Example #1
// if create == 0: create new share-memory channel
// else: attach exist share-memory channel and verify data
bus_terminal_channel_t* bus_terminal_channel_init(int32_t shmkey, bus_addr_t from,
                                                  bus_addr_t to, size_t size,
                                                  int32_t create)
    struct shm_t* shm;
    bus_terminal_channel_t* btc;
    size_t alloc_size = size + sizeof(bus_channel_t) + rbuffer_head_size();

    // init terminal channel
    btc = (bus_terminal_channel_t*)MALLOC(sizeof(*btc));
    if (!btc) {
        return NULL;

    // share memory
    if (create == 0) {
        shm = shm_create(shmkey, alloc_size, 0);
    } else {
        shm = shm_create(shmkey, alloc_size, 1);
    if (!shm) {
        return NULL;

    // init channel or verify channel data
    btc->bc = shm_mem(shm);
    if (create == 0) {
        btc->bc->shmkey = shmkey;
        btc->bc->from = from;
        btc->bc->to = to;
        btc->bc->channel_size = size;
    } else {
        if (btc->bc->shmkey != shmkey || btc->bc->from != from
            || btc->bc->to != to || btc->bc->channel_size != size) {
            return NULL;

    // init ring buffer
    btc->r = rbuffer_init_mem((char*)btc->bc + sizeof(bus_channel_t),
        btc->bc->channel_size + rbuffer_head_size());
    if (!btc->r) {
        return NULL;
    return btc;
Example #2
int32_t _bus_terminal_init_create(bus_terminal_t* bt, int16_t key)
    int32_t buskey = (key << 16);
    struct shm_t* shm = shm_create(buskey, sizeof(bus_t), 0);
    if (shm) {
        bt->bus = (bus_t*)shm_mem(shm);

        bt->bus->key = buskey;
        bt->bus->channel_key = 0;
        bt->bus->size = sizeof(bus_t);

        // terminals local info
        bt->bus->terminal_count = 1;
        bt->bus->terminals[0] = bt->self;
        atom_set(&bt->bus->terminal_version, 1);

        // channels info
        bt->bus->channel_count = 0;
        atom_set(&bt->bus->channel_version, 1);
        return 0;
    return -1;
Example #3
int32_t _bus_terminal_init_attach(bus_terminal_t* bt, int16_t key)
    int32_t buskey = (key << 16);
    int32_t i;
    struct shm_t* shm;
    int32_t registered = -1;

    // attach exsit shm
    shm = shm_create(buskey, sizeof(bus_t), 1);
    if (!shm) {
        return -1;
    bt->bus = (bus_t*)shm_mem(shm);

    // invalid shm data
    if (bt->bus->key != buskey || bt->bus->size != sizeof(bus_t)) {
        return -1;

    // register terminal info
    for (i = 0; i < bt->bus->terminal_count; ++ i) {
        if (bt->bus->terminals[i] == bt->self) {
            registered = 0;
    if (registered != 0) {
        if (bt->bus->terminal_count >= BUS_MAX_TERMINAL_COUNT) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            bt->bus->terminals[bt->bus->terminal_count ++] = bt->self;
    return 0;