input){on_key_up(input, canvas); }); // initialize LinearParticle L_ParticleSystem::init(); // create surface to be used for particle and set the alignment surface = clan::Sprite(canvas,"Resources/sketch.png"); surface.set_alignment(clan::origin_center); font = clan::Font("Arial", 16); motion_ctrl.set_speed_limit(0.65f); motion_ctrl.set_point_acceleration( 320, 240, 0.001f ); particle = clan::make_unique<L_Particle>(&surface, 3000); particle->rotating4(); particle->set_motion_controller(&motion_ctrl); L_Vector shooting_vector; shooting_vector.set2( 0.4, L_DEGREE_TO_RADIAN(-90) ); effect = clan::make_unique<L_ShootingEffect>(460, 360, shooting_vector, 16, 6); effect->add(particle.get()); effect->set_width_interval(20); effect->set_angle_interval(L_DEGREE_TO_RADIAN(40)); effect->set_life_distortion(600); effect->set_size_distortion(0.4f); effect->set_speed_distortion(0.06f); effect->initialize(); bg_color = clan::Colorf(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); set_style(canvas); last_time = clan::System::get_time(); }
ColorWheel::ColorWheel(clan::Canvas &canvas, clan::GUIManager &gui, clan::Rect gui_position) : clan::GUIComponent(&gui, clan::GUITopLevelDescription("ColorWheel", gui_position, false)) { clan::CSSValueBackgroundColor color; color.color = clan::Colorf::black; set_style(color, true); // We want a black background saturation_outer = 1.0f; saturation_inner = 0.0f; value_outer = 1.0f; value_inner = 0.0f; is_hsl = false; slider_saturation_outer = create_slider(16, 16); slider_saturation_inner = create_slider(16, 48); slider_value_outer = create_slider(16, 80); slider_value_inner = create_slider(16, 112); slider_saturation_outer->set_position(slider_saturation_outer->get_max()); slider_saturation_inner->set_position(0); slider_value_outer->set_position(slider_value_outer->get_max()); slider_value_inner->set_position(0); radiobutton_HSV = new clan::RadioButton(this); radiobutton_HSV->set_geometry(clan::Rect(16, 0 , clan::Size(64, 16))); radiobutton_HSV->set_text(" "); // ** I'm got lazy to set the text color to white, so I draw it elsewhere radiobutton_HSV->set_selected(true); radiobutton_HSV->set_group_name("Main Group"); radiobutton_HSV->func_selected() = bind_member(this, &ColorWheel::on_selected, radiobutton_HSV); radiobutton_HSL = new clan::RadioButton(this); radiobutton_HSL->set_geometry(clan::Rect(100, 0, clan::Size(64, 16))); radiobutton_HSL->set_text(" "); radiobutton_HSL->set_group_name("Main Group"); radiobutton_HSL->func_selected() = bind_member(this, &ColorWheel::on_selected, radiobutton_HSL); radiobutton_HSV->set_selected(true); func_render() = bind_member(this, &ColorWheel::on_render); font = clan::Font(canvas, "tahoma", 16); }
static void apply_styles(struct game_state *s) { set_style(s, "foreground", "white"); set_style(s, "background", "black"); set_style_gt0(s, "margin", "1"); set_style_gt0(s, "padding", "1"); set_style_gt0(s, "border", "0"); set_style_gt0(s, "border-radius", "0"); set_style(s, "border-color", get_style(s, "foreground")); set_style_gt0(s, "button-padding", "5"); set_style_gt0(s, "button-border-radius", "1"); set_style(s, "font", "normal"); set_style(s, "image", NULL); set_style(s, "image-align", "top"); set_style(s, "image-mask", NULL); set_style_gt0(s, "image-margin", "0"); }
FrequencyOptionsView::FrequencyOptionsView( const Rect parent_rect, const Style* const style ) : View { parent_rect } { set_style(style); options_step.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t v) { (void)n; this->on_step_changed(v); }; field_ppm.on_change = [this](int32_t v) { this->on_reference_ppm_correction_changed(v); }; add_children({ { &text_step, &options_step, &text_correction, &field_ppm, &text_ppm, } }); }
