Example #1
void shoes_plot_column_xaxis(cairo_t *cr, shoes_plot *plot, int x, VALUE obs)
  char *rawstr = RSTRING_PTR(obs);
  int y;
  y = plot->graph_h;
  shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, x, y, rawstr, BELOW);
  // we don't need to call shoes_plot_set_cairo_default on return
  // since we know it won't be changed on us. 
Example #2
void shoes_plot_draw_ticks_and_labels(cairo_t *cr, shoes_plot *plot)
  int top, left, bottom, right; // these are cairo abs for plot->graph
  int width, height;   // full plot space so it includes everything
  int range;
  int h_padding = 65; // default width of horizontal tick cell TODO: an option in plot-> 
  int v_padding = 25; // default height of tick TODO: an option in plot->
  left = plot->graph_x; top = plot->graph_y;
  right = plot->graph_w; bottom = plot->graph_h; 
  range = plot->end_idx - plot->beg_idx;
  width = right - left; 
  height = bottom - top;
  h_padding = width / plot->x_ticks;
  v_padding = height / plot->y_ticks;
  double h_scale; 
  int h_interval; 
  h_scale = width / (double) (range -1);
  h_interval = (int) ceil(h_padding / h_scale);
  // draw x axis - labels and tick mark uses series[0]->labels[*] - assumes it's strings
  // in the array -- TODO: allow a proc to be called to create the string. at 'i'
  int i;
  VALUE rbxser;
  shoes_chart_series *serx;
  rbxser = rb_ary_entry(plot->series, 0);
  Data_Get_Struct(rbxser, shoes_chart_series, serx);
  VALUE xobs = serx->labels;
  if (NIL_P(xobs) || TYPE(xobs) != T_ARRAY) rb_raise (rb_eArgError, "xobs must be an array");
  for (i = 0 ; i < range; i++ ) {
    int x = (int) roundl(i * h_scale);
    x += left;
    long y = bottom;
    if ((i % h_interval) == 0) {
      char *rawstr;
      VALUE rbstr = rb_ary_entry(xobs, i + plot->beg_idx);
      if (NIL_P(rbstr)) {
        rawstr = " ";
      } else {
        rawstr = RSTRING_PTR(rbstr);
      //printf("x label i: %i, x: %i, y: %i, \"%s\" %i %f \n", i, (int) x, (int) y, rawstr, h_interval, h_scale);
      shoes_plot_draw_tick(cr, plot, x, y, VERTICALLY);
      if (plot->chart_type == LINE_CHART || plot->chart_type == TIMESERIES_CHART)
        shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, x, y, rawstr, BELOW);
  int j;
  for (j = 0; j < min(2, plot->seriescnt); j++) {
    VALUE rbser = rb_ary_entry(plot->series, j);
    shoes_chart_series *cs;
    Data_Get_Struct(rbser, shoes_chart_series, cs);
    double maximum = NUM2DBL(cs->maxv);
    double minimum = NUM2DBL(cs->minv);
    double v_scale = height / (maximum - minimum);
    int v_interval = (int) ceil(v_padding / v_scale);
    char tstr[16];
    long i;
    for (i = ((long) minimum) + 1 ; i < ((long) roundl(maximum)); i = i + roundl(v_interval)) {
      int y = (int) (bottom - roundl((i - minimum) * v_scale));
      int x = 0;
      sprintf(tstr, "%i",  (int)i); // TODO user specificed format? 
      if (j == 0) { // left side y presentation 
        x = left;
        //printf("hoz left %i, %i, %s\n", (int)x, (int)y,tstr);
        shoes_plot_draw_tick(cr, plot, x, y, HORIZONTALLY);
        shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, x, y, tstr, LEFT);
      } else {        // right side y presentation
        x = right;
        shoes_plot_draw_tick(cr, plot, x, y, HORIZONTALLY);
        shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, x, y, tstr, RIGHT); 
Example #3
static void shoes_plot_scatter_ticks_and_labels(cairo_t *cr, shoes_plot *plot)
  int top, left, bottom, right; // these are cairo abs for plot->graph
  int width, height;   // full plot space so it includes everything
  int range;
  int h_padding = 65;  
  int v_padding = 25; 
  left = plot->graph_x; top = plot->graph_y;
  right = plot->graph_w; bottom = plot->graph_h; 
  range = plot->end_idx - plot->beg_idx;
  width = right - left; 
  height = bottom - top;
  h_padding = width / plot->x_ticks; // TODO: rethink.
  v_padding = height / plot->y_ticks;

  VALUE rbserx, rbsery;
  shoes_chart_series *serx, *sery;
  rbserx = rb_ary_entry(plot->series, 0);
  rbsery = rb_ary_entry(plot->series, 1);
  Data_Get_Struct(rbserx, shoes_chart_series, serx);
  Data_Get_Struct(rbsery, shoes_chart_series, sery); 
  double xmax = NUM2DBL(serx->maxv);
  double ymax = NUM2DBL(sery->maxv);
  double xmin = NUM2DBL(serx->minv);
  double ymin = NUM2DBL(sery->minv);
  VALUE rbxmax = rb_ary_entry(plot->maxvs, 0);
  VALUE rbymax = rb_ary_entry(plot->maxvs, 1);
  VALUE rbxmin = rb_ary_entry(plot->minvs, 0);
  VALUE rbymin = rb_ary_entry(plot->minvs, 1);
  double xmax = NUM2DBL(rbxmax);
  double ymax = NUM2DBL(rbymax);
  double xmin = NUM2DBL(rbxmin);
  double ymin = NUM2DBL(rbymin);
  double h_scale; 
  int h_interval; 
  //h_scale = width / (double) (range -1);
  h_scale = width / (double) (range );
  h_interval = (int) ceil(h_padding / h_scale);
  char tstr[10];

  // draw x axis - labels and tick marks generated between xmin-->xmax
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < range; i++ ) {
    int x = (int) roundl(i * h_scale);
    x += left;
    long y = bottom;
    if ((i % h_interval) == 0) {
      char rawstr[10];
      // convert i to number in the range of xmin->xmax
      sprintf(rawstr, "%4.2f", xmin + ((xmax - xmin) / range) * i); // Do not trust!!
      shoes_plot_draw_tick(cr, plot, x, y, VERTICALLY);
      shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, x, y, rawstr, BELOW);
  // draw the last label on x
  sprintf(tstr, "%4.2f", xmax);
  shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, right, bottom, tstr, BELOW);
  // draw y axis - there is only one in a Shoes scatter plot
  double v_scale = height / (ymax - ymin); 
  double j;
  int v_interval = (int) ceil(v_padding / v_scale);
  //printf("v_scale: %f, v_interval: %i\n", v_scale, v_interval);
  for (j = ymin ; j < ymax; j += v_interval) {
      int y = (int) (bottom - roundl((j - ymin) * v_scale));
      int x = left;
      sprintf(tstr, "%4.2f", j);  
      //printf("hoz left %i, %i, %s\n", (int)x, (int)y, tstr);
      shoes_plot_draw_tick(cr, plot, x, y, HORIZONTALLY);
      shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, x, y, tstr, LEFT);
  // print top label
  sprintf(tstr, "%4.2f", ymax);
  shoes_plot_draw_label(cr, plot, left, top, tstr, LEFT);