//Function to verify that ECDSA signature of XEGB is correct sgx_status_t verify_xegb(const extended_epid_group_blob_t& xegb, uint8_t *result){ if (lv_htons(xegb.data_length) != EXTENDED_EPID_GROUP_BLOB_DATA_LEN || xegb.format_id != XEGB_FORMAT_ID){ return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } sgx_status_t status = SGX_SUCCESS; sgx_ecc_state_handle_t handle= 0; sgx_ec256_signature_t ec_signature; status = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&handle); if(SGX_SUCCESS!=status){ return status; } se_static_assert(sizeof(ec_signature)==sizeof(xegb.signature)); memcpy(&ec_signature, xegb.signature, sizeof(xegb.signature)); SWAP_ENDIAN_32B(ec_signature.x); SWAP_ENDIAN_32B(ec_signature.y); status = sgx_ecdsa_verify(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&xegb), static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(xegb)-sizeof(xegb.signature)), const_cast<sgx_ec256_public_t *>(&g_sdsk_pub_key_little_endian), &ec_signature, result, handle); (void)sgx_ecc256_close_context(handle); if(SGX_SUCCESS!=status){ return status; } return SGX_SUCCESS; }
ae_error_t pib_verify_signature(platform_info_blob_wrapper_t& piBlobWrapper) { ae_error_t ae_err = AE_FAILURE; sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle = NULL; uint8_t result = SGX_EC_INVALID_SIGNATURE; const uint32_t data_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(piBlobWrapper.platform_info_blob) - sizeof(piBlobWrapper.platform_info_blob.signature)); piBlobWrapper.valid_info_blob = false; do { sgx_ec256_public_t publicKey; sgx_ec256_signature_t signature; sgx_status_t sgx_status; //BREAK_IF_TRUE((sizeof(publicKey) != sizeof(s_pib_pub_key_big_endian)), ae_err, AE_FAILURE); //BREAK_IF_TRUE((sizeof(signature) != sizeof(piBlobWrapper.platform_info_blob.signature)), ae_err, AE_FAILURE); if(0!=memcpy_s(&publicKey, sizeof(publicKey), s_pib_pub_key_big_endian, sizeof(s_pib_pub_key_big_endian))){ ae_err = AE_FAILURE; break; } if(0!=memcpy_s(&signature, sizeof(signature), &piBlobWrapper.platform_info_blob.signature, sizeof(piBlobWrapper.platform_info_blob.signature))){ ae_err = AE_FAILURE; break; } sgx_status = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ecc_handle); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status), ae_err, AE_FAILURE); sgx_status = sgx_ecdsa_verify((uint8_t*)&piBlobWrapper.platform_info_blob, data_size, &publicKey, &signature, &result, ecc_handle); BREAK_IF_TRUE((SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_status), ae_err, AE_FAILURE); if (SGX_EC_VALID != result) { AESM_LOG_WARN(g_event_string_table[SGX_EVENT_PID_SIGNATURE_FAILURE]); break; } piBlobWrapper.valid_info_blob = true; ae_err = AE_SUCCESS; } while (0); if (ecc_handle != NULL) { sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_handle); } return ae_err; }
//Function to verify the ECDSA signature of a PEK //SHA1 value for integrity checking is not verified since the ECDSA verification could make sure the integrity at the same time. sgx_status_t check_pek_signature(const signed_pek_t& signed_pek, const sgx_ec256_public_t* pek_sk, uint8_t *result) { sgx_status_t status = SGX_SUCCESS; sgx_ecc_state_handle_t handle= 0; sgx_ec256_signature_t ec_signature; status = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&handle); if(SGX_SUCCESS!=status){ return status; } se_static_assert(sizeof(ec_signature)==sizeof(signed_pek.pek_signature)); memcpy(&ec_signature, signed_pek.pek_signature, sizeof(signed_pek.pek_signature)); SWAP_ENDIAN_32B(ec_signature.x); SWAP_ENDIAN_32B(ec_signature.y); status = sgx_ecdsa_verify(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&signed_pek), static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(signed_pek.n)+sizeof(signed_pek.e)), pek_sk, &ec_signature, result, handle); (void)sgx_ecc256_close_context(handle); return status; }