RadioGainOptionsView::RadioGainOptionsView( const Rect parent_rect, const Style* const style ) : View { parent_rect } { set_style(style); add_children({ { &label_rf_amp, &field_rf_amp, //&label_agc, //&field_agc } }); field_rf_amp.on_change = [this](int32_t v) { this->on_rf_amp_changed(v); }; /* field_agc.set_value(receiver_model.agc()); field_agc.on_change = [this](int32_t v) { this->on_agc_changed(v); }; */ }
void ps_printer::flush_sbuf() { enum { NONE, RELATIVE_H, RELATIVE_V, RELATIVE_HV, ABSOLUTE } motion = NONE; int space_flag = 0; if (sbuf_len == 0) return; if (output_style != sbuf_style) { set_style(sbuf_style); output_style = sbuf_style; } int extra_space = 0; if (output_hpos < 0 || output_vpos < 0) motion = ABSOLUTE; else { if (output_hpos != sbuf_start_hpos) motion = RELATIVE_H; if (output_vpos != sbuf_vpos) { if (motion != NONE) motion = RELATIVE_HV; else motion = RELATIVE_V; } } if (sbuf_space_code >= 0) { int w = sbuf_style.f->get_width(space_glyph, sbuf_style.point_size); if (w + sbuf_kern != sbuf_space_width) { if (sbuf_space_code != output_space_code) { set_space_code(sbuf_space_code); output_space_code = sbuf_space_code; } space_flag = 1; extra_space = sbuf_space_width - w - sbuf_kern; if (sbuf_space_diff_count > sbuf_space_count/2) extra_space++; else if (sbuf_space_diff_count < -(sbuf_space_count/2)) extra_space--; } } if (space_flag) out.put_fix_number(extra_space); if (sbuf_kern != 0) out.put_fix_number(sbuf_kern); out.put_string(sbuf, sbuf_len); char command_array[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T'}; char sym[2]; sym[0] = command_array[motion*4 + space_flag + 2*(sbuf_kern != 0)]; sym[1] = '\0'; switch (motion) { case NONE: break; case ABSOLUTE: out.put_fix_number(sbuf_start_hpos) .put_fix_number(sbuf_vpos); break; case RELATIVE_H: out.put_fix_number(sbuf_start_hpos - output_hpos); break; case RELATIVE_V: out.put_fix_number(sbuf_vpos - output_vpos); break; case RELATIVE_HV: out.put_fix_number(sbuf_start_hpos - output_hpos) .put_fix_number(sbuf_vpos - output_vpos); break; default: assert(0); } out.put_symbol(sym); output_hpos = sbuf_end_hpos; output_vpos = sbuf_vpos; sbuf_len = 0; }
double fourrier() { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13); //gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.0,"X"); gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.08); gStyle->SetTitleFont(62); //gStyle->SetTitleAlign(33); //TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3); double pars[] = { 6.35356e+00, 1.0, 4.13113e+00, -4.43669e+00, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1, 9.64513e+03, 1.22279e+00, 4.66147e-04, 2.96494e-05, -6.21090e-06, 1.0, -3.23049e-06 }; TLegend *tl = new TLegend(0.25,0.6,0.85,0.8); //TLegend *tl = new TLegend(0.462644, 0.651163, 0.862069, 0.852008); tl->SetBorderSize(0); TFile *f = TFile::Open("hadd_out/hadd.pi.root"); TEfficiency* eff = (TEfficiency*) f->Get("prob_cut_9/eff1d_mom_e_id"); tl->AddEntry(eff,"#pi^{#pm} mis-id prob. (p^{EID}_{comb} > 0.9)","pl"); bool draw_func = false; if (draw_func) { TFile *f2 = TFile::Open("../new_test/eid90pct/anav2_pip_pim_brem_plab5.5.root"); TEfficiency* eff2 = (TEfficiency*) f2->Get("pi_eff1d_total_smooth1d_clone"); TList *list = (TList*) eff2->GetListOfFunctions(); TF1* fsmth = (TF1*) list->First(); tl->AddEntry(fsmth,"parametrization"); } TCanvas *tc = new