     * \fn PatchVertex( const PatchVertex< VAttrib , EAttrib , PAttrib >& patch )
     * \brief Creates an instance of this class.
     * \param patch A reference to an object to be cloned.
    PatchVertex(  const PatchVertex< VAttrib , EAttrib , PAttrib >& patch ) 
      set_edge( patch.get_edge() ) ;
      set_x_coord( patch.x() ) ;
      set_y_coord( patch.y() ) ;
      set_z_coord( patch.z() ) ;
      this->_attributes = patch._attributes ;

      return ;
/* SensorSettings with arguments */
SensorSettings::SensorSettings (const Glib::ustring& tag,
                                bool online,
                                const gdouble x,
                                const gdouble y,
                                const guint adata,
                                const Glib::ustring& type)
  set_tag (tag);
  set_online (online);
  set_x_coord (x);
  set_y_coord (y);
  set_amount_data (adata);
  set_type (type);
     * \fn PatchVertex( unsigned e , double x , double y , double z )
     * \brief Creates an instance of this class.
     * \param  e Index  of a  surface  patch edge  incident with  this
     * vertex.
     * \param x The first Cartesian coordinate of the vertex location.
     * \param  y  The  second   Cartesian  coordinate  of  the  vertex
     * location.
     * \param z The third Cartesian coordinate of the vertex location.
		unsigned e ,
		double x ,
		double y ,
		double z
      set_edge( e ) ;
      set_x_coord( x ) ;
      set_y_coord( y ) ;
      set_z_coord( z ) ;

      return ;
Example #4
** Function:          Point::Point()
** Description:       Default Constructor
** Parameters:        int, int - sets the x and y private data members
** Pre-Conditions:    Requires only the int values passed in
** Post-Conditions:   A Point object will have been instantiated
Point::Point(const int x, const int y)