Example #1
int run_cmd_list(ll_node_t ** cmd_list)
    char *cmd;
    int rc;
    int flag = 0;
    while( (cmd = shift_ll(cmd_list) ) != NULL)
        rc = system(cmd);
        if(rc != 0)
            flag = -1;
            WARNING("run cmd %s failed.", cmd);

    return flag;
Example #2
int segment(struct SigSet *S,	/* class parameters */
	    struct parms *parms, struct files *files)
    int block_size;		/* size of subregion blocks */
    int ml;			/* max likelihood? */
    DCELL ***img;		/* multispectral image, img[band][i][j] */
    int last_row;               
    int wd, ht;			/* image width and height */
    struct Region region;	/* specifies image subregion */
    int nbands;			/* number of bands */
    int nclasses;		/* number of classes */
    LIKELIHOOD ****ll_pym;	/* pyramid of log likelihoods */
    unsigned char ***sf_pym;	/* pyramid of segmentations */
    int D;			/* number of levels in pyramid */
    double *alpha_dec;		/* class transition probabilities */
    int i;

    ml = parms->ml;		/* use maxl? */
    block_size = parms->blocksize;

    wd = Rast_window_cols();	/* get width from GRASS */
    ht = Rast_window_rows();	/* get height from GRASS */

    /* make blocksize a power of 2 */
    if (block_size < 8)
	block_size = 8;
    for (i = 0; (block_size >> i) > 1; i++) {
    block_size = 1 << i;

/**** this code may stay the same ******/
    nbands = S->nbands;
    nclasses = S->nclasses;

    /* Check for too many classes */
    if (nclasses > 256)
	G_fatal_error(_("Number of classes must be < 256"));

    /* allocate alpha_dec parameters */
    D = levels(block_size, block_size);
    alpha_dec = (double *)G_malloc(D * sizeof(double));

    /* allocate image block */
    img =
	(DCELL ***) multialloc(sizeof(DCELL), 3, nbands, block_size,

    /* allocate memory for log likelihood pyramid */
    ll_pym =
	(LIKELIHOOD ****) get_cubic_pyramid(block_size, block_size, nclasses,

    /* allocate memory for segmentation pyramid */
    sf_pym = (unsigned char ***)get_pyramid(wd, ht, sizeof(char));

    /* tiled segmentation */
    init_reg(&region, wd, ht, block_size);
    last_row = -1;
    do {
	if (last_row != region.ymin)
	    G_message(_("Processing rows %d-%d (of %d)..."),
		      region.ymin + 1, region.ymax, ht);
	last_row = region.ymin;
	shift_img(img, nbands, &region, block_size);
	/* this reads grass images into the block defined in region */
	read_block(img, &region, files);

	shift_ll(ll_pym, &region, block_size);
	extract(img, &region, ll_pym[0], S);

	if (ml)
	    MLE(sf_pym[0], ll_pym[0], &region, nclasses);
	else {
	    for (i = 0; i < D; i++)
		alpha_dec[i] = 1.0;
	    seq_MAP(sf_pym, &region, ll_pym, nclasses, alpha_dec);

    } while (increment_reg(&region, wd, ht, block_size));

    write_img(sf_pym[0], wd, ht, S, parms, files);

    return 0;