GraphicsContext3DPrivate::~GraphicsContext3DPrivate() { if (m_context) { // This may be necessary to prevent crashes with NVidia's closed source drivers. Originally // from Mozilla's 3D canvas implementation at: ::glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); ::glXMakeContextCurrent(sharedDisplay(), 0, 0, 0); ::glXDestroyContext(sharedDisplay(), m_context); m_context = 0; } if (m_pbuffer) { ::glXDestroyPbuffer(sharedDisplay(), m_pbuffer); m_pbuffer = 0; } if (m_glxPixmap) { glXDestroyGLXPixmap(sharedDisplay(), m_glxPixmap); m_glxPixmap = 0; } if (m_pixmap) { XFreePixmap(sharedDisplay(), m_pixmap); m_pixmap = 0; } }
bool GraphicsContext3DPrivate::makeContextCurrent() { if (::glXGetCurrentContext() == m_context) return true; if (!m_context) return false; if (m_pbuffer) return ::glXMakeCurrent(sharedDisplay(), m_pbuffer, m_context); ASSERT(m_glxPixmap); return ::glXMakeCurrent(sharedDisplay(), m_glxPixmap, m_context); }
void GraphicsContext3DPrivate::makeContextCurrent() { if (::glXGetCurrentContext() == m_context) return; if (!m_context) return; if (m_pbuffer) { ::glXMakeCurrent(sharedDisplay(), m_pbuffer, m_context); return; } ASSERT(m_glxPixmap); ::glXMakeCurrent(sharedDisplay(), m_glxPixmap, m_context); }
GraphicsContext3DPrivate* GraphicsContext3DPrivate::createPbufferContext() { int fbConfigAttributes[] = { GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE, GLX_PBUFFER_BIT, GLX_RENDER_TYPE, GLX_RGBA_BIT, GLX_RED_SIZE, 1, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 1, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 1, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 1, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 1, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 1, GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, 1, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, GL_FALSE, GLX_SAMPLES, 4, 0 }; int returnedElements; GLXFBConfig* configs = glXChooseFBConfig(sharedDisplay(), 0, fbConfigAttributes, &returnedElements); if (!configs) { fbConfigAttributes[20] = 0; // Attempt without anti-aliasing. configs = glXChooseFBConfig(sharedDisplay(), 0, fbConfigAttributes, &returnedElements); } if (!returnedElements) { XFree(configs); return 0; } // We will be rendering to a texture, so our pbuffer does not need to be large. static const int pbufferAttributes[] = { GLX_PBUFFER_WIDTH, 1, GLX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT, 1, 0 }; GLXPbuffer pbuffer = glXCreatePbuffer(sharedDisplay(), configs[0], pbufferAttributes); if (!pbuffer) { XFree(configs); return 0; } GLXContext context = glXCreateNewContext(sharedDisplay(), configs[0], GLX_RGBA_TYPE, 0, GL_TRUE); XFree(configs); if (!context) return 0; return new GraphicsContext3DPrivate(context, pbuffer); }
NodeMap::NodeMap(v8::Local<v8::Object> options) : view(sharedDisplay(), [&] { Nan::HandleScope scope; return Nan::Has(options, Nan::New("ratio").ToLocalChecked()).FromJust() ? Nan::Get(options, Nan::New("ratio").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked()->NumberValue() : 1.0; }()), map(std::make_unique<mbgl::Map>(view, *this, mbgl::MapMode::Still)), async(new uv_async_t) { async->data = this; uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), async, [](UV_ASYNC_PARAMS(h)) { reinterpret_cast<NodeMap *>(h->data)->renderFinished(); }); // Make sure the async handle doesn't keep the loop alive. uv_unref(reinterpret_cast<uv_handle_t *>(async)); }
PassOwnPtr<GraphicsContext3DPrivate> GraphicsContext3DPrivate::create() { if (!sharedDisplay()) return nullptr; static bool initialized = false; static bool success = true; if (!initialized) { success = initializeOpenGLShims(); initialized = true; } if (!success) return nullptr; GraphicsContext3DPrivate* internal = createPbufferContext(); if (!internal) internal = createPixmapContext(); if (!internal) return nullptr; // The GraphicsContext3D constructor requires that this context is the current OpenGL context. internal->makeContextCurrent(); return adoptPtr(internal); }
GraphicsContext3DPrivate* GraphicsContext3DPrivate::createPixmapContext() { static int visualAttributes[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_RED_SIZE, 1, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 1, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 1, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 1, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, 0 }; XVisualInfo* visualInfo = glXChooseVisual(sharedDisplay(), DefaultScreen(sharedDisplay()), visualAttributes); if (!visualInfo) return 0; GLXContext context = glXCreateContext(sharedDisplay(), visualInfo, 0, GL_TRUE); if (!context) { XFree(visualInfo); return 0; } Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap(sharedDisplay(), DefaultRootWindow(sharedDisplay()), 1, 1, visualInfo->depth); if (!pixmap) { XFree(visualInfo); return 0; } GLXPixmap glxPixmap = glXCreateGLXPixmap(sharedDisplay(), visualInfo, pixmap); if (!glxPixmap) { XFreePixmap(sharedDisplay(), pixmap); XFree(visualInfo); return 0; } return new GraphicsContext3DPrivate(context, pixmap, glxPixmap); }
PlatformDisplay& PlatformDisplay::sharedDisplayForCompositing() { return s_sharedDisplayForCompositing ? *s_sharedDisplayForCompositing : sharedDisplay(); }
template<> void XUniqueResource<XResource::GLXPixmap>::deleteXResource(unsigned long resource) { if (resource) glXDestroyGLXPixmap(sharedDisplay(), resource); }
template<> void XUniqueResource<XResource::Window>::deleteXResource(unsigned long resource) { if (resource) XDestroyWindow(sharedDisplay(), resource); }
template<> void XUniqueResource<XResource::Pixmap>::deleteXResource(unsigned long resource) { if (resource) XFreePixmap(sharedDisplay(), resource); }
template<> void XUniqueResource<XResource::Damage>::deleteXResource(unsigned long resource) { if (resource) XDamageDestroy(sharedDisplay(), resource); }