TCanvas("tc","tc"); tc->cd(); eff->Draw(); // tc->Update(); //eff->GetPaintedGraph()->GetHistogram()->SetMinimum(0); //eff->GetPaintedGraph()->GetHistogram()->SetMaximum(0.006); eff->GetPaintedGraph()->SetMinimum(5e-6); eff->GetPaintedGraph()->SetMaximum(0.007); eff->Draw(); //eff->SetTitle(Form("%s;p_{MC}[GeV/c];#varepsilon(#pi^{#pm})^{EID}",eff->GetTitle())); //eff->SetTitle(Form("#varepsilon(#pi^{#pm}) for combined eID prob > 90%%;p_{MC}[GeV/c];#varepsilon(#pi^{#pm})^{EID}")); eff->SetTitle(Form(";p_{MC}[GeV/c];#varepsilon(#pi^{#pm})^{EID}")); set_style(eff->GetPaintedGraph()); if (draw_func) fsmth->Draw("same"); gPad->SetLogy(); tc->Update(); tl->Draw(); //TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1",func,0.0001,12,14); //for (int ii=0; ii < 14; ++ii) { // if (ii==9||ii==10||ii==11) // f1->FixParameter(ii,pars[ii]); // else // f1->SetParameter(ii,pars[ii]); //} //eff->Fit(f1,"+RME"); //eff->Draw(); //cout << "Eff (0.01)= " << f1->Eval(0.01) << endl; //cout << "Eff (0.1)= " << f1->Eval(0.1) << endl; //cout << "Eff (0.2)= " << f1->Eval(0.2) << endl; //cout << "Eff (0.5)= " << f1->Eval(0.5) << endl; //cout << "Eff (1.0)= " << f1->Eval(1.0) << endl; //TF1* f2 = new TF1("f1",func,0.0001,12,13); //for (int ii=0; ii < 13; ++ii) { // if (ii!=12) // f2->SetParameter(ii,f1->GetParameter(ii)); // else // f2->SetParameter(ii,100*f1->GetParameter(ii)); //} //f2->SetLineColor(4); //f2->Draw("same"); }
void YahooParser::tag_start(const QString &tag, const list<QString> &options) { if (tag == "img") { QString src; for (list<QString>::const_iterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it) { QString name = (*it); ++it; QString value = (*it); if (name == "src") { src = value; break; } } if (src.left(10) != "icon:smile") return; bool bOK; unsigned nSmile = src.mid(10).toUInt(&bOK, 16); if (!bOK) return; const smile *p = smiles(nSmile); if (p) text(p->paste); return; } if (tag == "br") { res += "\n"; return; } style s = curStyle; s.tag = tag; tags.push(s); if (tag == "p") { if (!m_bFirst) res += "\n"; m_bFirst = false; } if (tag == "font") { for (list<QString>::const_iterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it) { QString name = *it; ++it; if (name == "color") { QColor c; c.setNamedColor(*it); s.color = c.rgb() & 0xFFFFFF; } } } if (tag == "b") { s.state |= 1; return; } if (tag == "i") { s.state |= 2; return; } if (tag == "u") { s.state |= 4; return; } for (list<QString>::const_iterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it) { QString name = *it; ++it; if (name != "style") continue; list<QString> styles = parseStyle(*it); for (list<QString>::iterator its = styles.begin(); its != styles.end(); ++its) { QString name = *its; ++its; if (name == "color") { QColor c; c.setNamedColor(*its); s.color = c.rgb() & 0xFFFFFF; } if (name == "font-size") { unsigned size = atol((*its).latin1()); if (size) s.size = size; } if (name == "font-family") s.face = (*its); if (name == "font-weight") s.state &= ~1; if (atol((*its).latin1()) >= 600) s.state |= 1; if ((name == "font-style") && ((*its) == "italic")) s.state |= 2; if ((name == "text-decoration") && ((*its) == "underline")) s.state |= 4; } } set_style(s); }
void EditorActionChangeParagraphStyle::undo (GtkWidget *& to_focus) { paragraph->style = previous_style; set_style (paragraph->style); to_focus = paragraph->textview; }
void EditorActionChangeParagraphStyle::apply (GtkWidget *& to_focus) { paragraph->style = current_style; set_style (paragraph->style); to_focus = paragraph->textview; }
TITANIUM_PROPERTY_SETTER(ActivityIndicator, style) { TITANIUM_ASSERT(argument.IsNumber()); set_style(static_cast<ACTIVITY_INDICATOR_STYLE>(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(argument))); return true; }