Example #1
void QgsDataDefinedButton::menuActionTriggered( QAction* action )
  if ( action == mActionActive )
    setActive( mActionActive->data().toBool() );
  else if ( action == mActionDescription )
  else if ( action == mActionExpDialog )
  else if ( action == mActionExpression )
    setUseExpression( true );
    setActive( true );
  else if ( action == mActionCopyExpr )
    QApplication::clipboard()->setText( getExpression() );
  else if ( action == mActionPasteExpr )
    QString exprString = QApplication::clipboard()->text();
    if ( !exprString.isEmpty() )
      setExpression( exprString );
      setUseExpression( true );
      setActive( true );
  else if ( action == mActionClearExpr )
    // only deactivate if defined expression is being used
    if ( isActive() && useExpression() )
      setUseExpression( false );
      setActive( false );
    setExpression( QString( "" ) );
  else if ( mFieldsMenu->actions().contains( action ) )  // a field name clicked
    if ( action->isEnabled() )
      if ( getField() != action->text() )
        setField( action->data().toString() );
      setUseExpression( false );
      setActive( true );
Example #2
QgsLabelingGui::QgsLabelingGui( QgsPalLabeling* lbl, QgsVectorLayer* layer, QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas, QWidget* parent )
    : QWidget( parent ), mLBL( lbl ), mLayer( layer ), mMapCanvas( mapCanvas )
  if ( !layer ) return;

  setupUi( this );

  mRefFont = lblFontPreview->font();
  mPreviewSize = 24;

  connect( btnTextColor, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeTextColor() ) );
  connect( btnChangeFont, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeTextFont() ) );
  connect( mFontTranspSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( chkBuffer, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( btnBufferColor, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeBufferColor() ) );
  connect( spinBufferSize, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( mBufferTranspSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( mBufferJoinStyleComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( mBufferTranspFillChbx, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( btnEngineSettings, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showEngineConfigDialog() ) );
  connect( btnExpression, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showExpressionDialog() ) );

  // set placement methods page based on geometry type
  switch ( layer->geometryType() )
    case QGis::Point:
      stackedPlacement->setCurrentWidget( pagePoint );
    case QGis::Line:
      stackedPlacement->setCurrentWidget( pageLine );
    case QGis::Polygon:
      stackedPlacement->setCurrentWidget( pagePolygon );
      Q_ASSERT( 0 && "NOOOO!" );

  //mTabWidget->setEnabled( chkEnableLabeling->isChecked() );
  chkMergeLines->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() == QGis::Line );
  chkAddDirectionSymbol->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() == QGis::Line );
  label_19->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() != QGis::Point );
  mMinSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() != QGis::Point );

  // load labeling settings from layer
  QgsPalLayerSettings lyr;
  lyr.readFromLayer( layer );
  populateDataDefinedCombos( lyr );

  chkEnableLabeling->setChecked( lyr.enabled );
  mTabWidget->setEnabled( lyr.enabled );
  cboFieldName->setEnabled( lyr.enabled );
  btnExpression->setEnabled( lyr.enabled );

  //Add the current expression to the bottom of the list.
  if ( lyr.isExpression && !lyr.fieldName.isEmpty() )
    cboFieldName->addItem( lyr.fieldName );

  // placement
  int distUnitIndex = lyr.distInMapUnits ? 1 : 0;
  mXQuadOffset = lyr.xQuadOffset;
  mYQuadOffset = lyr.yQuadOffset;
  mCentroidRadioWhole->setChecked( lyr.centroidWhole );
  mCentroidFrame->setVisible( false );
  switch ( lyr.placement )
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::AroundPoint:
      radAroundPoint->setChecked( true );
      radAroundCentroid->setChecked( true );
      spinDistPoint->setValue( lyr.dist );
      mPointDistanceUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( distUnitIndex );
      mCentroidFrame->setVisible( layer->geometryType() == QGis::Polygon );

