// ######################################################################
void EyeTrackerEyeLink::openSDL()
  // set the display characteristics:
  di.width = itsDims.getVal().w(); di.height = itsDims.getVal().h();
  di.left = 0; di.top = 0; di.right = di.width-1; di.bottom = di.height-1;
  di.bits = 24; di.palsize = 0; di.pages = 0; di.refresh = 60.0F;
  di.winnt = 0;

  // open the display with our wishes:
  if (init_expt_graphics(NULL, &di))
    LFATAL("Cannot open display");

  // see what we actually got:
  LINFO("DISPLAYINFO: [%dx%d}: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) %dbpp %.1fHz",
        int(di.width), int(di.height), int(di.left), int(di.top),
        int(di.right), int(di.bottom), int(di.bits), di.refresh);
  if (di.palsize) LFATAL("Paletized color modes not supported");

  // Prepare for calibration and other settings:
  set_target_size(10, 2);
  set_calibration_colors(&target_foreground_color, &target_background_color);
  set_cal_sounds(const_cast<char*>(""), const_cast<char*>(""), const_cast<char*>(""));
  set_dcorr_sounds(const_cast<char*>(""), const_cast<char*>("off"), const_cast<char*>("off"));

  // Setup calibration type:
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("calibration_type = HV9"));

  // Configure tracker for display:
  eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("screen_pixel_coords = %ld %ld %ld %ld"),
                di.left, di.top, di.right, di.bottom);

        if (di.refresh > 40.0F)
    eyemsg_printf(const_cast<char*>("FRAMERATE %1.2f Hz."), di.refresh);
Example #2
int app_main(char * trackerip, DISPLAYINFO * disp)
  UINT16 i, j;
  char our_file_name[260] = "TEST";
  char verstr[50];
  int eyelink_ver = 0;
  int tracker_software_ver = 0;
  if(open_eyelink_connection(0)) return -1;    /* abort if we can't open link */
  flush_getkey_queue();                        /* initialize getkey() system */

  eyelink_ver = eyelink_get_tracker_version(verstr);
  if (eyelink_ver == 3)
	  tracker_software_ver = get_tracker_sw_version(verstr);

  if(init_expt_graphics(NULL, disp))
	  goto shutdown;   /* register window with EXPTSPPT */

  window = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
  get_display_information(&dispinfo);          /* get window size, characteristics */

		NOTE: Camera display does not support 16-color modes
		NOTE: Picture display examples don't work well with 256-color modes
		However, all other sample programs should work well.

  if(dispinfo.palsize)     /* 256-color modes: palettes not supported by this example */
      alert_printf("This program is not optimized for 256-color displays");


  i = SCRWIDTH/60;		  /* select best size for calibration target */
  j = SCRWIDTH/300;       /* and focal spot in target */
  if(j < 2) j = 2;
  set_target_size(i, j);  /* tell DLL the size of target features */

  /* color of calibration target */
  SETCOLOR(target_foreground_color, 0,0,0);
  /* background for calibration and drift correction */
  SETCOLOR(target_background_color, 128,128,128);
  /* tell EXPTSPPT the colors */
  set_calibration_colors(&target_foreground_color, &target_background_color);

  set_cal_sounds("", "", "");
  set_dcorr_sounds("", "off", "off");

  /* draw a title screen */
  clear_full_screen_window(target_background_color);    /* clear screen */
  get_new_font("Times Roman", SCRHEIGHT/32, 1);         /* select a font */
                                                        /* Draw text */
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/2, 1*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "EyeLink Demonstration Experiment: Communicate with Listener");
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/2, 2*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "Included with the Experiment Programming Kit for Windows");
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/2, 3*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "All code is Copyright (c) 1997-2002 SR Research Ltd.");
  graphic_printf(window, target_foreground_color,  CENTER, SCRWIDTH/5, 4*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "Source code may be used as template for your experiments.");

  eyelink_set_name("comm_simple");  /* NEW: set our network name */

  if(check_for_listener())   /* check for COMM_LISTENER application */
      alert_printf("Could not communicate with COMM_LISTENER application.");
      goto shutdown;

