void RenderBoxModelObject::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    RenderObject* o = container();
    if (!o)

    if (o->isRenderFlowThread())

    o->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);

    LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o, LayoutPoint());

    if (!style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition() && o->hasColumns()) {
        RenderBlock* block = toRenderBlock(o);
        LayoutPoint point(roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()));
        point -= containerOffset;
        block->adjustForColumnRect(containerOffset, point);

    bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (o->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D());
    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t);
        transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
    } else
        transformState.move(containerOffset.width(), containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
Example #2
const RenderObject* RenderView::pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap& geometryMap) const
    LayoutSize offsetForFixedPosition;
    LayoutSize offset;
    RenderObject* container = 0;

    if (m_frameView)
        offsetForFixedPosition = m_frameView->scrollOffsetForFixedPosition();

    if (geometryMap.mapCoordinatesFlags() & TraverseDocumentBoundaries) {
        if (RenderPart* parentDocRenderer = frame()->ownerRenderer()) {
            offset = -m_frameView->scrollOffset();
            offset += toLayoutSize(parentDocRenderer->contentBoxRect().location());
            container = parentDocRenderer;

    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView, then we
    // should have found it by now unless we're traversing to a parent document.
    ASSERT_ARG(ancestorToStopAt, !ancestorToStopAt || ancestorToStopAt == this || container);

    if ((!ancestorToStopAt || container) && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(container)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(container, LayoutSize(), t);
        geometryMap.push(this, t, false, false, false, true, offsetForFixedPosition);
    } else {
        geometryMap.push(this, offset, false, false, false, false, offsetForFixedPosition);

    return container;
Example #3
void RenderView::mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState) const
    ASSERT_UNUSED(wasFixed, !wasFixed || *wasFixed == static_cast<bool>(mode & IsFixed));

    if (!paintInvalidationContainer && mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);

    if ((mode & IsFixed) && m_frameView) {
        // IsFixed flag is only applicable within this RenderView.
        mode &= ~IsFixed;

    if (paintInvalidationContainer == this)

    if (mode & TraverseDocumentBoundaries) {
        if (RenderObject* parentDocRenderer = frame()->ownerRenderer()) {
            if (parentDocRenderer->isBox())
            parentDocRenderer->mapLocalToContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, transformState, mode, wasFixed, paintInvalidationState);
void RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    // First get the transform state's point into the block flow thread's physical coordinate space.
    parent()->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);
    LayoutPoint transformPoint = roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint());

    // Now walk through each region.
    const RenderMultiColumnSet* candidateColumnSet = nullptr;
    LayoutPoint candidatePoint;
    LayoutSize candidateContainerOffset;

    for (const auto& columnSet : childrenOfType<RenderMultiColumnSet>(*parent())) {
        candidateContainerOffset = columnSet.offsetFromContainer(parent(), LayoutPoint());

        candidatePoint = transformPoint - candidateContainerOffset;
        candidateColumnSet = &columnSet;

        // We really have no clue what to do with overflow. We'll just use the closest region to the point in that case.
        LayoutUnit pointOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? candidatePoint.y() : candidatePoint.x();
        LayoutUnit regionOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? columnSet.topLeftLocation().y() : columnSet.topLeftLocation().x();
        if (pointOffset < regionOffset + columnSet.logicalHeight())

    // Once we have a good guess as to which region we hit tested through (and yes, this was just a heuristic, but it's
    // the best we could do), then we can map from the region into the flow thread.
    LayoutSize translationOffset = physicalTranslationFromRegionToFlow(candidateColumnSet, candidatePoint) + candidateContainerOffset;
    bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (parent()->style().preserves3D() || style().preserves3D());
    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(parent())) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(parent(), translationOffset, t);
        transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
    } else
        transformState.move(translationOffset.width(), translationOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
Example #5
void RenderView::mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const
    ASSERT_UNUSED(wasFixed, !wasFixed || *wasFixed == static_cast<bool>(mode & IsFixed));

    if (!repaintContainer && mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);

    if (mode & IsFixed && m_frameView)

    if (repaintContainer == this)

    if (mode & TraverseDocumentBoundaries) {
        if (RenderObject* parentDocRenderer = frame()->ownerRenderer()) {
            if (parentDocRenderer->isBox())
            parentDocRenderer->mapLocalToContainer(repaintContainer, transformState, mode, wasFixed);