      //spinAngle->setValue( lyr.angle );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::OverPoint:
      radOverPoint->setChecked( true );
      radOverCentroid->setChecked( true );

      mPointOffsetRadioAboveLeft->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == -1 && mYQuadOffset == 1 );
      mPointOffsetRadioAbove->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == 0 && mYQuadOffset == 1 );
      mPointOffsetRadioAboveRight->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == 1 && mYQuadOffset == 1 );
      mPointOffsetRadioLeft->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == -1 && mYQuadOffset == 0 );
      mPointOffsetRadioOver->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == 0 && mYQuadOffset == 0 );
      mPointOffsetRadioRight->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == 1 && mYQuadOffset == 0 );
      mPointOffsetRadioBelowLeft->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == -1 && mYQuadOffset == -1 );
      mPointOffsetRadioBelow->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == 0 && mYQuadOffset == -1 );
      mPointOffsetRadioBelowRight->setChecked( mXQuadOffset == 1 && mYQuadOffset == -1 );

      mPointOffsetXOffsetSpinBox->setValue( lyr.xOffset );
      mPointOffsetYOffsetSpinBox->setValue( lyr.yOffset );
      mPointOffsetUnitsComboBox->setCurrentIndex( lyr.labelOffsetInMapUnits ? 1 : 0 );
      mPointOffsetAngleSpinBox->setValue( lyr.angleOffset );
      mCentroidFrame->setVisible( layer->geometryType() == QGis::Polygon );

    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Line:
      radLineParallel->setChecked( true );
      radPolygonPerimeter->setChecked( true );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved:
      radLineCurved->setChecked( true );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Horizontal:
      radPolygonHorizontal->setChecked( true );
      radLineHorizontal->setChecked( true );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Free:
      radPolygonFree->setChecked( true );
      Q_ASSERT( 0 && "NOOO!" );

  if ( lyr.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Line || lyr.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved )
    spinDistLine->setValue( lyr.dist );
    mLineDistanceUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( distUnitIndex );
    chkLineAbove->setChecked( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::AboveLine );
    chkLineBelow->setChecked( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::BelowLine );
    chkLineOn->setChecked( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::OnLine );
    if ( !( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::MapOrientation ) )
      chkLineOrientationDependent->setChecked( true );

  cboFieldName->setCurrentIndex( cboFieldName->findText( lyr.fieldName ) );
  chkEnableLabeling->setChecked( lyr.enabled );
  sliderPriority->setValue( lyr.priority );
  chkNoObstacle->setChecked( !lyr.obstacle );
  chkLabelPerFeaturePart->setChecked( lyr.labelPerPart );
  mPalShowAllLabelsForLayerChkBx->setChecked( lyr.displayAll );
  chkMergeLines->setChecked( lyr.mergeLines );
  mMinSizeSpinBox->setValue( lyr.minFeatureSize );
  chkAddDirectionSymbol->setChecked( lyr.addDirectionSymbol );
  wrapCharacterEdit->setText( lyr.wrapChar );
  chkPreserveRotation->setChecked( lyr.preserveRotation );

  mPreviewBackgroundBtn->setColor( lyr.previewBkgrdColor );
  setPreviewBackground( lyr.previewBkgrdColor );

  bool scaleBased = ( lyr.scaleMin != 0 && lyr.scaleMax != 0 );
  chkScaleBasedVisibility->setChecked( scaleBased );
  if ( scaleBased )
    spinScaleMin->setValue( lyr.scaleMin );
    spinScaleMax->setValue( lyr.scaleMax );

  bool buffer = ( lyr.bufferSize != 0 );
  chkBuffer->setChecked( buffer );
  if ( buffer )
    spinBufferSize->setValue( lyr.bufferSize );
    if ( lyr.bufferSizeInMapUnits )
      mBufferUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
      mBufferUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
    btnBufferColor->setColor( lyr.bufferColor );
    mBufferTranspSpinBox->setValue( lyr.bufferTransp );
    mBufferJoinStyleComboBox->setPenJoinStyle( lyr.bufferJoinStyle );
    mBufferTranspFillChbx->setChecked( !lyr.bufferNoFill );

  bool formattedNumbers = lyr.formatNumbers;
  bool plusSign = lyr.plusSign;

  chkFormattedNumbers->setChecked( formattedNumbers );
  if ( formattedNumbers )
    spinDecimals->setValue( lyr.decimals );
  if ( plusSign )
    chkPlusSign->setChecked( plusSign );

  if ( lyr.fontSizeInMapUnits )
    mFontSizeUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
    mFontSizeUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );

  mRefFont = lyr.textFont;
  mFontSizeSpinBox->setValue( lyr.textFont.pointSizeF() );
  btnTextColor->setColor( lyr.textColor );
  mFontTranspSpinBox->setValue( lyr.textTransp );

  updateFontViaStyle( lyr.textNamedStyle );
  updateFont( mRefFont );



  connect( chkBuffer, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkScaleBasedVisibility, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkFormattedNumbers, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkLineAbove, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkLineBelow, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );

  // setup connection to changes in the placement
  QRadioButton* placementRadios[] =
    radAroundPoint, radOverPoint, // point
    radLineParallel, radLineCurved, radLineHorizontal, // line
    radAroundCentroid, radPolygonHorizontal, radPolygonFree, radPolygonPerimeter // polygon
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( placementRadios ) / sizeof( QRadioButton* ); i++ )
    connect( placementRadios[i], SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateOptions() ) );

  // setup connections for label quadrant offsets
  QRadioButton* quadrantRadios[] =
    mPointOffsetRadioAboveLeft, mPointOffsetRadioAbove, mPointOffsetRadioAboveRight,
    mPointOffsetRadioLeft, mPointOffsetRadioOver, mPointOffsetRadioRight,
    mPointOffsetRadioBelowLeft, mPointOffsetRadioBelow, mPointOffsetRadioBelowRight
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( quadrantRadios ) / sizeof( QRadioButton* ); i++ )
    connect( quadrantRadios[i], SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateQuadrant() ) );

  // Global settings group for groupboxes' saved/retored collapsed state
  // maintains state across different dialogs
  foreach ( QgsCollapsibleGroupBox *grpbox, findChildren<QgsCollapsibleGroupBox*>() )
    grpbox->setSettingGroup( QString( "mAdvLabelingDlg" ) );
Example #3
QgsLabelingGui::QgsLabelingGui( QgsPalLabeling* lbl, QgsVectorLayer* layer, QgsMapCanvas* mapCanvas, QWidget* parent )
    : QWidget( parent ), mLBL( lbl ), mLayer( layer ), mMapCanvas( mapCanvas )
  if ( !layer ) return;

  setupUi( this );

  mRefFont = lblFontPreview->font();
  mPreviewBackgroundBtn->setColor( Qt::white );
  connect( mPreviewBackgroundBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changePreviewBackground( ) ) );

  connect( btnTextColor, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeTextColor() ) );
  connect( btnChangeFont, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeTextFont() ) );
  connect( chkBuffer, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( btnBufferColor, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeBufferColor() ) );
  connect( spinBufferSize, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) );
  connect( btnEngineSettings, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showEngineConfigDialog() ) );
  connect( btnExpression, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showExpressionDialog() ) );

  // set placement methods page based on geometry type
  switch ( layer->geometryType() )
    case QGis::Point:
      stackedPlacement->setCurrentWidget( pagePoint );
    case QGis::Line:
      stackedPlacement->setCurrentWidget( pageLine );
    case QGis::Polygon:
      stackedPlacement->setCurrentWidget( pagePolygon );
      Q_ASSERT( 0 && "NOOOO!" );

  //mTabWidget->setEnabled( chkEnableLabeling->isChecked() );
  chkMergeLines->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() == QGis::Line );
  chkAddDirectionSymbol->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() == QGis::Line );
  label_19->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() != QGis::Point );
  mMinSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( layer->geometryType() != QGis::Point );

  // load labeling settings from layer
  QgsPalLayerSettings lyr;
  lyr.readFromLayer( layer );
  populateDataDefinedCombos( lyr );

  chkEnableLabeling->setChecked( lyr.enabled );
  mTabWidget->setEnabled( lyr.enabled );
  cboFieldName->setEnabled( lyr.enabled );
  btnExpression->setEnabled( lyr.enabled );

  //Add the current expression to the bottom of the list.
  if ( lyr.isExpression && !lyr.fieldName.isEmpty() )
    cboFieldName->addItem( lyr.fieldName );

  // placement
  int distUnitIndex = lyr.distInMapUnits ? 1 : 0;
  switch ( lyr.placement )
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::AroundPoint:
      radAroundPoint->setChecked( true );
      radAroundCentroid->setChecked( true );
      spinDistPoint->setValue( lyr.dist );
      mPointDistanceUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( distUnitIndex );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::OverPoint:
      radOverPoint->setChecked( true );
      radOverCentroid->setChecked( true );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Line:
      radLineParallel->setChecked( true );
      radPolygonPerimeter->setChecked( true );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved:
      radLineCurved->setChecked( true );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Horizontal:
      radPolygonHorizontal->setChecked( true );
      radLineHorizontal->setChecked( true );
    case QgsPalLayerSettings::Free:
      radPolygonFree->setChecked( true );
      Q_ASSERT( 0 && "NOOO!" );

  if ( lyr.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Line || lyr.placement == QgsPalLayerSettings::Curved )
    spinDistLine->setValue( lyr.dist );
    mLineDistanceUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( distUnitIndex );
    chkLineAbove->setChecked( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::AboveLine );
    chkLineBelow->setChecked( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::BelowLine );
    chkLineOn->setChecked( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::OnLine );
    if ( !( lyr.placementFlags & QgsPalLayerSettings::MapOrientation ) )
      chkLineOrientationDependent->setChecked( true );