  if(i==1)  our_file_name[0] = 0;   /* Cancelled: No file name */
  if(our_file_name[0])    /* If file name set, open it */
      if(!strstr(our_file_name, ".")) strcat(our_file_name, ".EDF");  /* add extension   */
      i = open_data_file(our_file_name);                              /* open file       */
      if(i!=0)                                                        /* check for error */
          alert_printf("Cannot create EDF file '%s'", our_file_name);
          goto shutdown;
	  /* add title to preamble */
      eyecmd_printf("add_file_preamble_text 'RECORDED BY %s' ", program_name);
		NOTE: set contents before sending messages!
		set EDF file contents
      eyecmd_printf("select_parser_configuration 0");  // 0 = standard sensitivity
	  if(eyelink_ver == 2) //turn off scenelink camera stuff
		eyecmd_printf("scene_camera_gazemap = NO");
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_velocity_threshold = 35");
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500");
  // NOTE: set contents before sending messages!
		     // set EDF file contents 
  eyecmd_printf("file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("file_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS%s",(tracker_software_ver>=4)?",HTARGET":"");
		      // set link data (used for gaze cursor) 
  eyecmd_printf("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("link_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS%s",(tracker_software_ver>=4)?",HTARGET":"");

  /* NEW: Allow EyeLink I (v2.1+) to echo messages back to listener */
  eyecmd_printf("link_nonrecord_events = BUTTONS, MESSAGES");

  /* Program button #5 for use in drift correction */
  eyecmd_printf("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'");

  /* Now configure tracker for display resolution */
  eyecmd_printf("screen_pixel_coords = %ld %ld %ld %ld",    /* Set display resolution */
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
  eyecmd_printf("calibration_type = HV9");       /* Setup calibration type */
  eyemsg_printf("DISPLAY_COORDS %ld %ld %ld %ld",/* Add resolution to EDF file */
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
    eyemsg_printf("FRAMERATE %1.2f Hz.", dispinfo.refresh);


  /* make sure we're still alive */
  if(!eyelink_is_connected() || break_pressed()) goto end_expt;

	 RUN THE EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS (code depends on type of experiment)
     Calling run_trials() performs a calibration followed by trials
     This is equivalent to one block of an experiment
     It will return ABORT_EXPT if the program should exit
  i = run_trials();

end_expt:                /* END: close, transfer EDF file */
  set_offline_mode();    /* set offline mode so we can transfer file */
  pump_delay(500);       /* delay so tracker is ready */
  eyecmd_printf("close_data_file"); /* close data file */

  if(break_pressed()) goto shutdown;/* don't get file if we aborted experiment */
  if(our_file_name[0])              /* make sure we created a file */
    receive_data_file(our_file_name, "", 0);  /* transfer the file, ask for a local name */

shutdown:                /* CLEANUP */
  close_expt_graphics();           /* tell EXPTSPPT to release window */
  close_eyelink_connection();      /* disconnect from tracker */
  return 0;
Example #3
  int i, j;
  char our_file_name[260] = "TEST";

  if(open_eyelink_connection(0)) return -1;    // abort if we can't open link
  flush_getkey_queue();                        // initialize getkey() system
  is_eyelink2 = (2 == eyelink_get_tracker_version(NULL) );

  get_display_information(&dispinfo);          // get window size, characteristics
     // NOTE: Camera display does not support 16-color modes
     // NOTE: Picture display examples don't work well with 256-color modes
     //       However, all other sample programs should work well.
  if(dispinfo.palsize==16)      // 16-color modes not functional
      alert_printf("This program cannot use 16-color displays");
      goto shutdown;
  if(dispinfo.refresh < 40)  // wait_for_refresh doesn't work!
      alert_printf("No refresh synchroniztion available!");
  if(dispinfo.palsize)     // 256-color modes: palettes not supported by this example
      alert_printf("This program is not optimized for 256-color displays");

