CPPUNIT_NS_BEGIN bool DefaultProtector::protect( const Functor &functor, const ProtectorContext &context ) { try { return functor(); } catch ( Exception &failure ) { reportFailure( context, failure ); } catch ( std::exception &e ) { std::string shortDescription( "uncaught exception of type " ); #if CPPUNIT_USE_TYPEINFO_NAME shortDescription += TypeInfoHelper::getClassName( typeid(e) ); #else shortDescription += "std::exception (or derived)."; #endif Message message( shortDescription, e.what() ); reportError( context, message ); } catch ( ... ) { reportError( context, Message( "uncaught exception of unknown type") ); } return false; }
/** time is used to select first event with this time */ void EventList::showEvents(TraceModelPtr& traceModel, const Time& time) { //? maybe better to clear model, not to delete it delete model(); events.clear(); QStandardItemModel* modelPtr = new QStandardItemModel(this); modelPtr->insertColumns(0, 2); QTreeView::setModel(modelPtr); connect(this->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)),this, SLOT(eventListRowChanged())); int nearestEvent = -1; Time minDistance;//? min time range not initialized int row = 0; for(auto eventPtr = traceModel->getNextEvent(); eventPtr ;eventPtr = traceModel->getNextEvent(), ++row) { model()->insertRow(row); if (nearestEvent == -1 || distance(time, eventPtr->time) < minDistance) { nearestEvent = row; minDistance = distance(time, eventPtr->time); } QModelIndex index = model()->index(row, 0, QModelIndex()); model()->setData(index, eventPtr->time.toString()); index = model()->index(row, 1, QModelIndex()); model()->setData(index, eventPtr->shortDescription()); model()->setData(index, eventPtr->shortDescription(), Qt::ToolTipRole); events.push_back(eventPtr); } setAlternatingRowColors(true); resizeColumnToContents(0); resizeColumnToContents(1); if (nearestEvent != -1) { selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(this->model()->index(nearestEvent, 0), QItemSelectionModel::Select); selectionModel()->select(this->model()->index(nearestEvent, 0), QItemSelectionModel::Select); selectionModel()->select(this->model()->index(nearestEvent, 1), QItemSelectionModel::Select); } }
Wheeshtv1mr3fr3t256::Wheeshtv1mr3fr3t256(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_WHEESHTV1MR3FR3T256, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Wheeshtv1mr3fr3t256_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Wheeshtv1mr3fr3t256_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
Norx3241v1::Norx3241v1(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_NORX3241V1, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Norx3241v1_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Norx3241v1_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
Aeadaes256ocbtaglen96v1::Aeadaes256ocbtaglen96v1(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_AEADAES256OCBTAGLEN96V1, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Aeadaes256ocbtaglen96v1_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Aeadaes256ocbtaglen96v1_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
Omdsha256k128n96tau96v1::Omdsha256k128n96tau96v1(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_OMDSHA256K128N96TAU96V1, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Omdsha256k128n96tau96v1_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Omdsha256k128n96tau96v1_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
Juliusv1draft::Juliusv1draft(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_JULIUSV1DRAFT, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Juliusv1draft_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Juliusv1draft_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
Aes128poetv1aes128::Aes128poetv1aes128(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_AES128POETV1AES128, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Aes128poetv1aes128_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Aes128poetv1aes128_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
Scream10v2::Scream10v2(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_SCREAM10V2, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Scream10v2_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Scream10v2_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
Shellaes128v1d7n80::Shellaes128v1d7n80(int numRounds) : CaesarInterface(CAESAR_SHELLAES128V1D7N80, numRounds, CRYPTO_KEYBYTES, CRYPTO_NSECBYTES, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, CRYPTO_ABYTES) { if (numRounds < -1 || numRounds > maxNumRounds) { mainLogger.out(LOGGER_WARNING) << "Weird number of rouds (" << numRounds << ") for " << shortDescription() << endl; } if (numRounds == -1) { Shellaes128v1d7n80_raw::numRounds = maxNumRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = maxNumRounds; } else { Shellaes128v1d7n80_raw::numRounds = m_numRounds; CaesarCommon::numRounds = m_numRounds; } }
void AMLoopActionInfo3::onLoopCountChanged(int newLoopCount) { QString newDescription = shortDescription(); newDescription = newDescription.replace(QRegExp("repeat [0-9]{1,} time(s|)"), QString("repeat %1 time%2").arg(newLoopCount).arg(newLoopCount > 1 ? "s" : "")); setShortDescription(newDescription); }