extern "C" sgx_status_t sgx_ra_proc_msg2_trusted( sgx_ra_context_t context, const sgx_ra_msg2_t *p_msg2, //(g_b||spid||quote_type|| KDF_ID ||sign_gb_ga||cmac||sig_rl_size||sig_rl) const sgx_target_info_t *p_qe_target, sgx_report_t *p_report, sgx_quote_nonce_t* p_nonce) { sgx_status_t se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; //p_msg2[in] p_qe_target[in] p_report[out] p_nonce[out] in EDL file if(vector_size(&g_ra_db) <= context || !p_msg2 || !p_qe_target || !p_report || !p_nonce) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ra_db_item_t* item = NULL; if(0 != vector_get(&g_ra_db, context, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&item)) || item == NULL ) return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; sgx_ec256_private_t a; memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a)); // Create gb_ga sgx_ec256_public_t gb_ga[2]; sgx_ec256_public_t sp_pubkey; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t smkey = {0}; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t skey = {0}; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t mkey = {0}; sgx_ec_key_128bit_t vkey = {0}; sgx_ra_derive_secret_keys_t ra_key_cb = NULL; memset(&gb_ga[0], 0, sizeof(gb_ga)); sgx_spin_lock(&item->item_lock); //sgx_ra_get_ga must have been called if (item->state != ra_get_gaed) { sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } memcpy(&a, &item->a, sizeof(a)); memcpy(&gb_ga[1], &item->g_a, sizeof(gb_ga[1])); memcpy(&sp_pubkey, &item->sp_pubkey, sizeof(sp_pubkey)); ra_key_cb = DEC_KDF_POINTER(item->derive_key_cb); sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); memcpy(&gb_ga[0], &p_msg2->g_b, sizeof(gb_ga[0])); sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_state = NULL; // ecc_state need to be freed when exit. se_ret = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ecc_state); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return se_ret; } sgx_ec256_dh_shared_t dh_key; memset(&dh_key, 0, sizeof(dh_key)); sgx_ec256_public_t* p_msg2_g_b = const_cast<sgx_ec256_public_t*>(&p_msg2->g_b); se_ret = sgx_ecc256_compute_shared_dhkey(&a, (sgx_ec256_public_t*)p_msg2_g_b, &dh_key, ecc_state); if(SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if (SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return se_ret; } // Verify signature of gb_ga uint8_t result; sgx_ec256_signature_t* p_msg2_sign_gb_ga = const_cast<sgx_ec256_signature_t*>(&p_msg2->sign_gb_ga); se_ret = sgx_ecdsa_verify((uint8_t *)&gb_ga, sizeof(gb_ga), &sp_pubkey, p_msg2_sign_gb_ga, &result, ecc_state); if(SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if (SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return se_ret; } if(SGX_EC_VALID != result) { sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); return SGX_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE; } do { if(NULL != ra_key_cb) { se_ret = ra_key_cb(&dh_key, p_msg2->kdf_id, &smkey, &skey, &mkey, &vkey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret && SGX_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER != se_ret && SGX_ERROR_KDF_MISMATCH != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } } else if (p_msg2->kdf_id == 0x0001) { se_ret = derive_key(&dh_key, "SMK", (uint32_t)(sizeof("SMK") -1), &smkey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = derive_key(&dh_key, "SK", (uint32_t)(sizeof("SK") -1), &skey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = derive_key(&dh_key, "MK", (uint32_t)(sizeof("MK") -1), &mkey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } se_ret = derive_key(&dh_key, "VK", (uint32_t)(sizeof("VK") -1), &vkey); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } } else { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_KDF_MISMATCH; break; } sgx_cmac_128bit_tag_t mac; uint32_t maced_size = offsetof(sgx_ra_msg2_t, mac); se_ret = sgx_rijndael128_cmac_msg(&smkey, (const uint8_t *)p_msg2, maced_size, &mac); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } //Check mac if(0 == consttime_memequal(mac, p_msg2->mac, sizeof(mac))) { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_MAC_MISMATCH; break; } //create a nonce se_ret =sgx_read_rand((uint8_t*)p_nonce, sizeof(sgx_quote_nonce_t)); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; break; } sgx_spin_lock(&item->item_lock); //sgx_ra_get_ga must have been called if (item->state != ra_get_gaed) { se_ret = SGX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); break; } memcpy(&item->g_b, &p_msg2->g_b, sizeof(item->g_b)); memcpy(&item->smk_key, smkey, sizeof(item->smk_key)); memcpy(&item->sk_key, skey, sizeof(item->sk_key)); memcpy(&item->mk_key, mkey, sizeof(item->mk_key)); memcpy(&item->vk_key, vkey, sizeof(item->vk_key)); memcpy(&item->qe_target, p_qe_target, sizeof(sgx_target_info_t)); memcpy(&item->quote_nonce, p_nonce, sizeof(sgx_quote_nonce_t)); sgx_report_data_t report_data = {{0}}; se_static_assert(sizeof(sgx_report_data_t)>=sizeof(sgx_sha256_hash_t)); // H = SHA256(ga || gb || VK_CMAC) uint32_t sha256ed_size = offsetof(ra_db_item_t, sp_pubkey); //report_data is 512bits, H is 256bits. The H is in the lower 256 bits of report data while the higher 256 bits are all zeros. se_ret = sgx_sha256_msg((uint8_t *)&item->g_a, sha256ed_size, (sgx_sha256_hash_t *)&report_data); if(SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if (SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); break; } //REPORTDATA = H se_ret = sgx_create_report(p_qe_target, &report_data, p_report); if (SGX_SUCCESS != se_ret) { if(SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY != se_ret) se_ret = SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); break; } item->state = ra_proc_msg2ed; sgx_spin_unlock(&item->item_lock); }while(0); memset_s(&dh_key, sizeof(dh_key), 0, sizeof(dh_key)); sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_state); memset_s(&a, sizeof(sgx_ec256_private_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec256_private_t)); memset_s(smkey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(skey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(mkey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); memset_s(vkey, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t),0, sizeof(sgx_ec_key_128bit_t)); return se_ret; }
/* * Internal function used to init white list. It will check the content of the * cert chain, and verify the signature of input cert chains. If no problem, * it will cache the input white list into EPC. * * @param p_wl_cert_chain[in] Pointer to the white list cert chain. * @param entry_number[in] The entry number within the white list. * @param wl_cert_chain_size[in] The size of white list cert chain, in bytes. * @return uint32_t AE_SUCCESS for success, otherwise for errors. */ uint32_t le_init_white_list( const wl_cert_chain_t *p_wl_cert_chain, uint32_t entry_number, uint32_t wl_cert_chain_size) { sgx_status_t sgx_ret = SGX_SUCCESS; uint32_t ret = AE_SUCCESS; uint32_t new_wl_version = 0; uint8_t verify_result = 0; int valid = 0; const uint8_t *buf = NULL; uint32_t buf_size = 0; sgx_prod_id_t wl_prod_id = 0; sgx_ecc_state_handle_t ecc_handle = NULL; wl_cert_t *p_wl_cert_cache = (wl_cert_t *)g_wl_cert_buf; sgx_report_t report; sgx_ec256_signature_t wl_signature; sgx_ec256_public_t wl_pubkey; // Check fields of provider cert // Format version should be 1 (big endian) if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert.version != WL_PROVIDER_CERT_VERSION) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // For Enclave Signing Key White List Cert, must be 0 if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert.cert_type != WL_PROVIDER_CERT_TYPE) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // only one White List Provider is approved: // WLProviderID: ISecG = 0 if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert.provider_id != WL_PROVIDER_CERT_PROVIDER_ID) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // only one WLRootID is valid: WLRootID-iKGF-Key-0 = 0 if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert.root_id != WL_PROVIDER_CERT_ROOT_ID) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // Check fields of wl cert // only valid version is 1 if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert.version != WL_CERT_VERSION) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // For Enclave Signing Key White List Cert, must be 1 if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert.cert_type != WL_CERT_TYPE) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // only one White List Provider is approved: // WLProviderID: ISecG = 0 