  //SEAN  -display window
  if(make_full_screen_window(application_instance)) goto shutdown;  // create the window
  if(init_expt_graphics(full_screen_window, NULL)) goto shutdown;   // register window with EXPTSPPT

  i = SCRWIDTH/60;        // select best size for calibration target
  j = SCRWIDTH/300;       // and focal spot in target
  if(j < 2) j = 2;
  set_target_size(i, j);  // tell DLL the size of target features

  target_foreground_color = RGB(0,0,0);    // color of calibration target
  target_background_color = RGB(128,128,128);       // background for calibration and drift correction
  set_calibration_colors(target_foreground_color, target_background_color); // tell EXPTSPPT the colors

  set_cal_sounds("", "", "");
  set_dcorr_sounds("", "off", "off");
                                     // draw a title screen
  // SEAN
  clear_full_screen_window(target_background_color);    // clear screen

  get_new_font("Times Roman", SCRHEIGHT/32, 1);         // select a font
                                                        // Draw text
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 1, SCRWIDTH/2, 1*SCRHEIGHT/30, 
                 "EyeLink Demonstration Experiment: Sample Code");
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 1, SCRWIDTH/2, 2*SCRHEIGHT/30,
                 "Included with the Experiment Programming Kit for Windows");
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 1, SCRWIDTH/2, 3*SCRHEIGHT/30, 
                 "All code is Copyright (c) 1997-2002 SR Research Ltd.");
  graphic_printf(target_foreground_color, target_background_color, 0, SCRWIDTH/5, 4*SCRHEIGHT/30, 
                 "Source code may be used as template for your experiments.");

//SEAN - file i/o
  i = edit_dialog(full_screen_window, "Create EDF File",            // Get the EDF file name
                 "Enter Tracker EDF file name:", our_file_name, 8);

  if(i==-1) goto shutdown;          // ALT-F4: terminate
  if(i==1)  our_file_name[0] = 0;   // Cancelled: No file name
  if(our_file_name[0])    // If file name set, open it
      if(!strstr(our_file_name, ".")) strcat(our_file_name, ".EDF");  // add extension
      i = open_data_file(our_file_name);                              // open file
      if(i!=0)                                                        // check for error
          alert_printf("Cannot create EDF file '%s'", our_file_name);
          goto shutdown;
        }                                                              // add title to preamble
      eyecmd_printf("add_file_preamble_text 'RECORDED BY %s' ", program_name);
                                      // Now configure tracker for display resolution
  eyecmd_printf("screen_pixel_coords = %ld %ld %ld %ld",    // Set display resolution   
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
  eyecmd_printf("calibration_type = HV9");                  // Setup calibration type
  eyemsg_printf("DISPLAY_COORDS %ld %ld %ld %ld",           // Add resolution to EDF file
                 dispinfo.left, dispinfo.top, dispinfo.right, dispinfo.bottom);
    eyemsg_printf("FRAMERATE %1.2f Hz.", dispinfo.refresh);

		      // set parser saccade thresholds (conservative settings)
      eyecmd_printf("select_parser_configuration 0");  // 0 = standard sensitivity
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_velocity_threshold = 35");
      eyecmd_printf("saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500");
		      // set EDF file contents 
  eyecmd_printf("file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("file_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA,GAZERES,STATUS");
		      // set link data (used for gaze cursor) 
  eyecmd_printf("link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,BUTTON");
  eyecmd_printf("link_sample_data  = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,GAZERES,AREA,STATUS");
                      // Program button #5 for use in drift correction
  eyecmd_printf("button_function 5 'accept_target_fixation'");

  if(!eyelink_is_connected() || break_pressed()) goto end_expt;  // make sure we're still alive

       // RUN THE EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS (code depends on type of experiment)
                // Calling run_trials() performs a calibration followed by trials
                // This is equivalent to one block of an experiment 
                // It will return ABORT_EXPT if the program should exit

  i = run_trials();

end_expt:                // END: close, transfer EDF file
  set_offline_mode();               // set offline mode so we can transfer file
  pump_delay(500);                  // delay so tracker is ready
  eyecmd_printf("close_data_file"); // close data file

  if(break_pressed()) goto shutdown;          // don't get file if we aborted experiment
  if(our_file_name[0])                        // make sure we created a file
    receive_data_file(our_file_name, "", 0);  // transfer the file, ask for a local name

shutdown:                // CLEANUP
  close_expt_graphics();           // tell EXPTSPPT to release window
  close_eyelink_connection();      // disconnect from tracker
  return 0;