  cboFieldName->setCurrentIndex( cboFieldName->findText( lyr.fieldName ) );
  chkEnableLabeling->setChecked( lyr.enabled );
  sliderPriority->setValue( lyr.priority );
  chkNoObstacle->setChecked( !lyr.obstacle );
  chkLabelPerFeaturePart->setChecked( lyr.labelPerPart );
  chkMergeLines->setChecked( lyr.mergeLines );
  mMinSizeSpinBox->setValue( lyr.minFeatureSize );
  chkAddDirectionSymbol->setChecked( lyr.addDirectionSymbol );
  wrapCharacterEdit->setText( lyr.wrapChar );
  chkPreserveRotation->setChecked( lyr.preserveRotation );

  bool scaleBased = ( lyr.scaleMin != 0 && lyr.scaleMax != 0 );
  chkScaleBasedVisibility->setChecked( scaleBased );
  if ( scaleBased )
    spinScaleMin->setValue( lyr.scaleMin );
    spinScaleMax->setValue( lyr.scaleMax );

  bool buffer = ( lyr.bufferSize != 0 );
  chkBuffer->setChecked( buffer );
  if ( buffer )
    spinBufferSize->setValue( lyr.bufferSize );

  btnTextColor->setColor( lyr.textColor );
  mFontTranspSpinBox->setValue( lyr.textTransp );
  btnBufferColor->setColor( lyr.bufferColor );
  mBufferTranspSpinBox->setValue( lyr.bufferTransp );

  bool formattedNumbers = lyr.formatNumbers;
  bool plusSign = lyr.plusSign;

  chkFormattedNumbers->setChecked( formattedNumbers );
  if ( formattedNumbers )
    spinDecimals->setValue( lyr.decimals );
  if ( plusSign )
    chkPlusSign->setChecked( plusSign );

  if ( lyr.fontSizeInMapUnits )
    mFontSizeUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
    mFontSizeUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );

  QFont textFont = lyr.textFont;
  updateFont( textFont );
  mFontSizeSpinBox->setValue( textFont.pointSizeF() );


  connect( chkBuffer, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkScaleBasedVisibility, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkFormattedNumbers, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkLineAbove, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );
  connect( chkLineBelow, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateUi() ) );

  // setup connection to changes in the placement
  QRadioButton* placementRadios[] =
    radAroundPoint, radOverPoint, // point
    radLineParallel, radLineCurved, radLineHorizontal, // line
    radAroundCentroid, radPolygonHorizontal, radPolygonFree, radPolygonPerimeter // polygon
  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( placementRadios ) / sizeof( QRadioButton* ); i++ )
    connect( placementRadios[i], SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateOptions() ) );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::menuActionTriggered( QAction *action )
  if ( action == mActionActive )
    setActivePrivate( mActionActive->data().toBool() );
    emit changed();
  else if ( action == mActionDescription )
  else if ( action == mActionExpDialog )
  else if ( action == mActionExpression )
    mProperty.setExpressionString( mExpressionString );
    mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
    setActivePrivate( true );
    updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
    emit changed();
  else if ( action == mActionCopyExpr )
    QApplication::clipboard()->setText( mExpressionString );
  else if ( action == mActionPasteExpr )
    QString exprString = QApplication::clipboard()->text();
    if ( !exprString.isEmpty() )
      mExpressionString = exprString;
      mProperty.setExpressionString( mExpressionString );
      mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
      setActivePrivate( true );
      updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
      emit changed();
  else if ( action == mActionClearExpr )
    setActivePrivate( false );
    mProperty.setStaticValue( QVariant() );
    mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
    updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
    emit changed();
  else if ( action == mActionAssistant )
  else if ( action == mActionCreateAuxiliaryField )
    emit createAuxiliaryField();
  else if ( mFieldsMenu->actions().contains( action ) )  // a field name clicked
    if ( action->isEnabled() )
      if ( mFieldName != action->text() )
        mFieldName = action->data().toString();
      mProperty.setField( mFieldName );
      mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
      setActivePrivate( true );
      updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
      emit changed();
  else if ( mVariablesMenu->actions().contains( action ) )  // a variable name clicked
    if ( mExpressionString != action->text().prepend( "@" ) )
      mExpressionString = action->data().toString().prepend( "@" );
    mProperty.setExpressionString( mExpressionString );
    mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
    setActivePrivate( true );
    updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
    emit changed();