static dc_status_t
shearwater_predator_device_dump (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer)
	shearwater_common_device_t *device = (shearwater_common_device_t *) abstract;

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer) || !dc_buffer_reserve (buffer, SZ_MEMORY)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	return shearwater_common_download (device, buffer, 0xDD000000, SZ_MEMORY, 0);
static dc_status_t
shearwater_predator_device_dump (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer)
	shearwater_common_device_t *device = (shearwater_common_device_t *) abstract;

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer) || !dc_buffer_reserve (buffer, SZ_MEMORY)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Enable progress notifications.
	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	progress.current = 0;
	progress.maximum = NSTEPS;

	return shearwater_common_download (device, buffer, 0xDD000000, SZ_MEMORY, 0, &progress);
static dc_status_t
shearwater_petrel_device_foreach (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_dive_callback_t callback, void *userdata)
	shearwater_petrel_device_t *device = (shearwater_petrel_device_t *) abstract;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;

	// Allocate memory buffers for the manifests.
	dc_buffer_t *buffer = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	dc_buffer_t *manifests = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	if (buffer == NULL || manifests == NULL) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);

	// Enable progress notifications.
	unsigned int current = 0, maximum = 0;
	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Read the serial number.
	rc = shearwater_common_identifier (&device->base, buffer, ID_SERIAL);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to read the serial number.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);
		return rc;

	// Convert to a number.
	unsigned char serial[4] = {0};
	if (array_convert_hex2bin (dc_buffer_get_data (buffer), dc_buffer_get_size (buffer),
		serial, sizeof (serial)) != 0 ) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to convert the serial number.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);


	// Read the firmware version.
	rc = shearwater_common_identifier (&device->base, buffer, ID_FIRMWARE);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to read the firmware version.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);
		return rc;

	// Convert to a number.
	unsigned int firmware = str2num (dc_buffer_get_data (buffer), dc_buffer_get_size (buffer), 1);

	// Read the hardware type.
	rc = shearwater_common_identifier (&device->base, buffer, ID_HARDWARE);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to read the hardware type.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);
		return rc;

	// Convert and map to the model number.
	unsigned int hardware = array_uint_be (dc_buffer_get_data (buffer), dc_buffer_get_size (buffer));
	unsigned int model = 0;
	switch (hardware) {
	case 0x0808: // Petrel 2
	case 0x0909: // Petrel 1
	case 0x0B0B: // Petrel 1 (newer hardware)
		model = PETREL;
	case 0x0A0A: // Nerd 1
	case 0x0E0D: // Nerd 2
		model = NERD;
	case 0x0707:
		model = PERDIX;
	case 0x0C0D:
		model = PERDIXAI;
		WARNING (abstract->context, "Unknown hardware type %04x.", hardware);

	// Emit a device info event.
	dc_event_devinfo_t devinfo;
	devinfo.model = model;
	devinfo.firmware = firmware;
	devinfo.serial = array_uint32_be (serial);
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_DEVINFO, &devinfo);

	while (1) {
		// Update the progress state.
		// Assume the worst case scenario of a full manifest, and adjust the
		// value with the actual number of dives after the manifest has been
		// processed.
		maximum += 1 + RECORD_COUNT;

		// Download a manifest.
		progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
		progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, MANIFEST_ADDR, MANIFEST_SIZE, 0, &progress);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the manifest.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
		unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);

		// Process the records in the manifest.
		unsigned int count = 0;
		unsigned int offset = 0;
		while (offset < size) {
			// Check for a valid dive header.
			unsigned int header = array_uint16_be (data + offset);
			if (header != 0xA5C4)

			// Check the fingerprint data.
			if (memcmp (data + offset + 4, device->fingerprint, sizeof (device->fingerprint)) == 0)

			offset += RECORD_SIZE;

		// Update the progress state.
		current += 1;
		maximum -= RECORD_COUNT - count;

		// Append the manifest records to the main buffer.
		if (!dc_buffer_append (manifests, data, count * RECORD_SIZE)) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);

		// Stop downloading manifest if there are no more records.
		if (count != RECORD_COUNT)

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
	progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
	unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (manifests);
	unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (manifests);

	unsigned int offset = 0;
	while (offset < size) {
		// Get the address of the dive.
		unsigned int address = array_uint32_be (data + offset + 20);

		// Download the dive.
		progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
		progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, DIVE_ADDR + address, DIVE_SIZE, 1, &progress);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the dive.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		// Update the progress state.
		current += 1;

		unsigned char *buf = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int len = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);
		if (callback && !callback (buf, len, buf + 12, sizeof (device->fingerprint), userdata))

		offset += RECORD_SIZE;

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
	progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	dc_buffer_free (manifests);
	dc_buffer_free (buffer);

	return rc;
Example #4
static dc_status_t
shearwater_petrel_device_foreach (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_dive_callback_t callback, void *userdata)
	shearwater_petrel_device_t *device = (shearwater_petrel_device_t *) abstract;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;

	// Allocate memory buffers for the manifests.
	dc_buffer_t *buffer = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	dc_buffer_t *manifests = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	if (buffer == NULL || manifests == NULL) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);

	while (1) {
		// Download a manifest.
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, MANIFEST_ADDR, MANIFEST_SIZE, 0);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the manifest.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
		unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);

		// Process the records in the manifest.
		unsigned int count = 0;
		unsigned int offset = 0;
		while (offset < size) {
			// Check for a valid dive header.
			unsigned int header = array_uint16_be (data + offset);
			if (header != 0xA5C4)

			// Check the fingerprint data.
			if (memcmp (data + offset + 4, device->fingerprint, sizeof (device->fingerprint)) == 0)

			offset += RECORD_SIZE;

		// Append the manifest records to the main buffer.
		if (!dc_buffer_append (manifests, data, count * RECORD_SIZE)) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);

		// Stop downloading manifest if there are no more records.
		if (count != RECORD_COUNT)

	// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
	unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (manifests);
	unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (manifests);

	unsigned int offset = 0;
	while (offset < size) {
		// Get the address of the dive.
		unsigned int address = array_uint32_be (data + offset + 20);

		// Download the dive.
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, DIVE_ADDR + address, DIVE_SIZE, 1);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the dive.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		unsigned char *buf = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int len = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);
		if (callback && !callback (buf, len, buf + 12, sizeof (device->fingerprint), userdata))

		offset += RECORD_SIZE;

	dc_buffer_free (manifests);
	dc_buffer_free (buffer);

	return rc;