    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
    // then we should have found it by now.
    ASSERT_ARG(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer);
Example #6
void RenderView::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
Example #7
void RenderView::mapLocalToContainer(const RenderBox* paintInvalidationContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode) const
    if (!paintInvalidationContainer && mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
Example #8
void RenderView::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(bool fixed, bool useTransforms, TransformState& transformState) const
    if (fixed && m_frameView)

    if (useTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
Example #9
void RenderView::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    if (mode & IsFixed)

    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
Example #10
void RenderView::mapLocalToContainer(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, bool fixed, bool useTransforms, TransformState& transformState) const
    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
    // then we should have found it by now.
    ASSERT_UNUSED(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer || repaintContainer == this);

    if (useTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, IntSize(), t);
    if (fixed && m_frameView)
Example #11
void RenderView::mapLocalToContainer(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, bool fixed, bool useTransforms, TransformState& transformState, ApplyContainerFlipOrNot, bool* wasFixed) const
    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
    // then we should have found it by now.
    ASSERT_ARG(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer || repaintContainer == this);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(wasFixed, !wasFixed || *wasFixed == fixed);

    if (!repaintContainer && useTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
    if (fixed && m_frameView)
Example #12
void RenderView::mapLocalToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed) const
    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
    // then we should have found it by now.
    ASSERT_ARG(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer || repaintContainer == this);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(wasFixed, !wasFixed || *wasFixed == (mode & IsFixed));

    if (!repaintContainer && mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
    if (mode & IsFixed && m_frameView)
Example #13
const RenderObject* RenderView::pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap& geometryMap) const
    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
    // then we should have found it by now.
    ASSERT_ARG(ancestorToStopAt, !ancestorToStopAt || ancestorToStopAt == this);

    LayoutSize scrollOffset = frameView().scrollOffsetForFixedPosition();

    if (!ancestorToStopAt && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(0)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(0, LayoutSize(), t);
        geometryMap.pushView(this, scrollOffset, &t);
    } else
        geometryMap.pushView(this, scrollOffset);

    return 0;
Example #14
const RenderObject* RenderView::pushMappingToContainer(const RenderBox* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap& geometryMap) const
    LayoutSize offset;
    RenderObject* container = 0;

    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView, then we
    // should have found it by now unless we're traversing to a parent document.
    ASSERT_ARG(ancestorToStopAt, !ancestorToStopAt || ancestorToStopAt == this || container);

    if ((!ancestorToStopAt || container) && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(container)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(container, LayoutSize(), t);
        geometryMap.push(this, t, false, false, true);
    } else {
        geometryMap.push(this, offset, false, false, false);

    return container;
const RenderObject* RenderBoxModelObject::pushMappingToContainer(const RenderLayerModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, RenderGeometryMap& geometryMap) const
    ASSERT(ancestorToStopAt != this);

    bool ancestorSkipped;
    RenderObject* container = this->container(ancestorToStopAt, &ancestorSkipped);
    if (!container)
        return 0;

    bool isInline = isRenderInline();
    bool isFixedPos = !isInline && style()->position() == FixedPosition;
    bool hasTransform = !isInline && hasLayer() && layer()->transform();

    LayoutSize adjustmentForSkippedAncestor;
    if (ancestorSkipped) {
        // There can't be a transform between paintInvalidationContainer and o, because transforms create containers, so it should be safe
        // to just subtract the delta between the ancestor and o.
        adjustmentForSkippedAncestor = -ancestorToStopAt->offsetFromAncestorContainer(container);

    bool offsetDependsOnPoint = false;
    LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(container, LayoutPoint(), &offsetDependsOnPoint);

    bool preserve3D = container->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D();
    if (shouldUseTransformFromContainer(container)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(container, containerOffset, t);
        t.translateRight(adjustmentForSkippedAncestor.width().toFloat(), adjustmentForSkippedAncestor.height().toFloat());
        geometryMap.push(this, t, preserve3D, offsetDependsOnPoint, isFixedPos, hasTransform);
    } else {
        containerOffset += adjustmentForSkippedAncestor;
        geometryMap.push(this, containerOffset, preserve3D, offsetDependsOnPoint, isFixedPos, hasTransform);

    return ancestorSkipped ? ancestorToStopAt : container;