int main(int argc, const char * const argv[]) { sf::Event e; sf::Window win; sf::VideoMode vm; std::stringstream win_title; sf::ContextSettings cs; win_title<<APP_TITLE<<" "<<APP_VERSION; vm.width = WIDTH; vm.height = HEIGHT; vm.bitsPerPixel = 32; cs.depthBits = 24; cs.stencilBits = 8; win.create(vm, win_title.str(), sf::Style::Default, cs); win.setFramerateLimit(60); win.setVerticalSyncEnabled(g_vsync); win.setActive(); setup_render_state(); while(g_run) { while (win.pollEvent(e)) handle_event(e); render_scene(); win.display(); } win.close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char * const argv[]) { sf::Event e; sf::Window win; sf::VideoMode vm; sf::Clock c; std::string win_title; win_title = "Pointsz"; vm.width = win_w; vm.height = win_h; vm.bitsPerPixel = 32; win.create(vm, win_title); win.setFramerateLimit(60); win.setVerticalSyncEnabled(g_vsync); win.setActive(); setup_render_state(); c.restart(); while(g_run) { while (win.pollEvent(e)) handle_event(e); render_scene(); win.display(); } win.close(); return 0; }
/** * Render a glBitmap by drawing a textured quad */ static void draw_bitmap_quad(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y, GLfloat z, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, struct pipe_sampler_view *sv, const GLfloat *color) { struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx); struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe; const float fb_width = (float) st->state.fb_width; const float fb_height = (float) st->state.fb_height; const float x0 = (float) x; const float x1 = (float) (x + width); const float y0 = (float) y; const float y1 = (float) (y + height); float sLeft = 0.0f, sRight = 1.0f; float tTop = 0.0f, tBot = 1.0f - tTop; const float clip_x0 = x0 / fb_width * 2.0f - 1.0f; const float clip_y0 = y0 / fb_height * 2.0f - 1.0f; const float clip_x1 = x1 / fb_width * 2.0f - 1.0f; const float clip_y1 = y1 / fb_height * 2.0f - 1.0f; /* limit checks */ { /* XXX if the bitmap is larger than the max texture size, break * it up into chunks. */ GLuint MAYBE_UNUSED maxSize = 1 << (pipe->screen->get_param(pipe->screen, PIPE_CAP_MAX_TEXTURE_2D_LEVELS) - 1); assert(width <= (GLsizei) maxSize); assert(height <= (GLsizei) maxSize); } setup_render_state(ctx, sv, color, false); /* convert Z from [0,1] to [-1,-1] to match viewport Z scale/bias */ z = z * 2.0f - 1.0f; if (sv->texture->target == PIPE_TEXTURE_RECT) { /* use non-normalized texcoords */ sRight = (float) width; tBot = (float) height; } if (!st_draw_quad(st, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1, z, sLeft, tBot, sRight, tTop, color, 0)) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glBitmap"); } restore_render_state(ctx); /* We uploaded modified constants, need to invalidate them. */ st->dirty |= ST_NEW_FS_CONSTANTS; }
/** * Called via ctx->Driver.DrawAtlasBitmap() */ static void st_DrawAtlasBitmaps(struct gl_context *ctx, const struct gl_bitmap_atlas *atlas, GLuint count, const GLubyte *ids) { struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx); struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe; struct st_texture_object *stObj = st_texture_object(atlas->texObj); struct pipe_sampler_view *sv; /* convert Z from [0,1] to [-1,-1] to match viewport Z scale/bias */ const float z = ctx->Current.RasterPos[2] * 2.0f - 1.0f; const float *color = ctx->Current.RasterColor; const float clip_x_scale = 2.0f / st->state.framebuffer.width; const float clip_y_scale = 2.0f / st->state.framebuffer.height; const unsigned num_verts = count * 4; const unsigned num_vert_bytes = num_verts * sizeof(struct st_util_vertex); struct st_util_vertex *verts; struct pipe_vertex_buffer vb = {0}; unsigned i; if (!st->bitmap.cache) { init_bitmap_state(st); } st_flush_bitmap_cache(st); st_validate_state(st, ST_PIPELINE_RENDER); st_invalidate_readpix_cache(st); sv = st_create_texture_sampler_view(pipe, stObj->pt); if (!sv) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glCallLists(bitmap text)"); return; } setup_render_state(ctx, sv, color, true); vb.stride = sizeof(struct st_util_vertex); u_upload_alloc(st->uploader, 0, num_vert_bytes, 4, &vb.buffer_offset, &vb.buffer, (void **) &verts); /* build quads vertex data */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const GLfloat epsilon = 0.0001F; const struct gl_bitmap_glyph *g = &atlas->glyphs[ids[i]]; const float xmove = g->xmove, ymove = g->ymove; const float xorig = g->xorig, yorig = g->yorig; const float s0 = g->x, t0 = g->y; const float s1 = s0 + g->w, t1 = t0 + g->h; const float x0 = IFLOOR(ctx->Current.RasterPos[0] - xorig + epsilon); const float y0 = IFLOOR(ctx->Current.RasterPos[1] - yorig + epsilon); const float x1 = x0 + g->w, y1 = y0 + g->h; const float clip_x0 = x0 * clip_x_scale - 1.0f; const float clip_y0 = y0 * clip_y_scale - 1.0f; const float clip_x1 = x1 * clip_x_scale - 1.0f; const float clip_y1 = y1 * clip_y_scale - 1.0f; /* lower-left corner */ verts->x = clip_x0; verts->y = clip_y0; verts->z = z; verts->r = color[0]; verts->g = color[1]; verts->b = color[2]; verts->a = color[3]; verts->s = s0; verts->t = t0; verts++; /* lower-right corner */ verts->x = clip_x1; verts->y = clip_y0; verts->z = z; verts->r = color[0]; verts->g = color[1]; verts->b = color[2]; verts->a = color[3]; verts->s = s1; verts->t = t0; verts++; /* upper-right corner */ verts->x = clip_x1; verts->y = clip_y1; verts->z = z; verts->r = color[0]; verts->g = color[1]; verts->b = color[2]; verts->a = color[3]; verts->s = s1; verts->t = t1; verts++; /* upper-left corner */ verts->x = clip_x0; verts->y = clip_y1; verts->z = z; verts->r = color[0]; verts->g = color[1]; verts->b = color[2]; verts->a = color[3]; verts->s = s0; verts->t = t1; verts++; /* Update the raster position */ ctx->Current.RasterPos[0] += xmove; ctx->Current.RasterPos[1] += ymove; } u_upload_unmap(st->uploader); cso_set_vertex_buffers(st->cso_context, cso_get_aux_vertex_buffer_slot(st->cso_context), 1, &vb); cso_draw_arrays(st->cso_context, PIPE_PRIM_QUADS, 0, num_verts); restore_render_state(ctx); pipe_resource_reference(&vb.buffer, NULL); pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv, NULL); /* We uploaded modified constants, need to invalidate them. */ st->dirty |= ST_NEW_FS_CONSTANTS; }