if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert.provider_id != WL_CERT_PROVIDER_ID) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // If cache exists new_wl_version = p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert.wl_version; new_wl_version = _ntohl(new_wl_version); if(p_wl_cert_cache->version != 0) { // the logic will be needed to support more than // one providers in the future. //if(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert.provider_id // != p_wl_cert_cache->provider_id) //{ // ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; // goto CLEANUP; //} if(new_wl_version < p_wl_cert_cache->wl_version) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } } sgx_ret = sgx_ecc256_open_context(&ecc_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_ret) { ret = LE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; goto CLEANUP; } memset(&wl_signature, 0, sizeof(wl_signature)); // Convert the signature of provider cert into little endian memcpy(&wl_signature, &(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert.signature), sizeof(wl_signature)); SWAP_ENDIAN_8X32B(wl_signature.x); SWAP_ENDIAN_8X32B(wl_signature.y); // Verify the wl provider cert buf = (const uint8_t *)&(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert); buf_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert) - sizeof(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert.signature)); sgx_ret = sgx_ecdsa_verify(buf, buf_size, &g_wl_root_pubkey, &wl_signature, &verify_result, ecc_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_ret) { ret = LE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; goto CLEANUP; } if(SGX_EC_VALID != verify_result) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // Convert the signature of wl cert into little endian buf = (const uint8_t *)p_wl_cert_chain + wl_cert_chain_size - sizeof(wl_signature); memcpy(&wl_signature, buf, sizeof(wl_signature)); SWAP_ENDIAN_8X32B(wl_signature.x); SWAP_ENDIAN_8X32B(wl_signature.y); // Convert the pubkey into little endian memset(&wl_pubkey, 0, sizeof(wl_pubkey)); memcpy(&wl_pubkey, &(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_provider_cert.pub_key), sizeof(wl_pubkey)); reverse_byte_array(wl_pubkey.gx, sizeof(wl_pubkey.gx)); reverse_byte_array(wl_pubkey.gy, sizeof(wl_pubkey.gy)); // Check whether the pubkey is valid first. sgx_ret = sgx_ecc256_check_point(&wl_pubkey, ecc_handle, &valid); if(SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_ret) { ret = LE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; goto CLEANUP; } if(!valid) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // Verify the wl_cert buf = (const uint8_t *)&(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert); buf_size = wl_cert_chain_size - static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(wl_provider_cert_t) + sizeof(sgx_ec256_signature_t)); sgx_ret = sgx_ecdsa_verify(buf, buf_size, &wl_pubkey, &wl_signature, &verify_result, ecc_handle); if (SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_ret) { ret = LE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; goto CLEANUP; } if(SGX_EC_VALID != verify_result) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } memset(&report, 0, sizeof(report)); // Create report to get current mrsigner. sgx_ret = sgx_create_report(NULL, NULL, &report); if(SGX_SUCCESS != sgx_ret) { ret = LE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; goto CLEANUP; } // Convert the big endian prod id to little endian. wl_prod_id = p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert.le_prod_id; wl_prod_id = _ntohs(wl_prod_id); if(report.body.isv_prod_id != wl_prod_id) { ret = LE_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto CLEANUP; } // Cache the wl cert memset(g_wl_cert_buf, 0, sizeof(g_wl_cert_buf)); memcpy(g_wl_cert_buf, &(p_wl_cert_chain->wl_cert), buf_size); // Change entry_number and wl_version to little endian, so we don't need to // convert them next time. p_wl_cert_cache->entry_number = entry_number; p_wl_cert_cache->wl_version = new_wl_version; CLEANUP: if(ecc_handle != NULL) { sgx_ecc256_close_context(ecc_handle); } return ret; }